Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Sixty four

Ellen’s POV

The sound of Zeke’s voice halted their advance, and I turned to see him approaching. Although his expression was unreadable, I felt a sense of relief at the sight of him but I masked it behind a veneer of composure.

Seizing the opportunity, I walked past the security detail without resistance, knowing that Zeke’s presence alone would deter them from pursuing me further.

As I approached Zeke, I could feel his gaze piercing through me, his eyes were complicated and he reeked of alcohol.

Reaching his side, I gently supported him, concern etched into my features. “Baby, what’s wrong with you?” I asked softly, my voice laced with worry. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

But before he could respond, I shook my head, dismissing the question. “Forget it,” I said firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument. “Let’s get you home.”

With a subtle nod from Zeke, we began to make our way out of the casino, leaving behind the prying eyes and lingering questions.

We used the private exit. I smiled gleefully.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

As we stepped into the cool night air, I found his car, I retrieved his keys and unlocked the door, carefully guiding him into the passenger seat before taking my place behind the wheel.

Seated inside the car, an idea struck me and I reached for Zeke’s phone and dialed my number, I let it on for a while before hanging. He had deleted my number. I scoffed and saved it as Ellen.

The drive back to the mansion was cloaked in an eerie silence, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of movement from Zeke beside me.

Soon we pulled up to the grand entrance of the Reid mansion. His security and chauffeur came to escort him and park his car. But as they approached, they were shocked to see me in the car with me.

“What?” I asked mockingly. “Are you just going to stand there and wag your tongues like dogs? Or are you going to do your damn job?”

With disgruntled responses, they helped Zeke out and I handed over the car keys to the chauffeur.

Entering the mansion, I stopped to admire the place I was once queen over. “I would soon be back in no time,” I murmured to myself and walked towards the steps.

Ignoring the curious glances of the housekeepers, I went up the stairs to his room. The security men who aided me in bringing him up stood guard at his door.

“What are you still doing here?” I asked with disdain.

“We’re sorry Miss Manor but we cannot let you into the Master’s room.” They replied.

“Well, I could leave, but you will not blame me for what he would do to you when in the morning he doesn’t find me by his side,” I said and began to retreat.

The men looked at themselves in confusion and I smiled. “Why don’t you mind your own damn business,” I snapped at them, my tone sharp and commanding. “Now get back to work.”

The security men gave way to me. As I entered, away from the probing eyes of the staff, I let out a sigh of relief.

I went close to the bed where Zeke lay and stroked his face. I began admiring his handsome features. Suddenly, Zeke reached out to me. I felt scared he would throw me out but instead, he did worse than that.

“I have missed you.” He began. “Come back to me Kamille.” He pleaded. Anger stirred inside me.

Why the fuck was he thinking about that dead hag?

But his next move suppressed my anger. Zeke drew me in and planted a soft kiss on my lips but withdrew immediately. I frowned at his withdrawal and decided to play along.

“Yes, darling, it’s me,” I replied softly, my voice strained with hidden emotions. “I’ve missed you so much.”

But as quickly as he had pulled me close, Zeke pushed me away. “Get out you’re not her.” The sting of his words cut deep, and I struggled to maintain my composure.

“What do you mean, Zeke? It’s me, Kamille.” I protested through gritted teeth, my voice trembling with hurt and frustration.

I never imagined I would have to act like that dead witch to be in Zeke’s arms.

But he had already drifted off to sleep. Damn it Zeke. I cursed under my breath.

I got up from the bed and carefully undressed Zeke, gently laying him down in bed before doing the same for myself. I settled beside him, resting my head on his chest.

By morning, Zeke would have no choice but to take me back.


Zeke’s POV

As I slowly stirred awake, the fog of sleep gradually lifted from my mind, and a sense of disorientation washed over me.

Blinking clearly, I registered the sight of a half-naked woman lying beside me in bed, her presence sending a jolt of alarm coursing through my veins.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my hands on my forehead to ease the throbbing headache from my hangover. As I looked over at the lady beside me, I tried to recall the events of the previous night, memories flickering in and out of focus like fragments of a shattered mirror.

I recalled the dimly lit interior of the casino and the sharp bite of whiskey against my tongue. Then I remembered seeing a blurred image of Kamille.

We went home together, I kissed her, and the heat of her body pressed close to mine. But somewhere in the midst of it all, I felt something was off but that is where I blanked out.

How did I end up here with this woman? Panic surged through me as I struggled to make sense of it all, my mind racing with a thousand unanswered questions.

I shifted slightly on the bed and made to stand up when I caught the side profile of the lady in my bed.


Shock and disbelief washed over me as I realized the identity of the woman lying beside me. Her form was illuminated by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, her presence in my bed sent a surge of fury through my veins.

With a clenched jaw, I wasted no time in shaking her awake, my voice tight with anger as I demanded answers. “Ellen,” I spat out her name, the bitterness of it tasting like poison on my tongue.”What the hell are you doing here?”

As she stirred groggily, blinking in confusion at the sudden intrusion, I could feel the heat of my rage building within me, threatening to consume me whole. With a swift motion, I pushed myself out of bed, my movements swift and purposeful as I reached for my discarded clothes strewn across the floor.

Turning back to face her, my eyes blazing with fury, I spoke in a voice laced with icy contempt. “Get the fuck out of my room,” I growled, my words sharp and biting. “And don’t you dare set foot in here again! Be gone before I return from the bathroom.”

With that final warning hanging in the air, I stormed out of the room. What the hell did she think she was doing sneaking into my bed? I knew she would come back, but I did not think she would use such despicable means.

After my quick shower, I emerged from the bathroom to find Ellen already dressed, her expression somber and contrite. I felt a surge of anger rising within me, threatening to engulf me in its fiery grip.

“Why are you still here, Ellen?” I demanded, my voice laced with thinly veiled contempt.

“Why are you so mean Zeke?” She began. “You called me out of the confines of my house, made crazy love to me and now you want to throw me out?” Her words sent a thousand shocks down my spine. Her voice was low, hurt, and well-prepped for her act.

I would never sleep with a slime like her even if my life depended on it.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, my eyes red with fury. “And don’t you dare lie to me,” I added.

She swallowed hard, her eyes darting nervously as she struggled to find the right words. “I-I thought we had something last night,” she stammered, her voice tinged with desperation. “You called me, Zeke. You brought me here. We… we made love.”

“Shut the fuck up!” I yelled as I picked her up and shoved her into a nearby wall. Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. “Stop spewing things you cannot prove.” I said coldly.

“Check your phone. I am not lying.” She screamed.

Reluctantly, I retrieved my phone from the nightstand and scrolled through the call log, my heart sinking as I saw the evidence before me. I had indeed made a call to her last night, a fact that sent a chill coursing through my veins.

But when did I save her number?

“This could have been planted and does not change anything.” I muttered tersely. “Now. get the hell out of my sight.” I ordered.

As she tried to argue, her words fell on deaf ears as I rang the bell for security. Soon the security arrived.

“Throw this garbage out of my home.” I said with so much disdain and irritation.

“Zeke, you can’t do this to me.” She tried to protested, but with a wave of my hands, she was thrown out of my house. Although she was sent out, I still battled with my memory.

I couldn’t have slept with her right?

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