[73] b

“Visiting an old friend,” Eland replied casually. He enjoyed the tequila served in front of him with gusto. Occasionally, the man’s eyes closed to savor the sensation of Menwai’s blend, which was undoubtedly different from Flown. “Not bad. You should try it, An.”

“I don’t like tequila,” Anne declined. That was her honest response before her gaze shifted to Bella. The woman’s body was thin, her once beautiful wavy blonde hair was no longer there. Her face was much gaunter, as if she hadn’t had enough rest.

“Take me away from here, Eland!” Bella almost bumped into Eland. Her eyes wandered, making sure no one was watching. She knelt slightly, focusing on the man she had known for a long time. She sought the mercy that she believed Eland still possessed.

Although… in her heart, what Eland had done was unforgivable, but she could postpone the pain. She had to free herself from the clutches of Bella, the devilish woman, immediately.

“I’m not here to see you, Bella.” Eland brushed off Bella’s hand with ease. “It’s better for you to stay here than return to Twin Dragons. Every time Sam remembers your name, a bottle of alcohol shatters in his hands. What do you think will happen to you if you appear in front of Sam?” Eland grinned thinly, leaning back comfortably, ignoring Bella, who appeared anxious.

Cunning as always, Bella approached Anne. “You have to help me, Anne. You know, I often helped you when Tony was still around.” Bella still held hope. Yes, Anne was her hope. She immediately sat beside Anne, who looked surprised by her earlier behavior.

“Don’t bother Anne, Bella,” Eland warned firmly. He had been casually talking before, but seeing Bella insisting, Eland became annoyed as well. Ah… he should have predicted this, right? Unfortunately, he needed to meet Bella. If it weren’t for Sam’s orders and the need to personally verify the rumors, Eland wouldn’t want to be here.

Even just meeting Bella, Eland would prefer if the tip of his sword was at Bella’s throat. He hadn’t forgotten what Bella had done and the impact it had on Flown and Jack.

“I have to go back to Twin Dragons, Anne,” Bella ignored Eland’s warning. She kept pleading with Anne, who didn’t know what to do. “I’m sure Sam will forgive me. Beatrice is a good girl, Beatrice won’t-”

“I said don’t disturb her,” Eland’s grip on Bella’s neck tightened. Bella’s eyes widened in shock. She reached for anything on the table to free herself, but it was useless. Eland’s strength held power over her. “Haven’t you learned from past mistakes?”

“Don’t cause a scene, Eland.”

That voice made Eland turn. And Anne as well. Following the direction of the voice, they saw a woman wearing a red dress, her long wavy hair adding a unique aura to the figure Anne had just met.

Her name was Flara Frederich. The ruler of Savannah who didn’t want her name known by many. She used trusted aides to appear in public, but all decisions rested with her. Even those who merely met her had to have special appointments because it was difficult to see her. She controlled the illegal sector, including human trafficking, which couldn’t be touched by the law.

Eland let out a long sigh. He released his grip with a strong push. Bella coughed, not fully aware of the presence that made her hair stand on end. And when she looked up, from the tip of her shoes to their eye contact, Bella was startled.

“Aren’t you expecting guests, Bella?” Flara glanced down briefly. Her hand intentionally touched her chin, quickly scanning the appearance of the woman who couldn’t be separated from her watchful eyes. But she was allowed to do whatever she pleased as payment. It was Sam’s command, so that’s what happened. Besides, Flara had nothing to lose.

In fact, the benefits at Menwai Discotheque increased with Bella’s presence. A sex machine that could be used at the customer’s whim, fulfilling their desires.

“It’s my break time,” Bella mustered the courage. “I need time to go back there.”

Flara chuckled. “Is that true?” She called one of her subordinates to come closer. “Bring what Bella needs.”

Instantly, those words sent shivers down Bella’s spine. “No.” She shook her head anxiously. “No, not again.”

“There are many guests to entertain tonight, Bella.” Flara smiled very thinly. But it was clearly not a smile that could be praised casually. It was a smile that signaled terrible torment for Bella tonight. “I heard from Mia that you rarely eat? Should I feed you?”

Once again, Bella shook her head. Fearfully.

“I want you to gain a little weight. You’re an asset that I will never let go, Bella.” Flara still maintained her smile. She glanced briefly at the subordinate who brought her a cup of clear liquid. “Drink.”

Bella shook her head vigorously. Rebelling while begging for forgiveness. Causing some of the contents of the cup to wet the tip of Flara’s shoe. A soft sigh accompanied by a clear look of displeasure was clearly imprinted on Flara’s face. “Force her to drink it and take her to the VIP room. The police officers need to be entertained, and tomorrow, make sure she eats everything brought by Mia.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Bella’s cries were so heart-wrenching. Occasionally, curses slipped from her lips, but no one cared at all. Not even Eland, who stared at her with triumph. Once again, he sipped his drink. Meanwhile, Anne could only squeeze each other’s hands.

“This is the kind of punishment Sam wants, right?” Flara asked as she took a seat next to Anne. “Who are you? I’ve never seen this beautiful girl before.”

“Don’t touch Anne.” Eland placed his drink down somewhat roughly. “I came here just to deliver this.” He handed over a flat black object. Flara’s wide smile was instantly formed.

“Ah… your boss knows exactly what I need.” She took the object easily and handed it to one of her trusted subordinates. “Enjoy this time, Eland and… Anne?”

Not long after, the woman left. Followed by her subordinate, who seemed quite intimidating to Anne. But since she was used to dealing with large, tattooed men, most of Sam’s subordinates had that build, she could relax and enjoy her seat, although questions arose because she knew the contents of the file that had changed hands earlier.

She knew exactly what was in it. She had formatted all the access there to make it easier when it was transferred.

“Why did Boss Sam collaborate with Savannah?” Anne asked, making Eland laugh.

“Flara is a committed person. Sam has been collaborating with Flara for a long time, especially in the distribution of alcohol in the Southern Territory. Now, you can say that Sam is also involved in the majority of Quassano’s controlled Northern Territory. The majority of the sea entry routes are under Flara’s control. Sam just doesn’t want any trouble down the line.”

Anne nodded as if she understood.

“Do what’s your part. Don’t be afraid as long as you’re by my side and Sam’s. The punishment for Bella is nothing compared to the other two.”

“What do you mean?” Anne blinked in shock. Flara’s punishment seemed cruel to her, but when she thought about the traitors, they should receive appropriate retribution. She remembered the explosion and the many victims who fell, as well as the attack on Flown that made the Twin Dragons lose control slightly. Suddenly, Anne’s fist clenched tightly. “Gerald and Jimmy? Didn’t I confirm their whereabouts to Boss Sam?”

“Only their whereabouts, right?” Eland stood up from his seat.

“Let’s go home. We’ve met our old friend long enough.”

“Did you deliberately want to meet Bella?” Anne asked with frustrated sarcasm. Somehow, Eland intentionally did this to her. Her mind was filled with the phrase “old friend” that Eland had been mentioning. So… the old friend he meant was Bella? How annoying!

“Jealous?” Eland reached out his hand, smiling thinly as he found Anne’s pouting face utterly adorable. Amidst the colorful lights, loud music, and suffocating cigarette smoke, none of it mattered to Eland. Just by looking at Anne, his world became so much better.

“No.” Her hand wasn’t met as usual. Anne chose to lead the way, letting Eland follow her. She knew she was being closely watched by the man.

“I did meet an old friend, An.” Eland matched Anne’s slightly faster pace. His sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, as many pairs of eyes were watching Anne. Perhaps in their eyes, Anne was one of the women, just like Bella. How dare they? If anyone dared to touch Anne even a little, he wouldn’t care if this building suddenly became a memory.

“Who?” Anne asked curtly. But this time, she didn’t push away Eland’s arm that wrapped around her.

“Flara.” That was true. Flara was Eland’s acquaintance for a long time. Before he decided to wander to the Southern Territory, he had already explored the port area and the arid sandy place where Flara lived. Unfortunately, Eland didn’t want to get too involved in Flara’s activities. It was only on a superficial level, and their occasional meetings were solely for inter-territorial matters.

“Since when have you known her?”

They had reached the exit. Two bald-headed individuals looked at Eland with scrutinizing eyes but then nodded obediently, allowing him to leave easily with Anne, who never strayed far from his side.

“Do you want to hear it?” Anne was always curious about Eland’s past. Since they officially became a couple, Anne often asked Eland to tell her about his life. It was the same with her before she lived in the Twin Dragons’ base. But Anne felt her own life story was rather flat, far different from Eland’s captivating tales.

That’s why Anne nodded in agreement.

“Um… but we can’t go straight home. We have to stay here.”

“Why is that?” Anne widened her eyes.

“It’s a long story, An. I’m tired from driving.” Eland reasoned while looking at Anne with a tired gaze. Pretending so that Anne would pout. Anne’s whining voice sounded pleasant to Eland. Although he didn’t feel tired at all. With Anne, he always found a new spirit.

“Oh, that’s not a reason, Eland!” Anne pouted. “Let’s go home. I don’t want to stay in this area.”


“I just don’t want to, period.”

The conversation made Anne smile faintly. Remembering the many journeys that had taken place between the two of them was indeed enjoyable. Most of them were filled with quite dangerous tasks from Sam, but Anne didn’t mind. Eland took care of her very well, and she herself was never afraid to face anything. In addition to practicing martial arts and honing her skills with a pistol, she had also encountered many parties that became enemies and allies of the Twin Dragons.

Expanding her horizons, gazing at the world she walked upon now.

“Well, we’re here,” Eland announced. The car was neatly parked in one corner.

“Huh? Isn’t this a cemetery?” Anne asked in surprise. This cemetery complex was unfamiliar to her. Anne had never visited here before.

“It’s where the traitorous women sleep forever.”

Anne fell silent.

“Even so, you had a good relationship with her, right? I did too. Let’s consider it a final tribute before we get married?”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.


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