The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 43.


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“You sure this is a good idea?” I look over at Selena as I pull up in front of the Pack house, she had the

idea of bringing Eva over to the Nickels farm so she can meet the family and the new pup.

“Women love kids and it will get her out and meeting more of the Pack. I already spoke to Mary and

she’s looking forward to meeting her.” I smile at Selena as I nod my head and open the door to climb

from the SUV. My feet barely hit the floor before my name is being screamed and a distressed looking

Sally is running towards me waving a tea towel.

Sally, what the hell?” I meet her half way up the drive, her face is bright red and she’s gasping for


“Sit down Sally.” Selena comes to her side and tries to push her down but Sally is having none of it,

“Sally sit down before you fall down.”

“She’s gone,” Sally gasps for breath and finally allows Selena to guide her down onto the floor.

“Eva?” I look around me as if I’m expecting her to just suddenly jump from behind the car and declare

this a joke.

“I hadn’t seen her for breakfast so I went down with some mu ff ins, there was Sookie sitting like the

Queen of the Pack on the sofa and no Eva.” I look at Selena as she tries to fan Sally, I assume to cool

her down, she must know what I need because she just nods her head. Confident Sally is being taken

care of, I run into the Pack house as

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 43.

288 Vouchers

quickly as my legs will take me.

“Eva?” I scream her name as I run into the lounge and throw open the door to the basement.


‘s gone, I need everyone looking for her. She can’t get off Pack land.’ I scream the demand over the

Pack link to Rowan and all of the warriors. I slide my hands into my hair as I stand in the empty

basement lounge and see the empty bedroom and office. I can’t even think how my office door is wide

open right now, the panic going through me is too high. If Jeremy gets his hands on Eva I won’t ever

see her again, right now I don’t care that she’s my mate, she’s a person and she doesn’t deserve that


‘North woods, I have her scent. She’s close and hasn’t shifted yet.’ The voice coming over the link is

one I recognise, I can’t believe Heath actually answered my call and left his mate and new-born but

right now I’m grateful.

‘Keep close but don’t approach, I’m coming in hot.’ Tocing my boots off I rip my shirt over my head as I

run up the stairs, by the time I’m at the top and in the lounge my jeans have dropped and Storm has

taken over. ‘Find her Storm, bring her home.’ I urge my wolf on like I’ve never before, I need him to be

faster than he has ever been.

Storm puts the speed on as soon as we clear the Pack house, I can feel the wind flying through his fur

as he leaps over a large rock and breaks into the north woods. This area is at the back of our land and

is more like a forest but it doesn’t go too far so the Pack just refers to it as a wood, the pups play here

without fear of being seen by the humans in Midsey. Storm doesn’t get far before I pick up Eva’s scent

and then Heath’s, both are fresh and give Storm a direction to run.

‘You going to spa nk that as s when we get her home?’ I don’t answer




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 43.

288 Vouchers

Storm as I urge him to go faster and faster, I can feel the muscles in his legs really pumping as he

dodges trees and leaps over bushes.

‘Here Alpha.’ Storm skids to a stop at the sound of Heath, looking to the left I see Heath’s brown wolf

looking at a scared Eva. She’s pushed against a tree and trying to make herself as small as possible,

Heath is just sitting on the ground watching her.


got it from here, go back to your pup.’ Heath’s wolf doesn’t wait for a second chance, he just instantly

starts running back the way we came. Looking at Eva I can see the fear in her face but also the

redness of her eyes and the puffiness of her cheeks. Someone or something has spo oked her enough

to not only make her run but also enough to reduce her to tears.

‘I guess you want out to speak to her?’ I don’t even answer Storm, I just pull him back, one second

Storm is in front of Eva and the next it’s a fully naked me. Eva, averts her eyes from me but I see them

keep peaking back like she can’t quite believe what she’s seeing.


“Want to tell me what’s going on?” I can keep the anger from my and the feeling only intensifies when

she shakes her head. “I came back to the Pack house after welcoming a newborn into the Pack.

excited for you to meet him only to find you gone.” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Is he yours?” Her voice is so low I almost miss what she says.

“Mine? You think I’ve had you sleeping in my bed for the last few weeks while I had a pregnant female

out there.” I see her throat work as she swallows, her nerves are getting to her and I know I need to

reign in my anger, “is that what you think of me?”

“How should I know what to think of you,” I take a step back as Eva starts to shout, I’ve never heard her

speak so loudly before. “I fell asleep in your arms, woke up and you were gone. I go to your office and

see a piece of paper with my name all over it, along with murderer





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 43.

288 Vouchers

and drugs. What do you think of me?” Her cheeks have puffed up and her face is now flush from anger

instead of tears, her tiny fists are balled up like she’s ready to hit me. And right there, standing in the

middle of the woods I have never in my life been more aroused in my life. How is it this tiny dark haired

woman can have me going from raging made to rock hard within seconds, it boggles my mind.

“So you were snooping and didn’t like what you found?” She starts sputtering and when she looks

down her eyes instantly shoot back up to me, wide and round her blue eyes look like saucers.

“Are you really hard right now?” I smirk as she takes a step back from


“You snooped in my office.” I take a step towards her and she takes another back, “you ran from me,”

another step closer, she steps back and encounters the tree again. “You scream at me and accuse me

of fathering a child that hasn’t grown in your belly.” Her wide eyes stare up at me as I get close enough

to almost touch her. “I have never in my life been more mad at a woman or more attracted to one.”

Without thinking I wrap my hands into her hair and pull her to me, her tiny fists punch at my bare chest

for a second but as soon as my lips touch hers she stills.

I’ve dreamed about how Eva would taste but nothing compares to the actual thing, she tastes like

blueberries, mint toothpaste and something that is completely and uniquely her. Teasing her closed lips

with my tongue I strike when she gasps into my mouth, her moan has my knees going weak so I brace

myself with the hand not in her hair on the tree. I can feel her hands moving from my chest and up my

neck as she really starts to get into the kiss. Pulling her more fully into me I feel her grind herself

against my leg a split second before she gasps and throws her head back. Looking down I see her

pupils are blown and she looks blissed out of her mind.





Ha Rogue Omega. Chapter 43

1233 Nouchers

“There is no other woman.” I place a kiss on her exposed throat as I feel her nails dig into my

shoulders. “There is only you, there has only been you since the first day I saw you. I tried. I couldn’t, it

wouldn’t even get hard.” Her nails dig in harder. which tells me I best change the subject quickly,

kissing up her neck I trail back down using my tongue. Taking in all her scent and taste that I can. “the

list you found was for me, listing everything so I can get my mind clear because you fog it up so much.”

She gasps as I hit a spot just behind her left ear, “your name was there because you are always on my

mind.” Letting her go I step back and point down at my hard weeping co ck. “only you get this reaction.”

“Is that supposed to flatter me?” Her words would sound more

scandalised if she wasn’t gasping for breath and didn’t have a scent of

arousal around her.

“It’s supposed to show you that it’s only you, now can we go home?” She shakes her head. “why not?”

“Ghost doesn’t want to. she’s scared of the Pack and that you want to control her.” I nod my head in

understanding, of course her wolf feels that way, she’s never known a Pack.

“How long has she been saying that?” Eva shrugs her shoulders and avoids my eyes, which tells me

it’s been going on for a while.

“Alright, let’s address that later. We need to get home so I can have a cold shower or I’m going to bury

myself in that wet heat of yours.” That gets her moving, she leans down and grabs the backpack I

hadn’t even noticed from the lead strewn floor and heads back towards the Pack house. “Oh and Eva?”

She looks back at me, “I can’t wait to see what you taste like because Angel, your mouth is sinful.”

Slowly licking my lips I start walking after her, following behind so her aroused scent stays under my

nose the whole way home.

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