Union Of Death (Secrets of The Famiglia Part 2)

Chapter 16 (Aliyana)

Chapter 16 (Aliyana)

My morning goes by without a hitch as Guilia and I spend three hours on the phone with Kylie, half of that time she is bantering with one of her brothers or screaming for her mother when one of them teases her.

It is a memorable conversation as we try to find a suitable way to teach the She demon a lesson while Kylie navigates the craziness which is her life. If I knew I could have a life similar to Kylies’ I would long for it. But that is never going to happen, so I enjoy just listening as an outsider and by the end of our conversation, Kylie, Guilia, and I have a solid plan.

Guilia and I skip breakfast but Leonardo has other plans when he walks into my room around 12 and carries a shrieking Guilia away.

I’ve just done my make-up when Salvatore’s name flashes on my screen, “I was beginning to get worried.”

“Hello Miss Capello, I have just ARRIVED, at the Manor.”

“Perfect timing, I’ll be right down.” I click my phone off and grab my heels. This time I am prepared for the lunch, with a cream flirty but respectful dress.

My bare feet rush down the stairs with my heels in my hand. And just before I land on the last step, without thinking I run and throw myself at Salvatore who instantly grabs my waist.

“We have lots to do.” I smile but it drops when I see his grave face frozen on something to my right.

I turn and see two angry faces, one belonging to Marco and the other my brother. In an act of self- preservation, I run toward my brother and throw myself at him too, and like I predicted, he holds me and loses his anger, thinking I am just happy. Which is not off the mark. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I am very happy.

“You are extra bubbly, did sleeping next to Guilia rub off on you?” He asks holding me at arm's length.

“Maybe.” I play coy and Filippo smiles, shaking his head.

I give a still evil-eyed, Marco a small acknowledgment which he answers by storming off to his man cave, slash library.

“What’s up his ass?”

“Nothing you need to worry about. What are your plans for the day?”

“Not sure as yet, why?”

“I wanted to spend the day with you and Guilia. The brothers are going hunting and Camilla is going to the doctor, apparently, she hurt her knee.” My brother gives me a look but remains quiet on why. I know Filippo has a thing about killing animals, but he still eats the meat.

“I was hoping to just lay low today,” I say and Filippo looks behind me, before his attention darts back to me, “You were hoping to snoop, and Salvatore I’m sure was going to be the wingman.”

“Not snoop, just check the place out.”

“We can do that together, Camilla and Salvatore don’t get along, inviting him here was a bad idea.”

“She didn’t invite him, I did,” Deno says and it is the first time I notice how quiet and not himself he has been.

Filippo raises his brow but remains quiet.

“Since he is here, he can join us.”

Marco storms back to where we are all standing, “Actually Salvatore needs to leave.”

I want to refuse but something in his eyes tells me not to and I don't. Salvatore and I will have to discuss Mero when we get home tomorrow.

Guilia, Filippo, and I spend the day around the property, and although my brother’s knowledge of the history of the place is not as extensive as Salvatore he does a good job keeping us entertained.

The rest of the men are back around lunchtime and Camilla walks in just as everyone is starting to gather around the dining area.

“How is your knee? Did the doctor say what is wrong?” Marco asks her as she kisses him on the cheek. She is dressed in a black low-cut dress that hugs her entire body.

“It’s fine, all sorted.”

“That’s good, I got Xander and Gabriel to take Mischa back to my sister’s place for the evening.” He tells her as we all sit around the table.

“Oh, I thought she was staying with us?”

“No, I think some alone time is on the tables.” Marco looks at her, but there is something I am missing.

“So, how were the grounds?” Deno asks me, all smiles and charm, which is a complete 360 since we arrived yesterday.

“It was interesting, though I want to know more about Berenice and Elladio.”

“There are different stories surrounding them, the romantic version is she was a princess trapped in a castle for her own protection, but the other one is she was a prisoner, kidnapped and stuck in this place her husband built to keep her hidden.” Leonardo is the one who answers and I find the latter version unappealing to what I have seen.

My eyes skitter to Marco and he is staring right at me. Was he angry I refused to kidnap my friend?

“I think I like the first version.”

“Well there is a journal hidden somewhere in this place, and I believe Elladio wrote the truth in it,” Deno responds as the food arrives.

“Did you men manage to catch something?” Guilia asks from next to me.

“No, we didn’t end up hunting,” Deno informs all of us and the silent exchange between himself and Marco is palpable. What was I missing?

“Oh, well there is always a next time,” Camilla adds, joining the conversation.

“Before we eat, I would like to say a few words.” Marco stands, and we all stare at the man with the black molten eyes as he lifts the whiskey glass in his hand.

“To new beginnings, and past endings. We are all part of one family, but years ago tragedy struck and my father made a choice that separated the Catelli and Capello families in a way that has caused many problems over the years. But, my brother, Lorenzo, found his closest friend in a Capello, Aliyana. And now Leonardo has found a wife too. So let this union bring us closer and let the past be the past. I know I can never right the wrong of my father but I am hoping with this union we can mend old wounds and create strong bonds. Today I officially welcome Capello’s as part of not just the Famiglia but the Catellis’.”

“To new beginnings,” Deno says and we all repeat it drinking our wine. But as I sip, the after taste is not sweet, the bitterness is potent and the happiness I had when I woke up this morning dissipates under a cloud of hate. My sister is still gone and Marco expects us to just forget about it. That can never happen.

I remain silent throughout the meal, and the moment it ends I get up and begin clearing the table. No one stops me or pays me any attention. I get to the kitchen and smile at the workers, washing the dishes and clearing up the mess.

“Sei bellissima come tua sorella, Azurella.” You are very beautiful like your sister, Azurella. The one lady says to me, and I am a bit confused, she is older than the others.


“Si, il signor Capello l’ha sempre portata nel maniero per il fine settimana.” Yes, Mr. Capello always brought her to the Manor for the weekend.

I smile as my mind goes through equal parts shock and hope. Azurella Capello, my sister. I have a name for my sister.

“Grazie.” Thank you

I go back to the dining room and hear them all talking and laughing and I watch them. All of them are so joyous, care-free happy. I have tried for years to find something about my sister. A sister I never got to know but I felt a kinship to, love, and honor her.

These people knew her, they touched her, seen her, and watched her get taken away. And now after a small speech, that basically said fuck her, they want us to forget what they did. I can’t.

It isn’t the brothers that I blame, but their father and I understand Marco’s desire to try and fix his own family since Ren died, but what about mine? My sister is still somewhere out there and now I have a name. I can find her.

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