The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 165

It was surprisingly easy to get past his patrols without them seeing me and I walked through the forest, trying to retrace my steps the best that I could. But Gemma was a big help. She knew the direction of the castle and she was fairly quiet during the walk. She knew that I was torn up inside about what I just had to do so she was keeping our conversations strictly to business and how to get back to the castle.

I was paying attention to the sun and where it was in the sky to see how long I had been walking for.

I finally came across a stream so I stopped to get a drink and I knew that I was still a long way from home.

"We could run. It would be faster." Gemma said.

"I know. I think I just might need this time to gather myself before I see everyone." I said.

"Listen, I know that I was giving you a hard time while we were in the village. But I think you made the right choice. His wolf told me that they weren't going to leave the pack. And you can't abandon the throne. Not after everything your mother did to regain it and to put the council in their place." She explained.

"Thanks Gemma. That doesn't mean it's easy though."

"I know. I felt it too. You really did love him."

"I do love him. That's never going to go away." I said.

"I wish I could give you a hug right now." She said.

"Let's just hurry up and get home." I said as I stood up and I started walking again.

I was so lost in thought that whole afternoon that I didn't realize how late it was getting until the sun was starting to go down.

Gemma wanted to stop and set up camp for the night but I knew that I had a little more in me.

I had way too much on my mind right now. I didn't want to sit down and think about my life right now.

I was afraid that if I did that then I would go back to the village and back to Walker. But that was absolutely the wrong thing to do right now.

I had to get home. No matter how much Gemma protested.

But she didn't protest for long before she finally fell asleep and my mind was peaceful again.

+8 Pain!

But I wasn't too sure if that was a good thing or not.

I was doing everything not to think about Walker.

So I started thinking about Noah and my parents and my room and everything that I was going to see as soon as I got back.

They were going to be happy and excited and I just needed to hurry up and get back there.

I eventually took my clothes off and I shifted into my wolf and I picked up my clothes in my mouth and I started running towards the pack.

Gemma was getting tired through the night, we slowed down a little, but I didn't want to stop. I just needed to get home.

By the time the sun was coming up again Gemma stopped on top of a snow covered hill watching the sun rise over the mountains and the beautiful surroundings including the snow covered forests.

It was a beautiful sight and one that we wouldn't see soon enough since the sun wouldn't rise at all during the day.

But that's not until we're in the middle of winter. I could enjoy it now while I could.

We kept going until we got to a very familiar forest where I shifted back and I got my clothes back on.

I finished walking back through the forest until I came to the same field that I would walk through every day to get to school.

I was surprised when I walked out from the treeline and the field was covered with hundreds of people hanging around.

I started walking closer towards them, wondering what the hell was going on when I suddenly heard "EMMA!' being screamed from the front of the crowd.

I saw Noah walking down the stairs of the castle and that's how he was able to see me.

I stood still as he ran down the stairs and people were looking at him strangely but they got out of his way as he ran through the crowd.

As soon as he got to me he picked me up off the ground, hugging me and flinging me around

at the same time.

I wrapped my arms around him so tightly, my head buried in the nape of his neck before he put me down and kissed me.

He started kissing me all around my cheeks and face until he found my mouth again.


+8 Point 

When he eventually let go of me my mother ran over and hugged me and so did all of my dad's.

Avery and Chloe were also standing behind them.

I hugged Avery and I was a little hesitant but I walked over and hugged Chloe as well. Even if I did see Levi standing right behind her. But honestly, I didn't care about him anymore.

"Where have you been? What happened? We know that you escaped Xavier. Where have you

been?" Mom asked.

"It's a really long story. And honestly, I don't really want to talk about it. I just really need a shower and I need a good night's sleep." I said.

"Of course you do. Noah, get her up to the house. We'll deal with everyone here but they will probably want to see you at some point. They've traveled a long way to come and help search for you." Mom said.

So I looked around and saw all the strange faces that were hanging around watching the exchange.

I don't know why I was surprised that they were here to see me. I was the princess. I guess I should have expected it. But I really didn't.

"Tell them not to leave. I do want to see them before they go. I just can't do it right now." I said. "They'll understand. We'll be up at the house soon." Pa Koda said. So I nodded my head and Noah took me by the hand and led me back to the stairs of the castle and we went upstairs. We got up to my room and as soon as I walked inside, I felt really strange.

Almost like it wasn't my room anymore. Like I didn't deserve to be here or have such nice things. I felt horrible being here.noveldrama

I immediately thought back to Walker's house, which made me smile.

"I knew you'd be happy to be back." Noah said, looking at the smile on my face.

"Yeah. Of course I am." I said.

I walked further into the room and suddenly there was a massive dragon's head peeking in my window, so I walked over to see Zidrith.

I patted him on the head and assured him that I was alright.

As soon as he was happy and he'd seen it for himself, he climbed back to the top of the castle


+9 Pain 

and I stood there looking down at the field below me. And all the people that were still hanging around there.

"Emma." Noah said, getting my attention. So I turned around.

"Yeah. I really need to shower." I said again.

"Yeah. You should probably get that other wolf's scent off of you." He said. And I slowly looked up at Noah, who was staring back at me.

I didn't even think of that. I was just concentrating on getting home. I didn't think of the fact that I would obviously still smell like Walker. "Yeah. I guess we should talk about that first." I said.

"No. Have a shower and then we'll talk." He said. So I nodded and walked into the bathroom.

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