The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


His breathing was changing, and it wasn’t long until he opened his eyes. Jessie stood next to me, the Pack Doctor and his mate Pamela on the other side. “Welcome back, Alpha Michael,” the doctor said as he opened his eyes.

I watched as he looked around, smiling as he saw his mate, then turned his head and saw Jessie. A look of sadness came over him for a moment, then it was gone. He turned back to his mate. “How… are they…”

“Everyone is going to recover, baby. You just rest, you gave me a scare.”

“Alpha Michael, do you know who it was who drugged you?” Pamela looked at me, but I needed to know. Shura couldn’t get away.

He sank back into the pillow, closing his eyes. “I heard the door open, then I was hit with the shot. I was watching the trial with the others, I didn’t see anything.”

“The smell? Did you recognize the person?”

“No… not a rogue, that would have tipped me off.” His mate gave him some water to drink.

“Anything else you can tell me that might help?”

He shook his head, then focused on his mate. Jessie started moving her hands over him, her powers showing up in the glow.

Suddenly, the Doctor ran to the door along with his nurses. “What’s going on?”

“The Alpha, something is wrong, he passed out in the conference room,” one of the Omegas helping out said, barely holding back tears. “It doesn’t look good.”

Everyone was focused on the door and the sounds in the hallway, except me. I looked back at Jessie, she was pulling her magic back, her eyes still closed. A movement caught my eye, Alpha Michael’s right fingers were moving a large ring around on his hand while his left hand held his mate. I heard a faint click, then his hand was moving towards her neck. “NO!!” My hand shot forward, quicker than he could move his arm since the drug was still working out of his system. I caught his wrist just before it got to her, and I pushed his hand to the side as my body shoved Jessie out of the way. I ignored her squeal as she fell to the floor, focusing on the ring. A cover had popped open, and a needle was showing with a drop of liquid.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

He brought his left hand across to hit me, but I ignored it. I put my left arm by his elbow and my shoulder moved behind my right hand, forcing his arm to bend back towards his chest. The sheets had pulled down, and when his arm snapped the ring was forced to his chest. He screamed in pain, his mate trying to jump across to attack me, but one of Jessie’s guards grabbed her and forced her to the ground. “RESTRAIN HIM,” I yelled as he tried to get up.

I wasn’t letting go of his broken arm, and I didn’t have leverage to punch him while leaning half over the bed like I was to press his right hand to his chest. I head butted him, his nose crunching as I hit his face. While he was disoriented, the guards and Jessie rushed to assist. Two of Sven’s warriors came in, sedating Luna Pamela before cuffing both of Michael’s legs to the bed along with his good arm. I was still laying on his right arm, and they used ropes to tie it off at the elbow and wrist to the bed rail before I was able to stand up again.

“Stay clear of his right hand,” I said as I let go and backed off. I looked over at Jessie, she was standing near the wall, her guard in front of her. “Are you all right?” She nodded, still looking at the Alpha and trying to figure out what just happened.

Council Chairs Robert and Francois came into the room, surrounded by Council Enforcers. “What’s going on here,” Robert asked.

“Alpha Michael tried to poison Jessie,” I said. “Look at the ring on his right hand.” The enforcers and chairs came over and looked, seeing what I did. The cap was still open, the needle visible. “Whatever it was, it’s in his chest right now. He tried to poke Jessie, but I caught his hand and forced it down into him.” You could see the drop of blood on his chest from where it

An enforcer put on gloves, then held his hand as he put the hinged cover back in place and removed the ring. A plastic bag was brought over, and it was dropped into it. An older man in a lab coat walked in and stood by Robert, he was the Council physician. “You called sir?”

He pointed to the bag. “Smell that and see if you can identify what it is.”

He put his nose to the bag, his eyes opening wide. “It’s a powerful poison, it attacks the circulatory and respiratory systems of a werewolf. Over the course of four to eight hours, it causes chest pain, racing heartbeat and shortness of breath. As it progresses, the lung tissues are damaged, and the victim starts coughing up blood. Death occurs in eight to twelve hours.” We all looked at him for what was next, and he shook his head slowly side to side. “There is no known cure.”

Robert’s eyes got wide. “Alpha Sven was just brought in with a racing heartbeat and chest pains,” he said.

“He’s across the hall in the trauma room with the Pack doctor,” I said.

“Go,” Robert told his doctor, who left immediately.

“Let me help,” Jessie said. “I don’t know if my magic will work, but do we have a choice?”

Robert looked at her as I pulled her into my side. “What do you want done with him?”

“Roll him into the trial room and let him die with everyone watching, the way he tried to kill me,” Jessie said. “The way he wanted Alpha Sven to die.”

He nodded, linking with his men. “Go do what you can, Jessie. He and his men will be dealt with.” I led Jessie out, our guards falling in behind us. As the door closed, I heard Robert again. “Send people to the Iron Range Pack immediately. Alpha Michael is removed as Pack Alpha, the Council will be in charge until further notice.”

I hoped to hell they found Shura up there.

We went across the hall and the trauma room was a flurry of activity. “Stay out of here,” the Doctor said.

“Jessie is here to use her magic,” I said.

“Fine, she can stay, the rest of you wait outside.” She kissed me, then went to the sink to wash up. I backed out of the room, linking with Alpha Stan so he was up to date.

Jessie’s POV

I moved over to the table, looking down at my friend. He was pale, his breathing labored. The doctors had put an oxygen mask on and had IV’s in, and were talking about how to reduce his heartbeat. Machines were beeping away, and EKG pads were attached to his body in about ten places. While they talked about what to do next, I placed my hands over his chest and allowed the power to flow through me.

When John would ask me how it worked, I honestly didn’t know. The power flowed from my body into his, and it would find the problem and fix it as long as I had the energy to keep it going. It had healed me from gunshot wounds without me even being conscious, Father Kempechny had healed me partially while dying, it just seemed to know what to do. I closed my eyes, letting it do what it needed to do until it felt like I was done. I opened my eyes as the glow faded, then I stepped back.

“He’s stabilizing,” the Council doctor said as they watched the monitors. His pulse dropped back down to eighty, and his blood pressure was returning to normal. “What did you do?”

“I healed what I could,” I said. “I don’t know if I removed the poison or just repaired the damage the poison caused.”

“Keep transfusing blood, if the poison is still there we can reduce the amount,” he said. “We’ll keep monitoring him to see if he degrades again.”

“Keep me posted, I’ve got something else to do,” I said as I walked to the door. As soon as I came out, John had me in his arms and I melted into him, just letting him comfort me. “Thank you for stopping him,” I said as I looked into his eyes.

“I’ll always keep you safe, as long as you don’t fly off on me again,” he said.

“Come on, we’ve got a Beta to find.” Hand in hand, we left the Clinic to return to the Alpha’s conference room.


Jessie’s POV

We walked out of the clinic, holding hands, when I remembered something. “I need something of his, the more it means to him the better, remember?”

He saw one of the Vermillion guards. “Joe, where are the vehicles we captured? I need to find something of Beta Shura’s.”

“I have to check first, everything has to go through the Council now.” He linked to someone, and a minute later Robert and Francois, accompanied by Alpha Stan and another Alpha, were walking towards to us on the lawn.

“Chairmen,” I said as John and bowed our heads slightly in respect. “I need access to Beta Shura’s possessions.”

“That was mentioned, but not why,” Robert said.

“I can do a location spell, it’s how we found out where Luna Linnea was being held,” I said. “The spell gives a direction, and last time I was able to use astral projection to ‘see’ where she was. It probably won’t show us exactly where he is if he’s in a car, but I should be able to get a direction. We can focus our efforts that way.”

“Take my helicopter,” Alpha Stan said. The two Chairs looked at him. “It makes sense, she can give us a direction and the helicopter can get there faster than anything else. It’s perfect for directing people on the ground, we can track him and get people vectored to intercept.”

“You have a helicopter here?”

“I will in five minutes, I called it when we got word he escaped,” he said. “Jesse and John can go up with the pilot, and one other.”

“I’ll go,” Robert said. “I can direct my men from the air. Francois, you can stay in the Alpha’s office with the other Alphas and my security force. Stan, is the pilot one of us?”

“No, he’s human,” he said.

“Then we have to be careful how we communicate. As far as he knows, we’re looking for a runaway.”

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