
Chapter 109

Chapter 20 – A Change in Plans 


“We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.” – Ken Levine 


She knows! That f*cking witch knows! 

That bitch is going to ruin everything

I pace back and forth in my room, outlining circles as Osiris hovers above me like a puff of tobacco smoke. He hasn’t spoken a word since his arrival. He’s so nonchalant about this. How the hell can he be?! That pest changed the air–probably a f*cking spell, since that’s the only good that comes out of her kind, and it threatens to ruin my plans

I have I 

Darien on my side, and he’s been a faithful little puppy. The s*x is amazing. Turning his back on Kiya has been a blessing because now, I have the upper hand. Poor little thing looks so dejected whenever he’s around, and 1 had to resist laughing- 

Too bad, so sad, Kiya. Darien is mine, and he’ll always be mine. Soon, Neron will follow. If only Osiris would act on his master plan, we wouldn’t be in this situation


“Are you going to say something or what?” I demand of him. Thank for soundproof rooms. “Whoever that witch is, she knows I’m working with you. How does she know, and what can we do about it?” 

“Hush, my pet. Stop moving. Your pacing is giving me motion sickness.” What a joke coming from a f*cking puff of smoke. He slithers all the damn time and I’m the one making it worse for him? “That young lady is an avatar. Of Hekate, the Goddess of Magic. She’s a powerful one, and nothing escapes her mighty third–cye. Recruiting her was a smart move on the Alpha and Delta’s end.” 

I scoff. “There are more avatars? Wonderful.” 

“There’s more than us than you know, dear. Kiya is the one your Moon Goddess blessed with her powers, thus making her the most powerful werewolf in existence.” 

“How daft must she be to pick a sniveling slave to carry on her magnificence.” I roll my eyes, offended by this information. We revered our beloved Goddess as wise, graceful, and unquestionable. The least she can do is bend the rules a bit. What did that bitch do to deserve her blessing? She’s a cockroach needing to be exterminated! “How do we get rid of the witch?” 

“Act hastily and you’ll ruin everything. You aren’t to do anything until I say so.” The command in Osiris‘ voice is absolute. I feel my head bowing on its own. It’s different from an Alpha’s command, although this one is laced with malice and dominance. There’s no room for disobedience. “The witch is but one obstacle in my way, hut even magic has a time limit. She will not stay long. But her abilities are powerful. She has cast a protection spell around this land, preventing me from prowling about. I can only last a short while in this form.” 

“But, what about our plan?” Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“If you cared to notice, separating the Alpha from his mate is a challenge. Neron Prince has dedicated his energy to protect Kiya and continues to fall in love with her. An Alpha pursuing the object of his love and desire is one your hips and tits cannot sway. So, my only option is to skip a few steps of my original plan.” 

Chapter 201 – A Change in Păm 

arms? Mu 

My ears perk up at this change. Does this mean I’m going to come closer to having Neron in my heart thudded in my chest at the prospect of my first love being a hairline close to me. “What does this 


“It means, little puppy, that I’m going forth in the final stage of my plan. I know all about Kiya; from the minute she took her first breath to this present day. I know all the terrible things you and this pack have done to her. Although, it’s a benefit to not see the regret eating away at your soul.” 

“Because I have no regrets!” I exclaim. “She deserved everything she got!” 

“And that’s the attitude I need.” His chuckles sent shivers down my spine. “Not everyone is groveling on their knees to beg for her forgiveness like the Alpha and the Beta Female. The darkness that persisted in these mutts hasn’t changed since her dark days. The Omegas are the perfect example of that. And I’m going to use it to my advantage.” 

I try to understand what he meant, but to no avail. He can see the confusion on my face and chose the reluctant option of explaining it to me. “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And we’ll repeat history on these lands. I promise you, Odessa Rossi, it’ll be fun!” 

‘But the spell,” I mention. “You can’t move around so easily. How will you do it?” 

“Simple. You’re my slave for a reason, which means I get to use you however I like. And your body will be quite useful for me.” 

Black smoke hovers closer as I began backing until I hit a wall panic. Sweat rolls down my temples whereas my heart hammered in my chest, threatening to break out. “You can’t do that! My wolf won’t allow it!” 

“You think that I’m worried about your mongrel? She abandoned you the moment you made the deal with me. All good things come with sacrifices, my pet.” 

Ariel? Abandoning me? No! She wouldn’t do that! Sure, we have disagreements here and there, but she’ll 

never take it as far as to leave me

As Osiris lessens the distance between us, I try to link to Ariel. But I’m met with an impenetrable wall. 

I try it again. 

And again. 

I can’t get through! She can’t do this to me! 


You made your choice.” My wolf’s voice dripped with a potent poison. It strikes and stings my heart viciously like a scorpion’s tail. “Reap the seeds you sowed.” 

The last thing I saw was Osiris‘ jaws widening to reveal his fangs. Then, black. 




The pups were amazing today. Nearly half of them will be promoted to be under a different trainer and were so excited. Kwame’s taking over that for now. The smiles plastered on their faces never ceases to heart with joy, I smiled back. I’m going to miss training them, but they’re moving to bigger and better things. 

They’ve grown on me. I should keep in contact with some of them once I leave. 

With a towel over my neck, I walk to my room. I’m desperate for a shower and my body odor is not something I want to be smelling for the rest of the day. Thanks to Phoebe’s protection spell, the weight of the air has lifted significantly, but I still feel the inkling of heaviness. I hope I never have to see Osiris” face again, but I know that isn’t possible. 

When I got to my door, I felt a presence behind it. No one should be in there; I locked it! It raises the hairs on the back of my neck and I immediately went into defense mode. If it’s Osiris, I’m ready to kick his ass out, even if he’s a wisp of chimney smoke! 

Until I caught a whiff of the scent. Wild berries. 

What the hell? 

Unlocking the door with my key, I stare down at the intruder aligning the selenite crystals on my windowsill. “How did you get in here. Phoebe?” 

“Teleportation.” She said bluntly, like it’s a known fact. Duh. “I’m glad your crystals are untainted by Osiris” presence. I’ve gridded your room with additional crystals to help you sleep easier and to purify the place.” 

“Oh!” I blink in surprise. How thoughtful! “Thank you. Osiris has been a real bitch with my sleep.” 

“I can imagine.” She smiles small. “You have tired circles under your eyes.” 

“Damn.” I laugh, covering my dark circles. “Well, with proper care, they’ll go away. After a minute, I toss my towel in the laundry hamper and sat on my mattress with my friend sitting next to me. This is getting crazy. I know I wanted excitement in my life but never this.” 

“Comes with being an avatar.” Phoebe chuckles. “Life’s never merciful with us.” 

“No kidding.” I snort. “From a stalker hybrid avatar asshole to Odessa being a traitor…who knows what’ll happen next. I can’t imagine how Neron is feeling right now.” 

“You’re worried about him.” I always admired Phoebe’s purple eyes. They’re like amethysts, twinkling with wisdom and wonder. Mine are boring brown. 

“He’s become tolerable. I can’t exactly avoid not working with him, no matter how hard I try. But I guess it feels good to have him as an ally in all of this.” He and I haven’t spoken since the meeting. I assume he needs time to think about how to move forward. 

Phoebe and I sat in comfortable silence for a moment. Perhaps she’s thinking about my relationship with Neron. But there was something I wanted to ask–something that has been on my mind since last night. 

“Phoebe, a while back, Neron told me that dreams are symbolic.” I began. “That they usually tell something about what’s going on now. That applies to nightmares, right?” 

“Nightmares and dreams are the same things, except nightmares have a fear component. Why? Did you have a nightmare?” 

Chapter 20–A Change in Plans 

“I’ve had several, but the one from last night…is the worst. I don’t know what to think of it, and I don’t want it to be prophetic or something.” 

“What was it about?” 

I explained the contents of my nightmare to her. I was running from something. Fear? Disaster? Whatever it was, I ran as hard and as fast as I could. But then, the darkness cleared to a horrific scene I wish I could wash out of my mind. On the ground were fallen pack members of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Even children. The more I walked, the more corpses littered across the field. Some with eyes wide open. Some were closed. But all had their blood spilled. A sea of violent, vibrant red swam underneath their bodies and my toes. 

Then I saw their bodies. My friends. My family. Everyone I knew. Even Neron’s, whose heart was ripped out from his chest and settled beside him in a squashed mass of blood and organ fluid. 

I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t cry. Because blood was on my hands. Thick. Fresh. And of many. 

That’s when I realized that, somehow, I was responsible. I killed everyone. 

And I smiled. Because I was proud of what I’ve done. 

Waiting for Phoebe’s response felt like an eternity. Her eyes are watchful and calculating, providing a preview of the gears turning in her mind. The silence between us suddenly felt suffocating; its fingers tightening around my windpipe. My friend reaches her hand up and brushes her thumb against the red blotch on my neck, only to retract it seconds later. 

“Hmm.” She cocks her head to the side. “This bruise. When did it appear?” 

“When the nightmares began. It’s the same area where Osiris bit me back then, I think.” 

“That’s alarming.” Phoebe bites her lip. “I don’t like it.” 

“What does it mean? Did Osiris do something to me besides drink?” 

“He marked you. As his possession.” My world spun like a top toy as she continued. “That explains why he has easy access to you and how he appears in your dreams more often than not. He forcibly made a direct link to you.” 

“Could that also be why…I can’t feel the mate bond? When I touch Neron, I feel nothing, and I’ve done nothing to tamper with it.” 

“I don’t know.” She replies grimly. “It’s a possibility. I’ve seen nothing like this. I only know based on what I’ve studied from historical texts.” 

Great. F*cking great. 

Why does fate toss me more shit to deal with? What else can f*cking happen? 

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