The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Nikolai’s point of view during the auction

I opened the doors to my bedchamber and beckoned the two guards waiting outside into the room.

‘Sire.” They both bowed in unison.

They were twin seers from the Dragon troupe. I had rescued them when they were just hatchlings from human hunters and they swore their fealty to me as my protectors. I brought them back home to my kingdom and had them trained by my strongest warriors. They were now my personal guards, and I trusted them almost as much as I trusted Kade.

“Take Martha’s body and bury it in the gardens. Near the Willow tree.” Martha always loved the willow tree, it reminded her of her daughter, Willow, who was killed in the first war. The twins didn’t need to know that part though.

The both bowed at me, before going to Martha, Draq, the taller twin, picked her gently and carried her bridal style in his arms. Dru, the smaller twin, looked around seeing if anything else needed to be removed from my room, before he followed Draq out, closing my door behind them.

I sat on my bed, running my hands through my jet black hair. Martha’s blood had taken the edge off my hunger, but I still wasn’t satisfied. I need young blood, new blood. I was looking forward to the auction tonight. Glancing out my window and seeing the setting sun, I knew we would need to leave soon, the auction started at sunset.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my closet, looking for something to wear tonight. I wish I could just throw on a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt and call it a day, but since I was going to an auction, where my subjects would be, I needed to dress for the occasion. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that I had to keep up appearances and grabbed the first suit my eyes landed on. It was a standard suit, nothing to fancy, perfect for the occasion. Now tie or no tie, walking towards my dresser I opened up

the door, and looked down at my ties narrowing my eyes at them. Fuck it. I’m not going to wear a tie today, if the council objects they can take it up with me. I’ll come out the winner. I always do. I quickly put the suit on, leaving a couple buttons undone on the white shirt, hating how restricting the dress shirt felt. I pushed my sleeves up above my elbows, deciding to ditch the jacket. I quickly pulled my slacks up. Kade walked into the room as I was slipping on my shoes.

“Well you look charming,” Kade said pushing his curly brown locks out of his face. He was wearing a pair of ripped black jeans, and a white shirt.

I growled at him, feeling myself getting more annoyed.

“Geeze,” calm down dude, Kade said laughing. “You need to get laid Nik, I can see the tension rolling off you.”

“Is that way of volunteering your sister?” I asked taunting Kade. His sister was screamed sex, and if Kade wasn’t my best friend, I would’ve already fucked her.

“Dude, Fuck off.” Kade said.

I smiled knowing I had gotten to him. “Come on, lets go. The auction is getting ready to start.

I walked over to Kade, grabbing his arm, as I envisioned the auction house. Kade groaned, rubbing his eyes, the auction house appearing in front of us.

“Damnit, Nik. I told you to warn me before you did that.”

Kade hated when I traveled by teleportion but it was the quickest way for us to get to the auction house, and I wanted to get there before anyone else. That way we can take our seat in the top balcony, undetected. Traveling by teleportation was one of the many benefits bestowed upon me when I became King of the Supernaturals. I received a gift from each species. The witches gave me the gift of

teleportation, the werewolves gave me the capability to hide my scent from any supernatural being. The dragons bestowed upon the gift invincibility, the mermaids the ability to breathe underwater, and the fairies granted me the gift of flight. All of the gifts plus my original power as a vampire made me invincible, which is why I got so upset every time the council discussed making me pick a Queen.

As soon as I walked into the Auction House, I was hit with an aroma that made all my senses go into hyper drive. I felt my fangs pierce through my gums, as my senses honed in all the smell. Whoever this smell was coming from I had to have them. My beast wouldn’t be satisfied until I could have a taste. It took everything in me not to storm backstage and grab whomever that smell was coming from.

“Dude, are you okay?” Kade asked a worried look on his face.

“I’m fine,” I growled out.

“Didn’t you eat before coming here?” Kade asked, concerned laced in his voice.

“Yes, Kade.” I said trying to hold back another growl.

“Then why does it look like your beast is ready to come out and play?” Kade said intrigued by my current situation.

“I can smell something intoxicating,” I said opening up to my friend. “I have to have whomever that smell is coming from. My beast won’t settle for less.”

Kade nodded his head like he understood my predicament. “If the smells coming from a human, you know you’ll kill it right?”

I had already thought of that though. If I don’t let the beast feast one the person this smell is coming from, then it would destroy everything in its path. What’s one life compared to millions. I grunted as a

response, and continued to up the stairs to our VIP box. People started showing up shortly after filling the place. It seemed like everyone was looking to bring home a new meal.

The auction began shortly after the last customer took their seat, I tried to inhaling to see if I could narrow down who the smell was coming from , but it seemed as if whoever the scent had come from, had been left the premise. I was agitated at the thought, but decided to sit through the entirety of the auction, knowing that I needed to bring home at least one new blood slave.

A beautiful woman walked out with tanned skin, and long curly brunette hair. I watched as Kade stilled beside me, and I knew she’d be going home with us. Kade kept getting outbid by Lord Bryson, a vampire lord from old money. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“A million Jewel,” Kade growled.

I raised my eyebrow at him inquisitively.

“What,” Kade snapped “ I hate to lose.”

The Auctioneer counted down, making Kade the highest bidder. I paid no attention to the next auction. I was irritated by the entire thing, frustrated that the intoxicating scent had disappeared. I briefly heard a “sold to Lord Issacson.” Come from the Auctioneers mouth, when I let out a sigh of relief. The auction was over. I could head home now, and find a pretty vampire to take my rage out on. I glanced down at the stage and my heart skipped a beat.

“Mine.” I whispered gazing at the red headed beauty standing on the stage. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever set eyes on, and I felt the instant need to protect her.

“I want her.” I snarled loudly making my presence known.

The auctioneer started to stutter and tried to explain to me that she’d already been sold, but I didn’t care. I was taking her home with me. I let my aura rip around me, covering the entirety of the auction house, I watched as every being there crouched stilled with fright.

“I don’t care.” I growled. “ I want her. She is mine.”

I walked down from my box, the crowd separating for me. I tossed a bag of jewels to the auctioneer covering the cost of the girl, plus some. The closer I got to her, the quicker I realized she was who I had smelled earlier, she smelt like vanilla with a hint of lavender, and reminded me of childhood I had once forgotten. Looking closely at her, I realized the wolves had washed her, causing her scent to be diluted by their shampoos. I let out a low growl at the thought of someone else touching her.

I beckoned her to me, and as she began to walk off the stage, she tripped over the cord, the instinct to protect her took over and I caught her in my arms, where our skinned touched, it felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. I gazed down at the woman in my arms, and realized she was spilling out of the tiny bikini that they’d put her in. Every man here had the pleasure of feasting their gaze upon her. I felt rage build up inside of me.

“Get her something to cover herself.” I growled at Beta Daniels. He quickly grabbed the robe that was sitting behind stage and tossed it at her. She put it on hurriedly, tying it tight around her perfect little body.

I quickly linked my friend, ready to take my new slave out of this hell whole. ‘Kade, I’m leaving now. You’ll have to find another way home with your new slave.’

‘That’s fine with me’ Kade replied .

I walked over to the woman, and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her close to me, her heart rate accelerating at my actions. I thought of my bedchambers in the palace and we were teleported there instantly.

“Oh my god, I’m going to hurl.” The woman said looking around for something to be sick in.

“The bathrooms that way,” I said pointing in the direction of my personal bathe house.

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