After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 53

"You stay out of this." She sneered.

Gabriel filted his head at her words. Several locks of his hair fell out of place as he looked he looked her from head to toe, before asking. "Or what Clenching her jaw and fist as well, Leonica was About to respond when Ashely beat her to it.

"Mommy, I...I want to eat ice cream.noveldrama

"Huh?" Leonica was caught off guard by his sudden demand but quickly recovered. "Sure baby. Come to mommy and we'll go have ice cream." "N-no. I want to have ice cream with Arvan and Daisy and...and Gabriel included!" Ashely protested, pumping his fist in the air.

To say Leonica was surprised by his words was an understatement. And to say her jaw hadn't hung open would be a blatant lie. "You want to what?" She questioned.

"Have ices cream...with everyone." Ashely repeated. "Can we please do that mommy?" He pleaded, quickly switching to his puppy dog eyes. Leonica's lips parted in an action to refuse his request, but seeing the look on his face, she pressed them together and hesitantly nodded her head. "Sure...that can work."

"Yay!" Ashely wasted no time in expressing his excitement. Quickly, he wriggled out of Gabriel's hold and took Daisy's hand. "I know the way, come on Daisy."

"Ashely slow down." Leonica called after the running duo and intended to chase after them when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Arvan?" Looking over her shoulder, she questioned the hand's owner.

"I'll take care of those two," he began, eyes fleeting towards where Gabriel stood for a


moment before coming back to meet hers. "You seem to have a few things to sort out first."

Glancing back at Gabriel, she understood what Arvan meant. She indeed had a bone or two to pick with Gabriel.

Nodding her head, she thanked Arvan with a smile. "Thanks."

He gently massaged her arm with a smile of his own. "Of course."

Watching the scene play out in front of him, Gabriel clenched his fist, a feeling of Jealousy once again rising in his chest.



Arvan left shortly after his little speech of reassurance, promising to watch after the kids while she stayed back and settled a thing or two with Gabriel.

Chloe was dismissed as he crossed over to the opposite side of the road to chase after the kids, and now that they were alone, Gabriel wasted no time in speaking.

"So this is how you do it?" His gaze remained trained on the direction Arvan had gone and if not for the vague and confusing question he had just spoken, Leonica would also have been staring off in that direction. "What?" Her brows narrowed in confusion as her eyes found his side profile.

It didn't take Gabriel long before he peeled his gaze away from the empty spot, shifting his body so that he could face her completely.

"Is that how you got to win your previous project? By using him? His connections?"

"What?" Leonica repeated, even more confused now. However, a mental image of Gabriel's words, or rather, a mental understanding of Gabriel's words began to form in her head and she steamed red; not from the embarrassing thought but rather from anger. Did Gabriel...that bastard, honestly think that the way she had won her previous projects was by sleeping with Arvan? Selling her to him for connection?

A small part of Leonica felt hurt to know that Gabriel thought so low of her, but then again, after recalling all the shit he had said to her five years ago, and how he has treated her, believing that she was nothing but disgrace to his family name and not suited to be with him, and comparing it to now, what he was saying, it was like a simple walk it the park.

Although it stung a bit, she could easy brush it off and move on. Whatever he thought about her no longer mattered, but Arvan on the other hand, she couldn't stand still and watch someone degrade an acquaintance of hers who has been nothing but good to her. "Get your heads out of the gutters, Gabriel," Leonica reprimanded as soon as she was able to pull herself back to reality, clicking her tongue in disbelief at his vulgar thoughts. "Not everyone thinks like you, Arvan certainly. He's a gentleman, considerate and rather sweet, something that shameless and heartless isn't something he would do."

Hearing her words, Gabriel chuckled and shut his eyes, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he calmly nodded. However, despite the expression on his visage, Gabriel was far from calm on

the inside.

Hearing Leonica speak so well of Arvan had without a doubt, annoyed him. Not only that, it made his heart squeeze with jealousy, as much as he'd never admit it out loud. And that irritated him.

Opening his eyes, fixing Leonica once again in his line of vision, Gabriel spat. "Shameless? Heartless? You know that's classy coming from someone like you who can be as ruthless and heartless to abort an unborn child, both yours and someone else's, without blinking an eye."

His words Irritated her as much as it confused her.

Scrunching up her face, she thought for a moment.

She, abort another person's child? When? How? Who?!


As quickly as she had minded his words, Leonica pushed them aside and stepped forward to address the matter at hand.

Sticking her finger into his chest, she spat. "Call me ruthless, heartless, whatever you wish to, but I did what I did, to survive and I'd do it all over again if time were to rewound itself."

Gabriel's heart squeezed at her words, but he did good at keeping his usual stoic expression in place.

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