The Wolf King's Luna




I barge into the room keeping Tammy, startling her from the mat she was sitting on.

After our last confrontation, I had had the furnishings and other comfort stripped from the room.

She hadn't understood the gravity of her crimes and still thought she could have sway in this pack.

I had to show her her place.

Looking at her now, being brought low gives me a vicious joy.

How dare she touch my mate? Order her killed?

It makes me wonder, how many people she has wiped off the earth.

Tammy is a petty, arrogant, and vindictive creature, she would never have taken it lightly, any insult to her person.

And ever since the revelation of what had happened to Catherine, my mind has started to make some connections.

A fight with her in one instance and then the girl vanished a few days later.

An unwilling individual who didn't want to give up his seat had gone missing a few days later.

And so many others like that.

I had thought they had left the pack, efforts to find them had proved futile and no one said anything.

The bitch was destroying my pack and I had no idea.

I am just as disgusted with myself as I am with her.

What kind of Alpha doesn't know what goes on in his pack? Am I that bad? That blind?

No more.

As I walk toward her, I see the fear flash through her eyes as she moves to scramble away from me.


She looks… terrible.

Her hair is dry and lifeless, her skin pale, lips dry. I can see heavy bags under her eyes and broken, bleeding nails, probably caused by her trying to pry off the boards nailed to the windows

She shouldn't look this bad, it has just been a day since I had everything stripped.

She wouldn't have looked this bad, if not for the silver gas I had sprayed all over the room.

There is no need for her to access her wolf.

"Where is he?" I growl as I come to a halt in front of her quivering self and glare at her menacingly.

"W- who?" she stutters out, before breaking into a cough.

"The assassin you set on Catherine. Where is his base?"

"I- I don't know. I- I only-"


Her head slams into the wall behind her, causing her to slip down to the floor in a pathetic mess.

"Let's try this again. Where is he?"

"I don't know. I swear, I don-"


"V- Vance, plea- please. I swea-" This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

"That is Alpha, to you," I coldly tell her.

She looks up at me with the greatest look of betrayal, like I have destroyed her.


"What? Why are you looking at me like that? You don't deserve to call me by my name. That is reserved for people I trust," I spit at her.



Her face is swollen now and she has a bust lip.

"I trusted you. You," I snarl. "I thought you cared for me. That you had my best interest at heart. But what did you do in return? You had my mate beaten and thrown in a river. You hired an assassin to kill her. You have been killing members of my pack, abusing said trust. YOU BETRAYED ME FIRST. And for what? Power? Prestige? Well, how do you like it now?"

I reach forward and grab her by the throat.

"Last chance. Tell me where he is, or I will kill your entire family and make you watch."

"I DON'T KNOW, " she screams, sobbing as tears spill down her face. "I swear I don't know. We only ever met at the borders. I don't even know what he looks like."

"Then how did you get his contact?"

She doesn't answer, just looking up at me like an idiot.

"HOW?!" I roar at her as I show hard enough for me to hear her teeth rattle.

"My dad…it was my dad," she sobs out. "I got his number from his phone," she wails.

Of course.

Dawson was the Beta for my dad. He too must have his own share of skeletons.

I drop her to the ground as I turn to leave only to be stopped by a grip on my ankle.

I look back to see her, grabbing at my legs, and using it to pull herself across the floor.

A dirty, bloody mess.

Please, Va-, Alpha. Please don't kill him. He is my father, please."

I kick her off, disgusted at her touch.

"Your words mean nothing to me. Your father is part of the rot that has permeated my pack, I intend on cutting it off."

"Cody!" she screams. "Cody is your Beta, would you risk his loyalty for this?"

"You poor, stupid girl. The only reason your brother still lives is because I have found no proof tying him to your despicable acts. If he stands in my way, he does too."

I savor the horrified look on her face for a second before turning and walking away, slamming the door on my way out.

Turning to the guard at the door, I ask, "When was the last gas spray?"

"Eight hours ago, Alpha."

"Spray it again. And remember anyone who comes looking for her, you have permission to kill them."

"Yes, Alpha."

With a nod at him, I turn around and walk out of the mansion.

"What are you going to do?" my wolf asks.

"What do you mean, what am I going to do? I am going to get the whereabouts of that assassin and save Catherine."

"Ah, there is no point."

"What do you mean there is no point? He is on his way to kill her. Wait," I stop in my tracks at an evil thought. "Is she- is she dead??"

"No, not dead. She has been reached already."

"By who?"

"Her mate."

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