Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Robbie had a slight skip in his steps. He would make an amazing father. His squeezed my hands and

gave me a small peck on forehead.


??Yes, Angel.?? He smiled and leaned down to my face.

I pressed my palm on his cheeks. His hands covered mine and he closed his eyes.

When he opened them, I could see how much I affected him.

Was that a lie? I rubbed my thumb on the side of his lips.

??Come on, let us go.?? I curled my hands around his and pulled him along.

We were going to a baby shopping centre.

The shop was a big one even though the organization was not user friendly. It would be a pain to shop

along with a kid. It was a good thing, Robbie decided to shop before Bobby came along.

??Welcome to ??Baby Bunny.???? A beautiful girl came to greet us who stood way too close to


I cringed at the name. It sounded like a stripper club. Why would anyone name a kid store the name of

stripper clubs? Or were the stripper clubs named...

That was more disturbing.

The girl was eyeing him. Of course, she was! Robbie was a hunk.



??You zoned out on us.?? Robbie smiled.


He patted my back. ??Come on, help me.?? Robbie did not let my hands go.

I looked around the stuff while Robbie rambled about his requirements.

I gently tugged on his hands. ??No, wheels on the cradle, Robbie.?? I pointed to the wheels.

??This is the new model, sir. Our high-end customers love it.?? I had a feeling the girl did not like my



Yup, the wheeled cradles costed quarter-grand extra.

But, it was dangerous. What if the thing rolled at night? What if the baby kicked inside and then went


I have watched ??A baby??s day out.?? The outside was dangerous for Bobby.

I knew at any other time my smart brain would kick my stupid heart and announce ??no internal force

can change the inertia?? but... this was about Bobby. My brain had already shut down at the sight of


??No wheels, Robbie.?? I said to Robbie. Should I stomp my feet for effect?

??Of course, Angel. No wheels. Can we see some other models???

??But, I insist...?? The girl stepped closer.

??No wheels. We have decided.??

The girl gave me an evil eye. Seriously? Was she trying to put Bobby in danger for extra bucks?

??Any other suggestions, dear??? I loved how Robbie gave me his whole attention without falling for

the over-flirtatious girl.

??Choose light colours.??

He smiled. He loved when I added suggestions. Should he not discuss these with Janice? If I did not

know better, I would have thought Robbie was a single parent.

I left Robbie at the cradles. It was his baby. He might have his own ideas and dreams. If I stayed close

he would ask for my opinion and would end up buying my favourites not his.

Oooh! Plushies!!!

A big well filled with Plush Toys!!!

I loved them. I LOVEEED THEEEM

Baby seal.

Baby dolphin.

Baby lion.

Baby kangaroo.

I would ask Robbie to buy some of these. Which baby did not love plushy? I did. I was still in plushy


Ooooh baby elephant was so cute.

??Ace...Angel...?? I heard Robbie??s panicked voice.

I watched him looking around in fear.

??What is wrong, Robbie???

He exhaled in relief. ??I could not find you.??

He hugged me tight. ??Where did you go? Don??t leave me!??

Big Baby!

I rubbed his chest, soothing him. His heart beat was elevated.

??I am right here. If I left you, you would kidnap me again.?? I pinched him.

??That I will. I need you. Where did you go??? He pressed kisses on my head.

??Plushy! We need to buy a lot, Robbie. I loved them as a kid. They make amazing baby pillows

especially the baby seal. It is soft...??

Robbie kissed me.

These were the moments I felt like Robbie loved me. The kiss was not lustful. He was making sure I

was there and that it was indeed me who he was kissing.

I rose to my tiptoes and hugged him back trying to reassure his troubled mind.

I heard a gasp.

I gently patted his chest. He responded extremely if I pushed him. So, now I just let him know that I

wanted to stop, and he would.

He let me go after giving a final peck.

The girl had turned away.

??Do you need anything, Angel??? Robbie asked after choosing twenty of Plush Toys. The more the

merrier. I was happy.

??This one.?? I picked up the baby dolphin. If did not take one for myself, Robbie would buy the entire

store hoping it had something I liked.

He kissed my cheek and we went to the billing section. I walked around where Robbie could see me

and picked up some sweets.

??You are disgusting.?? Someone whispered near me.

It was that girl. Her eyes were filled with hatred.

??Excuse me???

??You should be ashamed of yourself for being a fag.?? Why should I?

??I am not. Now move!?? I tried to leave.



I rolled my eyes. I was not going to cause a scene.


??No, the man kissed me. I was just not complaining because I loved it.?? If she wanted to pick a fight,

fight with Robbie.

I had already told the idiot several times, since our first time, to control his naughtiness in public. But,

did he ever listen?

Noooo... ??You belong to me, Angel.?? and then he would kiss me some more and grope me if I was

in good mood.

??He kissed you? Why would a stud like him want to be with you??? She smirked.

??I have no idea.?? Whatever I did, he always came back to me.

??What is going on??? Robbie clearly knew what was going on.

??The girl wants to know why a stud like you kissed me??? I thought the girl did not expect me to be

truthful. Her eyes were big as saucers.

??Because he is mine.?? Robbie pulled me to him.

I loved that answer. I leaned to his chest, just to show her, but Robbie kissed me on the lips and gave

my lips a small bite.

??Come on, let us check out.??

The girl followed us.

I hated these kind of people; they asked for trouble because their ego was bruised. She made rude

comments about me at the counter and Robbie finally had enough.

??We will shop from somewhere else.?? He dragged me to the exit and the alarms flared.

The baby dolphin in his hands.

Of course the security came running and Robbie tried to give the toy back but the girl was not having it.

??He tried to steal. Call the police.?? She asked the staff.

??I did not try to steal, I forgot the thing in my hand. I did not leave the shop. Here.??

But she refused to accept it back. ??CALL THE POLICE.??

Robbie did not bat an eye. If anything he was calm. Too calm.

Well, sorry girl!

Forty-six minutes and counting!

The cops were as irritated as we were.

The girl, whose name was Gina had refused to give me a chair in the containment room. There was

only one metal chair and a table. So, Robbie made me sit on the chair while he stood leaning on the


The cops arrived after a few minutes and pushed a cushioned rolling chair to Robbie. Robbie placed

me on the new chair and he took the metal one.

Gina was fuming! She honestly did not like the way Robbie was doting on me.

So, one of the cop was now standing with his hands crossed, aggravated.

??Arrest him!??


??This man tried to steal.?? I squeezed Robbie??s biceps. She was crazy.

Seriously Lady? Robbie??s shoes were the least expensive of what was on his body and it was close

to six hundred dollars.

He was going to steal a twenty-dollar toy!


??See, he is disrespectful and a waste of space and...??

??You refused to accept the thing when he tried to hand it over.?? Exactly! Thank you very much!

??He KISSED a man.??

??So? Are you homophobic???


Oh, really? Could have fooled me!

Why was Robbie not angry?

That was scaring me. If he shouted, then it was okay. But when he went all silent, I got antsy. He

reminded me of Tsunami.

The girl was trying to dig her own grave.

??They kissed here. Arrest for PDA. There were children and older women in the shop. These

disgusting men scared them away.??

My mouth fell open, there were no other customers except Robbie and I. She was lying!

Robbie patted on my hand which was squeezing his bicep hard. I slightly loosened my hold. But he

kept on patting, calming me.

Robbie was here. He would make everything right.

??See, this is what I was talking about.?? She was smug.

??Ma??am they are just holding hands.?? The standing cop was this close to lose his temper.

The sitting cop, named Paul was more professional and a bit apologetic.

??We cannot arrest him for theft for the obvious reason that he did not steal...??

Gina started to accuse Robbie again but Paul did not stop.

??...but PDA could be a slight issue if proven.??


People like her as so pathetic. I huffed.

??...and you gentlemen could file case against Ms. Gina Longhorn for verbal abuse and false


??How!!! I did nothing. These people spoiled my business...??

??... Now, madam is there a way you could prove PDA by these men??? Paul kept on writing on his


??Yes, there is CCTV footage. But we need authorization by my Papa, who is the owner of this shop.

He is a very intimidating man.?? She smirked.

Oh, that explained this bratty behaviour. It was literally her shop.

One hour and fifteen minutes of drama, the ??Papa?? came and froze at the sight of Robbie.

Not just for a couple of seconds, he stood there like a statue all the while his daughter threw

accusations after accusations on Robbie and I.

She told how they lost ??good businesses?? because of people like me.

He was a stout man who was sweating under a tight suit. Was he even hearing what the cops were


?? He started whispering.

??, if we could have the authorization codes we could proceed to further steps.?? Paul ended his


The man, Mr. Longhorn started trembling.

??Mr. Brantley, please forgive us. This is a huge misunde...??

??NO! It is not! I saw it, Papa, with my own eyes. This perverted...??


I climbed on top of Robbie and he properly situated me on his lap.

?? is fun.?? He whispered onto my ears.

Fun?!! Fun??!

She called my Robbie perverted. Only I got to call him that! This was no fun. I wanted to take Robbie in

my arms and run.

??I wanna go, Robbie.?? I whispered back.

I did not want Robbie to be in this situation but he was sitting here like he was watching a poorly made

film just to see how pathetic it could get!

When Robbie plucked me from his lap and stood up to his full height, I wondered if he was always this

tall and intimidating.

Robbie always bent down a bit while walking with me, clutching me closer with his hands on my waist.

So, I forgot how truly tall he was!

??I do not understand Papa, why you are siding with a thief!?? Gina snarled.

I hugged Robbie and put my head on his chest. He was really calm, no increased heart beats which

was a relief.

There... Robbie slightly bent and rubbed his cheeks on my forehead.

He was fine!

??See, this kind of behaviour...?? Gina started again.

??Please, die.?? Mr. Longhorn fell on his knees crying. ??Please, go, die. Haven??t you destroyed

your mother??s life? Are you here to destroy mine too? Please die!!! Why did I take you in!!! If I see

your face again in my family, I will not be responsible for what happens next. Leave. You fucking


??Wha...what? Papa... I...?? Gina was shaking now. She was white as sheet.

I was getting uncomfortable. I looked up to Robbie, who was watching me.

??I wanna go.?? Robbie nodded. ??Robbie...?? I pulled out the dolphin plushy from his hands. ??...I

do not want this anymore.??

I placed the thing on the metal table. Hurt passed through Robbie??s eyes.

I rubbed my cheek on his chest. ??There is a new ??Mama??s hugs?? shop nearby. Let us buy from


His eyes warmed. ??Anything else, my Angel???

??I want fruit salad with my lunch.?? He smiled. A real smile this time. I felt his hands rubbing on my This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


The man started to crawl towards me on his knees.

That was very disturbing. I hid behind Robbie.

??Please, sir... I had no was her fault...please don??t.??

Robbie took a hundred-dollar bill from his wallet and slipped it under the dolphin plushy.

He nodded to the cops who nodded back and we left the shop.


??What happened? Why did the man break down on his knees???

??I own the building and sixty percent shares on all the business in there. They are mostly business

men who had misfortunes. So, it was more of a helping hand from my company corporation. That man

was already behind the rent for a couple of months. I normally do not bother but...??

That explained everything. Gina accused Robbie of stealing his own stuff. A hundred-dollar bill for a

thirty-dollar toy was the end deal.

That night Robbie and I were unable to leave each other??s embrace.

I was worried, why? I thought he was troubled because she called him a thief, given his past


And Robbie was worried, why? He thought I was troubled because she called me names.

I slipped out of bed for a drink because all the sugar from fruit salad made me thirsty.

We forgot to order one when we went out for lunch. Robbie threw a tantrum at 1?? o clock at night and

made me a fruit salad with askew pieces and way too much sugar.

I ate it all because Robbie was so cute, looking expectantly at me after every bite. Now I was thirsty as

hell and awake from sugar rush.

I drank half a bottle in one gulp and thought of hundreds of plushies in my apartment.

I chuckled. Oh, Robbie.

It was okay though. I would add those in the decor in Bobby??s room. But I had to make sure, the fist

sized ones were nowhere close to his hands. Kids would never eat what was healthy for them but give

them something to choke on and die, in it goes.

Or I could give Bobby one, each time I visited him, as a gift.

The water bottle fell from my hands.

Every time I visited him!

Panic filled my heart!!!

Was I already...?


This was not true. Coldness seeped in.

I ran to Robbie... I could not breath.

I shook him awake.

?? up...I...??

??What?, you are okay...shhh...shhh...I am here...??

He hugged me tight, keeping me warm.

I dived under him. He spread my legs and situated between my thighs.

His weight on me was calming me down.

I felt kisses, nips and pats.

He was talking even though I could not hear everything.

??... want to go to heaven???

I smiled. ??No, just...just...??

??Shh...?? He started rocking me sideways. I felt three-fourth of his weight on my chest and I could

breathe properly. ??I got you, Angel. Shhh... I got you... I am here.??

??A nightmare???

??No, just a dream.?? ...which was going to be my reality.

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