The Wolf King's Luna




"He will come for you if he hasn't already."

Her words send a chill down my spine. It takes me back to the time when I was chained up. To his cold, dead, and indifferent voice. The amused and fascinated way he talked about killing me.

I was near that monster. Thinking about what he had planned to do to me makes me physically ill, I stumble.

Thankfully, Damon grabbed me before I hit the floor.

"Catherine! Are you okay? Come, sit."

He gently leads me to where Diana is seated and puts me with her. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"It is alright darling," she says as she pats my knees. "We are going to keep you safe."

With gratitude in my heart, I lean my head against her shoulders, her breath a steady and comforting presence.

Damon turns back to the lady, The Falcon.

"You are certain? He will come here? Or are you just guessing?"

"I don't make guesses. And he already has. The very day your Luna woke up, he was standing under those tree covers, watching and listening."

The fear takes flight at those words. And not just me, I see everyone react to it differently.

Ryder and Melissa storm out of the room with most of the wolves on their heels. Faye looks so visibly ill, she drops to the floor, and Diana's hands tighten on my knees. And Damon hasn't stopped growling.

She as well as her men don't seem particularly fazed by their reactions. It makes me wonder, just what they have seen.

They might look young but I know they are way older.

It is just a sense I get from them.

"How do I stop him?" he growls.

"You? No. You can't stop him. Not now, at least. You will need help. But for now, we wait."

'Wait?! You just said he was in my pack!."

"Key word was. Not anymore. And with increased security, he won't be able to get in. Remember what I said, he thinks he is invincible. He will get cocky and arrogant and will make a mistake. This is for certain. The best thing you can do now is for both you and your mate to get to know each other, consummate your mating, and have your ritual. The longer you two spend together, the more powerful you will grow. And you need to be powerful."

Damon says nothing to that, still seemingly pissed that I was close to death, again.

Though, what am I? A trouble magnet?

"I understand your turmoil, I do," the Falcon says. "Which is why I have brought some things to help you in better protecting ourselves from him."

That is nice of her.

"Thank you so much…Falcon?" Diana asks.

'You can call me Steele."

Steele. What a weird name.

"Steele. I know you said you would prefer it if he wasn't aware of your existence, so why don't you stay here? With us?"

Damon whirls around to stare at her incredulously. I can understand his sentiment.

I have no qualms against her, but living with her… well, she gives me the creeps.

"It will make it a lot easier to plan our steps rather than waiting to make contact with each other," she offers by way of explanation.

"That is a wonderful offer, I accept. Thank you."

"You are most welcome."

"That said, our luggage is at the entrance of your pack, if someone will be so kind as to get it," Steele says.

Right, seer. Of course.

Diana nods and gets up to arrange that.

"Faye, be a dear and show our guests to the south wing, they can stay there," she says as she walks out.

"Yes, Luna Diana. Please follow me."

She leads them out and it is just I and Damon in the living room.

He walks over to me and envelopes me in a bear hug.

"Nothing is going happen to you, * he growls into my hair. "I swear it."

I can't help but smile at his behavior. He is shaken by all these.

"I know," I say, returning the hug. "I have you."

We stay like that for a few moments before he places a kiss on my head and pulls away.

"I need to go rework our border patrol, you want to come with me?"

"Hmm, no. I think I will just… rather be alone. It is a lot to take in."

"I know. Everything will be alright," he says as he pecks me one more time and walks away.

As he leaves I can't help but wonder, this Collector, if he is as powerful as they all think he is, why didn't he kill me then? When he was watching us? What was he waiting for? What stopped him?

I walk back to my room to continue arranging his clothes when my attention is snagged by the window.

With measured steps, I walk over and look out.

The trees are quite close to the mansion, and with the reaching branches, it would have been so easy for him to climb in and kill me.

So why? Why didn't he?

Unless it is not me he wants.



This is a problem.

I came back to get more information on my target and what did I see?

Increased security.

And not just on the patrol, no.

They had managed to get their hands on red bamboo stalks, polished with acetone and vinegar.

Each component is poison to the likes of me.

How did they know?

Was it just suspicion or did someone tip them off? And if it was the latter, who?

In disgust, I whirl away, angry once against my foiled plan.

Damon Blackwater.

The pain in my ass.

It's only a matter of time before I get him to myself.

I had thought of killing just his mate and letting him watch but that is childish.

I will skin his entire pack and make him watch, make him beg.

I will break him.

Just wait.

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