Twist Of Fate: Three Little Miracles

Amnesia And Comatose Pregnancy

On her way home, at a stop sign, a truck running at very high speed rams her car from behind and climbs on top of her can, then she crashes through the windshield and lands some miles away and passed out, with blood sipping from hear head and bruises of injuries all over her body, incidentally landed on the floor with a brutal force on hear head. She is rushed to the emergency room and though she was in a wrong lane she is put into an induced coma.

In other words, a medically induced coma (MIC), or barbiturate-induced coma – a temporary coma (a deep state of unconsciousness) brought on by a controlled dose of an anesthetic drug, often a barbiturate such as pentobarbital or thiopental. Other intravenous anesthetic drugs such as midazolam or propofol may be used.

It was used on her to protect her brain during the major neurosurgery she underwent, as a last line of treatment in refractory intracranial hypertension following her traumatic brain injury resulting from the car accident.

It resulted her in a significant systemic adverse effect. She lost respiratory drive and required mechanical ventilation; gut motility was reduced; hypotension was used to complicate the efforts to maintain her cerebral perfusion pressure and often required the use of vasopressor drugs. Hypokalemia also resulted. Diana was at increased risk of bed sores as well as infection from catheters.

Few weeks later…..

Diana’s eyelids felt as if they had been sewed shut. She imagined she could feel tearing skin as she peeled them slowly open and blinked for the first time in weeks. Diana’s eyes opened suddenly, immediately being blinded by the light that shone directly into them. Somehow, the room was completely dark when the light went away. Breathing heavily, she tried to make sense of the audible confusion. She heard the quick tempo of a beeping heart monitor to her right.

“Where am I? What is happening?”

She wasn’t quite sure until she regained her vision and her heartbeat slowed. Blinking slowly and taking a deep breath, she finally was able to take a look around the room she had woken up in.

The room had pale cream walls and a white ceiling, which reminded her of a gloomy nursing home. Again she tried to move again, this time with more success. She craned her neck to face the window, the white curtains was drawn in to prevent the bright light from fully entering into the rehabilitation room.

It was a hospital room.

“What could have happened to her to make her end up in the hospital bed?” She questioned.

The blurred figures was a doctor and a nurse assistant checking her vitals and replacing the drip; an intravenous fluid. And now, the room was empty.

After hours listening to the hustling voices, Diana slept again, only to be woken by a piercing flash back. A car accident. That was all she could remember. Outside she could hear a faint conversation. She strained to hear.

“I don’t know what to do. She doesn’t respond much.”

“Do you think she still remembers the accident?”

“Don’t know. After all she’s been in a coma for three weeks….”

Diana didn’t hear the rest. She closed her eyes and cried unceasingly, she remembers the scene as clear as lightening, the image of her head smashing through the windscreen. Three weeks have passed from that awful day but what happened before the accident she couldn’t quite remember. She tried to remember something but it all faded away like a nail dropped into an ocean.

Then a female doctor walked into the hospital room, she was wearing a white coat which complimented her spectacles and a stethoscope around her neck with a file on her left hands. She dropped the files on the shelf by the left and walked towards Diana on the hospital bed who was looking confused.

“You’re awake. You’ve been put into an induced coma to save your life. You met with an accident!” The doctor cleared her throat and explained, she was able to discern the confusion in Diana’s facial expressions.

“Yea, I remember getting into an accident- I overhead I have been like this for three weeks?” Diana spoke for the first time in three weeks. Her voice was crackling and like she was on a death bed and the next second coughed out and a sudden, stabbing pain made her clutch at her stomach. She gasped.

The doctor looked at her in alarm. “Are you okay?”

The pain was attenuating, but Diana was aware of an acid feeling in the back of her throat and a strange light-headedness.

“My stomach”

“Oh, right. Time to give you this,….” The Doctor grabbed for the injection on top the shelf beside the hospital bed Diana was on, it was a vial packaged pharmaceutical intramuscular glucose injection. Diana needed energy and the stimulation necessary.

“And yea, Mrs Diana- you’ll be fine in few days time!” She stated as she inserted the syringes needle into the deltoid muscle of Diana’s arm, The barrel holding the medicine and has millimeters markings on it like a rule is compressed by the the force exerted on the plunger by the doctor, and the liquid medicine is into Diana’s deltoid muscle and out of the syringe.

It sure did hurt Diana at first but then gradually weakened in force and intensity as the doctor withdrew the needle. The pain got excited and with a cotton wet with a spirit (95% methanol and 5% ethanol) rubbed over the spot the needle was injected, the pain began to subside.

Diana jerked up as if trying to recollect a fragment of something, then finally back to what the doctor had addressed her as “You called me Mrs Diana? Is that my name?” She asked in surprise.

“You’re! Don’t tell me you don’t remember who you’re?” The doctor leaned closer in concern and besieged her to lie down.

“Who am I? Doctor?” Diana spoke as tears burned the back of her eyes, a ball of tear was beginning to cover her eyes.

“Calm down Mrs Diana” the doctor spoke. “I feared this might happen…” She added murmuring.

“What might happened? And who am I really?” The hitherto weak patient has somehow gotten strength from nowhere and was trying to haul up into a sitting position. Painfully she successfully hauled herself into a sitting position with the assistance of the doctor. Every part of her ached, especially the back of her head. The breathing apparatus by this time had been removed by the doctor.

She was still on her hospital patient scrubs and a gauze roll wrapped around her head like a sweatband and taped in a place and tied off at the ends. It was not tightly. It was snug enough to keep the bleeding under control, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation or irritates the injury.

In confusion , Diana received a news that if she were to have her memories, she would be the the happiest woman on earth and on the other hand a very bad news.

“Mr Diana, you’re pregnant with triplets and unfortunately I guess you must have lost your memories- from the accident.” Said the doctor.

A comatose pregnancy…

Silence enveloped the room as the doctor walked towards the window to shift the curtains aside. “And you’re Aliko Diana, the CEO of Diana’s oil company!” She spoke with a gracious tone. She picked back the file she had earlier dropped on the shelf and brought out a national identification card of which belonged to Diana

“What? I’m pregnant?”

“The only thing I remember is I met with an accident?”


Obviously, she lost her memories, she couldn’t remember or recall anything aside the accident that happened. And about who she was? She got more confused.

“See this, this is your ID card and sorry you lost the memories of the events before you met with the accident and who you’re. You may as well not be able to remember some persons-” the doctor explained handling over the ID card to Diana.

Her head was flooded with questions. Everything was new. At first, the questions were small and simple and very much in the present. Who am I? What happened before I met with the accident ? She clenched her fist tightly trying to recollect fragments of her memories but all to no avail.

“I still remember how to turn on the music, I still have knowledge of everything but not that of myself – I seem to be forgetting an event as well- ” Diana was moving her hands trying to recollect something.

“It’s amnesia – A rare medical condition where there is a loss of memories that formed before a traumatic head injury sometimes accompanied with forgetting who we’re and some persons”. The doctor explained further trying to make Diana understand.

Diana couldn’t ask more questions, everything got her confused the more…

It took Diana the entire afternoon to finally realize that she seemed to have been reborn.

It felt like there were alarm bells going off in her head, pounding and making a great din.

-She is pregnant

-Lost memories of the event that happened before her accident.

-May not remember some persons and some events.

-Its like starting life afresh.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Diana rapped herself on her head. “I got it, got it already. It’s a new beginning for me”.

Something seemed a little familiar and weird. A ray of white light flashed by in her head, and suddenly a fragment came back to her. In her previous lifetime, she seemed to be barren and was always shamed, but by who? – she couldn’t tell. But that’s by the way, she was barren but now she was pregnant. She suddenly recalled what the doctor said “Triplets?” Joy overwhelmed her greatly. She was pregnant with triplets, it was the best news she could ever receive.

Time and speed, She has been blessed with triplets that makes up for the years she had been barren. The system of speed she had curried.

Despite being overjoyed, thoughts and questions didn’t stop sipping into her seats of thought, they began to creep and pump into her head like a stream flowing naturally towards her.

“Who was she pregnant for?” Was the most that got her more worried but she thought with time everything will unfold, hoping for a memory resurgence and recollection.

She even couldn’t remember her own name, talk more of who she was really, but then the doctor told had told her and called her Mrs Diana, the owner of Diana’s oil company.

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