When they touch me (Shelagh Milano)

Chapter 115



I startle awake, looking right into black and red eyes.

Turning towards Ramona, I find her sleeping peacefully. "Oh my Goddess, Fynn. What the hell?"

I know that he sneaks into my bedroom at night, and honestly, that's why I leave the doors open, but he never woke me up.

"Sorry, if I startled you, but I heard you speak and we have to talk,” he whispers, and I don't like the look in his eyes.

I turn to Ramona again before I wet my lips with my tongue, "Now? Are you serious?"

"Dead serious, princess," he hisses, and I groan.

Throwing my blanket back carefully, I scoot out of bed and grab his wrist to pull him into the kitchen.

I close the door softly, and face him, looking straight into his angry expression. "What is it?"

"Why didn't you tell me that Logan is threatening you?" He comes straight to the point, making my heart flip in my chest.

"He isn't threatening me..." I start but him distorting his face has me taking a deep breath. "I don't know what got into him, Fynn. He was so lovely before. But now he is just mean. He is forcing me to take Lisa as my Beta Female while she is obviously into him, and I know that they kissed."

"You are fucking kidding me, right?" he growls, "Did you find out because you felt pain?"

I shake my head, "No, I didn't feel anything. It must have been just the kiss. He said he didn't reciprocate it."

"I can't believe this guy," he sighs, passing a hand over his face. "But yeah, I noticed that he was behaving strangely lately as well."

“Well, he said that he wanted to get away with me for a few days, so we could mend what had been broken in the last few weeks. Maybe that would make him return to acting normally," I breathe out, and as I look at him, I find him grinning at me.

"What?" I ask, caressing away the goosebumps on my skin.

"You are not going away with him alone," he chuckles, stepping closer to me.

"What? Why?" I take a step backwards instinctively, making his eyes light up.

"Did you ask for permission to get away like this?"

I stare up at him as he walks into me, making me bump into the kitchen door. "Stop it, Fynn."

He puts his elbow on the door as he



me, "I'm serious. Why

would think you could goa

him? Just with him."

"We did that too, and it did us well, didn't it?" I ask lowly, feeling giddy.

He grins before he leans closer,

letting his

tongue glide up along my

Stoking me shiver in pleasure,

"Oh, it did us very well."


Breathing out a low moan, I lean my head back against the door, baring my throat even more to him.

He presses himself into me, kissing my skin while sucking it between his teeth, making me moan.

"What a pity that we have to stop now," he grins as he detaches himself from me. "But you will get it all tomorrow."

I groan, rolling my eyes, "Again with these teasing words, Fynn. What is happening tomorrow?"

"It's a surprise, princess," he whispers huskily.

His fingers glide onto my stomach, moving down my body to slip them between my wet folds.

Clawing onto his arms, I moan as he rubs them against me gently before pulling his hand out of my shorts.

"But the hotter you are, the better it will be," he chuckles, licking his fingers clean.

My breath hitches in my throat as I watch him, my pussy throbbing painfully, "You are so mean."

He kisses me, making me taste myself on his tongue.

As he breaks the kiss, he leans his forehead against mine, "Every time he gets close to you, I can sense how you go into absolute panic. I admit that I'm being selfish because I don't want to be separated from you for a single minute, but also would never let you go away with someone who terrorises you."

My heart halts in my chest as I look up at him.

"Thank you," I whisper, smiling at him before letting him claim my lips again.

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