Nathan’s POV

I got to the garage with the car already parked. I went to the driver seat and ordered James to come out as I would love to drive myself; because it’s definitely going to look suspicious if I told him to tail my PA. What kind of boss would that make me?

“Boss, did I do anything wrong?” He sounded scared, as if he was about to cry.

“I’m not firing you. I just needed to be somewhere alone”, I said as I took the car keys from him and sped off.

I met her while she was still at the gate. Her car looks so old and not in a good condition, it looked as if it’s struggling to move. The car stopped at the front of a school with the name Great minds college, the school is at the outskirts of town, big and clean one with several cars parked outside belonging to other parents who also came up to pick up their kids.

I parked not too far away, knowing she wouldn’t recognize my car, she alighted and went into the school, returning in less than 5 minutes with two beautiful kids carrying their backpacks and lunch packs.

When I looked at the boy, he looked like a version of me in the childhood picture I have with me, and my heart started racing fast. So I have children whom I know nothing about, nothing is certain yet, he might just be my look alike. But this is too much coincidence and this can’t be pushed aside, I need to run a paternity test ASAP.

“Mommy, we got a perfect score in my assessment today”, the girl said.

“A perfect score? I love you guys! Thanks for making mommy proud” she said, bending down to plant a kiss on their forehead.

“I’m going to make you sandwich when we get home and I will take you to the amusement park this weekend” she said and helped them with their lunch pack and putting them in the car boot.

“Yes, we are eating sandwich”, they said, jumping with joy.

“But, mommy, I didn’t believe we will be going to the amusement park. You are always too busy”, the girl said and pouted.

“Believe me this time, my babies. I will make time this weekend. Mommy have a new job now” she said, and smiled.

“Hey! They said, jumping again.

She opened the car door and helped them before getting into the car herself.

She tried igniting the car but it wasn’t working. I knew something was wrong with the car while trailing her.

She got down and I could see worry written all over, as she open the car bonnet. She seemed clueless about what went wrong with the car.

“Mommy, what is wrong with your car? “The boy asked immediately he came down from the car”

“Just a little issue, baby. Mommy is going to fix it, so go back inside the car, so you won’t get cold”.

“Okay, mommy” he said and entered the car.

She placed her phone on her ears, she was probably calling her mechanic. The call seemed to be futile as she still seem worried.

Seeing frustration written all over her face pierced my heart, so I decided to help her and the kids get home.

I alighted from my car and walked towards her.

“Judith, what is wrong with your car? I asked

“Oh, Mr. Nathan, how come you are here? She asked with a faint smile.

“Yeah, I ca–me to help pick my nephew but I think I’m late, his mom called me that she already picked him up” I lied, while trying to maintain my composure.

“Okay, don’t know you have a nephew”.

“Yes, I do have a nephew. I was about leaving when I sighted you”, I smiled.

“It seems your call broke down?” I asked, while placing my hands on the car.

“Yes and my mechanic isn’t picking up”, she sounded so worried.

“Maybe I should drop your guys off at home” I suggested.

“No, Mr. Nathan, you don’t have to bother. I will just call a taxi to get us home”

“You and the kids already have a long day and it’s a cold evening. Let me just drop you off and I’m doing this for the kids’ sake”.

“Okay, sir. Thanks so much sir. We really do appreciate”, she smiled.

“I will call my mechanic to check the car”.

“Okay, sir, thanks so much”.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

She opened the car door and said”, Oliver, Olivia, come. Uncle is going to get us home”.

The boy which I presumed to be Oliver alighted and said” Olivia wake up”.

“Is she sleeping already”, Judith asked.

“Yes mommy”, he said and pouted

She was going to carry her when I said”, don’t worry, I will help you with her. Just lock the car”, I said and moved to carry the girl who was already fast asleep.

“Thanks so much sir “, she said as she took their packs and locked the car.

We all got into my car, the twins sat in the back while Judith sat with me in the front. I ignited the car and got into the busy road of London. I tried to stay calm while driving so she doesn’t notice my uneasiness.

“I love your car uncle, is this Lamborghini or Rolls-Royce”, Oliver asked excitedly.

“Thanks, this is Lamborghini “I replied with a smile.

“Oliver, how do you know a Lamborghini?” Judith asked jokingly.

“My classmate’s daddy has a Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce, and he usually drop him off with it” he declared happily.

“I thought you said he is two years old”, I asked sarcastically.

“Yes, two years and two months old. Too smart for his age”.

“Mommy, I’m hungry”, Olivia said.

She looked back and said, “oh baby you are awake? We will soon be home and I will make delicious sandwiches for you”.

I considered offering to stop by a restaurant probably to get snacks but I thought that would be too forward. So I kept quiet and increased my pace while she directed me to her residence, continuously thanking me.

I drove into a quiet street and parked in front of a modest apartment, the environment is serene and well kept, the ideal type for an average family.

The heavens seems to be rooting for me, they probably felt my distress and frustration when she alighted with the kids and asked, “Mr. Nathan, would you like to come in for a drink?”…..

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