The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


I took it and stood up, groaning in pain. He led me to the bathroom, putting me in first. The solar water heater was not very efficient this time of year, so by the time I had done my body and hair there wasn’t hot water left. “Sorry about the water,” I said as I stepped out. “By the look of you, you could use a cold shower.” He looked down and smiled, looking back with those puppy-dog eyes. “Nope, not happening. I just got clean and I have to go do the dishes,” I said.

He kissed me and moved into the shower. “Cold showers won’t stop me or my wolf,” he said with a smile. I walked out of the room, my arousal flaring already. I had a feeling we’d be mating a LOT over the next few days.

I started lunch, we would need the energy.

Alpha Yuri’s POV

“THEY HAVEN’T FOUND HER FUCKING BODY YET, YOU IDIOTS!” I was standing behind my desk, pushing back the impulses to kill my Beta and these three lawyers sitting across from me. “She’s DEAD, we have the video. Everyone has seen it. Show it to the fucking Judge and get my money!”

The lead lawyer paled, I could smell his fear. “It’s not that easy, sir. As we were saying, Ms. Donato has not been officially declared dead. Until she is, her petition is still valid. We did have a hearing this morning and the judge granted a continuance, but under the law she has to be missing for six months before she can be declared dead, even with the video.”

I walked over to the bar in my office, pouring myself a drink. Idiots. “And there is nothing we can do.”

“No sir. She needs to be declared dead either in Russia or America. Once that happens, her claim goes away and with no other claims against the estate, the judge can declare it for you.”

“Then make that happen. Work both sides, get me a fucking death certificate and get it done quickly,” I said. “Get out.” The lawyers couldn’t leave my office fast enough. I turned to my Beta, Sasha. “Arrange a video call with the people we had kill her. I need to know what they did with her body.”

“Yes sir.” He left my office as I sat down and looked out the window. I tossed the vodka back and poured another from the bottle I’d brought over. I had to do something, the loan interest was killing me. I was tapped out on cash from the original contract. The longer this went on, the more I’d have to sell properties, cash in investments, or give up businesses to keep the payments up. The Italians didn’t care, they wanted their money. Only a fool would default on such a huge loan.

It took until the next morning to set up the call. Once again, the other man was in silhouette, a puffy beard hiding the shape of his face. “What do you want,” he said to me.

“Jessie Donato has not been declared dead, and that is preventing things from going forward. I need you to let her body be found.”

He laughed at me. “You paid me to kill her, not to get caught. Her body will never be found.”

“She has to be found, I need a death certificate.”

“Then you go find her, I’m not wasting my time.” He paused for a moment. “We put her in a bag, chained it and weighted it with anchors, then dumped her into Lake Superior.”


“About a mile due east of Tofte boat ramp. Good luck, it’s in about four hundred feet of water. Do not contact me again.” He cut the connection. I turned to my Beta. “Any luck tracing that?”

Sasha shook his head. “The videoconferencing software hides the individual IP’s,” he said. “We’d have to go through the hosting company.”

“Do it,” I said. “And put a team together in the States. I need that body recovered, and I need it soon. And call the men off her lawyer, the last thing I need now is another reason to delay the decision.” He left, and I poured another drink. I had three days to go until the next payment was due. Spending a million to find the body was much cheaper.

Former Alpha David’s POV

The next morning, six SUV’s pulled out of our compound and headed north for Lake Vermillion. I was in the back of the lead vehicle with Beta Fergus, as the two of us would lead any attack. One of the warriors was driving us, and the other vehicles contained Pack warriors except the last one, which had our Pack doctor and nurse and medical supplies. The cases contained rifles with silver-core bullets, silver knives coated in wolfsbane, and sedative autoinjectors that would knock out a full-grown werewolf in seconds. We were loaded for bear, as they said, and we weren’t coming back until we had our vengeance.

The convoy headed north on Interstate 35 towards Duluth. The drive was going to take about four hours, including one stop for gas. We spent some time on the computers figuring out the best area to stage everyone outside their Pack area. They had a lot of land, but it was up against State forest which they could use but not claim. We studied the satellite images of the area and the maps we had of their territory, looking for a place close enough for what we wanted. A fast run into the compound, before the men could react and protect their Alpha from us.

“Here’s the Alpha residence,” I said as we looked at the satellite photo. The compound was built in concentric circles; the main Pack House at the center, shops and businesses surrounding it along with the Pack Clinic, gym and senior leadership houses. The next ring of road had smaller houses for Pack families, and outside of that was open lawns, playgrounds and training fields. In the back, a large building, like a pole barn, would hold large equipment and storage. “This building is also where they would do punishments, out of sight,” I added.


“The Pack House has a large safe room, many of the residences have panic rooms. The armory is in the Pack House, and they will have trained the women as snipers. I would estimate thirty to fifty warriors of age.”

“With jobs and other obligations, that means maybe three to five guards on duty at any time,” Fergus said. “That’s a typical rotation if not at war.”

“Figure one or two at the main entrance, one patrolling the compound itself, and one or two running the border,” I said. “That’s a fifty-mile perimeter, so the border will only get checked every few hours. As long as we don’t stage too close, we should be able to avoid detection.” We settled on two points, half our men would approach from the others would come from the south. Both teams would race to the Alpha’s House and take him into custody, while the second group would head to the barn in case John was being held there.

“Where are the cells?”

“Underneath the pole barn, I’d venture to say. They wouldn’t want any prisoners near the housing.”

“What are our rules of engagement,” Fergus asked.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“We want the leadership, not the rest,” I said. “Use sedatives and non-lethal force where you can, but if you have to kill, you kill and move on. I’ll take two autoinjectors with me, hiding them in my clothes. I’ll try and get at least the Alpha alone, if not his mate too. Once I knock them out, I’ll link my men and we’ll attack.” I smiled as I thought about what would come next. “We’ll make our own little video, I think. We’ll use that same punishment pole and execute them in front of their own Pack, just like they did our Jessica.”

“You men can have your fun, but if my Beta has been killed, I want to kill the Alpha myself,” Fergus said. “We’ve been best friends since we were pups.”

“I will give you that, as it would hurt me to kill my friend, even if he does deserve it.” I took a long drink from the coffee I’d brought. “Show them no mercy.”

Jessie’s POV

I loved my wolf, and every part of being one so far.

After we had showered and eaten lunch, John had taken me back outside for what he called “Werewolf Boot Camp.” We spent the rest of the day as he helped me learn what my wolf and I could do together. I shifted a hundred times or so, and he was right- after the first five, it didn’t hurt much, and I was getting faster. By the end of the day I could jump off the porch in my human form and land as a wolf.

We went through the woods, learning how to track and to hunt. The island had no deer, but it did have rabbits and mice. My wolf was more than happy to take the lead in using her nose to find prey, and soon had a fat mouse between her teeth. I cringed, but when she crunched it and swallowed, I was strangely satisfied. The rabbit was even better, fat and ready for winter.

We spent some time play fighting as I unlocked my wolf’s natural fighting ability. At first I was getting knocked down quicky, his teeth at my throat, but after a few hours I was able to give him a decent fight before I lost. “You’ll improve quickly with practice,” he told me. “Your wolf is strong, she is an Alpha. Let her out and she will protect you both.”

It was good advice for all things Wolfy.

At the end of the fighting practice, we shifted back into our human forms and I just stared at him. He was the hottest man I’d even seen; his broad chest, chiseled abs and ripped arms made me all tingly. I moved towards him, reaching a hand out to trace the bead of sweat running down from his neck. The tingles flowed, and soon he was touching me too. I reached further down, teasing him to full hardness before he pulled me down on the grass on top of him.

I loved this part of being mated as well, and we had mated often and everywhere since that first night. I knew some of it was this being our honeymoon and discovering each other, but with the wolves it was more. My wolf’s drives were primal, she wanted to eat, claim and mate. There was one thing my wolf wanted I hadn’t done yet, and now was the time.

I held his hands in mine, pinned next to his head as I rode him to my orgasm. “Cum with me, love,” he said as I felt him start to tense. My wolf took over, shifting my face and jaw and letting her teeth come out. We exploded together, and then I struck. Biting hard on the juncture of his neck and shoulder, I marked him as mine forever. His blood filled my mouth, the taste setting off another orgasm, and I held him until it was over.

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