The War God’s Favorite

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

The Prince’s Child

As promised, the Imperial Concubine took Cassandra to walk around the markets accompanied by an

army of servants and her children. While Shareen didn’t hide her boredom, Kairen simply followed

Cassandra like a shadow, touching her sometimes as if to reassure her that he was there. The little

group observed the many stalls with interest and, to Cassandra’s surprise, the townspeople didn’t

seem alarmed to see the Imperial Concubine wandering among them.

They kneeled as they were supposed to in front of the Imperial Family members, but it was obvious

that they were used to dealing with Concubine Kareen. She was familiar with some of the merchants

too, and many people personally greeted her when they saw her. She was very respected around here.

Cassandra was starting to grow fond of her and her unique character too. She could easily see how

Kairen and Shareen had grown into the personalities they had, so different from those of their siblings.

Their mother was very cynical, down-to-earth, and forthright.

Cassandra also appreciated that she spoke to her as if they were equals, showing great interest in her

knowledge about plants and spices.

“For the skin?” she said doubtfully, as Cassandra was showing her some yellow spice.

“Yes. Turmeric is good for cooking, but it also helps with skin inflammation and redness, and you can

drink it as tea.”

“Interesting. Let’s buy some, I want to try it. I’m old enough to start showing some wrinkles soon.”

She was far from looking old though. Concubine Kareen was one of the most beautiful women

Cassandra had ever seen, even among the court ladies. She had a cold, natural beauty, with unique

traits. Her hair was colored with that enigmatic deep red color, without an ounce of white to be seen.

They walked up to the next stall where some jewelry was laid out. The merchant immediately started

showing his goods to the Concubines, but neither of them were really interested.

Suddenly, a ruckus started behind them. Cassandra, afraid, turned around but the commotion was over

in an instant. She heard a snap followed by a man being pinned to the ground, Kairen’s foot on his

back and Shareen’s whip around his throat. (1)

Not impressed at all, Kareen turned around and looked at the man. The knife he had held in his hand

had fallen at her feet. She picked it up, observed it, then swung it around.

“Who sent you?”

The man stayed silent. The Imperial Concubine exchanged a glance with her daughter and Shareen

smirked before tightening the whip. The man’s face started turning blue as he began to suffocate. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“Talk. I won’t have any guilt killing you slowly and very painfully, and whoever paid you knew that.”

“I…I don’t…”

Kareen sighed as the man struggled to talk.


“How useless. Who was your target, then?”

The man tried to stay silent once more, struggling to breathe, but his eyes betrayed him. In a split

second, he had glanced at Cassandra, but immediately avoided her returning stare.

She stepped back, shocked. She had only been there for a couple of hours! How could an assassin

already have

come to kill her?

“What shall we do with him, Mother?” asked Shareen.

“Whatever you want. Let’s go back before another one comes out though.”

Kareen turned back towards the Palace and started walking. Cassandra, still in shock, had her eyes

riveted on the man. However, Kairen stepped between them, gently pushing her to follow in his

mother’s tracks. After a few steps, she heard a whip slashing through the air and people screaming.

Kairen kept her from looking back though, blocking her view and holding her by her waist so that they

continued forward.

Back at the Castle, it was as if nothing had happened, but Cassandra couldn’t stop worrying.

“How do they already know?” she asked. “Why would they attack so soon?”


“Those people have rats everywhere, especially where their rivals are concerned. They know this is my

city and since I took the egg, they knew Kairen would come, and you with him.”

Cassandra felt a chill run through her. To think people were already hunting her down… hunting her

unborn child! She knew the rivalry between the Imperial Family was terrible, but experiencing it

firsthand was something else.

In fact, the reason the Emperor had so many more daughters than sons was because the boys were

hunted from birth. The six Princes that were alive today had all been through a lot to make it to

adulthood, as had their mothers. The Emperor had many concubines, but no Empress, so in the race to

the Golden Throne, all six brothers were almost equal. However, having heirs definitely gave them an


And she was carrying one of the Emperor’s grandsons. It wouldn’t just be during her pregnancy,

Cassandra would be targeted for the rest of her life for being a Prince’s Concubine. No wonder it was

such a dangerous position.

She had been replaying these thoughts in her head until they had got back to the Diamond Castle and

Kareen insisted on her taking a nap.

“Just go and rest in my son’s room. A mother-to-be shouldn’t experience too many emotions in a day,

and with this afternoon’s fight, you must be tired. I’ll have a bath drawn for you before dinner.”

Cassandra silently nodded, and Kairen escorted her back to his room.

She sat on his bed, still frowning, worried and confused. To her surprise, her Prince kneeled down in

front of her.

“My Lord, don’t kneel!”

“We’re alone,” he said, ignoring her plea. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Cassandra only hesitated a second before giving in.

“That man… He wanted to hurt our baby.”


“How many more will come to try and hurt him?”

“Aren’t you afraid for yourself?”

She shook her head, putting a hand on her belly.

“I’ve never been scared for myself. Before today, I… No, before meeting you, I was never afraid of

death. But, now that I’m carrying this child, everything is so different. I’m really afraid something bad

will happen to your son.”

The Prince sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist. With her thin build, he easily trapped her in


embrace, yet he was nothing but gentle with her.

“I’ll protect you… and our son. Mother will, too.”

Cassandra smiled gently at him, but it was a smile that held some pain in it too. She caressed his

cheek, her heart feeling a bit lighter, just from the feeling of his skin under her finger tips.

“I know…but…this is a cruel world. I’m afraid that this baby will suffer. I just wish he could be born

safely, grow up healthy and without worry.”

Cassandra shook her head. This was really too hard. Now, it wasn’t only her own safety at stake, but

that of her baby as well. Even if she was having a hard time accepting it, she was pregnant with her

Prince’s child. A potential future heir to the whole Empire, yet he was still nothing but a defenseless

baby right now.

Kairen suddenly stood up and reached for her, enveloping her in his arms without warning. Cassandra

was taken by surprise by his big hands holding her, but she was used to it and let herself go, allowing

him to comfort her. When she could finally retreat a bit, she observed him, blushing a bit from being so


“I’ll protect you,” he assured her again. “Cassandra. You’re mine… and this child is ours. I won’t let

anything happen to our son. Do you think I would let anything happen to you?”

She realized he was expecting a response, asking how much she trusted him at that moment.

Somehow, it made her feel better and she finally relaxed a bit.

“No. I know you will protect our baby.”

“I’ll protect both of you…forever. I only need you. And our child. And any other children you’ll give me.”

Cassandra blushed uncontrollably. Not just this one, but her Prince wanted more children with her! She

nodded with a smile. She did trust him. Trusted the War God, the one man who had protected her all

this time.

She leaned in to kiss him, a long, sweet and sensual kiss. Of course he responded, caressing her.

Slowly, Kairen pushed her on the bed, holding her tightly and grazing every inch of her body. Each of

his moves were so gentle, yet passionate. She felt her body getting warmer.

“Stay here,” he whispered.


“Stay here. At the Diamond Palace with my mother and Shareen. They’ll protect you, too.”

“You think I’ll be safer here?”

He shook his head, still holding her and caressing her hips.

“Just…for now. I will come back for you in a few days. I need to see my father.”


But Kairen shook his head. Whatever he wanted to tell his father, he wasn’t ready to tell Cassandra yet.

She wondered what it was, but didn’t dare pry. She only nodded, closing her eyes and resting her head

on his shoulder, where she could feel his warmth and inhale his scent. Cassandra felt much better now

that they had talked and she never felt as comfortable and secure as when she was in the Prince’s

arms. Kairen, gently pulling his fingers through her hair, helped her fall asleep, but the Prince wasn’t

ready for a nap himself. He kept his eyes open, dark as shadows, thinking of what to do next.

When she woke up a couple hours later, Cassandra was surprised to find Kairen gone. The Prince had

left during her rest, according to the servant who woke her up.

– His mother, however, was waiting for her at dinner with Shareen. Both women seemed aware that

Kairen was

gone, making Cassandra feel a bit better about it, though she wished he had said goodbye before


“You will stay here for now,” announced Kareen, as the three women finished eating. “As discussed, I

will keep you safe and make sure your child grows healthily. Outside threats won’t get into this Palace.”

“Excuse me, Concubine Mother, but…how are you so sure? This man, back at the market, he attacked

us so


“The market is the market. This Palace is my domain. No one comes in or out without my permission,

and I have the highest security.”

Just as Cassandra was about to ask a question, a large shadow suddenly appeared above them. She

almost jumped, taken by surprise. It wasn’t Krai. The dragon stared at them from above the stone wall

looking grumpy.

This dragon was much smaller, about the size of three large dogs, dark purple, and with yellow eyes

like a cat. Cassandra felt strange. How did the Concubine Mother have a dragon?

“This is Sraï. He is the guardian of this Palace…and an avid eater of intruders.”

As she said that, the dragon softly growled and Shareen smirked.

“I wondered if he was still stuck to you, Mother. He is so tiny, but he makes a good watchdog, I guess.”

Her mother responded with a glare.

“You too, Shareen. You will stay here and make sure Cassandra stays safe.”

“Me? I am not a concubine’s bodyguard!”

“Unless I say so,” warned her mother. “Do you want to upset me, Daughter?”

The two exchanged glares for several long, unsettling seconds. Cassandra felt badly, caught between

the two of them, but didn’t dare to say a word before one of them.

“Ugh… Fine!” Shareen finally conceded.

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