Where We Belong

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Wrapping the towel around my body I grabbed the brush and dragged it through my hair continuously. I felt better than I had in months and I knew it was because he was awake. Hearing a knock at the door knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Kinda busy in here" I yelled as I loosened the towel and began to dry off my body. Still the knocking continued. Seriously?! Tightening the towel I grabbed hold of the handle and pulled the door open only to be pushed back in with the door slamming shut.

What the hell?!


Holding the grip on my towel I stood at the back of the bathroom glaring at him. What the hell does he think he's playing at?!

"Ain't you a sexy little thing" He grinned leaning against the door. I didn't even know this man and here he was barging in on me.

Catching his eyes I watched as his tongue rolled over his bottom lip. And there it was again, that feeling. The one that bloomed in the pit of my stomach, the little tingling feeling going straight down to my sex.

I needed Blaze!! I was so confused at what was happening to me right now..

"Is there a reason for you to be in here?" I asked as he pushed himself of the door and only stopped when he was within touching distance. "Thought I'd introduce myself properly sweetheart".

Yeah this wasn't happening.....

"You need to leave and I need to get back to Blaze" I didn't like the way he was making me feel, I wanted to cry at how disgusted I felt. I felt like I was betraying Blaze.

"I'd rather stay and watch you get ready" He smirked causing my mouth to fall open. Feeling the sting across the palm of my hand I glared at him.

"I don't know who you are or what you think you're playing at but you need to leave. You have no right to invade my privacy the way you have. I want you out now". Angry tears were streaming down my face. "Leave" I yelled catching the look of surprise on his face. Turning my back on him I only turned around when I heard the door click telling me he was gone.

Full blown tears were streaming down my face. I was angry at him and upset at myself for the way he made me feel. I don't even know him and he thinks what he just did was acceptable. How do I tell Blaze?! How do I tell the man I love that his cousin seen me half naked? How do I explain how he made me feel?! Slipping back into my clothes I squeezed my hair with the towel and lay it over my shoulder. I wasn't ready to go back and see him. Not if Duke was there and Blaze would know something was up. He could read me like a book.

Clearing my throat I gathered up the dirty towel and left the bathroom.

Game face Ava you did nothing wrong....

Grabbing a fresh coffee from the machine in the cafeteria I grinned when a Starbucks cup was placed in front of me.

"Don't drink that shite Ava. Haven't I told you this before?" Jared stated poking me in the side. I thought he'd have been with Blaze. So who was with Blaze if he was out getting coffee?!

"Your dad and the rest of the club are here. I needed coffee. Hey why are you crying?" He asked turning me around to face him.

"Overwhelmed" I lied knowing he could see straight through it.

"Let me guess Duke?" He asked rolling his eyes.

How did he.?!!

"Yeah Ava he's good at doing what he's done". Jared chuckled throwing his arm over my shoulder and guiding us in the direction of Blazes room.

I was confused!!

"That little stunt in the bathroom. He was seeing how loyal you were to Blaze. Oh and nice hand print by the way".

What!!! Now I was furious!!

"So here I am feeling like shit at what just took place and it was all to test my loyalty?" I snapped the smile leaving Jared's face. "And Blaze knew what he was doing? Which means he doesn't actually trust me" I was mainly talking to myself now.

"Wow Ava it wasn't meant to..."

"Wasn't meant to what?" I asked cutting him off "Wasn't meant to make me feel like I've betrayed Blaze because Duke seen me half naked? Or how I felt attracted to him? He did all of that to test my fucking loyalty" I yelled marching down the corridor like a mad woman.


"Fuck off Jared. You're just as bad for letting him do that to me". Screw going back into his room so they could all have a good old laugh at me. Going into my office I slammed the door shut behind me and went to my secret stash of cigarettes. I wasn't a full time smoker but I needed one sometimes and right now was one of they times. Grabbing my heavy jacket from the back of my chair I put it on and shoved the cigarettes into my pocket.

How could he let something like that happen?! Did he really not trust me after everything we had been through. I was livid but I was more hurt than anything. Who even does what he just done? I wasn't blind of course I found Duke attractive but I would never betray Blaze like that.

Zipping up my jacket I grabbed my coffee and made my way outside, taking the long way round to the exit so I couldn't bump into one of the guys. Pushing open the hospital doors I rolled my eyes when I spotted Jared and Tommy next to their bikes but they hadn't seen me yet.

Pulling my hood up I was about to


turn and walk the other way when Jared called my name. I was mad at him, mad that he let him pull that little stunt on me. Jared was kinda like my best friend now. Well my guy best friend. He was like a brother but I guess he didn't see our relationship like that.

"What do you want?" I asked

"You need to go back inside he's..."

"I don't have to do anything Jared. Now please leave me alone. I want to go and enjoy my cigarette in peace". "He's getting ready as we speak, going crazy because you're not back".

Ally... my wild crazy best friend who I haven't seen very much in the last few months.

Taking another draw of my smoke I clocked the black sneakers as she stopped in front of me. "He's going out of his mind in there to the point he's ripped the IV out of his arm".

"Missed you to Ally" I sighed getting to my feet and pulling her in for a hug. "Go back inside Ava even if it is to scream his head off. I can't discharge him and you know he'll walk out without a care because he thinks you've left".

"Why should I after what he did? He's not even been a wake for 24 hours and he's pulling shit like that because he still doesn't trust me".

"I've missed you" I sighed pulling her in for another hug "Now he's awake come over to mine tonight for drinks. God forbid I need a tequila" Chuckling she placed her hand in mine and gave it a little tug "I'll bring the bottle".Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

As we made our way back into the hospital I noticed Jared and Tommy were still outside. As soon as Jared noticed me he stormed towards me. "Listen you little witch don't think you're getting to pull that shite disappearing on me and not telling anyone where you're going".


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