Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Sixty five

Ellen’s POV

After Zeke’s security threw me out, I put on a proud smile and looked back at the mansion. Sooner than later I would be back.

As I left Zeke’s house, disheveled but with my victorious smile intact, I quickly called my driver to come pick me up. “I need you to come to Zeke’s place right away” I said urgently into the phone.

“Right away, ma’am,” my driver responded dutifully.

When he arrived, he greeted me with a curious glance. “Everything alright, ma’am?” he asked, noticing my disheveled appearance.

“Everything is perfectly fine,” I replied with a confident smile.

I was sure Zeke had no memory of what happened at night and for all he knows, he was not certain he slept with me. But his housekeepers and security details were there as witness, when I came out of his car with him.

What was hard not to believe? I laughed at my thoughts. I caught the driver looking at me from the rear mirror.

“Any problem?” I asked with a smirk.

“No Ma’am.” He replied and continued driving.

I eyed him and went back to my thoughts. Now all I needed was to actually get pregnant and reappear before Zeke in two weeks.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I missed something. Zeke would ask for a paternity test. Actually dealing with him is a lot harder than planning. I sighed.

We soon arrived at the Manor mansion. As I entered the house, I found my parents having breakfast. I greeted them with a forced smile. “Good morning Father, good morning mother.”

“Ellen, where have you been?” my father asked, concern evident in his voice.

“Zeke called me yesterday evening, he promised me we would remarry, he took me to his house, we made love but by morning, he threw me out.” I said soberly, adding a touch of vulnerability to my tone.

My parents exchanged a look, their expressions darkening with anger. “What does he mean by that? He has to keep his promises as a man!” My mother said firmly.

“Don’t worry, Ellen,” My father added firmly. “Get yourself refreshed and come down for breakfast. We’ll handle this.”

Good. If mother bought into the plan innocently, it will make my case more real. Father already knows what went on. Or partly knows anyways.

I hurried upstairs to compose myself before joining them for breakfast. After freshening up, I wore some comfortable clothes, then joined my parents for breakfast.

I really did not have the appetite to eat much, but I managed to chew down on the bread that lay before me. I had some coffee too.

As the meal was nearing its end, my father excused himself. “I’ll leave first.” He said dropping his napkin on the table. “Ellen, once you are done with breakfast, meet me in my study.” He added.

“Okay Father.” I replied. He nodded and went round to give mother a peck before going upstairs.

“Is everything alright?” My mother asked, concern evident in her voice.

I forced a smile. “Yes, just a little tired,” I replied.

After breakfast, I escorted my mother to her room, ensuring she was comfortable before making my way to see my father in his study.

My mother, Esther Manor was an icon of beauty and strength. But the recent happenings nhad weighed down so much on her. Deep down I missed her mischievous self. Now she was just weak and of no great help to recovering our family name.

“Father?” I called out.

“Come in.” He responded and gestured for me to take a seat.

He wasted no time in getting to the point. “Tell me everything,” he asked, his tone firm yet curious.

I smiled and began recounting the events of the previous night in detail, from my encounter with Zeke to my departure from his house. My father listened intently, his eyes never leaving mine as I spoke.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

When I finished, there was a moment of silence before he spoke. “Well done, Ellen,” he said, a hint of pride in his voice. “You handled the situation admirably.”

He opened a file, and scribbled something inside it. “We’ll visit him soon. One way or the other, Ezekiel Reid has to pay for abusing my daughter right?” Father had a sinister smile plastered on his now wrinkled face.

“Of course father.” I replied, returning his smile.

“You may go now Ellen. I’ll come up with a plan.” He said and I nodded and took my leave.

I left my father’s study and went back into my room. It’s been awhile since I made music. So I walked down into the basement where I kept my violin set. Most of which were imported from different countries.

I picked the one I got as a gift from Zeke when he returned from a trip to South Carolina. I unboxed it and fixed the strings.

I took it out to the garden and sat there and began playing. I lost track of time and did not notice it was past noon until my phone beeped with a mail notification.

I dropped my violin gently and picked up my phone. It was a letter from Becky. I opened it to find more details about Belle, Kamille’s nerd of a friend. A smile tugged at my lips as I thought.

Today must be my lucky day.

From what is written here, she will soon be closing from the hospital. Becky did well to attach a photo. I stared at the young lady in the picture. She was beautiful with big brown eyes and wavy brown hair.

I decided to go have a real sneak peek at her in person. I ordered a housekeeper to help put away my violin, while I went into my room and swiftly changed into a comfortable outfit. I came out with a tank top, shorts, and a hoodie to conceal my identity.

I decided to use an Uber that will be less noticeable than my exotic car. I ordered an Uber and in no time, it arrived and I left the mansion.

I arrived at the hospital just in time to see her step out with graceful strides into her car. She was more beautiful in person and did not look as nerdy as she did back in college.

Sadly, all that beauty would go to waste if she had anything to do with the release of Kamille’s videos. She reversed and drove out of the hospital grounds.

“Follow that car.” I instructed the Uber driver.

“That would cost an extra hundred bucks Ma’am.” He said turning behind to look at me.

“Whatever. Just follow the fucking car before it disappears.” I replied, stashing some wads of cash into his outstretched hand.

“Good, good.” He smiled and pocketed the cash and began driving.

We stopped a few blocks away from where she parked. I watched as she stepped out and walked to the threshold and unlocked the door and stepped in.

I quickly took a picture of where she lived and the surrounding area. It would come in handy soon enough.

“Let’s go.” I said to the driver. A mischievous grin spreading across my face as we drove past her house.

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