The Stained Omega

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 116.


“Are we almost there?” I yawn deeply as I try to get comfortable in the passenger seat of the SUV, it feels like we have been driving forever but I know it’s probably only been an hour or so.

“Another thirty minutes or so Angel, then we will be at the hospital.” Cas reaches over and squeezes my thigh with one hand still on the steering wheel.

“No need, Rowan has everything I need back at the house.” Selena looks up from her iPad in the back of the car, “head straight home Cas. He has a surprise for both of you as well.” I try to turn in the seat so I can look at Selena but my massive stomach stops me so I just slump back rubbing my aching stomach.

“What kind of surprise?” I ask, sounding a little curious, Cas has only been away from the pack for one night so I can’t imagine it’s anything huge.

“He’s been working on it since you went with The Elders. He wasn’t sure when you would come back so he’s been getting things ready for the pup, with Cas down and out it gave him some time to sort.” I glance over at Cas as Selena talks, he has a slight blush on his checks. which makes me wonder what he was busy doing.

“What does she mean/down and out’? What were you doing?” Cas lets out a deep sigh as I push his hand off my thigh, whatever he was doing he obviously knows I wouldn’t agree with it.

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“I drank a little,” Selena coughs trying to cover her laugh which makes Cas scowl harder. “Fine, I drank a lot. You were gone and I couldn’t find any answers, none of the other Alpha’s knew how to help and before I knew it Darryl was there and it had been three weeks.” Turning to look out of the window I see my pale face reflected back at me as we cruise down the highway.

“What about the Pack?” I ask him as I rub my stomach.

“What about the Pack? My mate was gone, I didn’t give a shit about anything else.” I look back at him just in time to see him glancing at me before focusing on the road again.

“And our Pack lost their Luna, you don’t think they needed you?” I watch his Adam’s apple bob under his stubble, “you left our Pack to their own defences while you drank yourself stupid. We are about to have a pup, you can’t be so selfish again!” Cas looks ashamed of himself as he nods his head, “promise me, you won’t do that again. I know you love me and I love you but we will always find our way back to each other. Our Pack is our family and they need us, both of us.” Cas glances at me for long enough that I start to become concerned so I point to the road which makes him laugh.

“Alright, I promise.” He says as his hand snakes across to my stomach. and joins mine in rubbing my stomach. We all sit in silence for a while. until a loud rumble has me looking around for something wrong with

the car.

“Sorry, I’m hungry.” Cas chuckles as Selena leans forward and looks at me, “any chance looking after the Pack means food?” I burst out laughing as we continue to speed through the night and towards the Pack.

Pulling into the Pack land I can already tell so much has changed in


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the three weeks I have been gone. There are massive trucks filled with rubble and all kinds of timber along the main road and the odd man in a bright orange vest walking around.

“Did the high street construction start?” I ask Cas as I watch one of the men sip a coffee and look over something on his phone as he leans against the truck.

“Yeah it was due to start a week ago, once we have you checked out and rested we can go and look at the progress.” I nod my head enthusiastically as Cas pulls the car into the driveway and shuts the car down. I actually can’t wait to see the high street, for me the high street. symbolises the Pack growth, as soon as it is done it will mean the Pack has finally left Cas’s fathers rule behind.

“Come on. I want to check the pup before you see the surprise.” Selena says as she opens the car door and jumps out, grabbing her iPad and medical bag as she goes.

“Is it bad that I want to see the surprise first?” I ask Cas as he turns to me with a broad smile.

“Nope. I want to see too. Come on, let’s sneak past her but only if you promise to let Selena look at the pup and you once we have seen it.” I pretend to think about it for a second before nodding my head and slowly pulling myself from the SUV. It ends up being more of an ungrateful slide but soon me and my massive stomach are slowly waddling towards the Pack house. It’s pretty late so I’m not surprised that there is no one here to greet us but I have to admit that I half expected Rowan, Heath or even Sally to be here waiting.

“I smell paint.” I say to Cas as he starts to help me up the stairs, I know this is where the surprise is because I can hear Rowan and Sally chatting at the top of the house.


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“Me to,” Cas sounds really glum as we pass the empty corridor I followed Selena down a while ago and leads me up a second flight of stairs. All my time at the Pack and I’ve never been up here, I guess I’ve never had the need to. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“What’s up here?” I ask Cas as I pause for a breather, it’s a lot of stairs. and I’m suddenly feeling every inch of my pregnant body.

“The Alpha and Luna rooms, I haven’t touched them or even been in them since I first left the Pack.” I pull on Cas’s hand to make him come down the few steps he’s taken ahead of me, I don’t say anything I just keep pulling until he’s close to me and I can tiptoe up to reach his lips.

“No, no, I’m telling you Alpha will want to build it himself. Put the box next to the wall and leave it.” Rowan’s voice floats down to us, I can’t help but giggle against Cas’s lips as he sighs and pulls back from


“What the hell has he done?” Cas grumbles as he takes my hand and leads me up the last of the steps.

“If you’re sure, I still think green was a bad colour to go.” Sally sounds. annoyed as she grumbles at Rowan, Cas leads me along the hall to the first door. I gasp out loud when I see the room, it’s been painted a pale green with little cartoon dinosaur decals all over, there is a small alphabet tree on one wall along with white drawers, a changing unit and a pale wood rocking chair.

“It’s beautiful.” I say as Rowan and Sally turn around to see us in the doorway.

“Shit,” Rowan grumbles before dropping the massive box he’s carrying. “I mean, SURPRISE!” Cas burst out laughing at Rowan’s bad attempt at salvaging the reveal.

“You did this?” Cas asks as he runs his hand over the white drawers,


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“is that the crib?” He points to the box Rowan just put against the wall.

“I did and it is. I figured you would want to build it yourself.” Rowan has a deep blush on his cheeks as he sticks his hands in his jean pockets, Cas doesn’t say anything. He just presses his lips in a tight line before pulling Rowan in for a manly back slapping hug.

“It looks so different. I would never guess this was her room.” I look around and notice all the little touches, like the po m po ms hanging off

the curtains and small wolf mobile that I guess will hang over the OFF


“This was the Luna’s room?” I ask as I step up to the drawers and open one to see an array of white baby vests in new-born size.

“It was but we figured you and Alpha would be sharing a room and not want to be separated.” Sally says as she opens another drawer and shows me a bunch of tiny socks. “We got you everything you will need to start off, once you know if the pup is male or female we can do a proper clothing shop.” I

just smile at her as she hands me a small set of socks. “it’s so good to have you home Luna.” I’m lost for words as she pulls me in for a side hug. I can feel the tears of happiness start to slide down my face as I look around at their generosity, no one has ever done anything like this for me before.

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