You’re Mine

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195


"I feel like this is enough food to feed our entire senior class,’ Sadie snorts as she drives away from McDonald's, our final stop for the boys.

That's after we already picked up the pizzas and added several large fries and a few more burgers to the order, knowing they're probably drunk and most definitely high and will eat more than they've asked for.

“You know our men, they're endless pits of hunger.” “Ain't that the truth.” She turns at the light, heading for Blake's neighborhood, one that's just as nice as Easton's.

“When does Blake leave again, like a few days, right?” “Girl, he's leaving tomorrow, that's why they need to get it all done today.

Once he's packed, the boys are going to load it all into Blake's car, and we're going to party tonight, and then Blake will take off in the moming.” “Damn.” She shakes her head.

"This is all happening so fast.” “You're telling me,’ I say as she begins to slow for the stop sign.

I glance at her.

"You know ...

we're next.” “Don't go there, we still need to shop and pack and have fun this summer.

We have some time before we take off."

She's right.

We have the whole summer, Blake is just going early to San Diego.

But I'm glad we're not heading to UCLA until freshman orientation, which is in a couple months.

I need more time with Sadie and I need more time with Ryan.

And I need time to unwind from the last few months of school and prepare my brain for all the hard work I have ahead of me.

How I'm going to balance Dean's List—something my scholarship requires me to maintain—with Easton and partying and college fun.

I know I can do it.

It's just going to take a lot of focus when I suddenly have so much freedom.

“You know what's one of the best things about this summer, I say.

She turns onto Blake's street.

"What's that?"

“Mom and Dad have dropped my curfew."

“Whaaaat?” I smile.

“It was a surprise to me, too.

They just told me tonight when you picked me up.

I asked Mom what time I needed to be home and she said she'd spoken with Dad and they decided not to give me a time anymore.” “oh my God, the trouble we're about to get in.” I grab her arm.

“Let's not, I just got the shackles taken off, I don't want my parents to put them back on.

And they will—like in three seconds.” She laughs.

“True.” She pulls into Blake's driveaway.

"The smell of this food is making me so hungry.” “I'm sure they'll share,’ I say and climb out of the car, balancing the pizzas and McDonald's bags on my palms.

"Here”—she holds out her hands—‘“give me something, you don't have to carry it all.” I shake my head.

"Just get the door, I'm fine.” We go up the walkway and up the front steps, knocking on Blake's door.

“Are his parents’ home?"

I ask Sadie.

She shrugs.

"No idea.

I don't see their cars, but they have an eight— car garage or something, I doubt they park in the driveway.” “Try ringing the bell,” I say after another knocking attempt.

She presses the button and we can hear the bell go off inside, the double chimes that echo through the entryway.

When a few minutes goes by, I say, “Where are the boys?” I look toward the driveway where Easton's jeep is parked with Ryan's car and Blake's.

“They have to be here.” “I'm sure they are, but the house is so big, they probably can't hear the doorbell.” She reaches for the handle, pressing down on the top latch, and the door pops open.

"Do you think it's okay if we just go in?” I've only been to Blake's house a few times, each occasion he answered the door.

I've definitely never just let myself in before.

“I think so, I tell her.

“They know we're coming over, they gave us a food order, so it should be fine.” She takes a step inside, looking in both directions before she glances back at me.

"Should we bring the food up to them or leave it down here and we'll eat in the kitchen?” "I say bring it upstairs.

If I remember correctly, there's a bar up there where I'm sure they have paper towels and drinks.” "Perfect."

She closes the door behind us and takes the McDonald's out of my hands, leading us to the massive staircase that wraps around the entire living room.

When we're past the first few steps, I say, "Maybe they're passed out.

Knowing them, they had a ton to drink.” “Oh God, I didn't even think of that."

We hurry up the rest of the staircase and down the long, windy hallway toward Blake's wing, where he has his own sitting area and bathroom, he even has a massive balcony that overlooks the pool.

We're rounding the corner toward his sitting room and that's when we hear the screaming.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU.” I freeze from the sound of it, the voice so loud and angry and gritty, I can't tell which of the boys it's coming from.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“What the fuck?"

Sadie whispers next to me, her eyes wide.

I take a deep breath and swallow.

“I don't know...” "Easton!"

I hear Blake shout.

“I'm fucking sorry!” "Oh God,” I groan as I realize what we're hearing.

"They're fighting, this is going to get ugly.” I place the pizza on the couch, Sadie drops the McDonald's next to it, and we run to the back where Blake's room is located.

We get to the doorway and I see Blake on the floor, Easton's hands are around his neck, and Ryan is holding Blake's legs, stopping him from kicking or moving.

"I don't give a fuck if you're sorry; Easton yells, rearing his arm back, his fingers clenched in a fist, like he’s seconds away from punching Blake.


I shout.

When he doesn't look up or acknowledge me, I scream, “Easton,” again.

It finally registers and he glances up at me.

His jaw is clenched, his eyes are filled with anger.

I've seen him mad.

But I've never seen him like this.

“What are you doing?” I gasp.

“What's going on?” “Harper, he growls, “get out of here.” I don't understand.

I don't know why he's asking me that.

“Easton, no—"

“Harper, he says again, cutting me off, "get the fuck out of here, I don't want you to see this.” I don't know why, but my eyes suddenly fill with tears."See what?” "See me kill Blake.”

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