The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 It took me a little over a week to get healed. To be fair, I was fine and could walk around and do things on my own from like two days before but Ryker wouldn’t have it. I had told him time and time again that I was fine but he didn’t want to take any chances and had Lucy come over to look me over. She told him that I looked fine but he had her run a few tests and do a full body check out. She obliged him and when she was done, she told him that I was good to go but advised that I still take things easy so my body can get used to doing them gain. It was a relief honestly because it meant that I could finally start doing things by myself. Ryker had babied me endlessly since I got hurt and Eve was no better. She was in my room every morning to help me get dressed and I barely went downstairs because according to Ryker ‘it could hurt my side’ After Lucy left, I went into the bathroom to get freshened up for the day and decided to take a look at what was left of the injury. Both were now scars on my skin that I hoped would go away soon. I knew the only thing that could scar a wolf was silver but I didn’t know how long this would take to fade. The last thing I want is a scar on my body reminding me that I almost died. That is why I haven’t even looked at it since. I forced my feet to lead me away from the mirror and into the bathtub where I sat down for a long soak. I don’t know how long I sat there but I didn’t move until my skin pruned up and the water became cold. I stepped out of the bath and for some reason I felt weird. I don’t know how to explain it but I just felt tired and my bones felt a little weak. I had told Eve earlier that I wanted to get dressed myself so I put on some leggings and a shirt but somehow I was feeling suffocated. I thought that maybe it was because I had been locked in my room for a very long time so I desperately wanted to leave. I made my way downstairs to the dining room and saw that the table had only been set for one- me. Ryker was there but he was standing and from the expression on his face, I knew there was something he wanted to tell me.

I tried to avoid the scrutiny of his gaze as I took my seat. I waited for him to join me but instead he stood there in silence. Eve came over and put my plate of food and tea in front of me and exited. I honestly thought he was never going to speak until he cleared his throat. “Now that you’re fine,” he began, “I have to go back to work at the pack house.” I knew he was going to have to leave at some point, I don’t know why he bothered explaining it to me; other people wouldn’t have bothered. I’m even surprised he spent some much time here with me. “I can’t leave you unguarded,” I shut my eyes because I didn’t want to see Lauren walk in, “This is Steven, he is one of the best guards we have.” My eyes flew open in shock and I took in the man who had walked in through the doors. My first thought was ‘he isn’t Lauren. My next thought was ‘Lauren isn’t going to bother me anymore’. Steven is young, a bit younger than Ryker but definitely older than me. I would put him at around Eve’s age. Judging by the mark on his neck that was barely hidden by his collar, he was definitely mated.

He bowed to me, “it is a pleasure to serve you Luna.” I was so stunned that all I could do was wave at him awkwardly which had the corner of Ryker’s lips tilting up. Steven excused himself and stepped back out probably to give Ryker and I space when Ryker made his way over to me and sat down on the chair in front of him. “What do you think?” he asked and I shrugged, “Do you like him or would you like someone else?” “I don’t know him,” I answered softly, “I can’t judge him based off one five second interaction.” “That’s fair; this evening, you can tell me if you like him or not.” “Okay,” He stood to his feet and placed a kiss on my forehead. He had been doing that lately and I actually loved it. I had come to expect it every time that we were around each other and my heart ached for the time that he would inevitably stop. “I have to go, if you need anything tell Eve or Steven and they will inform me.”

Without another word he was gone and I was left with a full plate of almost cold food and the silence of the dining room. I finished my meal and was about to take the plates to the kitchen when Eve emerged and stopped me. She took them from my hands but she didn’t take them immediately. She placed them on the table and told me that she wanted to show me something. I was shocked and confused but allowed her lead me up the stairs and back into my own room. I wanted to ask what she wanted to show me that I hadn’t already seen this morning when I saw it. Sitting at the foot of my now made bed was a basket filled with yarn, knitting needles, a guide book and a journal. There were a bunch of other things there that I didn’t recognize but Eve pointed each and every single one out to me. Attached to the basket was a little note: I hope it keeps you company when I’m away. R. Tears welled in my eyes as I took in the small but thoughtful gift. I didn’t even think he was listening or remembered when I told him that I enjoyed knitting with Evelyn. Even if he was, I never would have expected him to do all of this for me. “When did he do this?” I asked Eve, “It wasn’t here when I left this morning.” “He brought them in before you woke up but they were in his room. When you came down for breakfast, I snuck up through the other stairs and placed them here.” “This is so beautiful,” I said more to myself than anyone else, “He just left, how am I going to say thank you?” “Perhaps when he gets back,” she shrugged, “Until then, maybe you can put his gift to good use.” Eve went back to the kitchen while I decided to start knitting. I sat there for a while when the same uncomfortable feeling from earlier came back. I tried to ignore it even when Eve returned and that was when I started to feel hot and the room got even stuffier. “Can we take this downstairs?” I asked and she looked at me confused, “The room just feels too stuffy.” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

She still looked confused but she obliged. She took what we were using in her hands and we went downstairs to the living room. I hated that I was bothering her but I couldn’t have ignored the feeling for much longer. The curtains and windows were pulled open in the living room and that helped with the feeling for about half an hour before it came back again. This time, I felt a little nauseous and I could actually feel a little sweat sliding down my arms. I saw a newspaper and I picked it up and began to fan myself with it which caught Eve’s attention. She put down her knitting and looked me over with concern. “Are you okay?” she asked and I hummed, “You don’t look fine, you look sick. Should I send for Lucy?” I shook my head, “It’s probably just the heat.” “It isn’t hot at all Camilla,” Eve seemed skeptical but I was adamant that I was fine so she let it slide. She refused to let me keep knitting though. She took the equipments back upstairs and when she returned, she handed me ice cold water. I drank it down greedily and it called me down for a second and handled. the heat but then the discomfort started again. I didn’t want to bother Eve anymore so I stayed silent about the discomfort and instead told her I wanted to take a walk in the garden. She left for a second to get Steven and when he returned, he bowed and gestured for me to go with him. The walk helped the discomfort and a little bit of the heat but not my nausea and general tiredness. Honestly it just felt like everything I was trying was alleviating something but making the other thing worse. I don’t know how far we walked. Steven stood a few feet behind me being respectful and not making any conversation. I knew that must be uncomfortable for anyone so I decided to break the ice. “How long have you been mated?” I asked and I saw him smile fondly. “Officially, a year; but unofficially, fifteen months,” “What do you mean by unofficially?” “She hated me when we first met and it took her three months to warm. up to the idea of mating with me.”

“I’m glad it worked out in the end; what’s her name?” “Pearl,” I had another question on the tip of my tongue but I lost track of it when I tripped over a root and I felt myself crashing to the ground. Before I could hit the floor, Steven grabbed my wrist and managed to pull me to my feet As soon as I was stable, his hand left mine and moved to my forehead, “Are you alright, you’re burning up?” “Am I?” I felt around for my own forehead but I couldn’t feel what he was talking about. Before he could say anything else, another guard rounded the corner. He must have heard the commotion and come to check it out. He bowed to me but then I saw his nostrils flare and he took a step back. “he paused and let out a groan. en looked betwe nic took over He turner of her nd the guard before a look of awareness and .ist, “Tell every unmated guard to get the hell out imated they are relieved of duty.” and rushed to do as he had been asked and I turned to sion, “What’s happening?” re in heat.” Send gift

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