Unwrap Your Desire



RIGHT AFTER the first class, Mia and I went to the cafeteria to have some lunch. I felt completely dismayed about what happened in the class earlier. I should’ve stayed in focus. It was embarrassing that the professor made such comments to me in front of my classmates, and the fact that he was friends with Chase’s father made it a little more overwhelming.

What if he told Chase’s father about what happened earlier? I could not afford to disappoint Daddy Ernest. I mean, he was the one who inspired me to take a business course, and this was how I would behave at the university? It didn’t look so cool at all.

All I could do was sigh. I was well aware that my face was all grim right now as I played with my pesto, but I could not find the will to shove my worries aside.

“Hey, are you alright? Are you still bothered about our professor’s impression of you in the class a while ago?” Mia asked worriedly as she ate her glazed donut.

“He knows my husband’s father. I cannot help it,” I said and shrugged. “If only I stayed focused and brought my book with me.”

I clicked my tongue. Thinking about how I forgot the book because Chase and I got so busy in bed last night made me wince. I should have made sure that my books were all inside my bag before giving him my entire attention.

“Don’t be so upset with yourself. It normally happens,” Mia assured me and offered me a thin smile. “Just to be sure, I will call you later before I sleep, to remind you about putting all the necessary books in your bag.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I let out a sigh and chuckled a bit.

“Dig in. Come on, we only have around thirty minutes before the next class,” she reminded me.

I nodded and started eating while Mia busied herself on her tablet. She was reading a certain ebook about romance, which she shared with me a while ago. She looked so geeky, but I must admit that she was totally smart in class. I wished I could be like her…

I was almost done with my food when I noticed a familiar man approaching our table. My brows immediately furrowed at the sight of Charles, who was wearing a popular grin on his face, and getting all the attention of the women inside the cafeteria.

When he winked at me, I could not help but roll my eyes.

“What’s up, ladies?” He greeted us, now standing just beside our table.

Mia’s cheeks flushed when she looked up at him, and then instantly looked away and murmured something which I did not hear. This girl, really.

“What do you want, ass-hole?” I asked straightforwardly.

I sipped on my wintermelon milk tea and waited for him to answer. He then leaned both of his arms on the side of the table, making all his arm muscles flex a bit in his white t-shirt.

I raised an eyebrow. Even though he was grinning from ear to ear, all I offered him was a completely grim expression.

“I’d like to invite you this weekend. I’ll be hosting a yacht party and inviting some celebrities too. It will be fun, especially if you’d come,” he said and bit his lower lip.”

What the heck? Was he flirting with me right now? I bet he was aware that I was a married woman, and this was how he would behave?

Mia was probably right… This guy did not seem to give a damn if the woman he wanted to flirt with was married.

I leaned my back against the backrest of my seat. Crossing my arms against my chest, I smirked at him.

“As far as I recall, we are not friends, not even merely acquaintances, so why would I go to that party?”

“Oh, shit. Are you playing hard to get right now, Mrs. Maxwell?” he teased and giggled playfully. “Aren’t you up for some fun?”

“I do, but I am quite picky when it comes to people I want to befriend.” I shook my head. “And I am afraid you are not on the short list…”

He clicked his tongue, quite challenged.

“You are going to miss some fun if you reject my invitation. You see, I am trying to be friendly.” He then turned around and looked at the crowd, whose attention was drawn to us. “Right, guys? Charles Brent is fucking friendly to everyone. Who’s with me?”

All I could do was roll my eyes when a basketball team from the other aisle of the cafeteria cheered for him. Even the women who were at their table did the same thing, making me realize how dumb they were for patronizing this notorious casanova. Why were they glorifying a total jerk? It didn’t make any sense.

An idea popped into my mind. I looked at Mia, narrowing my eyes as I knew she would benefit from this plan I came up with.

Charles turned to me, giving me a cocky grin.

“So? Are you going to the yacht party?” he asked again.

I gave him a fake sweet smile. “Alright, since you are persistent, I will go.”

“No one can really resist my of-”

“But in one condition…” I said.

Charles’s forehead creased. “Cool, what is it?”

“Mia will go with me.”

“What?” He said in disbelief, and then his gaze finally landed on Mia, who lowered her head and became quite more uncomfortable now that Charles’ attention was now on her. “You want to tag nerdy Mia?”

I nodded my head. “Of course. I must bring my friend so my husband won’t get worried about me. I am a married woman, Charles. You have to understand.”

He then let out a sigh and nodded in defeat.

“I certainly got your point. Sure, you can bring Mia.” He then tapped Mia’s head and winked at her. “See you there too, nerdy Mia.”

Mia’s face heated in shame. She wasn’t able to talk, but all she did was nod her head. I fought the urge to laugh as I knew she would end up getting embarrassed, but she looked so cute.

“Then I guess, it’s a deal. I will inform you about the address on Friday.”

“Sure, thanks!” I smiled fakely at Charles.

He then went away. I rolled my eyes, shook my head and sipped on my drink again.

“What the heck are you thinking, Reese? Why would you tag me at that party?” she asked, seemingly paranoid as she breathed heavily. “I can’t go with you. I am not really socially friendly!”

“Hey, calm down!” I smirked. “You have to go with me. I have a plan.”

“What kind of plan?”

“It’s a secret for now…” Then I wiggled my eyebrows.

“Holy cow.” She clutched her chest. “My heart is racing so fast!”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I laughed a bit. She obviously likes him more than what she just told me. I just hope this plan I came up with will work.

I couldn’t wait.


MIA WAS totally nervous and curious about the plan I mentioned to her when we were in the cafeteria. Even after our second class, she did not stop nagging about it.

I wished I could tell her right away, but I knew she would end up not going to that yacht party with me if I told her this early.

“You can say that this plan has something to do with teaching your crush a lesson.” That was the only thing I mentioned to her.

“But I need to hear it in detail, Reese!” she demanded and held my arm.

We were walking down the hallway, heading for the next class. I fanned myself using my hand. The heat this afternoon was so intense that a few walks made me run out of breath already. I wiped the sweat on my forehead as we turned left to walk upstairs for the next floor.

“Come on, tell me, Reese!” She pushed my arm and shook it.

For some reason, I instantly felt dizzy. I came to a complete halt and leaned on the wall beside me. My hand reached for my head. I swallowed hard, inhaled heavily, and fanned myself even more.

“Hey, are you alright?”

Mia stopped too, as she checked on me.

“Yes, I’m okay. It’s just so hot that I’m feeling so dizzy…” I said and glanced at her to give her an assuring smile.

But then, Mia’s expression turned into a complete bewilderment. Her eyes widened, and the next thing I knew was that she took something from her pocket and immediately covered my nose.

“Goodness, Reese. Your nose is bleeding!” she said, panicking.

My forehead creased.

I touched my nose and felt a warm fluid that I first thought was just sweat oozing from my nostrils, but as I looked down at my hand, I saw blood stains from my fingers, which made me gasp.

For instance, I felt a double pang of anxiety go through me.

“Reese, let’s go to the clinic!” Mia grabbed my hand, and I supported myself so I would not fall.

However, I was unable to respond to her. My heart was racing too fast. Then, later on, I felt a sudden trembling in both of my feet followed by abdominal pains that made me feel sick to my stomach. It felt as if I was engulfed by the cold, and my entire body seemed to be going into a complete convulsion, which made me shut my eyes.

My senses were crushing down on me, as if I were facing the end of the world.

When I opened my eyes while enduring every unbearable feeling all at once, I noticed a swarm of small children around me. My eyes welled up with tears as I realized that these were the children I had been living with at the orphanage.

“I am seeing these things again… no, not again please…” I said out loud, and I felt Mia’s hands on my shoulders.

“Hang on Reese! Calm down and I will take you to the clinic!” she said, panicking.

Before I closed my eyes, I saw the caretaker of the orphanage smiling at me and saying familiar words that sent shivers all over me.

“Olivia, please don’t go…” Then the happy smile on his face turned into a sad one. My chest tightened and I had difficulty breathing.

I sucked in a breath, my eyes widening as the vivid memory of the past replayed in my head. My limbs felt like crushing, and all I could do was grab Mia’s hand as my support, but I only ended up being engulfed by the familiar darkness…


I WOKE up in a terrible nightmare.

I saw myself when I was still a child living in the orphanage. My breath gasping for air, I then found myself lying in bed, my eyes staring at the white ceiling. Glancing at the light fixtures gave me an idea that I was in the university clinic.

I looked around and yelled Mia’s name.

“Are you there, Mia?” I yelled in a hoarse voice. I cleared my throat and all I felt was its dryness.

I then saw Charles beside me, sitting in a chair beside me, who seemed to have fallen asleep right there.

He then opened his eyes and said, “You’re awake now, sleeping beauty! Why didn’t you wake me up? You love the view from there, don’t you?” he asked while giving me a wide grin.

My forehead creased. What was he doing here?

“Where’s Mia?” I asked firmly, and then checked if my phone was with me.

I began panicking when I couldn’t find it in my pocket. I then looked at Charles who was only watching me.

“Did someone get my phone? Where is it?”

“Mia’s got your phone. I guess she was trying to call your parents,” he replied, and then shrugged his shoulders.

I gasped and panicked, knowing Mia’s got my phone. I immediately grabbed my bag, but then I got relieved for a few seconds when I saw that my personal phone was in my bag and was hidden in one of its secret pockets. It was a good thing that I separated my work and personal phones. In such a reckless act, I could not afford to reveal my true identity.

“You look like someone who’s hiding something pretty big,” Charles said, which made my eyes widen. I glanced at him, and he jerked his head as he looked at me, his expression was obviously intrigued.

“What? I am not hiding anything. Why are you saying strange things?” I replied, but my voice came off as defensive.

He then smiled, and he leaned more towards my face.

“I know that you’re hiding something, Reese Jones-Maxwell. I can read facial reactions and body language. Whatever it is that you are trying to hide, I know for sure that, in the end, it will soon come out,” he said and smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him and scratched the back of my neck.

“Be careful of your allegations against me, Charles. I swear you would not want to start a war with me,” I said firmly, and that made him chuckle a bit.

“Hey, I’m just messing up with you. I’m simply playing and I don’t want to start any war, especially since you’re a Maxwell.”

I smirked at him and replied, “Well, I am glad to hear that.”

The door swung open, and I saw Mia and Chase going into the room, which made my jaw drop a little. Charles’s chuckle and smile were gone, and he went silent as he saw them walking towards my bed.

“Goodness, Reese! I am glad you are already awake!” Mia exclaimed and hugged me.

“Mia, thanks for helping me…” I said and offered her a thin smile. Then I looked at Chase, whose attention was drawn to Charles.

He stared at him confusedly, but the dark expression on his face was also visible.

“Chase, my love. You’re here. I am sorry, I know you are supposed to be at work,” I said, trying to get his attention.

Charles stood up from his seat. “Nice to meet you, Chase Maxwell.”

He extended his hand and offered a handshake, but Chase only gave him a nod and went straight to me.

“Are you alright?” Chase asked worriedly.

I gave him a sweet smile and caressed his face. “Don’t worry about me. I feel better now.”

“We are going to give you some privacy,” Mia said, and motioned for Charles to go out as well. She waved her hand goodbye and walked out of the room with the latter.

I then turned my gaze back to Chase.

“Look, baby, I got a call from Mia. She said that you were terribly sick earlier. Are you sure that you want to go through all of this? You’re getting tired, you don’t have to push yourself,” he said while brushing my hair using his fingertips.

I tried to hold out my tears when he engulfed me in a warm embrace.

“Baby, I know how hard it is to study and learn about business. I was like that before, but please reconsider. Maybe it’s not your time, and I don’t want to see you struggling like this. It completely affects your health,” he added, while whispering it into my ears while hugging me tightly.

I embraced him back. “I’m fine, Chase. It probably has something to do with the hot weather, but I need to do this in order for me to prove my worth, especially with your father. I made a promise to him.”

It reminded me of my sole goal: to prove to Mr. Ernest Maxwell that I was worthy of his son and to establish myself into something bigger. I don’t want to live like a shadow for Chase. I don’t want to be a plain housewife. I need something that I could call my own.

“Your parents are so worried. They want us to visit them at the weekend or anytime we’re not busy,” he said.

I offered him a smile, then I nodded.

“Sure, Chase. We can do that. I miss my parents too…”

He kissed my forehead, then went to my lips and kissed me tenderly. He told me he loves me, but for some reason, it saddened me to hear Reese’s name next to his I love you’s.

Am I falling in love with Chase Maxwell?

That question sent a sting in my chest. I could not help but question myself. I only came back to my senses when we both heard a knock on the door and the doctor came in.

“How are you, Reese? Do you still have trouble breathing?” the doctor asked, glancing at me and Chase. “My name is Eudora. I’m a doctor at this university. Nice meeting the both of you.”

“Doc, how’s my wife’s condition? What exactly triggered her to faint earlier?” Chase asked, as he had already gone to the doctor.

“Her classmate informed me that she had some issues breathing earlier and she passed out after seeing her blood. As I tried to evaluate the situation, I thought it would be best to see a professional.” Then the doctor looked at me. “Have you taken any medications before regarding any anxiety disorder? Antidepressant?”

I caught my breath and swallowed so hard. For a brief moment, I was scared to admit it and avoided her gaze.

I did not want Chase to hear that he had a mentally ill wife.

“It’s fine if you’re uncomfortable answering it…” I gave her one fast glance and saw her attention directed at Chase. “But one thing you need to do, Mr. Maxwell, is to have your wife see a professional psychiatrist,” she said.

Chase looked so confused. His gaze landed on me, and I saw a glimpse of worry in his eyes. It doubled the fear inside my chest. I lowered my head and bit my lower lip.

“So, can I take her right now so we can go to the hospital to see a psychiatrist?” Chase asked the doctor, and I heard her agree with it.

She then gave me a prescription. When I tried to get the prescription, Chase immediately grabbed it from the doctor.

“Let me handle it for her. I’ll have this taken care of,” he said, then smiled at me.

“Those medications are only for today’s situation, but in the long run she needs to seek medical advice from a psychiatrist. She can be excused for her next class. I will send a letter to her professor.”

I was then finally discharged from the clinic. I felt embarrassed. I was not hoping for Chase to find out that his wife has a mental condition.

Chase did not speak or ask me about my condition, but I knew that even though he was acting like he was okay, I could see in his eyes that he was upset and worried. I was tearing up inside me and I don’t know why.

“Everything will be alright, baby, I’ll take you to the nearby hospital. I personally knew the owner of that hospital. They’re the best in terms of such conditions, and I know they could check on you and help. But for now, I want you to relax and don’t think about your studies,” he said while assisting me outside of the clinic.

As we walked to the hallway, we walked past the classroom for my supposed third subject for today. I held the hem of Chase’s business suit, which made him stop walking.

“That’s my third class.” I pointed to the classroom. “Can I speak to my professor for a minute?”

“Sure, let me come with you.”

I nodded, and then we went straight to the classroom. I knocked twice and carefully opened the door. The professor was reading a book in class, but was interrupted when he noticed our presence.

“Hi, Mr. Lively. My name’s Reese Jones-Maxwell.” I walked towards him and felt Chase follow me from behind. “I was supposed to join this class today, but something happened that made me need to go to a nearby hospital. I want to formally excuse myself. The university doctor informed me that she will send you a letter about my situation.”

“Oh, no. I hope you’re feeling okay,” he said, then his gaze went to my husband.

As if that was Chase’s cue, he then extended his hand to my professor and introduced himself.

“My name is Chase Maxwell, Reese’s husband. I am pleased to meet you, Mr. Lively.”

I heard gasps from my classmates, mostly from the girls. I turned to them and saw that they were astounded, stunned and excited to see my husband in the flesh. Mia was seated in the last row. She giggled and waved her hand at me.

“Gosh! Reese is so lucky to be married to Mr. Maxwell!”

“Chase Maxwell is so stunning in person!”

“I am curious how the hell Reese made him marry her! Chase is so damn hot!”

Those were the murmurs I’ve heard from some of the women, which made me roll my eyes inwardly. I held Chase’s arm, letting them see it so they could back off.

“My wife might need to take a break for a couple of days. I hope that will be fine with you, Mr. Lively.”

“Of course, Mr. Maxwell. There’s nothing to be worried about, and I will look forward to seeing Mrs. Maxwell return to good health.”

“Thanks, Mr. Lively.” I offered him a thin smile.

We then left after that. We used an elevator to go to the ground floor. I noticed that the car was already parked in front of the building. Chase opened the door of his car and assisted me in going in. As soon as the car stepped outside of the university, my heartbeat went normal.

“I guess you are right. It could be hell, but I wouldn’t be able to learn if I stayed in my comfort zone,” I explained, which surprised him.

“I thought you only wanted the “riches of Babylon” and didn’t want to work so hard to get them. I could give it to you every single day especially since you’re now my wife, I think that’s pretty obvious, right?”

His statements made me question myself again, whether or not this feeling that I have right now is already love towards this billionaire.

Chase Maxwell was head over heels in love with Reese Jones…

Why was I trying so hard to improve myself? Was I just doing this because I wanted him to love me as Olivia and not as Reese Jones? Am I competing with Reese right now? His money was the only thing that mattered, right?

Lara was truly right from the start… I might be in big trouble, if I ended up falling in love with him.

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