You’re Mine

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Chapter 163


The first few periods of school fly by and I can't stop smiling through each class.

It's like I took bong hits before I walked into the building, that's how big the perma—grin is on my face.

The reason? My enemy is finally getting what she deserves.

Seeing everyone attacking Aisha this morning couldnt make me happier.

Since I started dating Easton, she's wrecked me more times than I can count and she's done the same to so many kids in this school.

Karma has kicked in.

And it will kick in once more when it's my turn to tell her how much I hate her.

The opportunity comes right after lunch.

Easton, Ryan, Sadie and I are getting up from our table, about ten minutes before class starts, and in walks Aisha.

I'm shocked she has the nerve to come in here, knowing she's opening herself up for a verbal lashing.

But when I really think about it, the move completely fits her personality.

Aisha is fearless, that's why she opened the WHGOSSIP account in the first place.

She doesn't care about anyone or what they think of her.

And she probably won't care what I have to say.

Except I'm giving her no choice but to listen.

As she's headed in our direction, I step in front of her, stopping her from passing me.

"My turn."

"For what?"she snarls.

My hands go on my hips, preparing myself for this war.

"To tell you how shitty I think you are.

But first, I want to know why you put a tracker on my boyfriend's car because that's straight up psycho."

She sighs.

"I don't have to answer that."

"Seriously? You're going to go to the extreme of knowing where he's at every second of the day and you're not going to give me your reasoning?” I glare at her.

"That's fucked up on so many levels, I don't even know where to start.

Not to mention, that makes you pathetic and desperate.

Stalking someone else's boyfriend, how low can you go, Aisha?"


"What about WHGOSSIP. do you have anything to say about that?"

"Does the truth hurt, Harper? Did it hurt when everyone saw it?"

She grins in a way that shows me she feels bad for me.

"Oh, honey, it looks like it does."

I want to laugh.In fact, I do, just to show her how little I care about her.

"You're the most vile person on this planet.

You must feel so bad about yourself, have zero self—respect, that you get off by tearing people down."

My heart is pounding, my hands clenching as adrenaline starts to pump through me.

"What happened to you, Aisha? What made you such a horrible human being?"

She smiles, the evilness shining through her face.

"I want people to realize how much of a whore you are.

Really, it's that simple."

She nods toward Easton.

"Besides, you have something I want.

Haven't I made it clear throughout this whole year that I'm not going to stop until he's mine?"

"Except, I think I've made it clear that you can't have him."

I feel my eyes narrow as I use her words against her.

"What I find so funny is that Easton has told you he wants nothing to do with you, yet your desperate ass keeps trying to win him.

This isn't a game, Aisha, nor is it a contest.

There's nothing to win.

That boy is MINE."

When she attempts to interrupt me, I continue, "If he wanted to be with you, he would be, so when are you going to get it through your thick, annoyingly relentless skull that Easton cannot stand you?"

I take a look around the cafeteria.

The other students are practically applauding.

"In fact, no one can stand you, Aisha."

"Do you think I give a fuck? I'm off to college soon where none of you losers are going to be and everyone is going to love and adore me.” Now it's my turn to really laugh, her response the most insane thing ever.

"Love you? And adore you? That's not even possible.

Once they find out who you really are and what you're capable of and all the lies and gossip you're going to spread around campus, they're going to hate you, just like we all do."

I look her up and down, quickly reminded that she's thin, pretty, her clothes are trendy, and she knows how to do makeup—reasons, I'm sure, she's earned herself passes in the past.

Passes that have excused her shitty behavior.

But now that Sadie has aired the truth about Aisha, those passes are long gone.

Everyone can see her for who she really is.

A jealous, insecure bitch.

"Harper, you're wasting your breath."

She rolls her eyes.

"I'm honestly not even listening to a thing you're saying."


I cross my arms over my chest.

"Then, at least hear this.

I feel bad that you have zero self—respect and positively no self— worth.

These evil, desperate things you do are only to make yourself feel better.

But nothing works, nothing can bring you up from the bottom because you're scum—like that sticky filth that sticks to the soles of our shoes.” A grin spreads across my satisfied face.

"You're going to have a very long, lonely, pathetic life.

Good luck with that."

I turn toward Easton, his expression telling me he couldn't be happier with me.

"Fuck, that was hot,” he whispers in my ear.

"Do you have something you want to say to me, too?"

Aisha says.

I turn around again, seeing that Aisha's addressing Sadie.

"My girl, Harper, has the words."

Sadie raises her hands.

"But I have the fists and if you don't get out of here, I'm going to use them to punch that pretty, little nose of yours.

You know, the one you had done last summer and the one that's going to be hella expensive to fix after I break it."

Aisha hides her nose behind her fingers and says, "Fuck you, Sadie."

She looks at our group and adds, "Fuck all of you,"

and then she hurries out of the lunch room.

"Fastest I've ever seen that bitch move,’ Sadie says.

"I'm glad you didn't knock her, I couldn't handle you being suspended,"I admit to Sadie.

"But, oh my God, you breaking her nose is a sight I NEED to see."

"She may be the techy one—being all sly with that tracker—but I'll kick that bitch's ass,"Sadie says.

"I love your feisty side,"

Ryan says, throwing his arm around Sadie's shoulders.

Easton's arm goes around me and he whispers, "What you did back there, how you claimed me as yours"—he stops to shake his head—"damn it, I'm turned the fuck on right now."Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

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