Their forced luna

Chapter 28

Chapter 28


It was fucking cold. I didn't have too long to go to get to the barrier and where the land of summery

warmth awaited me, but I hated being out in this weather for even an instant.

OH well, at least Javier's ass was suffering. That alone brought a smile to my lips. If I couldn't be nice

and warm and in bed with my Luna and Prime, I could at least warm myself by the thought of my fellow

mate suffering through this fucking cold.

Maybe Zale would get off his ass and put his power to use and end this stupid weather. I was sick and

tired of having my damn nose froze off every time I poked my face outside. With Amanda in position

and Zale's power completely unlocked once we took care of the issue up north we could have a real NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

summer again. Besides who wanted to raise cubs in this?

I held myself tight to fight the chill and strode forward through the high snow drifts. Fucking Javier. If it

wasn't for him I would have slept in today. I didn't even want to go investigate Amanda's hellhole she

came out of. Besides, why should we care? She was ours.

I shuddered, and glanced around. How far had Javier made it away anyway? The storm screamed

around us and my visibility was cut off. I saw the tracks where he had slogged his own path through the

high snow, but I couldn't catch sight of him at all.

Unease pricked at me. Damn it. I hated that I worried about the idiot. It wasn't just because he was a

great fuck top or bottom. I would never ever fucking admit this to anyone even on my death bed, but I

cared for the lug. I did carry his bite mark after all, on my hip of all places. I just didn't advertise my


Whatever. He knew how to take care of himself. Even if he had to fight a nest of demons, they would

be the ones I'd end up feeling sorry for. Nothing could stop Javier when he was on a mission.

I glanced back over my shoulder. My place was already half-way out of my vision. Going back now was

out of the question. I needed to continue marching forward.

Groaning, I stared straight ahead and kept striding through the snow. It clung to everything. My hair, my

eyelashes, my teeth, and I was pretty sure some had got stuck to my ass by the point I finally made it

to the fucking border.

I glanced up at one of the bored guards. He stayed safe in his warm little hut. "Hey," I called up to him,

hitting the wooden frame he was attached to. The damn thing didn't even budge. "Open it up!"

A blue-haired mongrel glanced over the edge at me. His scarred face betrayed his many experiences

with battles past, and one of the reasons he was chosen for guard duty. "What are you pulling, Bo?

Why are you going South?"

I blew out a breath. Just let me get out of this crystal prison and into the warmth already. I could literally

see the sunshine on the other side of this barrier, taunting me. "I've got orders. I'm inspecting our

Luna's previous pack. Whoever the fucker was in charge of it is going to be dragged in front of Zale.

They let her get abused."

Marx sucked his lips against his teeth and whistled. "Hate to be them," he agreed. He rummaged in his

hut and pulled out the small magical orb he was in charge of. "Get ready, it'll only be down for a few

seconds. You got a plan for letting me know when you're back?"

"I'll be here again in exactly forty-eight hours. Pull it open then to let me through." I shook the excess

snow off my body and swayed back and forth, eyes locked on the glassy-like barrier.

"Good luck!" Marx called before he grunted and the orb lit up as he sucked its power out of it, letting it

siphon through his body.

The barrier in front of me vanished like giant panels disappearing and the snowstorm usually trapped

inside roared as it flooded out of the exit. I didn't waste time. Marx couldn't hold the power back for

long, and I had no desire to see what would happen to me if I got caught in-between. I squeezed

through and rolled to the other side.

The snow roared for a couple more seconds before shutting off and instead the blessed sun warmed

me. I grinned, turning my face in the direction it came from and stretched. God, maybe I had time to

laze out and soak this up for a few hours. I did have a full forty-eight hours before I could get back into

the place and it wasn't like anyone was going to catch me around here.

I glanced around until I found a likely tree with just the right amount of sun exposure. WhenI got to its

base I frowned, sniffing at the wood there. The iron tang of blood seeped into the soil all around it.

Damn it.

Sighing, I turned away from the promising spot. Ares would rat me out if I waited too long. Fine, I'd go

investigate first, then I'd rest with all the time I had left over. It's not like it was going to take that long to

scope out this pathetic pack.

I strode farther south and the iron scent only intensified. Birds were scattered on the ground, wings

broken, chirping and hopping and dying.

I paused. What the fuck?

I continued forward, using more stealth this time. But the farther I got into the territory, the more signs

of a deranged mind were revealed. Far too many animals both prey and predator were ripped apart like

some child was having a giant tantrum and tossed their toys around. The scent of death was


A thin gray wolf had it's back to me, it panted heavily, staring blearily at something in the distance.

It turned when it heard me approach but instead of growling or attacking it swayed on its feet. "Thank

Goddess," she mumbled, falling to my feet. "Please, kill me. I can't go back."

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