The Stained Omega

Chatper 201

Chatper 201

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 34.


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Sandwiched between Cas and Rowan I tug at my jeans again, I don’t know which part makes me more

uncomfortable about this whole situation. Being outside around other people or wearing these skin tight

jeans and crazy heels, Selena swore they were her lowest ones but they feel like I’m walking on stilts.

The guy up front takes his time paying so I cast my eye around the room we are in, it seems like some

kind of waiting area because there is a woman standing behind the desk taking payment and the rest of

the room is taken up with red sofas. The sign behind the woman states that you have to be a member

to enter the black areas.

“What’s the black areas?” I ask Cas quietly, he looks a little confused until I nod my head at the sign.

“It’s just part of the club but tonight we are just going to the bar, have a few drinks and relax a little.” I

smile up at him as he places his warm hand against my lower back, even through this t-shirt I can feel

his warmth seeping into my skin.

“I’m not twenty-one.” I feel myself blush as I admit that I’m too young to be inside of any kind of bar, I

only got away with it at Dragon’s Flame because of Jeremy.

“Don’t worry about it,” Cas nods his head towards the woman as the man up front leaves and goes

through one of the three black doors.

“Four for A.O please Jasmine.” Cas hands over his card and the woman behind the counter just smiles

a wide smile as she types on her

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“No black tonight gents?” I look over at Selena and see her tucked into. Roman’s side, Rowan is

smiling at Jasmine.

“Not tonight.” Cas says as he takes the card back from her and four gold tokens with a wolf’s head

printed on them.

“You know the drill guys, no shifting and no fighting. If you are attached to your females then please

have them wearing this band,” she passes over two red plastic bands, one to Cas and one to Rowan.

“This will tell all others your female is off limits. Have a lovely evening.” She presses a button on the

desk and I hear a click behind me, as soon as the door opens I can hear the low thumping music being

played in the room.

“Put this on Angel.” I take the red band from Cas and see that his name is printed on it in black letters.

“It will just keep the males at bay so we can have a nice evening.” I slide it onto my bare wrist as

Rowan and Selena lead us into the door that has been opened, it has a gold A.O written on the font of


“What is this place?” I ask Cas as the music gets louder the further into the corridor we walk.

“It’s a shifter bar, Pack and Rogues come here to relax and drink in peace. Tonight is ladies night so

Selena wanted to come and dance. without Rowan having to be all over her.” Ca s’s hand hasn’t left

my lower back since we left the reception and as we enter the main bar I realise why. The place is

packed and not just with females, I can see all kinds of people in here, some alone and some in groups

much like our


“Didn’t Darryl want to come?” I ask as we follow Rowan around the room and into a booth. The chairs

are red but not the plastic diner

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kind, these are soft and cus hioned, the spot light above the black table gives enough light to read the

menu but also enough to hide anything private that might be going on.


“Just us tonight, what do you want to drink?” Cas slides into the booth. next to me and hands me the

menu. Some of the drinks I recognise from Dragon’s Flame and some of them I don’t, thankfully they all

have ingredients under them so I can kind of guess what they taste like.

“I’m going to have a Raspberry Daiquiri,” Selena says from the other side of the booth, I locate it on the

menu and seeing what’s in it I decide to have the same. “Come dance while the guys get the drinks.” I

shake my head no Rowan gets up from the table and heads over to the bar, “fine but you will before the

night is done.” Selena shows no fear as she goes out onto the packed dance floor and starts to move

her body to Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me. She lifts her hands up. into the air and starts to

move her hips like she has Rowan standing behind her, guys are watching but no one approaches her.

Even the men dancing close to her seem to take a few steps away.

“They won’t touch her.” I was so hypnotised by Selena’s dancing that I forgot Cas was still in the booth

with me, “they see the band and respect the rules. They can look but they won’t ever touch, if you want

to dance my band will keep you safe.”

“I don’t really like dancing.” I tell him truthfully, “I like the music but dancing isn’t really my thing.”

“Rowan said he’s seen you dance.” I feel my face flame as a waitress brings over two bright pink drinks

and two pints, she pops them down. without a word.

“That wasn’t my choice, when given the choice I’d rather just enjoy the music.” Rowan has joined

Selena on the dance floor and the way they are grinding against each other should be reserved for the


mega Chapter 34

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“Won’t they get in trouble?”

“No, as long as Rowan contains himself and doesn’t start f ucking her on the dance floor.” I feel my

eyes widen as Cas starts to laugh, “you should see your face. He won’t, don’t worry. I’m sorry it was a

bad joke.” I must shock him because I burst out laughing, a full belly laugh that seems to start at my

toes and lighten the weight hanging around me. “Oh that’s a beautiful sound, you should do that more

often.” Not knowing what to say I bring my drink towards me and start sipping on the fruity drink. It’s a

bit tart but after a few sips I find that I rather like it.

“Do you come here often?” I cringe at how lame I sound, Rowan and Selena have been dancing for

ages and occasionally come back to the table for a drink. I’m on my third pink drink and starting to feel

a little light headed.

“It’s been a minute but yeah I’ve been a few times. For an Alpha you can come here from being fifteen

so I spent a lot of nights here.” I look at Cas and try to picture him as a fifteen year old sitting in a booth

sipping on a beer.

“I can’t see you being in here at that age, it seems too grown up for a kid.” Cas shrugs his shoulders as

he takes a large gulp of his beer.

“I was never really a kid, my father made sure of that.” Cas seems to get a far away look in his eyes

before he shakes his head and downs. the rest of his beer. “Come on, I’m not taking no for an answer.”

He gets up from the booth and holds out his hand to me, knowing what he wants I take a quick sip of Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

my drink and place my hand in his. He effortlessly pulls me from the booth and onto the packed dance

floor, instead of getting quieter it seems to have gotten busier in the time we have sat drinking and

chatting. Just as Cas and I get onto the dance floor Taylor Swift Lover comes on, I try to pull away from

him but



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instead he pulls me in until both of my hands are flat on his chest.

“I don’t think.” I shake my head at Cas as he smiles down at me and places his hands on my hips, we

don’t dance, we sway with each other to the beat of the song. After a minute or so I lean my face

against his chest, my ear is directly over his heart and I can hear it beating over the sound of the music.

His warmth soaks into my skin everywhere he’ s touching and I find myself becoming more and more

relaxed with each second that passes. All too soon the song comes to an end and Cas tries to step

away from me, not ready for him to move, I tighten my fingers into his shirt to keep him in place. A

much faster song comes on next but he just rests his chin on the top of my head and keeps his hands

on my hips as we continue our slow swaying.

“This is dangerous, stop this Eva.’ I shoo Ghost away as I enjoy the way Cas is holding me, I start to

trace his chest muscles through his shirt as I commit every dimple to memory. I have a feeling that

once I leave I will reply this night over and over again in my mind.

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