The Sexy Multimillionaire

Blanca Was Introduced to Employees

After getting that invitation, Blanca and Lorenzo immediately stood up. They walked behind Lorenzo’s father until they came to an open office space.

There, Blanca saw many employees working. Some of them were typing and focused on the computers.

Some of them were making the designs and doing revisions. Some of them were calling on the phone, etc.

At that time, Gilbert (one of the salespeople for Sans Group) immediately said. “Wow, Mr. Lorenzo just came here from his honeymoon! You look younger, sir!”

“Yes. You look younger and happier, sir!” other people said.

Lorenzo immediately laughed. Then he said.

“Yes. It’s because my wife is so great in bed.”

“By the way, how about the foods? Are those delicious?” asked Lorenzo’s father.

“Yes. Those are delicious, sir,” replied the employees in unison.

After that, they thanked him. “Thank you, sir!”

“Hopefully this company and you will be more successful, sir!” Gilbert said hopefully.

“Yes. We hope so, sir!” said the others together.

Getting those reactions, Lorenzo immediately frowned because he felt confused. Suddenly, he asked his father in a whisper.

“What happened? It’s so rarely that there’s a feast at this office.”

“Today is Sans Group’s birthday,” answered Lorenzo’s father.

Lorenzo was shocked to hear that because he was not invited to attend the event. Suddenly, he asked again to make sure what he heard was correct because it could be wrong. “Today is the office birthday, Dad?”

“Yes, today is the office’s birthday. We were celebrating just now,” answered Lorenzo’s father.

“Yes, Mr. Lorenzo. We have finished cutting the cake and eating it,” said John.

“Don’t worry, Lorenzo! The cake and food for you are in your office. I have left it for you,” said Lorenzo’s father.

“You can eat there later.”

“Thank you, Dad!” Lorenzo thanked.

“By the way, there is new information for all of you!” asked Lorenzo’s father excitedly. That made all the employees curious.

“What’s the information, sir?” asked Gilbert, who was curious about what information would be conveyed. He hoped that information regarding the salary increase would be conveyed.

“Yes. What is the information?”

“Starting today, your work target will be higher. You must achieve it.” The information spoken by Lorenzo’s father immediately made the atmosphere quiet and focused attention on Lorenzo’s father.

“Seriously, sir?” asked Gilbert abruptly.

“Yes. Seriously.” Lorenzo’s father mentioned the target they had to achieve afterwards.

The employees were shocked to hear that they had to achieve the very high targets. Their eyes bulged.

Their faces were pale. Some of them were shocked, and some of them became stressed.

Getting that silence, Lorenzo immediately invited his team to be spirit. “So, let’s be motivated to achieve new targets!”

There was nothing else Lorenzo could say other than that, considering his position as CEO and Sans Group’s successor. There was no way he would disobey or embarrass his father in that moment.

“Yes. We have to be enthusiastic to achieve our new targets,” said Lorenzo’s father.

“I’m sure all of you can achieve it,” said Lorenzo’s father enthusiastically.

“Moreover, so far, we can always reach the target, right?” Lorenzo’s father reminded him.

“Yes, Sir. But, the problem is the targets don’t make sense,” Gilbert complained.

“Yes, Sir. I agree!” groaned the other employees together. The atmosphere became lively again with complaints from employees.

“Indeed, that’s true. But what can I do? That’s my father’s decision.” Lorenzo complained in his heart.

He didn’t dare to speak because what Gilbert said was true. For Lorenzo, the target given by his father didn’t really make sense.

“The targets don’t make sense? How can you say that?” asked Lorenzo’s father. He looked at Gilbert with a sharp gaze.

“The target is becoming far too lofty. It doesn’t make sense. So, I’m afraid I can’t achieve it,” Gilbert lamented.

“Me, too.”

“Me, too.”

Lorenzo’s father’s face immediately turned red. He felt very annoyed when Gilbert said that the target he gave didn’t make sense.

Gilbert’s words felt like an accusation to him that he had chosen that target at random without calculation. Suddenly, he immediately said curtly.

“Too high, drastically? How can you say that? All of the targets have been measured.”

Indeed, the targets have been measured from three times to five times the highest achievement they have ever achieved.

“So far, all of you have always achieved the targets we have set. How can you be unable to do it this time?” protested Lorenzo’s father.

“The problem is, this target is up to three times or more,” protested Gilbert. Afterwards, Gilbert laid out the facts.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You don’t need to be afraid. Just be optimistic!” Lorenzo’s father advised.

“So far, all of you have achieved the target. So, I’m sure you can achieve the set targets,” said Lorenzo’s father again.

“I agree. I believe that we can! So, let’s be spirit!”

Lorenzo pretended to agree. He tried to support his father’s action to calm his employees, and no one protested anymore.

The atmosphere became silent. Afterwards, Lorenzo introduced his wife.

“By the way, let me introduce my wife! She is Blanca.”

“Hi! I’m Blanca.” Blanca immediately introduced herself in a friendly manner while her eyes glanced around.

She saw many employees who liked and respected her. Apart from that, she also saw the looks of hatred and dislike from the girls sitting in the corner.

One of them was a girl who wore a tight blue shirt and tight blue pants with a name tag on her shirt that had her name and title written on it. “Rose Alice (Manager).”

The girl has straight blonde hair to her chest. Her skin is white.

She has a pointed nose. When Blanca introduced herself, Rose immediately whispered to her friend quietly so that Blanca wouldn’t hear her.

“I thought she was the maid. It turns out that, she’s his wife.”

“Me too. She is not really fit to be his wife. Her face looks like a maid,” sneered Fani (one of her friends who sat on Rose’s left).

“I think Mr. Lorenzo’s wife is beautiful, sexy, smart, and perfect. But, the fact is, it’s only her,” mocked Ella (one of her friends who sat on Rose’s right).

“She is still far from you, Rose. You are greater than her,” sneered another.

“I don’t like her.”

“Me too.”

“Me too.”

After that, they laughed together. Even though their voices were low, Blanca could still hear their voices.

Blanca’s gaze lingered on them for a moment before she received warm greetings from Gilbert, John, and the others together. “Hi, Mrs. Blanca!”

“My plan is starting today, she will help me with my tasks and control me. If later I am busy and cannot be contacted, you can call Mrs. Blanca, and Mrs. Blanca will convey it to me,” said Lorenzo.

“Okay, sir,” said the other employees except Rose and his gang.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let’s get to work! As long as today is the first day of this month,” said Mr. Lorenzo.

“Come on!” said the employees excitedly.

“Let’s do it now!” said Lorenzo with authority.

Soon, the employees got to work. Likewise with Lorenzo and his father, who were about to walk away.

Lorenzo immediately asked Blanca to go. “Come on, Honey! Let’s go to my room!”

“Okay.” Lorenzo and Blanca walked into their room hand in hand, while Lorenzo’s father went to his room.

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