The Wright One

Justin 8


I watch as Justin walks away and I feel his loss already. God how can he do that to me after so many years? Cole steals my attention back to him. “Is that his dad?”

“Yeah, he’s actually doing a really good job. I’m glad I gave him a chance. He seems to love Caden so much already.” Justin has joined the kids and he seems to be leading the charge now. Making up new rules or something. I don’t really know but Caden looks excited. I don’t even know what the heck they are playing but they seem thrilled that Justin has joined in.

“Isn’t he a Wright?”

Yeah, that is not something I want getting around town. “Well, um, yeah, but I don’t want to make a big deal about it.” I am begging Cole to understand. I don’t really know him so he could be a blabber mouth for all I know.

“Hey, I’m not going to go blabbing or anything. I just think it’s pretty interesting that the Wrights are starting to expand. With David getting engaged, now him. Just saying it’s actually nice. You know the Wrights are like the center of everything in this town.”

“Yes, I am well aware. I did grow up here.” I don’t like that Cole seems to be hero worshiping Justin and his family. I always hated that people in this town did that. It’s like they didn’t realize that they were people too. They are actually some of the nicest people that you could meet.

He laughs. “Sorry, just wow, a Wright.” Is he fan boying? What the actual hell? He is totally doing that right now.

“You are about David’s age right?”

He nods. “Yeah, we were in school together. Didn’t really hang out, but yeah we knew each other.”

I nod. I see. He was always one of those guys that admired the Wrights. He was probably trying to hang out with David every chance he got. I’m pretty sure everyone knew David. Just like everyone knew Justin. “Yeah, they are a good family.”

“Anyway, I was thinking we could have a playdate, at my place this weekend. What do you think?” I swear Cole is all over the place. How does anyone keep straight what the heck he is talking about?

“Um, I think Justin said that he was going to take Caden out to get his school stuff this weekend.”

Cole looks disappointed. “Oh, damn. Kelly has Brodie next weekend.”

I shrug. “Well, I am sure there will be other times. Maybe you and Brodie could come over for dinner on Saturday. They can play afterwards. I am sure Justin will be done by then.”

Cole smiles. “Sounds like we have a date.”

Quickly I corrected him. “Play date.”

He shrugs. “Of course.” Yet it doesn’t seem like he actually believes that. It’s like he wants this date so bad that he is going to push for it, even though yesterday he made it seem like he was fine with giving me time and just being friends.

I look over at Justin and can’t help but laugh. He is being tackled by like five kids. I am sure he is just rolling over. He is big enough to evade them if he really wanted to. Caden is right in the thick of it. They both seem to be having a blast. After the kids get off him he looks over at me and smiles. That damn stupid smile. That stupid smile that always made me weak and ready to do whatever he wanted. The smile that got me in all that trouble to begin with. The smile that if I am not careful could drag me right back in.

Justin gets up and jogs over towards me. “Man, our kid is a beast. He is going to be a football player, I am telling you that now. Maybe we should look at those little league teams.”

“Justin.” I shake my head.

“What, he would have a blast.” He counters as he sits down next to me. “Let’s just ask him. If he wants to do it, then let’s do it.”

“Oh, yeah, and who is going to take him to these games and practices. I have to work, remember. And so do you.” I know this isn’t going to make sense to Justin, he will find a way. When he sets his mind on something he doesn’t really want to change it. Not for anything.

He nods. “Yeah, but if you take the job I offered you then you could take the time off to get him there. Or we both can, it’s up to you though. If you don’t take the job, I will still take the time off to take him to practice. It’s not like I can’t work remotely at night if things get backed up. I’m an accountant not a rocket scientist.” He flashes me that smile again. He is still so damn gorgeous. How can he do this to me? It’s not fair. I am sure he doesn’t even think the slightest thoughts about me like that.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Alright, fine, as long as it is something that he wants to do.” It is probably best to just do what he wants and get the agony over with.

Cole decides to add to the conversation. “Brodie does soccer with the little league. He has a lot of fun.” I don’t know if that is being helpful or if he is trying to counter football.

I look over at Justin. “Maybe Caden would like to do that.” Only because I want to see Justin’s reaction. if he will be willing to do what Caden wants and not just what he wants to do.

Justin scoffs. “No offense, but soccer is nothing like football.” I try to stifle my laughter. I knew he was going to say something like this. He was all about football. Sounds like he still is.

“Yes, but this is Caden’s choice, not yours.” I want to see if he will cave or if he will stick to what he wants Caden to do.

Justin groans. “Alright, if he wants to play the world’s football then I will be fine with it.”

I laugh. “Still not going to say your son plays soccer are you?”

“Nope. It will still be football. No matter how you put it.” He smiles. “No, if he wants to play soccer then I know he will be the best damn player out there. I will be bragging about that shit.” He is still the goofball that I remember. I think that is why I started to fall for him. We would joke and play around all the time when I was tutoring him. I didn’t even realize that it was only when we were alone that he acted like that with me. Sure people knew I was his tutor but they all thought that he hated me.

I slap his arm. “Language.”

He pointed at the kids. “They are way the hell over there. They can’t hear me.”

“Yeah, but the other parents can.” I point out.

He chuckles. “I am sure they have said worse. But I will bow to you and do as you ask.”

I roll my eyes. “There is a first time for everything.”

He laughs harder. “I seem to remember a lot of times I bowed to your superior knowledge.” Yeah bringing that up now is not a good thing. I know he doesn’t realize this, but he needs to.

We are lost in our own little world again. That is until Cole puts his hand out to Justin. “Hey, I’m Cole. We haven’t been introduced. My son loves to hang out with your son.” It’s like I am splashed with cold water.

Justin takes his hand but he looks at me like, who the fuck is this guy? “Yeah, cool. I’m sure your son is super awesome.” He gives Cole a half smile. Yeah, he doesn’t like Cole. Not really sure why, because Cole seems like a really likable guy. He seems like he is super friendly. I don’t see why Justin wouldn’t like him. But I know that look, he is being polite but if it was under different circumstances he would tell Cole to hit the road.

Maybe it is a good thing Cole is here. I am starting to think I need a babysitter when I am around Justin. Because the more time I spend with him the more I get lost in his eyes. Eyes that I never hoped to see again, especially looking at me like that. He keeps looking at me like he did all those years ago. Like I am going to crawl into his lap and sit there for the rest of my life.

“Oh, that reminds me.” Justin all of the sudden says. Interrupting my thoughts. “Luke says hi.”

I shake my head with a smile. “Wow, that was a long time ago. How does he even remember me?” Luke was a cute kid. He was always hanging around when I came over to tutor Justin. He seemed like a happy kid.

“Apparently you were his first crush. I was going to punch him for it, but he kind of dodged me and then David was holding me back. So it didn’t happen.” I can tell by the look on Justin’s face that he isn’t telling the whole story.

I look at him like he is lying. “No way. He was like twelve.”

“Thirteen, but still. You were apparently the girl he was dreaming about then. He told me last night. I didn’t know then or anything. That would have been a little weird.” I guess it probably would have. Considering what happened.

“Well, I would like to catch up with some of your family too. It’s been a long time. Your mom still doing those baking contests?” I really liked getting to know his family. Now with Caden being a part of that family I am sure I am going to get to know them a bit better.

“Naw, she is trying to get Isabelle to do it, but she is too busy with her class. I think she might be trying to drag Megan into it now.” He has a smile on his face, which kind of makes my jealousy flare up and I am not even sure why.

I look at him confused. “Who is Megan? I thought your sister’s names were Isabelle and Jasmine.”

“It is. Megan is David’s girlfriend. I guess his fiance now. She is also Jasmine’s best friend. It was actually kind of funny to watch them fall for each other. I had a front row seat.” I breathe a sigh of relief, she isn’t his girlfriend. He is only talking to me again, like Cole isn’t even there. It’s just the two of us.

“So, what does Isabelle teach?” All day it has been about Caden. This is the first chance that we have taken to catch up without there being hostility between us. I know I am mostly to blame for that but it is gone now.

“She is doing first grade right now, but it irritates her, she wants to teach high schoolers. But they don’t think she has the skills to handle the teens. I think they are full of it, but what can you do? Heck she handled me and my brothers just fine, I think she can handle anything those punks can throw at her.”

“And what about William?” I am actually eager to see the whole family again. I mean not that this is all behind us. But I know the whole family will want Caden in the family. I might be left out of some things, but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be a part of some of it. They are an awesome family.

“William is a detective now. They don’t exactly respect him either. Keep giving him beat cop stuff to do. Then Luke opened his own bar. Dad was not too thrilled with that. But he makes decent money. Jasmine just came back from school. She doesn’t really have a clue what she is doing, but I think mom and dad are just trying to get her married off. They introduce her to enough well off families.”

“That is terrible. I remember Jasmine was always such a free spirit.” I hate to think of them trying to stifle that.

He laughs. “Still is. I don’t think anything will rein her in. She isn’t biting on any of these men either. It’s like she is in business meetings. She even calls it that. I doubt my parents will find a man that can handle her. Hell, I’m not sure there is a man out there that can.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, I feel sorry for the man that tries to tie her down.”

There we are in our own little world again. How does this keep happening? I hate feeling like this. I don’t want to fall into that trap again. I don’t want to fall for Justin again. But the smile on my face isn’t a lie. I am enjoying myself with Justin and I have to remind myself that this is for Caden, not me.

This time Caden runs up to both of us, leaping in our arms. “Dad, I want to go out for burgers. Can we do that?”

“Sure buddy.” Justin has a big grin on his face.

Cole gets a big ass grin on his face. “What a coincidence, we are doing the same.” What the hell just happened?

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