
Chapter 183

Chapter 95 The Heart of Angels 

“A “hello again” after the final goodbye is sometimes harder than just keeping the goodbye as it was.” -Jessiqua 



Diana was an angel incarnate. Sunlight haloed her wings as she glided through the leaves of the canopies, screeching for us to follow. Neron and I tailed behind our bird friend as the pack house came into full view. Diana drew curious glances of some members frolicking on the front lawn, their awes of appreciation muddled into multiple whispers. Her body zipped behind the house, past the pool and Omegas taking out trash and hanging laundry on clotheslines. 

Curiosity nibbled at my psyche, at what Diana wanted us to see. Mystery always shrouded her. 

When Diana reached her destination, however, my body suddenly froze. I couldn’t move, or rather, I didn’t want to move. The past was in the past, but my body and mind recalled the rule imposed on us regarding this area. I could never enter, no matter the circumstances. A lump in my throat settled like a rock, prohibiting any sort of speech to leave my lips

Neron was about six feet in front of me when he stopped, jerking his body around to stare at my frozen state. Realization flashed in his eyes and prompted him to walk up to me. All my bravado from earlier had vanished, replaced by unnecessary trepidation. My hands shook at my sides, the flexing of my fingers failing to quell the bubbling anxiety in my belly. Neron placed his hands on my shoulders, my tremors shaking his hands with 

  1. me. 

Kiya, it’s alright. You’re allowed to come here. 

I know I was, but I still felt like I couldn’t. Shamefully, I shook my head, unable to find my voice. Jonathan’s disembodied voice recited the rule in my head like a broken record, growing in volume each time. The tremors in my arms had spread to the rest of my body, provoking the tears burning behind my eyes

“I forbid a disgrace like you to enter this sacred space. If I catch you near this place, even if you’re a yard away, I’ll teach you a lesson that you’ll never forget!” 

“Kiya, the rule Dad imposed on you doesn’t matter now.” Neron reassured, pressing his fingers into my shoulders. “On my honor, nothing will happen to you here. You’re safe.” 

I’m safe. Two short words turned into a mantra to combat Jonathan’s dying voice in my ears. I closed my eyes and inhaled an unsteady breath, exhaling my anxieties out. After a couple of minutes, the feeling of approaching doom dissipated into dust and my physical sensations returned. Tears pricked my eyes, but I blinked them back. 

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” 

“Don’t apologize, Kiya. I understand.” Neron reassured. He glanced back at the area before turning to me. “Are you up for it?” 

“I am.” I answered quickly, nodding my head. “I want to get this damn fear over with.” My lungs took in a shotty breath to feign my confidence, despite my anxiety lingering. “Let’s go.” 

Chapter 15 – The Heart of Angela 

Neron took my hand into his and led me to the area of Zircon Moon I’ve haven’t stepped in for thirteen years. Silence blanketed the air in unnatural stillness, the scent of dirt tickling my nose. I did my best to hold on le my confidence, but I squeezed Neron’s hand tight as we drew closer to where Diana settled on top of a slats of granite. Those same slabs surrounded me at all angles, some with multicolored flowers resting against them on the ground. 

Zircon Moon’s graveyard. 

And I stood in front of Nuria and Aunt Celeste’s graves for the first time. 

I couldn’t stop the tears from pouring. I never got a chance to mourn over them, nor was I allowed to. I still remember overhearing their funeral from the kitchen window while scrubbing the floors. The sobbing, the pain, the brokenness–it wasn’t seen, but I felt it. I couldn’t cry because I knew I would get beaten If I did, so | cried in my cell that following evening. 

I never got a chance to say goodbye. 

My knees met dirt. Diana perched on top of Nuria’s headstone. But I couldn’t see her. All I could see was the names etched in the granite, symbolizing the resting beneath the grass. Whoever made their headstones took great care in carving their names and carving a heart and an angel next to their summames, Neron took a seat next to me as I took my time soaking in the fact that I’m here

“I…” I choked out, sniffling. “… don’t know what to say here.” 

“You can say anything.” Neron suggested. 

“I want to say the right thing, but I don’t know what that is.” Should I apologize? Should I speak to them as normal? I was at a loss on what to do. I wish I had a warning before coming here or else I would’ve brought flowers or something. Neron must’ve sensed my distress, because he grabbed my hand again, caressing his thumb over my skin. 

“Mom and Nuria would love to hear anything you have to say.” He whispered. I could hear the smile in his voice, but his voice betrayed the heavy mourning in his voice. “Take your time, Kiya.” 

“I… miss them a lot.” I confessed. “There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think about them. How would our lives turn out if they had lived? I miss Nuria’s laughter and Aunt Celeste’s–Essie’s hugs. It has been 

so long since I’ve seen their faces and I’m terrified that I’ve forgotten them. How would they react to me being Selene’s avatar? Would… would they still love and care for me as they did before? Goddess, this is too hard.” 

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. The past is the past, but the impact still lingered. There would always be a hole in my heart that only they could fill. When they died, they took those pieces with them. I want my aunt and my childhood friend back. 


‘I wish I could see them, just to hug them again.” 

¡uddenly, the tranquil breeze burst into a harsh, howling wind that battered against my arms. The dirt and rass picked up all around Neron and I, rising and twirling into mini tornadoes several feet from us. Neron ind pulled me closer to him to shield me from the air’s onslaught, his arms caging me against his side. 

Chapter 95- The Heart of Angela 

“What the hell is going on?” He demanded. 

Goddess, I hope it isn’t more avatar shit I need to deal with! 

Diana squawked, tugging our attention back to her. She rose to the air, her wings flapping against the gusting current. While her body fought, her feathers delineated in glowing white, devouring the entirety of her body like the moon had swallowed her whole. Squawks and hoots rebounded against the tombstones across the cemetery like the songs of mythical sirens, growing in volume with the wind. Diana, now as a ball of light, buzzed and spun around Neron and I before rising high into the air. 

“Diana…?” I whimpered, scared of what was coming. What was happening to my bird

Another orb of light, twice the size of Diana, floated into the scene, hovering next to her. The glowing globes. danced with the wind, whirling around one another in rapid spirals before nestling inside the two mini tornadoes. The wind had ceased attacking Neron and me, prompting us to get up to watch the magical spectacle in front of us. 

The spears of light expanded and shaped themselves into the outlines of two people. The heads came first, then the arms, then the legs, and everything in between. What was once Diana was now a white silhouette of a woman several inches taller than me, and the other nearing Neron’s height, but inches shorter. 

The lights faded, and two people emerged with smiles gracing their youthful faces

Time had stopped. 

I froze again, but it wasn’t out of fear. It was out of the many emotions that detonated inside my body, creating an uncontrollable shockwave of denial. This couldn’t be real. There was no way that this was real

M–M–Mom?” Neron asked in a hoarse whisper. The woman–Aunt Celeste–shone a smile full of bursting warmth, stretched her arms out wide. “MOM!” He shot forward, running into his mother’s arms, melting into her hug. Aunt Celeste’s mellow giggles tickled my eardrums as she allowed her son to pick her up and spin her around in both his joy and his tears, planting gentle kisses on the top of his head. 

“I’m here, skatten min.” She muttered, running her fingers through his hair. “I’m here.” 

My eyes turned to Nuria, standing with her arms crossed, tapping her foot against the ground with a smirk on her face. She… she was Diana! Nuria was with me this entire time?! 

“I’m still waiting for my hug, you know!” Nuria laughed, flipping her long black hair behind her. She hadn’t aged a day over twenty. “It’s been a long time, Kiya.” 

How…? Why…? I shook my head, refusing to believe what was in front of me. This was impossible! Nuria’s grave was next to me. There was no way… I couldn’t…! 

I took several steps back, my mind spinning like a tornado. My hands went to clutch my head as a fresh wave of tears spilled over, more powerful than the last set. I didn’t know what to do when Nuria’s hands cradled my own, bringing them down back to my sides. She then curled her hand under my chin, raising my head up to meet her eyes. Beautiful, brilliant blues. Just like her brother. 

“Hey.” She whispered, poking my nose. “I know this is a little crazy, but this is real. I’m real! We used to play tricks on each other, but I wouldn’t trick you now.” 

Chapter 95 – The Heart of Angels 

“I… I…” 

“It wasn’t your fault.” Nuria said with a firm, powerful voice. “Our deaths were never your fault. I’m sorry that you suffered because of Mom and I, but I wanted you to know that we were never angry at you. We never blamed you, not once. I still love you, best friend.” 


was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The blow that destroyed the dam and flooded everything in its path. Loud, stifling sobs full of the indescribable emotion within me gushed out of my mouth like a hurricane. Nuria pulled me into a tight hug, pressing my face against her shoulder while my body gyrated. 

Nuria doesn’t hate me! 

I sobbed and sobbed, gripping at her shirt, terrified that she’d disappear again. Soon after, it wasn’t just Nuria hugging me. Aunt Celeste and Neron joined as I released thirteen years‘ worth of guilt and self–hatred, relieving my soul of that sinister pressure. 

I could breathe again. 

The holes in my heart can finally start healing. 

Selene worked in mysterious ways. I never thought she’d grant Nuria and Aunt Celeste their lives back. When the women told Neron and me the news, we were flabbergasted. But deep inside, I was beyond thrilled. Not only did it mean that I got part of my old family back, it meant Neron wouldn’t walk through the rest of his life alone. 

I was happy for him. 

It didn’t take long for the news to travel through Zircon Moon that the former Luna and her daughter had returned from the dead. It would’ve been a time for celebration if Aunt Celeste didn’t turn into a walking firestorm, shaming anyone and everyone who contributed to my abuse. While she was dignified in her responses–Nuria chewed everyone out with a barrage of colorful language. She spared not even Raina. In a way, it was validating. 

“Just because you got knocked up doesn’t mean I won’t call you out!” was what Nuria had said. “You’re lucky that I can’t kick your ass!” I wanted to stop her, but Raina held her hand up and told me it was alright. 

“I need this, baby sis.” She responded with a smile. Well, I wouldn’t get in Nuria’s way, that’s for certain. Neron’s grin never left his face as he watched his mother and sister take his soon–to–be former pack by storm. 

The future truly is brightening for us. 

When Dad saw Aunt Celeste, he almost passed out from a heart attack. Anthony had to drag him to the couch in the common room for him to catch his breath. Mom must’ve caught on to the news because, courtesy of Phoebe’s teleportation powers, she was here within the hour. She sang her praises in Spanish as she hugged her long–time friend after so long, crying just as I did hours before. Mom spoke of her friendship with Aunt Celeste occasionally, but it wasn’t until they reunited when I saw just how close those two were. And I hope they remain that way. 

My friends also tagged along, meeting the “legendary Nuria” they liked to call her for the first time. 

Chapter 95 – The Heart of Angels 

And I might have unintentionally sparked another rivalry. This time between Nuria and Jackie. 

“I was her friend first!” Nuria exclaimed, tugging me toward her. 

“Well, I picked up where you left off!” Jackie shot back, tugging me back. What am I, rope?! 

“Why don’t we all just be friends?” Abigail interjected, like the peacekeeper she was. 

Well, this was going to be fun. 

The reunion with Nuria and Aunt Celeste spread deep into the day, for the sunset decorated the sky with brilliant oranges and soft purples. Anthony called for a van to pick us up since Phoebe didn’t come with us, so they couldn’t teleport back. While my friends and family were preparing to leave, I spotted Neron watching the sunset near the walls of the pack house. 

“Hey.” I called out, walking toward him. Neron looked in my direction and smiled, shuffling to 

me room. “How are you with all of this?” 

the side to give. 

“I don’t think there are enough words in the English dictionary that could describe how I’m feeling.” Neron confessed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “But, overall, I’m happy. My mom and Nuria are back. My…. inner child, as you called it before, is happy.” 

“I’m glad, Neron.” I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes to breathe in the waning summer air. “Kwame, Valerian, Lorelai, and Raina are there for you, but nothing beats having your family.” 

And the 

they’ll be here to watch me build a pack of my own. I can’t wait to show them what I can do.” Neron’s smile was innocent but full of hope. The guilt from earlier was still present from what I can feel from his energy, but his joy overshadowed it “I want to make them proud.” 

“You already are.” 

Neron shrugged. “I’d still like a visual confirmation.” 

“It’ll happen. Have faith and don’t rush it.” We fell into a comfortable silence, admiring the beauty of the sunset in the distance. “I still can’t believe Nuria was Diana.” 

She was a devious little bird. It explains why she took a liking to the both of us.” 

“It all comes full circle.” We fell silent again. Many things swam in my mind, and I’m sure his brain was the same way. I thought back to our conversation at the pond about whether I should forgive him. Neron said didn’t want my forgiveness because he didn’t find a need for it. 

It was my choice to give or relinquish it. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

But the question remains. 

Should I or should I not forgive him? 

I finally have the answer for that. 

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