After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 54

Seeing the usual expression that was good enough to deceive anyone, Leonica felt somewhat disappointed that her words hadn't affected him in anyway... Wait... was she expecting him to react to those words? Did she want him to feel sad? Despair?

She mentally chuckled at those thoughts, after all, emotions like those were impossible for someone like Gabriel to feel.

He was a cold bastard.

Stepping back, Leonica tucked her hands into her pocket with a sigh. Her aura seemed to have calmed down but she still looked more than ready for a fight.

"I'll allow today slide because I was at fault for not keeping Ashely in line, but after this, I think it's best you stop sticking your nose in businesses concerning my son and I and rather focus more on the child Angelina's about to give birth to for you." Gabriel's eyes narrowed in confusion at her words.

The child Angelina was about to give birth to for him? What was she talking about?

""What are you-?"

Those words had just barely rolled off his tongue when a louder voice over took his.

"Kid, get out of the way!"

The loudness and urgency of the voice caused Leonica and Gabriel to snap their heads in it's direction, only to see Daisy bending down to reach for her favorite hairpin on the road, unbeknown to the car that was speeding her way

"Oh my god. Daisy!" Leonica cried out and attempted to rush to save Daisy.

However, she had not taken more than a step when Daisy was suddenly shoved out of the way and things happened in slow motion.

The tire screeching. The loud thudding sound that was made as the car collided with Daisy's savoir and lastly, the pour of crimson that began to pool on the floor where he laid.

Leonica felt her eyes widen, her breath hitch and her entire world shatter into tiny pieces as she stared at Ashley lay unconscious in a growing pool of his own blood.

Enough is Enough

Enough Is Enough!

All at once, different thoughts filled Leonica's head, her eyes clouding with tears at the scene while her legs threatened to give out from beneath her.

But she didn't give in to their urges, instead, she took shaky steps towards her unconscious son. Dulling out Daisy's cries for her friend and Arvan's voice saying incoherent words, she gently sank to her kneels, careful not to shake Ashely's body too much as she cradled him.

In the background, Gabriel had just finished calling the nearest hospital and no less than five minutes later, lance arrived at the scene, prying Ashley out of Leonica's hold, to which she bitterly allowed.


Gabriel who was just as shaken up by the situation, turned his eyes away from the ambulance for a second, fixing it on Leonica who looked very much like she was about to have a panic attack and break down at the same time.

His feet moved quickly, without his consent, even with his content, he wouldn't have stopped, and in seconds, he was beside her, catching both her shoulders in time to stop her from sinking to the floor.

"Hey, Pull yourself together." His eyes searched her tears stricken face as he spoke. "Breaking down like this wouldn't do Ashely any good, so..." Gabriel hesitated, not too good at comforting someone, especially when that someone was his ex wife. But at last, he found the right words to add. "You need to be strong for Ashley."

He's words was like a little wake up shot to Leonica. Her mind became clear And quickly registered what she was meant to do.

Stepping out of Gabriel's hold with a nod of her head, she swallowed and scanned the surrounding areas for her car, trying to recall past the foggy haze in her mind, where she had. parked the expensive hunk of junk. "My car... I... I need to get to-"

"I'll drive you," Gabriel interrupted, offering his service and who was Leonica to refuse in her


Nodding in agreement, Gabriel led her to his car that fortunately was parked on the other side. of the road. As soon as they were both buckled up, he pressed the gas, speeding past other cars and nearly breaking traffic rules, several times.

By the time they arrived at the hospital, the ambulance had just pulled into the parking lot and Ashely was being rushed into the hospital.

Despite her scrambled head, Leonica made a mental note to remember the shortcut Gabriel had taken, it had spared them greatly.

Rushing into the hospital, she quickly spotted Ashely being wheeled on a stretcher towards a closed door and in seconds, she was beside him, fingers tightening around the white iron rails

Enough is Enought

of the stretcher.

"Ashley, please be strong for mommy." She spoke just above a whisper, wanting so badly to

reach out and touch her unconscious son, however not getting the opportunity as he, along with several nurses and a doctor of high expertise entered the operating room and she was forced to stay back..

With fresh set of tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, Leonica watched as the operation sign turned red, indicating the long hours of wait had began.

Positive ones, she hoped as she sank into a waiting bench and buried her face in the center of her palm, vaguely taking note of when Gabriel sat beside her, but not bothering to look his


The said male couldn't clearly see her face, but her entire being right now, reminded him of how he had seemed when his parents had gotten into the accident that claimed their lives, during his younger years.

He couldn't say anything to comfort her, but that didn't stop him after much consideration, from gingerly placing his hand on her back, gently rubbing it up and down.

A simple action, one that might not have meant much to any other person, but for Leonica, it was different. So different to the point that it made the tears she had been holding back, rush

out in full force.

As the tears ran down her face, she muttered incoherent apologies for her behavior, whilst trying to wipe her face, but no matter how many times she tried to dry her cheeks, they always ended up getting wet again.

It was truly a sight to see for Gabriel, but certainly one that did not please him. He had always wanted Leonica to pay for what she has done to Angelina, make her suffer and regret her actions, but contrary to those thoughts, seeing her sob and tremble like this, Gabriel's chest. felt tight and he couldn't hold back.

Gently taking her head, he buried it in his shoulder, pulling her closer as he continued to draw soothing circles around her back.

At first, Leonica froze up at his actions. Her cries had ceased for a mere second, before she felt his pats and they came back, and her body gently relaxed in his hold.

There was no words spoken between them and for the next twenty minutes, Leonica remained in the familiar embrace, gently sobbing. Only after she had calm down did she gently easy out of the hug

Gabriel was about to ask if she was okay, or at least he made an attempt to ask so, but before the words could flow out of his mouth, sounds of approaching footsteps caught his attention.

Arvan had just arrived at the hospital after dropping Daisy off. He felt it was only right that he came in person and apologize since in a way, he was partially responsible for the accident, Enough is Ploughi

after all, he had promised to watch the children and took his eyes off them for a split second to pay the bill, allowing Daisy the opportunity to drop her favorite hairpin in the middle of the road and try to reach for it. The rest was as it happened.

He quickly spotted Leonica and Gabriel seated in a waiting area and approached them. Gabriel turned in his direction at the sound of his approaching footsteps while Leonica seemed to deep in thoughts, head resting on Gabriel's shoulder, too notice his presence. "Leonica, I'm so-" he began, but Gabriel interrupted him.

"Not now," He said with a tone barely above a whisper, as if he was trying to avoid disturbing Leonica. "Whatever you want to say, I'm sure I can wait. Right now," he glanced down at the top of Leonica's head, before continuing, "I think she needs a little space." He turned back to face Arvan. "Alright?"

Arvan nodded his head. Despite not wanting to admit it, Gabriel was right. With the state Leonica was in, she needed as much space as possible.

"You're right. I'll leave for now." He announced, taking one last look at Leonica before turning with his hands in his pocket and walking away.

Gabriel's eyes didn't not leave until he had stepped out of the hospital and disappeared around the corner. Only then did he glanced at the operating sign which was still red and sighed.

They sure had a long wait ahead of them, not that he was complaining. He'd wait as long as it took as long as Ashley came out fine.

The operation had dragged on For hours longer than Either Leonica and Gabriel could have imagine. During the fourth and final hour, Leonica had regained small of herself.

Despite not wanting to, she was about to thank Gabriel for lending a shoulder of comfort, which she never knew he could, when the doors to the operating room opened and Ashley was wheeled out.noveldrama

"Congratulations, the operation was a success and the boy, is now out of danger." The doctor announced as he took off the last of his gear.

Gabriel felt relief after hearing this and The dull look on Leonica's face slowly vanished as a smile made its way to her lips at the good news.


'However?' Her smile flattened at the continuing words from the doctor. 'However' was never a good word to begin a sentence with.

"The boys currently in a sleep coma, It's nothing threatening and he should wake up in at

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couple of hours, max a day." He informed.

That was approximately three hours ago.

The operation had ended since then and Ashley was wheeled into his private ward. Gabriel had stayed inside for a while to watch Ashely, before noticing how Tired Leonica had looked and against his better judgement, decided to get her something to build her energy.

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