Twist Of Fate: Three Little Miracles

Something About Hannah

The next morning, the sun peeked over the crumbling wharves of Sterling City, lighting the world with devastating clarity. Diana woke up to find Mark already gone. As she struggled out of bed, the fading scent of Mark on her told a different story. She then caught sight of a paper on her desk. Just as a person would walk when he or she wakes up from sleep in the early morning was how she walked up to the desk and picked up the paper, “Find the original silver ring before noon!” The paper read, obviously Mark was the one who dropped it.

The light streaming into the room through the windows had strengthened from watery dawn light to the pale illumination of early morning, but Diana barely noticed. She was busy wondering who must have taken the silver ring and left her with a fake one? Only Felicity has had more access to the silver ring… Could she be the one responsible? – Nurse Felicity from chapter 2–4 –

After a moment, Diana then started to her children’s bedroom, to wake them up… and get them ready for the day. They were on holidays.

As Mark exited the building, Richarlison was already waiting for him. He had gone to his place but was told that he didn’t sleep there for the night. Richarlison was quick to figure out that if he is not in his place, he should be in Diana’s place. Afterall, he somehow have managed to figure out the relationship that subsist between Mark and Diana.

“Good morning sir!” He greeted, “How is she? Diana?” He inquired, his hand was wrapped in gauze. He had started to heal from the injury Jake inflicted on him.

“She’s fine.” The mention of Diana seemed to make Mark tense all over, which in turn sparked Richarlison’s nerves-but Mark would never say Diana was all right if she weren’t. He was looking tousled and half-awake, with early morning hair and sleepy eyes, “What is it? Why are you looking for me early this early morning?”

“I discovered some truths about Hannah few days back… And it’s a must I let you know…” Richarlison started, his voice crispy.

“Okay, Go on…”

“Hannah was the one who sent those bloody civilians.. all in the bid to frame Diana for it and probably get her expelled or executed….”, Richarlison heaved a sigh and continued, “She was also responsible for replacing Diana’s first aid box with a new one that contained the poisoned in the glucose injection…”

Mark’s face temporarily furrowed in thought, then smoothed out as if he had forgotten what Richarlison had just said as quickly as he’d said it. He can’t hurt Hannah or punish her now that she is supposedly pregnant with his child. Owen’s would kill him if he dares hurt her.

“What’s it?”.. Richarlison inquired, staring at Mark with a concerned expression.

“I’ll ask her and see if she denies….. Alas, I’ll have to wait till she gives birth before executing her…”, Mark responded and continued with his steps. His face contorting to anger, “Such a wicked lady…!”

“But, why would she want to get her framed and expelled or executed?” Richarlison pointed out sourly..

“We’ll find out soon!” Mark responded with a smirk..

(I just wish Diana has her memories….)


Sterling City Military Base In the early morning was mostly filled with working out officers. The air was crisp and morning-clean, the leaves already thickly covering the pavement in sheets of red, gold, and dark green. The military officers doing their early morning routine jogging round the field.

Hannah had just woken up when she heard a knock on the door, “Come in..” she said in her half slumber state. Officer Juliet then twisted the door knob and let herself into the room, carrying a cup of hot tea on a flat plate, “Good morning ma”am, Ex-communicando assigned me as your personal servant henceforth…” Juliet quickly explained herself. “Here…. Have it, the doctor recommended you take tea first thing early in the morning! And I have prepared it from the depths of my heart!”

Hannah realizing she is already being given a special treatment got rid of the slumbering left within her and took the tea and sipped it, it was comforting indeed.

The next second Mark barged into the bedroom without knocking and it startled Juliet and even Hannah herself. Juliet immediately saluted the president general accordingly and quickly excused herself and left to give the couple their privacy.

“You thought I’d not find out, huh?”

“Find out what? I don’t get you… You left yesterday midnight only to come back home this morning this angry and asking me annoying questions..” Hannah said in-between a crying voice all in the bid to stall the conversation. She instinctively knew Mark must have found out.

“Why did you wanted to frame Diana and get her executed or if Lucky expelled?” Mark asked, feeling so irritated by Hannah’s erupting sobs.

“I had to do it to get rid of her… I have loved you right from the start and I was afraid she was going to take you away from me and besides, where did you spend the night, last night?” Hannah knew for herself Mark wouldn’t hurt her as she was pregnant – though, not really pregnant – and as such it’d be easy to pull this off.

“You loved me and you —-”

“You still have the guts to ask me stupid questions, damn it! You’re despicable and evil! Trust me when you give birth to that thing I’ll get you – ” Mark didn’t complete his sentence, he then clenched his fist tightly and used his fury on the desk beside him, which crashed into halves. If he says he would get her executed after she gives birth, she might do something way dangerous that would harm the unborn baby before she is put into execution. Then again, what if she is not pregnant? Hannah was not even scared of how angry he was, she now has an upper hand.

“Get ready… We’re going to the hospital to get another pregnancy test done and if possible get a paternity test done on the unborn baby, Because I’m definitely not the father of that thing you are carrying…” With that said, Mark left the room. Leaving her alone, in a drop dead silence, anyways whichever hospital in sterling city they go, she has a plan to ensure her plan doesn’t fail. She just wanted to get rid of Diana for good and also needs to get the silver ring and give it to Jake Despite their current misunderstanding because that was the only way she can have custody of Clara, her daughter. She is been in this game cause of her daughter and to ensure Diana continues to suffer. Wickedness flows in her DNA .

As Mark walked out, Richarlison walked up to him giving him a paper to sign, “What’s it?” Mark asked Richarlison.

“Diana is requesting for a week off to go to Delta city and also a battalion of soldiers to accompany her and your permission is needed, it’ll be in effect once you sign these papers..” Richarlison explained.

“She is going to Delta City for a week? Why?” He thought before he asked , “Did she tell you why?”

“Yes…. She said an old friend of her should have an explanation as to what happened to the original Silver Ring….” Richarlison explained further.

Mark then collected the papers and signed them, but with some reservations because he didn’t like the idea of Diana being away for a week. He felt scared because she would be away, even temporarily.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“Do we have an order to go after Jake? Sir?”, Richarlison asked. He thought Mark would ask his boys to go get Jake for the crime he has committed but, “No”, Mark responded and dismissed him. “It’s a family issue and I’ll get it solved. Thanks for you concern!” He added.

Just as he was about leaving, an officer approached Mark and saluted.

“Sir, the lady who lives at the address you gave us is reportedly missing….”

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