
Time to Think ** Ruby Collins pov Kelly opens the door. “Hey, you’re home early.” He gets a look at my expression “Ruby, what’s wrong?” I force the words out through trembling lips. I need to talk to you. Of course.” He puts an arm around me, drawing me inside. I let Will lead me to the couch, trying to figure out how I’m going to tell him. Clearly, he can’t tell just by looking at me. That’s just my own paranoia. What happened? I find that I can’t look at him. I stare at my knees as I give my confession in a soft voice. I had sex with Klaus.” When Kelly doesn’t immediately respond, I force myself to look up. As I expected, shock and hurt are clear on his face. What? The words suddenly come tumbling out of my mouth. “I’m so sorry, Kelly! I don’t know what happened. One moment, everything was fine, and the next… I don’t know what I was thinking! I love you, not Klaus. Please,Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

you have to believe me.” “Did you… did he threaten your job if you said no?” How easy it would be to tell him yes. Kelly would forgive me if that was the case. But I owe him better than that. No,” I whisper. It wasn’t about my job.” “Then what was it about, Ruby!” I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see his anger, no matter how richly deserved. “I don’t know.” Kelly gets up. I follow him as he strides to the bedroom. “Kelly, please…” “Please what, Rubina? What, exactly, did you think I’d do? Say ‘oh that’s fine, I don’t care if you cheated on me?” I don’t know what to say. He’s right, of course. Tears are streaming down my face as I stand with my hands hanging uselessly at my sides while Kelly shoves some clothes into a bag “I need some time to think.” With that, he leaves. I don’t follow him; my legs won’t support me. I collapse on the floor, sobbing hysterically. What have I done? *** Ruby I put on a heavy layer of makeup before leaving for work the next day, which mostly manages to hide my puffy eyes from a night of crying Who knows if I even have a job left? I left yesterday morning without so much as telling anyone why. Despite my dread of facing Klaus again, I force myself to go. Maybe I won’t be fired. Maybe I haven’t wrecked my entire life in one stroke. I could still have my job. It’s cold comfort. This job is huge for me but right now, I would throw it away in an instant if I could only have Kelly back. As I leave, I send him another text. “I’m so sorry. I love you. Please call me.” He ignores it as thoroughly as he’s ignored my other texts and calls. When I get to work, Klaus calls me almost immediately. I sigh, ready to face the worst. Nothing he can say to me can possibly make me feel worse than I already do. Once again, he closes the door. “Ruby, nice of you to grace me with your presence. You’ve been a bad girl. “Take off your clothes,” If it wasn’t for my heartache over Kelly, I’d be thrilled that he still wants me, and more than turned on by the idea of him having me again. As it is, I’m barely affected. I’m not even relieved that he seems to have decided not to fire me. “No.” Klaus looks up in surprise. “What?” No. Does that mean I’m fired?” Surprise morphs into annoyance. “Of course not.” Klaus looks more than offended; he looks truly pissed. “You were hired for your skills as a personal assistant. That is the job I want you for. I thought you enjoyed yesterday too and would be open to more, but if you’re not, I’m not going to fire you for it My opinion of Klaus rises slightly. So the sex really was just a bonus. He still wants me regardless. His next words erase any feelings of warmth toward him. “Well? Are you going to bother explaining yourself? Or do you think disappearing in the middle of a workday without leave is acceptable behavior?” That’s the last straw for me. Do you want an explanation? Here’s your explanation – you ruined my life, you bastard!” I realize I’m shouting, but I can’t help myself. “My boyfriend left me because I cheated on him, and you have the nerve to act like it was nothing! How dare you!” I know it’s not Klaus’s fault. I did have a choice, after all, but right now, rage is pounding through my veins and it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to hit him. Klaus is already pale, but at my words, he becomes positively ashen. He grabs the edge of his desk as if it’s the only thing holding him up. I don’t know what reaction I expected, but it wasn’t this. You… have a boyfriend?” “HAD a boyfriend, thanks to you!” “But – but – you never said…” YOU NEVER ASKED.” I’m… I’m so sorry. If I knew, I never would have… My anger falters. I’m sorry’ is not a phrase I ever expected to hear from Klaus, least of all directed at me. He looks more than genuinely remorseful. He looks utterly

horrified. I clamp my mouth shut. If I wasn’t fired before, I certainly am now. What do you want to do?” I’m taken aback by the question. “What do you mean?” Do you still want to work here? You’re a good assistant, and ľ’d not like to lose you, but if you want to leave, I can’t blame you. “I make sure you get a good referral.” “I still have my job?” “If you want it.” I want to jump at the offer, but I hesitate. “I’m not going to file sexual harassment charges if that’s what you’re worried about. I wanted it just as much as you did. It was a mutual decision. I’m not going to blackmail you into keeping me.” That’s kind of you, but I genuinely would like you to stay. As I said, you’re good at what you do.” Two days ago, I would have given anything to hear Klaus say that to me. Now, I just wish I never got this job. There’s no point in wishing I can undo the past. Kelly is gone, and I have no idea if he ‘l ever be back. I can still salvage my job, though. “I’d like to stay.” “Then please get me some coffee.” It’s the first time Klaus has ever said please to me. It doesn’t last long. By the time I’m back with his coffee, he’s back to his usual brisk, arrogant treatment of me. When he looks at me, I think I still see a shadow of regret in his eyes, but perhaps that’s just wishful thinking Things with Klaus may be straightened out, but things with Katherine have gotten exponentially worse. I’m sure Klaus didn’t tell her what we did, but maybe she heard. Half the staff does indeed seem to have the hearing of bats, as Amelia told me on my first day. “Ruby! What’s the hold up with those reports?” You just gave them to me five minutes ago, bitch. Sorry, Katherine, I’ll get right on it.” She flicks her hand dismissively and stalks off. Amelia comes over, sitting on her usual spot on the end of my desk. “What did you do to piss of Katherine?” Leaving early yesterday, I guess,” I lie. “Yeah, what happened?” I didn’t feel well.”I don’t like lying to Amelia, but I really don’t feel up to a full account of why I left. Besides, I don’t want to get into another situation as I did at my old company. Today, I’m not as focused as I should be, but I don’t think Klaus can really blame me. During my lunch break, I get out my phone. No messages from Kelly. Bitter disappointment fills me, though I’m not exactly surprised. “Klaus, please. I love you. Let’s talk about this.” No response. I bite back the urge to swear as I put my phone back in my bag. Klaus’s office door opens and I tense, but he merely calls Katherine in. Fine by me. As long as she’s talking to him, she’s not being vindictive toward me. Or maybe he’s telling her off again for picking on me. I was impressed when he did that the other day; I wouldn’t have thought he’d care. A few minutes later, Katherine comes back out and starts going around to some of the employees, speaking quietly to them. I don’t hear what they say, but I’m sure I know what it’s about. I turn to Amelia. “What’s the ritual?” She goes white. “Shh,” she whispers, staring at Katherine. I’m caught up by the fear on her face. Apparently, Katherine hears, because she changes course and comes toward us. Amelia’s hand is white on the desk. T. B. C

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