Twist Of Fate: Three Little Miracles

His Mum

When Diana arrived at Einstein academy, she was maddened to see how her childrens hair are messed up, well….. except that of Diana’s.

“Jerk!!!! Why would anyone or what would anyone needs children’s hair for?” She asked herself…

“Mummy!!!!” The kids called out to her immediately.. it seemed a little bit odd for high school students but there they were….

The children ran towards their mum and they received a warm embrace. ‘I hope you’re all fine?’ she questioned with a worried expression….All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, I suppose we’re” Stoic responded.

“Mum, some men came and too our hair way….” Legacy reported. Even though, Diana had been told earlier on what happened, she found it weird.

If not that someone’s else child’s hair was cut away by this strange men also, she would have concluded that someone was targeting her children. “Thank Goodness!” Diana thanked her God…

“Sorry ma’am about what happened” The principal apologized after a short while. He was standing close by as Diana hugged her kids passionately.

Diana just glanced at him and dismissed her kids, promising to meet them up after a short while with the principal.

“Tell me those mother fuckers were caught!” Diana sounded infuriated.

“Not yet, ma’am! But I assure you…. that they’ll be apprehended and taking to justice. They were able to enter into the school as they disguised as education inspectors, whereas some mafias’ I supposed..” the principal explained.

Meanwhile, Richarlison was reasoning over who and why someone would risk coming to a whole academy to take strands of air from kids? Then it came to him….

Earlier on, Jake was claiming custody of Diana’s kid as their father…. could it be he is responsible? And needs the hair to buttress his point? Probably after a Paternity DNA test using the hair? But if that was the case … why would someone’s else hair be taken ? And why was Jennifer’s hair not taken?

Richarlison was quick to discern that maybe the intruders mistook Jennifer for Clara…..

After the principal left, Richarlison relayed his thoughts to Diana. She thought over what he said and spoke, “Hair can be used to perform DNA test also. What if he is actually responsible?” She reasoned at Richarlison’s words again and nodded “he could be….” Or “who else could have tried to cut her children’s hair?”

Meanwhile, one of the policemen had got to work and checked all the secret surveillance cameras and found out the identity of the intruders that pretended to be education inspectors in less than twenty minutes. He immediately informed the research team and Diana who was still standing before Richarlison, angry that someone poses a threat to her kids…

Meantime, the news had got spread all through the new channels and other parents of children in the academy were coming to see their kids, it was a parental instinct thing.

None of Clara’s parents came… She was feeling so down but Stoic comforted her.

Richarlison placed a call over to Mark and informed him about the whole incident, ranging from his deduction as regards to who may be responsible to send someone to cut away strands of air of Diana kids, down to police swat team having a lead in finding out the intruders.

Mark was not so surprised, he also had arrived at same conclusion but that was not his main worry. His grandfather had just returned. The ex-communicando and he had to prepare a grand welcome for him into the military base.

Mark went to his abode but couldn’t find Hannah, anywhere… he searched the whole house but couldn’t find her. ‘Where could she have gone to?’

Mark at the end resolved, she probably must be somewhere in the base, feeling and treating herself to the environment.

There was a silence; the fierceness in his inner expression was fading slightly. In the distance, Mark thought he heard the sound of someone knocking on the front door: Hannah, probably, or Richarlison.

Then the door swung open, he started towards the visitor to see who it was and get his first good look at who ever it was- it was a slender woman, dressed in black. At first all Mark saw was the military gear and he almost didn’t recognize her, not until hjs eyes reached the woman’s face and he felt her stomach drop out of her body.

It was his biological mother…..

Not the woman, who abducted him, but in fact the mother who have birth to him…

For a moment Mark thought he was frightened, and his heart skipped a beat. But it wasn’t fright on his face, not really. He was fearless and cold but recently since he met Diana, his cold nature had dropped drastically.

Since the day he’d come home from elementary school to find his mother gone just as his father, who went to serve in the military , Mark had imagined seeing his mother again, well and healthy, so often that his imaginings had taken on the quality of a photograph that had become faded from being taken out and looked at too many times. Those images rose up before him now, even as he stared in disbelief-images in which his mother, looking healthy and happy, hugged Mark and told him how much he’d missed her but that everything was going to be all right now.

He was just five to six years of age , when the both of his parents left him, it was then The Bernard’s abducted him. They gave him a new hope and a family and a brother Benjamin Bernard, Now Jake Bernard.

The mother in Marks imaginings bore very little resemblance to the woman who stood in front of him now. He’d remembered Flora as gentle and artistic, a little bohemian with her paint-splattered overalls, her red hair in pigtails or fastened up with a pencil into a messy bun. This Flora was as bright and sharp as a knife, her hair drawn back sternly, not a wisp out of place; the harsh black of her gear made her face look pale and hard. Nor was her expression the one Mark had imagined: Instead of delight, there was something very like horror in the way she looked at Mark, her green eyes wide. “Mark,” she breathed. “Your clothes.”

Mark looked down at himself. She had on his black military gear, exactly what his mother had spent her whole life making sure her son would never have to wear because of her husband, Marks father. Mark swallowed hard, clutching the edge of the table with his hands. He could see how white his knuckles were, but his hands felt disconnected from his body somehow, as if they belonged to someone else.

Flora stepped toward him, reaching her arms out. “Mark-”

And Mark found himself backing up, so hastily that he hit the counter with the small of his back. Pain flared through him, but he hardly noticed; he was staring at his mother, his mouth slightly open;looked stricken

‘Wo are you?’ His strong voice wavered slightly as he seemed to catch the expression on Flora’s face; Flora was staring at him, her hand over his heart.

“Son.” Flora’s voice was barely a whisper.

Mark looked startled. “How do you mean?”

Color came into Flora’s face in a rush. “Of course. You’re my son. It’s just-you look so much like your father.” She lowered her hand slowly. “I’m Flora Va- valentine. I’m your mother.”

“You’ve been pronounced dead!” Mark said with a confused expression and in a tone, dying…..

“Well, I was…,” Flora said in a firmer voice. “But thanks to God, here I’m in flesh, standing in front of you.”

Flora moved toward Mark, reaching her hands out. “Mark…….-”

At last Mark found his voice back after a short while. It was a cold, icy voice, so angry it surprised him. “How did you get here, Flora?”

His mother stopped dead, a look of uncertainty passing over her face. “How I got here doesn’t matter, all that matters now is that I’m here now…” Her voice trailed off. “Son, is something wrong?”

“Why did you left me alone??” Mark said. It wasn’t what he’d expected to say, wasn’t even what he’d planned to have come out of her mouth. But there it was.

Flora dropped her hands. ” I received a news your dad had gotten killed in battlefield while on duty. I was put into a situation I had no option but to leave you for the mercenaries abode, but despite that i’ve always been with you… I arranged for you to be abducted by the Bernard’s”

“Let me tell you something, Mom,” Mark said. “Knowing is better than not knowing. Every time.”

“I’m sorry-” Flora began.

“Sorry?” It was as if something inside Mark had torn open, and everything was pouring out, all her bitterness, all her pent-up rage. “Do you want to explain why you never showed up? Or that my father was dead? Oh, and how about that bit where you left me suffer? And grow up without my actual parents?”

“I was trying to protect you- I feared your dad’s enemies would come for you. He was a mercenary and had many enemies….”

“Well, you did a terrible job!” Mark’s voice rose. “What did you expect to happen to me after you disappeared? If it hadn’t been for Benjamin’s parents and the others, I’d be dead. You never showed me how to protect myself. You never told me how dangerous things really were. What did you think? That if I couldn’t see the bad things, that meant they couldn’t see me?” His eyes burned.

Shocked speechless, Flora could only stare at him.

Flora was ashen. Tears rose up in Mark’s eyes-he couldn’t bear seeing his mother like this, seeing her so hurt, and yet he was the one doing the hurting-and he knew that if he opened his mouth again, more terrible words would come out, more hateful, angry things.

He clapped his hand over his mouth and darted for the hallway like a girl would usually do. This sudden meeting his mum after decades completely altered his normal self, pushing past his mother. All he wanted was to get away. Blindly pushing at the front door, he half-fell out of the building. Behind him, someone called her name, but he didn’t turn around. He was already walking fast.

However, it was seven years ago that Marks biological father died in battlefield when he took a bullet for Richarlison, Marks personal bodyguard even though Richarlison was his junior. Richarlison could only do what he could do, to protect Mark. Over time, Jared, Marks father, would discuss his son with him and even his wife. Meanwhile, His wife, Flora as a an sergeant general of a medical unit was at the mercenaries abode where her skills were most needed. She had just returned home to meet her son she abandoned.

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