The Unwanted Wolf

The Hunted Wolf – Chapter 59


My fingers quivered as I reached for Mark’s shirt. I was shaking from pleasure already, but I still wanted more. I lifted his shirt above his, and he helped me speed up the process. He pulled out of me for a moment to remove the rest of his clothing. He slipped his fingers on my bottoms and pulled them off in one swift motion. He slammed back into me, making me scream from the pleasure that radiated through my body.

He captured my lips with his own and nibbled on my bottom l*p. My hands grasped for anything, and I found his hair, pulling it gently. He growled into my neck at the sensation and moved his h**s faster and faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist to help him hit even deeper. He started hitting the perfect spot over and over again, and my eyes rolled behind my head.

“Mark,” I m****d. “I… I need you.”

“I know, baby.” He sucked on the sensitive spot that used to hold his mark. He nipped at me, teasing me with what my body needed most. He rolled his h**s into mine, and I was breathless from all of the pleasure.

“Please,” I begged, arching my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.

Mark picked up the pace of his thrusts, and I felt the familiar build up of pleasure in my belly. I was on the edge of release, and Mark sensed that. He bit down on my neck, sending me over the edge. My body burned with pleasure, and the sensation filled every cell of my body. There was a slight searing pain, but Mark quickly licked the mark to help it heal. Something about this time around made the pleasure feel more intense.

Mark kissed me as I continued to ride out the wave of pleasure. When it was all over, my body relaxed, collapsing into the bed. The exhaustion began to overcome me, but I wasn’t ready for that yet. I pulled myself back up, sucking on Mark’s sensitive spot.

“You don’t have to if you’re too tired,” Mark whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist. He sat up, pulling me up with him.

I shifted so I was straddling him as he sat against the headboard. He kept his arm around my waist and stroked my cheek.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. “I don’t want to stop. I want to make you mine now. I can’t stand not being fully mated and marked with you.” I rolled my h**s on Mark, starting the friction again. Mark g*****d in response, and I knew he wasn’t going to protest.

He moved his hands to my h**s, helping me bounce up and down on his c**k. I leaned my head back, enjoying the feeling of my mate being so close to me. I loved every moment of it, and even though my body was starting to ache with tiredness, I didn’t want to stop. I cupped Mark’s face and started kissing him intensely. Nothing tasted better than him, and I would be happy if I could taste him every day for the rest of my life.

I moved my k****s down Mark’s neck, sucking on his sweet spot. I took pleasure in his m***s echoing in my ear, and I dragged it out a little longer. Mark growled with impatience, and he started thrusting up into me, distracting me a little. It felt like it was becoming a game, so I bit down on his neck, marking him. His body tensed, and then I felt him released in me. I bounced a few more times, helping Mark ride out his own euphoria, and when he was down, we both collapsed onto the bed, trying to catch our breaths.

I looked at Mark and started laughing softly to myself. Mark raised his eyebrows at me. “Why are you laughing?”

I grabbed his hand and inspected his fingers, still laughing. “I know everything that happened over the past week was awful, and I wouldn’t choose to willingly go through it again, but no one else has ever been able to experience marking their mate on more than one occasion.” I shifted onto my back and smiled, gazing at the ceiling.

Mark propped himself onto his elbow and looked at me. “Of course you would find the positive in this situation.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I grabbed his face and pulled him in for a proper k**s. I found myself getting lost in the k**s rather quickly, but I pulled away before things went any further. My body felt too exhausted for another round. I snuggled in closer to Mark and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep.

Mark stroked my hair. “I have to go to Pack Sallow’s pack house today to help them out. You should stay here and rest and recover for the rest of the day.”

My eyes snapped open, and I saw Mark staring at me. “If you’re going, then I’m going.”

Mark frowned, still continuing to stroke my hair. “You need your rest. I’ll be okay.”

I grabbed Mark’s hand, holding it tightly. My heart was racing. “I don’t want to be left here alone.” I could feel tears starting to threaten my eyes, which felt ridiculous. I should not have been that emotional just from the idea of Mark being away from me for several hours. I wasn’t sure if it was the pregnancy or the trauma from being forced to be separated from Mark, but I didn’t want him to go anywhere without me.

Mark wiped the tears away from my eyes and kissed my forehead. “Hey, hey, don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry.” I hid my face in his chest, which muffled my voice. “I don’t know why I’m crying. I just can’t stand the idea of being away from you for very long right now. Even breakfast with Rie felt like a lot. I know I’m being ridiculous.”

Mark grabbed my face and made me look at him. “You’re not being ridiculous. Being away from you while Cain held you captive felt like the worst time of my life. I acted like I was being strong, but inside it was a completely different story. I never understood why mates acted so clingy before you, but now I get it. Being away from you feels like I’m missing part of myself.”

I sniffled, trying to stop crying, but Mark’s words only made me cry more. “I was so scared I would never see you again, and I would never be able to tell you about the baby. Even now, sometimes I’m afraid to blink, like this is all a dream that I’ll wake up from the moment I close my eyes.”

Mark wiped away my tears again. “I promise you this isn’t a dream, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure no one takes you again.” He leaned down and kissed me, and I felt much better. I still didn’t want to be without Mark, but it made me feel better that I wasn’t alone in that feeling.

When Mark released the k**s, I whispered, “Have I told you how much I love you recently?”

Mark smiled. “Hmm, I don’t think so. Why don’t you tell me again?”

I rolled my eyes, secretly loving it. I spread my arms out as wide as I could in this position. “I love you this much times a million.”

Mark stretched his own arms out, grabbing my hands. “And I love you this much times a billion.”

I giggled, interlacing my fingers with him and kissed him. “You, sir, are silly.”

“Does it make you love me more?” He had such a goofy grin which made butterflies churn in my stomach.

“Of course.” My eyes started to grow heavy now that mood lifted a little. I closed my eyes and rested my head on Mark again.

Mark stroked my hair. “Just rest for now, my love. We’ll go to Pack Sallow together after we both get some sleep.”

Mark, Scythe, Percy and myself stood outside of the pack house for Pack Sallow, and we were all feeling pretty nervous. I could feel Mark’s insides vibrating with anxiousness, but he looked composed on the outside. I understood why he was feeling so nervous. We were basically stepping into a wolf pack to help them out while their alpha was incapacitated, but no one asked for our help. There were only a few ways this could really go.

Scythe stepped forward and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer the door. We weren’t going to walk in like we owned the place. That would only go badly. The door opened to a familiar face. Cindy opened the door with a warm and welcoming smile on her face.

She moved past Scythe and Percy and went straight for me. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly. “Adira! It’s been too long. You look amazing.”

I hugged Cindy tightly, instantly feeling better. I hadn’t seen Cindy since shortly before Jori rejected me, so it was good to see her and know she still liked me, even though I didn’t choose her alpha. “It’s good to see you. I hope your studies are going well.”

Cindy laughed and shook her head. “As well as they ever have, so not great. I’m doing what I can though, given everything that’s going on. Eva is going to be thrilled to see you, by the way. She asks about you all of the time, wondering when you’ll join our pack.”

It had only been a few months since I had seen these two, but I was excited to see Eva. She was sweet, and I was touched that she still asked about me. “I can’t believe she is still asking about that.”

“You make a great first impression,” Cindy said. She grabbed my free hand and started leading me inside. “Come on. Everyone is waiting for you and Alpha Mark.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

I pulled Mark along with me, and Scythe and Percy weren’t far behind. “They are waiting for me too?”

Cindy continued leading us to the backyard. “Of course. You and Mark are a duo after all. They are expecting the alpha and luna.”

I wasn’t officially the luna of Pack Aphelion yet, but I didn’t bother to correct her. Mark and I were mated and marked, and that was almost more than an official title. Focusing on a technicality wasn’t worth the energy. Besides, in just a few days, I would be the luna.

We made it to the backyard, and there were rows and rows of chairs set up, and the pack house was already gathered around, waiting. There was a small stage at the front.

“Who set this all up?” I asked, amazed that everyone was already gathered.

“I helped some of the others set up and gather the members. There was some resistance to this meeting, but it wasn’t too bad,” Cindy said.

“How has the pack been handling everything?” I asked.

Cindy’s face fell. “Some days, I don’t know. There are a select few of us trying to hold this pack together, but it’s hard. There are others who feel like they can just do whatever they want with Alpha Jori not here. There has been a lot of fighting. It’s a little scary sometimes.”

My heart broke hearing this. Cindy was too young to be dealing with all of this, but I was also impressed with her actions. Most teenagers wouldn’t step up in her situation. I gave her a reassuring smile. “Alpha Mark, Scythe, Percy, and I will do what we can to help you guys out. Don’t worry.”

Cindy threw her arms around me. “I’m glad you are here.” She pulled away and looked down at the ground. “I don’t mean this in a bad way, but I wish you were my luna.”

I nodded, unsure of what to say. I would love it if I was her luna, but she would have to leave her own pack to do it. I would never suggest that to someone. It wasn’t my place to take her away from her home. “Even if I’m not your luna, you can always come to me for help.”

Cindy nodded. “Well, I should find a place to sit. Thank you all for your help.” She scurried off to join the crowd.

I turned to look at Mark. “Are you ready for this?”

Mark nodded and squeezed my hand. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

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