THREE DOORS: Chapter 1

“Fuck the endocrine system,” Judge groaned. “Fuck the whole fucking thing.”

Evan didn’t bother looking up from his fancy laptop. “Come on, man. It’s not that bad.”

“Like hell it’s not,” Mia muttered under her breath.

Shay was over it, too. She stretched her short arms above her head and yawned through a gripe. “There’s just so fucking much.”

“We’re almost there.” I smiled with encouragement, feeling determined to get through this latest lesson. “Let’s just keep at it.”

“Right, Callie.” Judge shot me a tired frown. “Who needs sleep anyway?”

“I don’t, but I do need more coffee.” Shay nodded to the kitchen with a not-so-subtle hint in my direction.

“It’s medical school,” Decker scoffed. “We’re not expected to sleep.”

The six of us had piled into the cozy living room that I shared with my roommates, Mia and Shay. The space was a clusterfuck, pretty much the standard during our regular study sessions. We’d littered the black coffee table with our handwritten index cards and stacked our empty pizza boxes in the corner by the television.

I assumed my role of unofficial barista and agreed to make a fresh supply of fuel, then hopped up from my seat on the floor and ventured to the kitchen. The endocrine system was no fuckin’ joke, and we were all running on fumes, especially with our first big exam of the spring semester scheduled for tomorrow. I loaded the old-school coffeemaker with black grounds and leaned against the counter with a yawn as the pot brewed. The grumpy bunch in the living room argued about adrenal glands, and I cracked a smile to myself.

“Are you sure that’s right?”

“Yes. Look at the diagram.”

“Well, it doesn’t look like a gland.”

“He’s right. Wishbone on CT scan. Right there.”

“You gonna argue with the textbook publisher?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just hella tired.”

“We all are. Suck it up.”

Oh, these fuckin’ friends.

~ • ~

Mia, Shay, and I had first encountered the guys at a mixer for our student housing after we’d first landed on campus. I’d caught Judge shamelessly undressing me with his eyes as he bantered with the other boys, sneaking peeks of my assets as I sucked from my freelicious drink. Sure, I’d been hoping to impress in my tight dress. My body was desperate for attention that I hadn’t enjoyed in months, and Judge made no effort to hide his interest. I had playfully rolled my eyes in response to his creeping and heard him laugh from all the way across the room.

The guys had taken us by surprise when they boldly approached and introduced themselves as fellow medical students. Evan could’ve just stepped from the beach, missing only a surfboard beside his sunny skin, stylish blond hair, and crystal blue eyes. Decker had said little, seeming bored and distracted like a snobby art major with his mysterious Italian features. Judge was cocky as fuck, flexing his dark muscles a bit more than the others and smiling flirtatiously with the deepest dimples I’d ever seen.

Needless to say, my girls and I were secretly smitten from the start.

~ • ~

“How long could coffee take?” Evan bitched. “What the hell are you doing in there, Callie?”

“Oh, calm the fuck down.” I refilled the beggars from the hot pot, refreshed my mug on the end table, and returned the nearly empty supply to the kitchen.

“Creamer?” Deck requested.

I plopped back down and picked up my spiral notebook. “Nope. We polished it off last round.”

“You ladies prefer it black anyway, right?” Judge man-giggled at his own corny joke.

“Don’t you fuckin’ wish,” Shay laughed.

We finally called it a night after grinding through the last sections together. We’d have about four hours to sleep before the early alarm ripped us from our peace. All things considered, that wasn’t too shabby.

~ • ~

The Friday morning endocrinology exam was fucking grueling, as expected, but the weekend would provide some temporary rest and relief. We met in the evening to nurse our wounds over drinks and wallow in the shared miseries of first-year medical students. The guys rolled in right on cue, furnishing a case of cold beer to thank us for hosting.

“I feel like I’ve been punched in the face,” Mia sighed, sinking into our big blue chair and scooping long brown locks from her neck. “This semester is gonna kick my ass.”

“Nothing a little alcohol won’t cure, I hope.” Deck smiled with consolation as Judge passed cans of cold brew.

“I barely finished on time,” I complained as I popped my tab. “I think I answered a million questions.”

“Same here,” Evan chimed in. “I kept thinking that I was almost there, and then boom, another fucking page.”

“I’m ready for a six-pack and about eighteen hours of sleep.” Shay rubbed stress from her temples. “Thank God for the weekend.”

Judge stretched his thick body on the sofa next to me. “Speaking of, are we doing anything tomorrow night?”

“I’m out,” Deck declined as he sprawled out on the loveseat. “I think my bar-hopping days are over with this schedule.”

Mia rolled her eyes over her beer. “I don’t feel like going out and getting manhandled on the dance floor. Not enough quality return for that investment.”

“Speak for yourself,” Judge said with a shrug. “I’ve been flying solo for months now and it blows.”

“Hard for me to admit,” Evan said, “but yeah, it’s been rough out there.”

“Aww, poor guys,” Shay mocked. “Not enough strange willing to put up with your cocky asses?” The guys muttered under their breath like deprived children.

“Please,” I piped up in defense of my neglected pussy. “It’s harder being a girl. Trust me.”

“Nah,” Deck said with a shake of his head. “Girls can go without sex much longer than guys.”

Mia choked on a drink. “Oh, you think?”

“Girls don’t need dick at all,” Judge reasoned with typical male arrogance. “They just need hugs.”

Evan raised his red can. “And compliments about their shoes.”

“Right? Don’t forget to look at the fuckin’ shoes!” The trio erupted in ridiculous laughs at our expense, and Evan hopped up for another round.

“I can’t believe none of you have been getting laid,” Mia said with dripping sarcasm. “It’s shocking, really.”

“I don’t get it. Why do men assume women don’t want casual sex, too?” Shay wondered aloud.

Good question.

Judge tossed a palm. “Face it. It’s just not in your nature.”

“Oh, come on,” Mia bitched. “That’s some sexist bullshit.”

“He’s right, though,” Deck said. “It’s not your fault.”

“Maybe it’s because society labels us as sluts and you as champions?” I snapped back.

“That’s exactly what it is,” Evan said as he distributed more chilled cans. “Ask my twin sister.”

Shay blinked up at him. “What happened?”

He took a quick sip and leaned against the living room wall. “Ellen lost her virginity to the biggest tool in our high school. They practically threw a parade in his honor, but they shamed her into a corner.”

“So, what did you do?” I wanted the scoop, as always.

Evan shot us a prideful grin. “I broke his fuckin’ nose.”

We shared another laugh, and then I circled back to the crucial topic at hand. “Honestly, I would love a quick romp sometimes, but I think guys assume there will be drama, so they don’t jump in.”

A naughty glimmer flashed in Deck’s dark brown eyes. “Maybe they’re just not that into you, Callie,” he teased.

“Oh, really? You wouldn’t bang me, Deck?” I pressed a palm to my chest and faked disappointment.

Evan raised his hand with no shame. “I would.”

“Fuck, at this point, I would,” Shay laughed.

Judge offered a mock toast in her direction. “Hell, I’m good with that option.”

“Okay, question.” Decker shifted forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Have you girls ever considered that? Getting down together?”

“Now that you mention it, Shay does have nice tits,” Mia giggled.

Shay glanced down at her perky rack and tipped her can with appreciation. “Why, thank you!”

“I think chick porn is hot, but I gotta have the meat eventually,” I explained.

“Right? Who doesn’t love some girl on girl porn?” Evan agreed. “It’s all good.”

“Hell, I know I love it.” Shay stood and stretched. We raised our hands in unison when she offered to grab the next round.

“So, same question, Deck,” Mia said with a sly grin. “You guys ever cuddle up on cold, lonely nights?”

Yeah, right.

“Sure.” He smirked over his can. “Judge steals the blankets, though.”

Judge shook his head with amusement, then placed another level on his tower of empty red cans. I listened to the cheeky crosstalk and grinned as I imagined our beefy boys tonguing.

“I think it’s hot as fuck when guys kiss,” Shay admitted after she delivered our next servings.

“Me, too,” Mia said. I nodded with approval and recrossed my legs, carefully avoiding Judge’s work of alcohol art.

“So,” Deck continued with the interrogation, “which one of us is the sexiest? Spill it.”

I shrugged. “That’s easy. You are.”

“Damn, girl.” Judge gawked at me. “You just put it right out there.”

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re all hot,” I assured them. “But sex appeal? Deck just has this way.”

“Well, I guess that settles it.” He shot me a smooth wink to confirm my claim and chugged a victory drink.

“Fuck that,” Shay challenged as she waved me off. “Evan is the sexiest. By far.”

“You’re both fuckin’ crazy,” Mia claimed, jumping in on the defense. “It’s Judge. Hands down.”

Evan offered a smug smile and shifted his weight against the wall. “No need to argue, ladies. There’s enough of us to go around.”

If fuckin’ only.

Judge stacked his latest layer on the leaning tower. “Okay, one more for me, then I gotta bail.”

I hopped up and hurried to grab the last refill for the group. After months of mild flirtations, we’d never ventured down this revealing avenue with the boys, so I was dying to hear more.

Shay dug deeper. “You guys wanted in our panties when you first met us, right?”

“You know we did,” Decker answered on behalf of all three.

“Did you hash it out?” Mia giggled. “Which guy for which girl?” I perked up and loaded the cold beer against my chest, the frosty aluminum chilling my nips.

“Of fuckin’ course,” Evan laughed. “We thought we had it all synced.”

I returned with the stack, then slid into my sofa seat next to Judge. “Oh, we gotta hear this.”

“Alright.” Deck raked fingers through his thick hair and fessed up first. “I was into Shay.”

“Aww.” Shay fanned herself. “Really?”

“It’s those eyes, girl. Just gorgeous.” I had to agree. Shay’s striking Asian features were worthy of a runway.

Judge hit me directly with those dark dimples next. “I was a little obsessed with you after that eye roll, Callie.”

Mild warmth flushed over my cheeks, but I covered it with a tease. “Only a little?” I flirted, rubbing his thigh with mock seduction.

“Nice. Now, just a bit higher…”

This guy.

“It was all Mia for me.” Evan gestured to our Latina beauty with his beer. “Her hair is so pretty.” 

Mia beamed with surprise and playfully fondled her shiny locks. “Aww, that’s so sweet!”

“Well, I guess we’ll spill, too,” Shay said. “Judge had me weak in the knees with that smile.”

He flashed his brilliant trademark grin. “You mean this one?”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I figured that I should play along. “And I thought Evan was fine as hell.”

He turned those bright eyes to mine. “Wow. I’m fuckin’ flattered, Callie.”

“So, you wanted me bad, Mia?” Deck flexed his buff biceps.

Mia swallowed a drink and nodded. “Oh, I had all kinds of dirty thoughts about you, Deck.”

An easy silence filled the space as we considered those initial reactions. Our mutual attraction was obvious from the start, but once we developed genuine friendships, the lust had shifted to the side in favor of this remarkable group dynamic. Sure, we still gushed about the guys sometimes during our late-night tipsy talks, but the potential peen took a backseat to the books.

“Hell, now we know why we never hooked up,” Judge chuckled as we reluctantly stood to straighten our mess.

“Well, as soon as you opened your fuckin’ mouths,” Shay laughed.

“It was over when we tasted your nasty cooking,” Evan roasted back. Fair point, to be honest.

“We doing this again tomorrow?” Deck yawned and helped me gather empties.

“Sure. You bringing more beer?”

Judge sidled up next to me and bumped my shoulder. “We’ll get beer, and you order food. And I do mean order.”


“Chinese?” Mia suggested.

Evan nodded. “It’s a date.”

~ • ~

The guys left for their downstairs apartment, and I shuffled to the bathroom with my best friends to begin our bedtime rituals. Shay glanced between us in the mirror before rubbing her eyes with makeup remover. “Be honest, girls,” she began. “Now that we know them better, which one would you fuck?”

“Tough call.” I loaded my toothbrush as Mia rubbed moisturizer over her bronzed cheeks beside me. “They each bring something hot to the table.”

Mia smiled at our reflections. “Hell, I’d probably bang all three.”

“Same,” Shay whispered.

“Same,” I added with a guilty giggle.

We shared shameless laughs through our beauty routines, then hugged goodnight in the hallway as we always did. I retired to my bedroom and buried myself deep under my ruffled white comforter, the guys crowding the corners of my brain.

Which one?

I eased my hand into my skimpy panties and strummed my plump, warm clit with experienced fingers. My vivid imagination summoned Judge sucking on my pink nipples with those sensual lips, Deck gazing between my thighs with those brooding eyes, and Evan grinding into my ass with that thick cock I noticed in his fitted pants. I bent my knees and rocked against the soft sheets as ripples of a potential peak pooled in my pelvis.

Oh, a girl could dream…

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