True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

In the studio, the audience and guests were still reeling from the emotional story of a mother’s sorrow, so much so that they hadn't even had the chance to wonder whether the spirit of her child was still lingering.

The abrupt ending of Winnie’s sentence left everyone frozen in place.

Even the woman on camera was taken aback, her tears momentarily suspending their flow. Candace had a sinking feeling she understood, but couldn’t bring herself to believe it. She tilted her head and asked Mervin in a hushed tone, “What did Winnie mean by that?”

Mervin, too, was slow on the uptake, his expression growing grim as he murmured, “I think she’s implying the caller wants to kill herself.”

This mother was planning to take her own life. The viewers began to leave their comments.

“No way, it can’t be what | think it is, right?” “Please no, miss, you're still so young!”

“If it were me, | probably couldn't bear it either...”

“I'm so done with people online who speculate wildly without knowing the truth. They did it to Winnie, and now they’re doing it to this mom!”

“When will society be kinder to women?”

“The show's producers need to call the cops, now!”

“Please don’t lose hope, those heartless people online will get their comeuppance!” “Oh no, I’m tearing up, her daughter is right there, watching her!”

“I need to apologize to her; | also commented online about how nice her makeup looked, even though | had no ill intent, | was just being honest...”

“Mom! Please don't die!” “Mom! Please don't die!” “Mom! Please don't die!” Before they knew it, the live chat was filled with uniform messages echoing the words Winnie relayed from the ghost daughter.

But the woman on camera couldn’t see any of it. Having turned off the chat to avoid seeing any more accusatory comments, she was unaware of the outpouring of concern.

Winnie, seeing the woman’s pallor unchanged, said gently, “Your daughter can’t bear to leave you because she’s worried about you, that’s why her spirit is still here.




She knows you've been attacked online, and she’s angry, but she’s too young to protect you.

She’s the most important person in your life, but you are also her beloved mother. Do you really want to leave her with the guilt of having caused your death?”

With each word Winnie spoke, the woman on camera cried harder, until she finally broke down completely in front of the camera. It seemed as if all the pain she had suppressed over the years was erupting at that moment. The unjust accusations, the frustration at not being able to vindicate her daughter, and the agony of losing her only child...

These emotions almost crushed her. If not for her determination to see her daughter’s last journey through, she might have given up on life days ago.

But she was exhausted, so exhausted. She couldn't see the point in living anymore. She wanted to see her Bella one last time. She wanted to be with her.

“All those things they said online are wrong. What do they know? Those who speak like that are not even human. Don’t let your child worry over such words,” Candace said, her own eyes

brimming with tears as she joined Winnie in trying to console the woman.

The other guests, seeing the gravity of the situation, also began to speak words of encouragement. Gentry even grabbed a phone from the crew and showed the live chat’s supportive messages to the woman.

The world may be full of malice, but there is also kindness in every nook and cranny, waiting to be discovered and unearthed until the once grey world is filled with color.

Our eyes must not only see the darkness. Our eyes must see the light.

After what felt like an eternity, there was a commotion and the sound of a door being battered down from the woman’s end. The studio audience was initially alarmed, but then, as the door behind the woman burst open, police officers rushed in. It turned out that while Winnie was instructing the crew to clear the chat, she had discreetly texted Michel.

While others might not act on a mere suspicion, Michel was an official with clout.

And since the case had previously made waves online, the local police knew the address and quickly responded.

Only then did everyone realize that the door behind the woman had been sealed with towels and tape.

The police swiftly removed the charcoal and a bottle of sleeping pills she had prepared.

That’s when it truly hit everyone.

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Chapter 177

She had seriously contemplated suicide.

If not for Winnie’s keen observation, by tomorrow, the news might have been about the mother’s tragic death.

They had never experienced such intense relief before, relief brought on by the fact that the mother had been saved. But at the same time, many online began to reflect on their


Ordinarily, they were decent people, but online, shielded by anonymity, they freely aired their opinions without much thought to the consequences, even if they knew they might be hurting

someone. Now, faced with the near tragedy, they realized the weight of their words, each one a potential blade to someone’s heart. The incident sparked a massive online discussion, bringing the mother’s story back into the spotlight.

Many expressed their sentiments, including some who had criticized her appearance.

“| never thought my words could pressure someone like this. Comment deleted, I’m sorry.

Cyberbullying is truly harmful.”

“| didn’t post any negative comments about the mom, but | also didn’t speak up against them. | thought it wasn’t my business, but now | regret it.”

“| felt the same, afraid of being attacked by trolls, so | stayed silent.”

“A grieving mother should never face such condemnation.”

Faced with the prospect of life or death, most people showed kindness, but a few skeptics still questioned the authenticity. “Could this all be an act? How else could it be so conveniently timed with the live stream?”

“But such comments were quickly silenced by a wave of online support, no longer daring to speak out.”

The live stream continued, and soon enough, the woman’s husband arrived home, learning of his wife’s suicide attempt and breaking down in remorseful tears.

Although the viewers couldn't see the scene clearly, the sounds coming through were enough to stir a deep sense of empathy.

No one noticed when Winnie left the live stream.

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