The Stained Omega

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 114.

✩ Eva ✩

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“I know it’s difficult but you have to hang in there and let your momma have some peace.” I crack my eyes open to feel Cas’s face pressed against my protruding stomach, “surely it’s not that bad in there. I bet your momma has made you a lovely warm little home.” I chuckle as Cas’s stubble covered cheek rub against my stretched skin.

“Are you talking to the pup?” I ask him as I reach down to stroke my fingers through his sleep tousled hair.

“It’s good for him to hear my voice.” He says before laying a kiss on my stomach and then coming up to lean on the pillow next to me,

“morning Angel.” He smiles down at me as he leans in to kiss the end of my nose.

“You stayed.” I beam at him as I try to position myself so I’m laying on his chest, thanks to my massive stomach I can’t seem to get the angle right. “I’m the size of a house.” I complain as I flop back on the pillow and sigh deeply.

“No,” Selena yawns as she stretches and stands from the chair, “you’re the size of two houses.” I stick my tongue out at her as she walks past the end of the bed and into the small bathroom.

“Hate you.” I call after her as Cas chuckles from beside me while checking his phone.

“Love you too bestie.” Selena calls out as the shower starts to run, I turn back to Cas to see his forehead wrinkled in worry as he scrolls


Chapter 114

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through his phone.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him with a poke of my finger to his muscled arm, at least he had the sense not to get naked while Selena was in the


“Darryl left, it seems he talked to the Elder Council but then he was made to leave. He was worried he would make things worse if he pushed the issue.” I feel sorry for Cas, I know Darryl practically raised. him. He’s not old enough to be his father but he definitely took him under his wing and helped him when no one else would.

“I still don’t know when the Elder Council is going to see me, I feel like I’ve just been sitting here waiting for them to make a move. Almost as if The Elders hear me there is a loud knock on the door, I go to move but Cas shakes his head while glaring at me. Apparently being pregnant means I can’t answer the door, I lean back into the bed as Cas puts his finger to his lip, climbing from the bed he answers the door.

“Alpha Castiel, Luna Eva’s presence is requested in Boardroom One in ten minutes.” I can hear Elder Iris talking but I’ve never heard her refer to me as anything other than Eva or Miss Smith, Cas doesn’t say anything as he closes the door.

“Best get moving Angel, fingers crossed I can get you home later today.” He walks over to the bed and helps me up so I can dress, I suppose meeting the Elder Council in a nightshirt and panties ist frowned


“Don’t offer anything unless they out right ask it,” Cas instructs me as I waddle along to the ballroom, “Selena you need to stay silent or they might throw you out.” Selena just nods from beside me, Cas is going to tell them she needs to be there because of how pregnant I am.

“What if I need to tell them something and they don’t ask for it?” I ask


The Roque Omega: Chapter 114.

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him as we stop in front of the big wooden doors with a gold number one on it, my heart is beating out of my chest and my hands are so sweaty I keep running them down my joggers to dry them.

“If they don’t ask then they don’t need it.” Cas turns to me and grabs my head with a hand on either side of my face, “worst case we come away from here and get ready for a war, a war I am more than willing to fight.” I go to speak but he just shakes his head and tightens his hold on me. “Best case we go in there, they say their peace, slap me with a fine and then we head home.” Selena takes my hand, I feel her come up beside me as Cas keeps a firm grip on my head refusing to let me go.

“Either way, you will be coming home with us Eva.” I close my eyes as I let Selena’s words soak into me. Everfur is my home, Cas is my home, I will be going home. I repeat the words in my head over and over again as Cas leans in and places a kiss on my forehead before letting me go to open the door to Boardroom One.

The room Cas leads me into is massive, the table sitting in the middle of the room seems very out of place considering it’s only big enough to sit six people. The gold framed, red fabric chairs lined against

the walls tell me this room is used to seeing a lot more people than us three and the two men and Elder Iris currently sitting at the table.

“This meeting is open to Eva only, Alpha Castiel.” I stop moving as soon as Elder Iris stands, it seems her politeness is not extending to this meeting.

“Then make me leave,” it’s an outright challenge and apparently one the brown haired Elder with grey streaks finds funny.

“No one is making you leave, take a seat Alpha. I assume this is your Doctor?” He extends his hand to Cas and then Selena as I place myself in a seat, my feet are killing me just from the small walk to this room.




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“She is, I think you can understand why I want her close to my mate.” The two men nod at Cas as Elder Iris just glares at him and then at Selena.

“That’s perfectly fine,” the man takes his seat again before picking up a red file and opening it up. “Luna Eva this is Elder Christopher,” he points to the very old man who looks like he’s literally one step into the grave, “Elder Iris you know already.” She glares at me as the man keeps talking, “I’m Elder Alec, we have summoned you today due to claims that you told a human about our existence.” Elder Alec’s eyes

stare at me as he talks, it’s odd, he doesn’t look that old but his eyes. seem much older. Looking at him I can see that this man has seen some truly horrible things.

“Tell us about your time with The Shalamayne, Luna Eva.” The old man’s voice is gravely with age and his words come out slowly, I glance at Cas and he nods his head.

“I grew up with them, they took me from my Pack when I was very young and kept me in their compounds. We would move around a lot, constantly travelling, I didn’t realise how bad it was until I hit puberty,” I stall as I become lost at what to say, do I tell them all the er

gritty details. of my childhood or do I keep to the basics, I don’t know how much is oversharing.

‘Just stick to the basics Angel.’ Cas’s voice comes over the Pack link as he winds his hand in mine and squeezes it slightly.

“Once I was old enough they started my training, they would teach us how Packs work, how Alpha’s work but mostly it would be centred around shifters and how they were trying to ruin the human world.” I bring mine and Cas’s joined hands to rest on my bump as the pup starts to lightly kick me.

“So you were taught to hate your own kind?” This comes from Elder



His Roque Omega Chapter 114

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Iris, I nod because that’s exactly what we were taught, “and that hatred. led you to mate an Alpha and bear his child?” I look at Cas and see that Storm is sitting behind his eyes, his grip tightens on mine as

he tries to keep control of his temper.

“No.” I shake my head as I turn back to Elder Alec, out of the three I feel like he is the one here who actually wants to hear my side. “I met Cas when I was sent into the Swiftmane Pack. I knew he was someone I wanted to know but I didn’t know who he was to me.” I still remember being in the cell in Fraction’s basement and Cas bringing me a blanket, at the time I thought that maybe he could be a friend, I never thought it could be like this.

“And who is he to you?” Elder Alec asks as he writes something inside of the file.

“He’s mine.” I keep my eyes on Elder Alec as I sense Cas sit up a little straighter, “he’s the love of my life, my start and end. He found me and saved me all at the same time, he’s the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, raise children with and will care for a Pack with.” I can’t stop the warm tears that spill down my face, they aren’t sad tears, they are happy ones, I don’t think I’ve ever said to Cas what he means

to me.

“Sounds like a fated mate to me. Elder Christopher says as he offers me a wrinkled smile.

“How can an Alpha be fated to a rogue? This is absurd, she tricked him. somehow.” It seems Elder Iris has pushed Cas too far because his loud. growl echoes around the room as Selena gasps and grabs for my other


“I can assure you that I fought this with everything I had because I didn’t understand it, Cas is the one who pursued me until he wore me down.” I pull out of Selena’s grip so I can stroke Cas arm without Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

His Roque Omega Chapter 114.

letting go of his hand, it seems to calm him down as the smell of Storm recedes.

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