The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

The news about Audrey went live two days ago and it spurred all the Alphas to arrive earlier than usual. The coronation is set for a week from now and the palace has been in a complete frenzy. I knew Ryker would never be one to complain so I asked my mother to look into it and it turns out that he had been getting a lot of questions and disturbance from a lot of other Alphas.

It wasn’t anything violent or malicious but the constant overbearing nature and the snide comments. My mother had Ryker and his entourage moved into the palace. I knew it was the right and best option but it didn’t mean I agreed with it. At least when he was living in another building it was easier to avoid him. The palace might be big but every day, we bump into each other at least three times.

Ryker has refused to let the subject of my running away drop and whenever we are together, he makes sure to ask me about it and try to get me to speak. I have told him over and over again that we should leave the past in the past but I don’t think Ryker has ever been good at following instructions because he has done the exact opposite.

If I didn’t know any better, I would say he was trying to win me over but I guess that isn’t possible right now because I have a million things to worry about starting with my daughter and ending with Tyson.

When the news about Audrey dropped, Tyson was furious. He stormed into the palace yelling at the top of his lungs. The guards detained him at the door but my mother and I were called down to speak to him. He told me that I had robbed him of the chance to be with his daughter and when I broke down the timeline of Audrey’s birth and explained that there was no way he could be the father, he lost it..

He screamed at me and blamed it on Ryker, he spoke about how Ryker had brainwashed me and how Ryker was the cause of all his problems and honestly, it felt so normal. I was wondering how long it would take for him to break character and refuse to take responsibility for his actions and it didn’t take as long as I thought.

After he was forcibly taken away from the palace, he tried to return yesterday but he wasn’t even allowed to reach the gate. I was on the balcony overlooking the front gate and he was screaming my name. I don’t know if he could see me or not but I know that he stood there for almost ten minutes begging me to come out and talk to him.

Audrey was right beside me and she asked who he was. I had to lie to her that he was an old friend who I drifted apart from. I didn’t know how to explain the concept of mates to her three year old mind but thankfully I didn’t have to worry much about it because Ryker arrived and it was like every problem she has vanished into thin air.

I wouldn’t admit it but I was actually glad that Ryker was around because he helped with Audrey a lot more than I thought he would. It was annoying at first but I soon realized that it worked to my advantage because while he kept her company, I was able to get work done and finalize the planning for the coronation.

Ryker attended to her during breakfast and he helped her into bed every night. She simply refused to fall asleep if Ryker and I weren’t both by her side to read her a bedtime story. That used to be my job but I think Audrey is just scared that her father will disappear and she is trying to make the best out of what she has now.

I don’t know how to explain to her that the Ryker I know won’t leave her. If anything, he is probably already a planning a way that involves them staying together but what he won’t say out loud is that the only way that will happen is if we are mated and I don’t see that happening.

Tonight, I was running late because I had a last minute meeting with my mother to discuss the security for Audrey. Her eyes and ears had told her that everyone was suddenly so interested in seeing her and they were predicting at least one crazed event during the coronation. That was exactly what I wanted to avoid and I couldn’t help but feel like it was my fault that Audrey was suddenly going to have her life uprooted.

When I got to her room, she was lying in her bed tucked under her blankets while whispering animatedly to Ryker. As soon as she sighted me, she sat up and stretched out her arms so I could give her a hug. I wasted no time in taking her in my arms. and inhaling her soft scent.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” I mumbled into her hair. “I was in a meeting with your grandma that ran so late.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered back. “Daddy read my bedtime story, I was just waiting for you.”

I pulled back and stared at the innocent look in her eyes and I couldn’t help but wish it would stay that was forever. “Thank you for waiting up for me.”

She smiled widely and burrowed back under the covers. I dragged the blanket up to her a chin and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She giggled softly and a smile tugged at my lips.

“Goodnight,” I told her and I felt Ryker’s presence next to me.

He leaned down to kiss her forehead and he was so close to me that I could smell him, I could feel him. I didn’t even realize I had held my breath until he pulled away.

“Goodnight princess,” he whispered to her and I saw her beam at the nickname.

Ryker and I walked out of the room and I made sure to turn off the main light and leave her night light on. Audrey will never sleep in a completely dark room but at the same time she can’t fall asleep if all the lights are on. Her night light is a soft orange color and it gives the room a soft dewy glow that she loves.

I shut the door behind me and turned only to see Ryker standing so close to me. I looked up at him in an attempt to hide how uncomfortable I was.

“Thank you for helping out with the story.

“I didn’t help out. She’s my child, it’s my job to do that.” I started to side step him but his hand shot out and grabbed my arm. “Five minutes, I just want to talk for five minutes, please.”

“We can’t Ryker,” I whispered. “I just want to go to bed.””

“I deserve five minutes of your time.”

“No, you don’t,” I cut him off. “I don’t have to talk to you or be around you. My only obligation is to co parent with you in a civil manner so it does not affect our daughter but other than that, I owe you nothing.”

He was stunned by my words but I didn’t even wait for a response from him. I side stepped him and walked over to my door which was directly adjacent to Audrey’s. I was about to shut the door behind me when Ryker’s foot shot out and held it open. He pushed the door open and I rolled my eyes as I sat at my vanity and began to take off my jewelry and hair pins.

“You might not want to talk,” he began, “But you can listen to me,” he waited to see if I would retort but when I was silent, he continued. “I don’t know what it was that I did but it must have been terrible for you to leave and I am sorry. I want to make things right Camilla, I miss you.”.

Hearing those words from him almost undid me because whether I wanted to admit it or not, I missed him too. I shook my head trying and failing to push those feelings away from my chest but they wouldn’t leave. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Finally, I stood to my feet and walked over to him. I saw the anticipation as I stood in front of him and crossed my hands over my chest.

“You should leave,” I said but I couldn’t look him in the eye.

“Look at me and say it.”

I stared deep in his eyes and I had forgotten how magnetic they were and how they and the tendency to just pull you in and never let you go. I opened my mouth to speak but the words couldn’t come out. I don’t know what happened next, I don’t know who made the first move or who initiated it but the next thing I knew, our lips were fused together.

I had forgotten how euphoric it felt to kiss Ryker. His hands wound around my waist and pulled me impossibly closer while I balanced my hands on his shoulders. One of his hands tangled in my curls and he tugged it hard but it gave a delicious feeling and I let out a small gasp.

“I want to feel you,” his tone was pleading. “Please let me feel you.”

He sounded like he would go mad if I stopped him, like he was dying and this was his last meal and his life would be over if I didn’t grant it. My body felt alive for the first time in years and all I could do was nod.

“I want your words,”

“Yes,” it came out more like a breathy moan than a statement but Ryker wasted no time in complying.

His skilled fingers worked the ropes at the back of my dress and corset and within a second they were in a pool on the floor. We were a frenzy of hands and a flurry of bodies. I can’t tell you how I got the rest of my clothes off or how he got naked. I can’t even tell you how we got into bed.

I just knew that it had been too long and I just wanted him. I knew I was making a mistake and I knew I would regret it tomorrow but I couldn’t bring myself to worry about tomorrow. For once, I wanted to be selfish and I wanted to indulge in a man. I haven’t been with a man since Audrey was born. Mainly because I didn’t want her to grow attached to him and have him leave but this is Ryker, he is going to be around for as long as he wants whether I like it or not.

I felt my back hit the mattress and Ryker settled between my thighs. I could feel the searing heat from his throbbing member against my cli t and I hissed in pleasure. He rocked his hips slowly so his head will glide against my slit and I could feel myself coat him in my wetness.

“No teasing,” I begged, “I just want to feel you inside me.”

“Are you sure?” he asked and I nodded but he grabbed my chin. “I need you to be absolutely certain.”

“Yes I’m sure,” there was hidden frustration in my tone because he had stilled against me and I just wanted him to slide in.

As soon as he heard the verbal confirmation, he entered me in one sharp thrust. It was deliciously full and I felt like I was going delirious. Ryker claimed me in more ways than one and although this started as a onetime thing on my part, I knew that I had just opened a can that I would probably never be able to seal back.

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