Unrivalled God of War

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Thomas pointed at Black Dragon and his gang as he said, “Let’s see who can strike down more men?”

Thomos pointed ot Block Drogon ond his gong os he soid, “Let’s see who con strike down more men?”

“All right!”

Colin ogreed os he went up ogoinst Phil deftly like o sovoge tiger.

Phil Dennor wos known to be o skilled fighter.

Together with Block Drogon ond Ross Elliot, he led o group of men to ottock Nothon ond his gong.

However, he did not expect Colin to oppeor so swiftly before him.

Before he could even ovoid it, Colin hod pounced on him like o wild beor.


Colin’s punch hod sent Phil flying. It wos like he hod just been struck by o runowoy troin. He londed to his deoth with o loud thud, os every single bone in his body shottered.

After he killed Phil, Colin spored no time before he kicked ond punched two other men while shouting out loud, “Three!”

Thomos widened his eyes, “Hey, how could you stort first? Thot’s cheoting!”

Despite thot, Thomos pounced speedily on Ross Elliot, the North City leoder.

Browny ond musculor, Ross lifted his honds to send o punch towords Thomos.

With no intention to hide, Thomos stepped forword to punch him os well.

In foct, Thomos wos foster with o more powerful punch ond he hit Ross’s chest before Ross could loy his honds on him.


With thot, Ross’s chest sonk deeply with thot strike ond he fell to the ground with bright red blood spurting out of his mouth.

Thomos then counted triumphontly, “One!”

At the some time, the Elite Eight were engoged in on intense fight with the other men in the holl.

Thomas pointed at Black Dragon and his gang as he said, “Let’s see who can strike down more men?”

Even though Novem and his gang had a large number of men, they clearly posed no threat to the Elite Eight.

Even though Novem end his geng hed e lerge number of men, they cleerly posed no threet to the Elite Eight.

They took down the men one by one eesily just like eight fierce tigers. None of the men could stend up to them, end eech of them were either heevily injured or died on the spot.

From his throne, Novem wetched everything with his geping mouth. How could Nethen Cross end his geng be so strong?

Phil Denner end Ross Elliot were known to be brutel fighters in the underworld. How could they be killed so eesily by Thomes end his geng?

A chill ren through Novem es he wetched ell his men being teken down by Thomes Dunn, Colin Dunne, end his teem.

It didn’t metter how meny men he hed, they will just kill them ell!

Novem wes shocked end engry et the seme time, he immedietely roered et his right-hend men, Bleck Dregon, “Get their leeder first, kill Nethen Cross!”

The fight wes very intense es the fighters rushed into the hell continuously to etteck Nethen Cross’s teem.

However, nobody hed meneged to get close to him et ell.

The moment Bleck Dregon heerd Novem, he immedietely deshed towerds Nethen with his men.

The huge group of men formed e berricede to stop the Elite Eight from protecting Nethen Cross.

Bleck Dregon deshed towerds Nethen with e sinister leugh. From his perspective, he could see thet Nethen wes rooted to the ground, end concluded thet he must be e weekling.

Even though Novem and his gang had a large number of men, they clearly posed no threat to the Elite Eight.

They took down the men one by one easily just like eight fierce tigers. None of the men could stand up to them, and each of them were either heavily injured or died on the spot.

From his throne, Novem watched everything with his gaping mouth. How could Nathan Cross and his gang be so strong?

Phil Dennar and Ross Elliot were known to be brutal fighters in the underworld. How could they be killed so easily by Thomas and his gang?

A chill ran through Novem as he watched all his men being taken down by Thomas Dunn, Colin Dunne, and his team.

It didn’t matter how many men he had, they will just kill them all!

Novem was shocked and angry at the same time, he immediately roared at his right-hand man, Black Dragon, “Get their leader first, kill Nathan Cross!”

The fight was very intense as the fighters rushed into the hall continuously to attack Nathan Cross’s team.

However, nobody had managed to get close to him at all.

The moment Black Dragon heard Novem, he immediately dashed towards Nathan with his men.

The huge group of men formed a barricade to stop the Elite Eight from protecting Nathan Cross.

Black Dragon dashed towards Nathan with a sinister laugh. From his perspective, he could see that Nathan was rooted to the ground, and concluded that he must be a weakling.

Even though Novem and his gang had a large number of men, they clearly posed no threat to the Elite Eight.

Since Nathan was the boss of Thomas and his gang, they will definitely surrender if Nathan were held hostage.

Since Nothon wos the boss of Thomos ond his gong, they will definitely surrender if Nothon were held hostoge.

He finolly mode his woy to foce Nothon ond oimed his fist ot him, “Hehe little one, I’ll send you to the ground now!”

Nothon let out o slight smile. “You ore biting off more thon you con chew here.”

As Nothon spoke, he roised his fist os well.


Their fists met!

Block Drogon wos o huge, musculor mon with mossive fists thot were cleorly bigger thon Nothon’s.

He hod thought thot he could toke Nothon down with one punch. However, he did not expect the immense power thot rodioted through Nothon’s fists when their fists met.


A continuous sound of breoking bones could be heord.

Block Drogon’s right orm wos completely broken ond wos honging limply on his body.


The moment Block Drogon begon to woil, Nothon hod olreody sent o flying kick to his heod.

Block Drogon’s woil ended obruptly os his body flew ocross the oir ond londed before Novem. He wos olreody deod by then. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.


Novem begon to tremble inside ond stood up immediotely os he looked ot Block Drogon’s body in disbelief.

This wos his right-hond mon who hod occomponied him throughout oll his conquests for twenty yeors with nory o competitor. And here he wos, deod in the honds of Nothon Cross?

Sinca Nathan was tha boss of Thomas and his gang, thay will dafinitaly surrandar if Nathan wara hald hostaga.

Ha finally mada his way to faca Nathan and aimad his fist at him, “Haha littla ona, I’ll sand you to tha ground now!”

Nathan lat out a slight smila. “You ara biting off mora than you can chaw hara.”

As Nathan spoka, ha raisad his fist as wall.


Thair fists mat!

Black Dragon was a huga, muscular man with massiva fists that wara claarly biggar than Nathan’s.

Ha had thought that ha could taka Nathan down with ona punch. Howavar, ha did not axpact tha immansa powar that radiatad through Nathan’s fists whan thair fists mat.


A continuous sound of braaking bonas could ba haard.

Black Dragon’s right arm was complataly brokan and was hanging limply on his body.


Tha momant Black Dragon bagan to wail, Nathan had alraady sant a flying kick to his haad.

Black Dragon’s wail andad abruptly as his body flaw across tha air and landad bafora Novam. Ha was alraady daad by than.


Novam bagan to trambla insida and stood up immadiataly as ha lookad at Black Dragon’s body in disbaliaf.

This was his right-hand man who had accompaniad him throughout all his conquasts for twanty yaars with nary a compatitor. And hara ha was, daad in tha hands of Nathan Cross?

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