You Kissed My Soul

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Aderyn Pov


Run as fast as your feet could take you, just run.

“I am a little disappointed that you didn’t even consider talking to me or anyone of us before running

away from us”.

Blake spoke to me looking upset and his eyes reflecting his sad feelings. And the fact that I was the

reason of his sadness made me even more keen onto escape this place as soon as possible.

“Luna please stop!” I heard someone from behind me and I knew I was nothing compared to their

supernatural strength so I did what my brain told me was correct to do. They need to stop not me. So I

turned a corner and ran as fast as I could towards the door. I just wanted to escape this place as soon

as I can.

Earlier Blake, Cole, Jenny and Bella came to meet me. They looked beyond happy to meet me but

soon as I was bombarded with their questions.

Why did you leave?

You are our Luna.

You are supposed to protect us right?

We will protect you no matter what.

You are our family.

We are your family.

You are so strong. You faced so much difficulties in your life yet you always remain happy. You are our

perfect Luna.

You deserve to be our Queen.

Why did you leave?

Did we hurt you?

If we did then it was purely unintentional.

We can never hurt our Luna.

Please don’t leave us.

We need you.

Alpha needs you.

Then and there I knew that if I stayed here any longer my life would not be the same. Ever.

I will be loaded with responsibilities.

I was a lone bird. I was independent. And taking responsibilities means people will remain depended

upon you. And the last time I took a responsibility I was rewarded with the end of my sister’s life. I am

scared now.

I couldn’t save her. I loved her so much.

I love these people too. No matter what they are I always felt a connection between them and me. A

strong connection. If anything ever happened to them then I wouldn’t survive. I can not bear to loose

anymore that I love. That is the reason why I never made close friends. I never opened up to anyone.

Because I knew I would soon develop a liking towards them and at the end I would always be the one

to get hurt.

So it is better if I stay away.

I am like a jinx. I don’t want mine jinx fate to cause any trouble to the people that I love.

“Luna!” I heard another guy shouting for me but I didn’t stop running.

So after they went away my mind was kept fluctuating between should I stay or not. Latter I choose not

to stay. It was for the betterment of the people around me.

It loos like Dylan was serious when he told me that he wouldn’t let me go. True to his words he had his

werewolves guarding the place through where I escaped the last time. So, the only way left to escape

this place was the indirect way. The back side of the house. There must be a place to get out.

Yes, I am coward that I am running away. I don’t have enough courage to face any more people’s life in

line to Death.

“Please wait!” All of a sudden a guy came infront of me trying to stop me. He tried to hold me but in one

moment I flipped him over me and continued running.

“Sorry” I yelled. No matter what I couldn’t hurt anyone from here.


It was Blake.

“Aderyn wait!”

“Aderyn listen to me” he yelled.

But I was keen on escaping. I wanted to escape this place by any means. So, avoiding him I ran.

Soon I could see the door to the backside. I smirked and ran even faster dodging the people who came

in front of me to stop me.

Opening the door I ran outside only to be disappointed to find no back entrance but only 15 foot long


I stopped on my tracks and looked around frantically searching for any door or something from where I

could escape. But found none.

“Luna” I heard Cole’s voice and turned around to find everyone means literally everyone running my


“Crap” I said through gritted teeth.

“Please stop” he said as Blake and the others joined him.

“Alpha is on his way. Well There’s no way she can leave now” Blake spoke as he looked behind me

towards the wall.

I looked back towards the wall and its when my eyes fell on what I wanted.

I turned around and smirked at them.

Cole narrowed his eyes at me while Blake gave me a puzzled look. Before they can find what I saw, I

turned around and took some steps back and then did the running start and lunged towards the wall

and jumped into the air and using all my upper body strength, clawed the top of the wall and sticking NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

my foot on the wall pulled myself up.

“Aderyn!” I heard Cole’s disbelieving voice.

I climbed the top and stood on the wall dusting my palms on my pant and looked at there disbelieving

face chuckling to myself.

And before anybody could do anything I turned around jumped not caring about the height, not caring

where I was going to fall.

I was expecting thorns or bushes but I landed on heaps of leaves.

“Smooth landing” I spoke to myself as I dusted my hair and my top once I reached down landing safely

on my feet.

I looked back at the wall and then towards the woods.

“Now what?” I huffed looking towards the woods.

Taking a minute to decide on what to do, I finally decided upon going in there completely going against

my own intuition I headed into the dark woods.

I took a slow start at first but then ran using my full speed.

I remember Blake saying Alpha is on his way.

Earlier, I took the risk to run away because I heard that Dylan was out to somewhere. So judging by the

time he went away he must be pretty far away. And if I continued running like this then I was sure there

would be no way ever for him to track me.

I would be leaving the country as soon as possible but for that I need to find the main road where I

could take some passenger by’s help.

I ran more into the woods. I didn’t have any idea where I was going but I didn’t care.

I knew I was being a coward and selfish bitch by running away but the responsibilities that I was loaded

with was far more than burdensome and depressing for me than anything else. I wasn’t ready for such

loads on my shoulders.

As I ran and ran, soon I began to slow down tired. I jogged a little and finally stopped on my tracks

panting and huffing. I took deep intakes and exhaled loudly tired. I could feel my blood thumping

against my skin and my heart beating wildly.

After a minute, when my heart was normal I walked ahead and looked up towards the sky. The

scorching heat of the sun and all that running making my throat dry. I walked and tried to look for any

source that could ease my thirst.

Finally I heard something. Realising what it could be I ran. Going deep inside the woods, jumping over

bushes I reached the place.

A Stream.

I felt ecstatic seeing the stream. I ran to it and kneeled down on the bank and using my palms to fill

water I drank the cold water which immediately gave me relief from my thirst and I sighed contented

sitting at the bed of the river.

Something caught my eyes and I looked towards my front to see a shadow of something. Slowly the

shadow began to emerge out from the woods and then it was when I realised that it was wolf.

Not just some wolf but a black wolf with a white diamond like tattoo on its forehead, with familiar green

eyes and the most part was it was way too much bigger than a normal wolf. It was the same wolf whom

I saw in my dream.

It emerged out of the woods and stood at the other side of the stream facing me, looking at me. I found

myself dumbstruck. I couldn’t move as if I was paralysed on my spot. Though I felt scared I tried my

best not to freak out. It was way too larger than a normal wolf.

It looked directly into my eyes and than sat down on its hind legs watching me. Then it took its ear back

and bent down drinking water from the stream.

Whenever I would make a move to get up it would look up at me and would glare at me.

The problem was I didn’t had any weapon with me and I couldn’t fight a wolf. All my trainings and

fighting skills were useless against an animal. And I never hurt any animal. I loved animals.

It stood up from where it was sitting and then began wiggle its tail looking at me. And Before I could

register what I happening I found the black coloured wolf right before my eyes. Only a centimetre away

from my eyes.

It jumped across the stream and stood before. My heart raced against my chest rapidly. I was failing

myself from to do something.

It began to sniff me and I decided to stay still if I didn’t wanted to be eaten by a wild wolf. Soon it

growled lowly and bent down licking my hand which was full if scratches due to running through bushes

and tree branches.

“Hey! Stop” I managed to speak confused on what it was doing.

It ignored me and continued licking my wounds. And when it stopped I found myself gawking at it.

There were no wounds left. It was healed. I looked up shocked at the wolf who healed my wounds like

a miracle.

I couldn’t believe my own eyes.

The wolf began to wiggle its tail and began to lick my face.

I laughed a little trying to push it away from my face. It wasn’t hurting me in any way but it was healing


Soon it stopped and gathering confidence I lifted my hands up and stroked its fur and patted its head.

It leaned into my touch and wiggled its tail even more. I chuckled at its behavior.

The wolf stopped wiggling its tail and began to walk past me towards the woods behind me.

“Hey! Stop. Where are you going?” I asked it but it didn’t stop instead it went into the woods. I got up

from my place and turned around towards the way where it went.

The wolf went inside the woods disappearing from my sight.

As I frowned at it, I heard a twig snapping and looked up to find a human coming out of the woods. But

what surprised me was It was no other human but Dylan who was coming out of the woods, only

wearing a jeans which hung low on his waist and what made me nervous was the fact that he looked

damn upset.

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