Vampire King’s Little Killer

25. Witch talk

Witch: a person, esp. a woman, having supernatural power as by a compact with the devil or evil spirits; sorceress


I was floating in excitement and was deliriously happy. “I should take vacation more, it’s so freeing. Wait, or is it the place?”

“Love, I think it’s the medieval torturing devices that you saw. It may or may not induce your orgasm. You got horny after seeing my son’s dungeon. I should be jealous until you decide to ride me and make me feel like a youngling.”

A black scary dog sat straight by my foot as if he was standing guard for me. It was too sweet. Wait, sweet? Ugh, I was blaming my vacation mode.

I was going to ask Nero about the furry guard when daddy vamp’s son explained. “He’s Gergo, a Transylvanian hound breed. He’s low maintenance, affectionate, playful, and most importantly trainable.”

“Right,” I smiled at Lucius who was suddenly joining us in the large kitchen area where his human chef was preparing dinner for me. I patted Gergo’s head awkwardly when the dog gave me his longing stare.

“Tessa, I’m going to hunt with Lucius for a bit. We’ll be back in an hour, maximum two.”

“Okay, I’ll be here with Gergo, we might take a stroll after dinner. Is there any forbidden place that I shouldn’t go to?” I batted my eyelashes and Nero laughed.

Daddy vamp knew that I’d probably go where he told me I shouldn’t. Though his son arched his brow looking amazed as if the great Nero never laugh. Huh, maybe Lucius was one of those serious types of vampires who don’t get jokes? Or… maybe he just doesn’t get humans. Yeah, that was probably why. Living for hundreds of years might make a vampire wonky in the head.

“You’re free to roam the house, Lucius would lock the doors. I know you have crafty skills and you might want to indulge yourself. But don’t open those, okay? Go outside if you’re bored, take Gergo with you. Look at some store, go shop, cross something from your bucket list.”

“Yes, daddy,” I rolled my eyes feeling scolded in front of his son. Which I didn’t mind but I didn’t want Lucius to know that I’m that curious of a person.

“My little killer, don’t tempt me,” he put his hand on my neck tugging me inches to his body. It never occurred to me that I should be weirded out when he didn’t breathe. But when he kisses me all thoughts dispersed and all that was left was my need to melt into his kisses.

“I would never.” Okay. Maybe I would, no yeah, I would definitely tempt him. “But then again, I had no job, what else would I do with my time?” I winked at Nero and then patted the vampire King’s cheek.

The father and son duo left me for their hunt. I was a bit bummed that Nero didn’t invite me, but hey, maybe he didn’t want me to see them kill. Well, he said they didn’t kill anymore. Nero said that vampires abide by rules, that they only kill necessary evil humans and drink but not drain others. Not that I’d take his words, but I’d given him reasonable doubt.

“Come on Gergo, you’ll be my guide.” One hour later after a quick dinner and a change of clothes, I opened the door for the black hound and let him lead beside me. I’ve never had a pet before, well, I had a couple, but never for long. I’d say curiosity get the best of me and I never meant to hurt them.

Gergo stopped, and as if he could sense my reluctance he gave me his stare and I was back to giving him an awkward pet on the head. The dog gave me a little happy woof then strut to the first shop we walk and planted his butt on the front door of the shop. He looked at me as if silently telling me to go and check out the little coffee shop and don’t forget to bring him a treat.

“Oh, Gergo, do you think I’d forget about you?” I smiled at the dog and this time I gave him a gentle pat on his back. I left him there and made a quick purchase of one hot latte dribbled with chocolate and asked for a doggy treat whipped cream for the cute doggy waiting for me outside. Oh, he’s cute alright, I smiled when Gergo looked at me and gave me a loud woof like he was demanding his treat delivered ASAP.

“Hey, is that Gergo?” The barista behind the counter asked after he took my order and heard Gergo being impatient from outside the shop.

“Yeah, he’s my guide for the night. He’s showing me around.” I replied. I don’t usually do chats, and I’m putting another blame on my vacation mood. I know chatting with baristas was not on my bucket list, but I was feeling friendly and he seemed to know Gergo.

“Nice, so I assumed you’re staying at Lucius?” He asked again, this time while subtly looking at me from head to boots.

“You know Lucius?” Again, I was getting too inquisitive. I wondered why.

“Yeah, he’s like the town guardian. He helps us every now and then. A nice guy.”

“Huh.” Well, his words shut me up. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing, so I didn’t. A new realization, I don’t usually care about anyone. It’s weird, the holiday vibe was making me wonky and I wasn’t sure that I was liking it. I shook the feeling out of my system and decided to move to the pick-up counter and waited for my coffee order.

The weather was nice, cold, but not too cold. It was perfect to center my feelings. The trip should be good for the soul. I know, I read that somewhere and I was wondering when will the good hits my soul. Or, maybe cause I didn’t have a soul. I heard my mom say to my dad way back when I was still in elementary and they started finding clues that I was different from other kids.

“Here you go, Tessa.” The guy, whose name tag said his name was Rez gave me my coffee order and filled the cream with a way larger cup than I usually saw baristas give the dog people to give to their spoiled four-legged brats. Though when I saw Gergo, brat was the wrong word for the black hound. There was nothing bratty about the black and brown dog who barks the second I was in his line of view with his treat in my hand.

“You like to be waited on don’t you Gergo?” I whispered while kneeling in the dog’s line of sight. It was silly of me. I had never been a dog person and I’d never intended to be one. Gosh, maybe it’s in the air. I thought as I mindlessly stroked his black silky fur.

The second he finished his treat, we continued to walk further into the town passing several shops, some were selling touristy stuff. I entered a few shops and bought some mindless trinkets just to show Nero that I was capable of shopping.

I wanted to explore further when Gergo growled the second I turn to a little dark alley when my instincts told me that something interesting was there. A shop was situated at the end of the alley, I saw the lights, it was blurry and faint, but somehow I was drawn into it.

A tarot card reader, really, Tessa? I scolded myself for turning towards the alley. The walkway was smelly and dirty and I was disappointed to see the tarot card reader advertised in the shop window. I was about to turn around when a very old woman called me by my name.

The hair on the back of my neck suddenly raised and my feet followed the woman’s voice when in seconds I was standing in front of her store.

“How do you know my name?”

“My child, I know everything. Especially the one who has months to live. Come inside, my dear.”

I was too intrigued to not do as she said. But I was on high alert with Gergo kept on growling lowly from behind me, as if he was telling me that the old woman was dangerous. I never underestimate anything, so I stroke the dog’s neck and he whined. His body was to the front of my legs, obstructing me to move forward.

“You can take him with you inside, Lucius had trained his pet well. Gergo hated me cause I never gave him treats. She gave the excuse which I didn’t believe, not one bit, but I kneel to Gergo’s height and whispered in his ear. I know, I was getting silly by the minute. But I told Gergo to come inside with me anyway, I told him that he’s a good boy that that he’d take care of me. Gergo barked and finally followed me into the dingy store.

“You can sit here,” she said after I take to step into the store. It was a small space and smelled of heavy incense. The candles were lit on a couple of mixed-and-matched tables in the room to set the spooky ambiance. And my eyes darted to all corners of the room, checking out the doors and possible exits before I sat in front of her.

“So, you know my name and the death threat. How?”

“It’s a gift I have, I can read people, and my dear… you’re destined for greatness but first you’ll suffer.”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I tilted my head and tried to decipher her words when Gergo barked and growled, and I decided to follow his instincts to leave the store.

The old woman grabbed my hand and I almost reached for my knives. She seemed to know where my mind was going when she released her hold on me. “Just be careful, not all of them are good.”

I didn’t get a chance to ask when Gergo’s bark gets louder and his growl gets more insistent. I followed the hound and get out of the little store, I even jogged a little when Gergo decided that he wanted to get out of there, fast.

“Tessa?” Nero’s voice calmed my nerves down instantly when I was taken into his arms, while I was thinking that I was being silly for letting Gergo play with my nerves.

“I’m okay, Gergo was spooked and he kept on growling. He made me run and followed him. But…” I looked at the alley, I was sure that the shop lights were visible. I was also sure that Gergo and I ran like the distance between the shop and the front of the alley was more than a couple of hundred meters. It felt longer, and Gergo whined under Lucius’ feet when his master stroke his head telling him that he was a good boy.


“I was sure that we didn’t go in too deep into the alley, but we ran. I started to jog to follow Gergo, but then when he ran and I followed. It was strange I know the shop was not that far. But now…”

“It’s gone,” Lucius cut my words. Then he explained both to me and his dad. “Tessa, you just had the privilege to talk to the oldest witch in this podunk town. She’s harmless but Gergo never liked the old witch.”


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