The Unwanted Wolf

Chapter 31

“Don’t scream or alert anyone, or others will die as well,” Theron whispered in my ear.

My entire body was frozen in fear. I was supposed to be safe at the pack house. I was supposed to be safe with Mark and Jori. Did either of them see me with this strange man? Did anyone notice this man who did not smell quite right?

“You’re the one who has been trying to kill me,” I said flatly. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could hardly breathe.

“I have been the one orchestrating it, yes. But it seems my associate was less than adequate, so I figured I would take things into my own hands,” he explained. His grip tightened on me and it started to hurt.

“But why? I don’t even know you.” My eyes were locked with his, and I could see the pure hatred in them. This wasn’t just some random bounty hunter.

Theron continued spinning us around the dance floor. “Because you’re going to take everything from me. I want to take everything away from you before that happens.”

“But I’m not trying to take anything from you.” I wanted to look away from this man and try to signal for help with my eyes from anyone, but I couldn’t look away. I was scared, frustrated, and confused.

“Doesn’t matter. You are the oldest in the Caspian Bloodline. You are to inherit the powers of the coven, and I can’t have that happen.” Theron’s smile turned to a grimace.

I still didn’t understand what he was talking about. “I don’t care about inheriting powers. Just take them.”

“You really don’t understand. Father abandoned you, and you never learned the ways of sorcerers. You would be a weak leader.” There was venom in his voice.

“No, I really don’t understand, and that’s not my fault. I’ll give you whatever you want. Please just don’t kill me.” The vibrating in my body returned. It started building in pressure, making it more difficult to focus.

Theron chuckled, squeezing my hand even tighter. “I can feel your powers trying to break through, birthday girl. So much potential has been squandered for years. Even if you could release your power now, it would be nothing compared to what it could have been. Who knows if your body could even handle it.”

My nerves felt like they were on fire. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to control it, but it felt like too much. Theron’s grip only got tighter, too. “Please let me go.”

“Oh, that’s not happening, birthday girl. The only way to make sure you don’t get in my way is to kill you.” Theron leaned in closer. “You should just accept your fate. No one will really miss you anyway, half-breed.”

My eyes snapped open, and the fire burst inside of me. “I recommend you let me go now. You are surrounded by werewolves, and they won’t let you escape.”

Theron only grinned. “How would they manage that when they’ve all been poisoned with wolfsbane?”

“You’re lying.” I looked around, and everyone seemed just fine.

“You’re so easy to accuse me of lying when you don’t even know, as you have said yourself. These fools were so careless. Do you know how easy it was to slip the wolfsbane into the drinks used for toasting? I almost feel sorry for everyone. Wolves are such fools.” Theron let go of my waist and spun me out and then spun me back in. I hit his chest harder than I expected as I twirled back in.

“What is your problem? Why would you poison everyone?” I was horrified by the man in front of me.

“Don’t worry. It shouldn’t kill any of them, but no one would be able to fight against me, even if they tried. You have survived our attempts twice. I wanted to guarantee this time would work. Besides, it’s sort of a guarantee for me. If you choose to fight me and try to get away, I will make sure every last one of your friends dies. The choice is yours. Come peacefully, or let a bloodbath occur.” His eyes flickered black yet again.

The rage inside of me only grew. “You’re a psychopath. If you touch anyone of them, I’ll kill you.”

Theron let out a hearty laugh. “I’d like to see you try. You have no control over your powers, and your wolf side is weak from the wolfsbane. You have no chance against me. If you still think it’s a good idea to fight me, then go for it. I would happily kill all of your friends.”

I looked around at the crowd of people. I couldn’t see any faces I recognized in the crowd of dancers, but I thought about everything Rie, Scythe, Mark, even Jori and Percy had done for me. I thought about innocent little Eva and Cindy too. I didn’t know anything about Theron, but if he was as powerful as he claimed, I couldn’t stand the idea of everyone dying because of a choice I had to make. Tears started gathering in my eyes. Choosing my mate seemed so unimportant in this moment. I just wanted everyone to live.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ll go with you without a fight. Just promise me you won’t kill anyone.” The tears slid down my cheeks. With my free hand, I reached up to wipe them away.

“How disappointing. It would’ve been fun to show you what a true sorcerer could do, unlike you, half-breed. But, alas, I am a man of my word. I won’t kill your friends, at least not tonight.” Theron stopped and dipped me.

The world turned upside, but I caught a glimpse of piercing blue eyes. Mark. He was definitely staring right at us, but I didn’t have enough time to process what was going on in his face. Did he recognize I was in danger? Was he upset that I was dancing with another man? A part of me wanted him to come over and rescue me, but I knew he would only end up hurt, especially if his wolf was weak from wolfsbane.

Theron frowned. “Looks like our moment is over.” He let me go and flipped me around, pressing my back into his chest. The hand that was on my waist was now pressed around my neck. I could still breathe, but it was much more difficult.

Mark stopped in his tracks. He had been pushing his way through the dance floor, but when Theron made his move, Mark froze. He was at least ten feet away, staring at me with a mix of horror and anger. People were still dancing unaware of what was happening, making Mark flash in and out of my view. Slowly, people stopped dancing, realizing what was happening, and gasps echoed throughout the party. Once again, all eyes were on me.

“I wouldn’t make a move, pretty boy, or else I’ll snap her neck,” Theron said, staring directly at Mark. People moved away, clearing the space between Mark and myself.

“If you harm her, I will kill you,” Mark seethed.

Rie ran up next to Mark, her eyes with fright. She didn’t dare move closer. Jori was the next to approach. His fingers were curled into fists, and he was rolling up his dress shirt sleeves to his elbow. He moved past Mark, heading straight towards us.

“Get your hands off my mate,” Jori seethed.

“No!” I shouted as Jori got closer. I didn’t want anyone making Theron mad.

Theron squeezed my throat even tighter, making me cough. My hands flung up to Theron’s arm, trying to loosen his grip, but it was no use. Seeing this, Jori stopped in his tracks.

“I would be careful with your next move,” Theron cautioned. “You have no control over this situation.”

Jori’s jaw clenched and his eyes grew darker. “How dare you invade my pack house and threaten my mate. Do you really think you will get away with this unscathed?”

Theron c****d his head. “Interesting. I would have thought the red head was her mate based on his reaction as well.”

“I am her mate,” Mark said, stepping forward to join Jori.

Theron hummed in response. “Very interesting indeed. I suggest if you don’t want to see your mate die in front of you right here, right now, you back off. I see you trying to summon your wolf. It’s not working, is it?”

Jori’s eyes widened in realization. “Bastard! What have you done?”

“What I needed to get my prey. It was useless for you all to try to keep this half-breed alive. Even running away to another town? What a stupid idea. At least pick something further away from her hometown next time. It was like you wanted me to find her.” Theron stroked my cheek, and I could feel the pure anger emitting off both Mark and Jori.

“I’m going to kill you,” Jori seethed. He started moving forward again.

“Don’t!” I pleaded. Theron loosened his grip on my neck to make it easier for me to speak. “Please don’t attack him.”

Jori froze again. This time it was Mark who spoke though. “Adira, we are not going to just let him take you like this.”

Theron smirked at them. “I would listen to her. We’ve made a deal. Her life in exchange for all of yours.”

Mark looked horrified at the thought. “No, Adira, it’s not worth it. Don’t sacrifice yourself for us.”

I choked up at Mark’s pleads, and tears started pouring down my eyes. “You don’t stand a chance. He’s poisoned everyone here with wolfsbane. If you try to fight, then you’ll die. I can stand the idea of you dying, Mark. Please just don’t.”

Mark’s jaw hardened. “I made you a promise. I will never stop fighting for you. If that means I die in the process, so be it. You’re worth it.”

“I’m not. I’m not more important than anyone else here. Please,” I begged. I was shaking with fear and rage. Why was this happening today of all days? This was my birthday. Everyone worked so hard to make me happy, and here I was, ready to give my life so everyone could live.

“This is getting too sappy for me,” Theron said. “I’m over it.”

“Don’t make a move,” Jori threatened.

Theron scoffed in return. “You really think you are in charge here? Such a fool. Maybe I should kill just to prove you wrong. Maybe I should kill you all.”

“You promised!” I snapped. The idea of him killing everyone was too much. The heat inside of me boiled over, and I could feel my skin burning. I looked at my hands, and they were glowing brighter than they had before. I could feel the dam ready to burst. Then I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

“What do you think you are trying to do?” Theron asked, dropping the syringe from his hand. “I didn’t think I would need this to suppress your powers, but I was wrong. It’s time for us to go. I’ve had enough of this show.”

Mark and Jori both lunged forward, but Theron disappeared with me in his arms.

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