Zero and Beauty's Breath (A Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club Series Book 3 - 4)

Chapter 74 (Beauty's Breath) (Beggar)

Chapter 74 (Beauty's Breath) (Beggar)

“I’m getting ice-cream. What flavour do you guys want?” I ask them.

“Mint,” Killer says as Zero says Vanilla.

I started working part time at the Night Club owned by the Satan Snipers. It earns me some cash.

Zero doesn’t like me working at the club but he doesn’t have a choice in the matter since River offered

me the job.

“One mint, two vanilla sugar cones please.” I ask the old lady with the white apron on.

“I have not seen you before, aren’t you a pretty little thing,” She says to me in a cheerful voice.

“Thank you,” I like her.

“I heard there were some new bikers in town, didn’t think it will be a lady. My god daughter, Lauren

used to date one of you years back. They were two lovers, perfect. Didn’t turn out that way in the end.

Poor man got himself stuck with Hannah Evans, she’s a New Yorker.”

“Can I have my ice-cream now?” I don’t like this conversation any longer.

Old lady is a nosey bitch. She shouldn’t talk shit she doesn’t know.

The lady must heed my unfriendly tone of my voice because she hands it to me quickly.

“3 dollars,” She says.

I sigh, realizing I can’t get the money from my pocket so I hand her the ice-cream.

A man’s hand comes from behind me and places the money slap on the table.

“Keep the change.”

My body freezes at the sound of his voice, but this time I am not weak. I am prepared when he grips

my hair.

“Let her go,” Zero says from the middle of the parking lot.

“I can’t do that brother,” Thorn answers in a mocking voice.

My foot lifts up just enough and I slam the heel partially on his foot. I grab his hand holding my hair and

pull him close to me so he stumbles on my back and I lift him over me.

His back hitting the ground.

He screams in pain.

I stand there not caring that people are rushing out of the supermarket. Not caring for the witnesses.

Let them see.

Zero rushes over to me and his brother. I can see he is split between us. So, I make the choice easier

as I walk past him closer to Killer.

“Leave me,” Thorn yells.

“Amariya,” He screams and still I walk.

The gun shot that goes off has me stopping and turning slowly.

Zero is on the ground, and the nosey old lady that served me an ice-cream has just earned herself a

bullet to the head.

“You have been on my list for way too long Thorn.”

“Beauty No.” Zero yells from the ground as he attempts to get up.

“You have taken lives that wasn’t yours to take.”

“Beauty, let’s talk about this,” Zero begins to get up but Killer is already there.

He shocks Zero with an electric Taser until he is down on the ground.

And I look into Thorns eyes, pull my gun out as he lifts his and I shoot.

Death, the only part of our life already predicted from the moment our fetus is formed. The how’s,

when’s and where’s may vary, but we all eventually die.

Death is the finale of moments, only when that moment comes it’s a lasting moment, the only moment

in our lives that is meant to last.

What comes after death? Now that is debatable and depending solely on the one who is doing the


The believers might say heaven or hell. A few may have some varieties on the name but the places are

the same, one meant for the good ones and the other meant for sinners.

Some might be convinced in a reincarnation of the soul or like the Atheist believe- the black space,


But who on this earth really knows anything but for the paths, we take to get there?

Now, while those paths we take may seem similar to others and we have that moment where we

delude ourselves into thinking that this person or people can relate to what we have been through it is

still our path, our moments made up by our choices.

Now the circumstances leading to those choices might very well be due to other people, but they are

null in the bigger picture, devoid of relevance in the final outcome, death.

This, here, now, in this open parking lot with a gun in my hand, I pull the trigger, shortening his story, a

sudden death, more than he deserves.

I tell myself reasons be damned of why I shouldn't do it. In my case, the one with the gun in my hand, I

can honestly say that my reasons are the only thing keeping me going.

My eyes don't leave his shocked gaze as his hand goes to his stomach, so I pull the trigger again. The

impact causes my arm to jerk back as the second shot gets him in his chest.

He would never understand how my heart shrivelled when he killed my babies. The burning sensation

that takes him before death does, is the closest feeling that mirrors my own torturous loss I have felt

because of him.

Yet, even then, watching his fall, there is no victory felt, no relief of the sweet revenge promised by the

minds game of vengeance after the knight has its revenge.

For after that moment like all sweetened treats, there is a price that must be paid.

I look up into the bright sky, waiting for something, a sign, but the sun doesn't call to the sounds of

murder, it does not hide behind the clouds screaming that this death was different.

Truth is, it is not some precious moment, it is just a life-altering one for me- the girl with the gun,

And him- the man who has now fallen to the parking lot floor, bleeding to death.

I should say I feel some remorse for what has happened, but I can't, it would be a lie.

I was once a girl, who never wanted much besides a safe place to rest my head at night. Thorn was

one of the men that crossed my path and made that impossible.

He took from me twice, now I have finally returned the sentiment by taking his life.


The scream coming from the being who just yesterday claimed to love me can be heard in the back of

my head.

I told him I will destroy him, I did. I never lied.

There are moments in my life I wish I could take back, but even watching Zero run toward his brother’s

dead form, with his face in anguish- this is not one of those moments. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What have you done, why, WHY?” He screams at me as he drops to the ground next to his blood

brother and I don't need to say a thing, really. What more can I say?

I just killed his brother.

I took the one thing from him that he loved more than anything in the world.

I ripped it out because I could.

I told Zero that we were doomed from that moment he grabbed that gun out of my hands.

The only chance we had was a moment.

That is what we are given in life, just moments before death.

“Get out of here, the cops are on their way.” Killer's voice has me swinging into action as I slip the gun

back in my holster and rush from the scene but even I can’t stop the scream of the man I love that

haunts my ears.

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