Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Bonus Chapter 1

Monday 5th October, 2020.


“I’m nervous,” I said, standing in my school in front of my mates.

They were all lounging on the couch in their suite at Viper Moon Academy as if we were headed to a party and not our first day back at school.

“What about?” Asked Eli.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Everything!” I said. “I’ve only ever been your poorly kept secret. I know there will be lots of spoilt shiny people who will not welcome me as your mate.”

“People aren’t as vapid as that, Star. You should give them more credit,” said Jonah matter-of-factly.

“Well, I’m used to you and Noah and your friends calling me Moon and Cloud and making sure I’m reminded of the fact that I grew up poor,” I snapped, not meeting anyone’s eye.

I could feel Noah and Jonah flinch at my words through the mate bond.

“You’re marked, Star,” said Jonah. “You can’t be claimed anymore than that.”

“And we’re sorry,” added Noah gently. “Really, really sorry. Looking back at everything, joining in on making fun of you wouldn’t have made a difference to Georgianna. We thought it was helping the charade but it was really just hurting you.”

“We’re sorry, Star,” said Jonah, sighing deeply.

I felt guilty for bringing those days up but they were not that far in the past and they were fresh in my mind.

“Eli and I never rejected or denied you publicly,” pointed out Zaya.

“I know,” I said softly, looking at the younger two Quads who were currently giving me puppy-dog eyes.

I opened my arms for a hug and the four of them surrounded me. They almost knocked me over. I emerged from the huddle, giggling and swatting their hands away.

“Ok, let’s go, before we get sidetracked,” I said.

“I love sidetracks,” said Zaya passionately, flashing his black eyes at me.

I headed for the door. We did not have all the same classes so I would be alone in my first class of the day. No mates. No Harper because he was being privately tutored back in Ice Moon with the rest of his bandmates. No Jillian. No Toby. Not even Chet. I kept my head down and bumped right into someone on my way to the backseats.

The person bent down to help me pick up my folders and papers.

“Sorry, excuse me,” I mumbled, looking up.

The Head girl. Madison Freaking Fong. My she-wolf growled inwardly.

“Welcome back,” said Madison with a small smile.

I frowned.

“Thanks,” I muttered, quickly taking the back corner seat.

“Want to sit up front with us?” Asked a somewhat familiar voice.

It was one of Angie’s old sycophants. I assumed the ‘us’ she mentioned included the three girls behind her. I recognised them too. They were all friends of Angie. They all looked a bit lost without her. There was no clear leader anymore. I stiffened, thinking about how I was the reason Angie was dead. Even though she had been so awful to me, I still felt guilty about her death. I had always foolishly hoped Angie would one day accept me as her cousin, adopted or not, and then we could be friends.

“Thanks but I’m ok right here,” I said firmly.

The girl sighed. The four of them surrounded my desk. My she-wolf snarled, ready to come out if necessary. I also felt the energy of my Fae magic unfurling around me, protecting me.

“Look,” said the first girl. “Let’s start over. My name is Soleil,” she said.

Soleil took the desk in front of me and turned around, facing me.

“I don’t dislike you. And neither do Aspen, Vivianne and Ruby,” she said, gesturing to the other girls respectively.

They smiled slightly at me.

“Angie was a lot. We all knew that. She was our friend but she was just as mean to us as she was to you. She poured coffee over me when I got her order wrong for goodness’ sakes,” chuckled Soleil.

I raised my eyebrows, surprised to hear that. I knew Angie was snippy with her squad but I did not knew she actually bullied them too. I looked at Soleil, wondering if I could trust her. She was petite with long straight strawberry blond hair. She looked like Jillian with a salon blowout.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You didn’t even get it wrong though,” laughed Vivianne.

Vivianne had dark brown skin and big brown eyes. She had her curly hair in a single long braid down her back.

“Yeah, you told the guy skim milk. I heard you,” insisted Aspen, a willowy pale platinum blond.

“It doesn’t matter with Angie,” said Ruby, shaking her head. “Whoever is around when she’s upset about something gets it,” she hissed.

Ruby had light brown skin with reddish dark brown hair in waves down to her shoulders. She had a light sprinkling of freckles on her nose and cheeks.

“Ok, I understand,” I said, nodding. “But you’re still her friends and she did torment me for years, kidnap me and then try to kill me so it’s a little difficult for me to just forgive and forget.”

“We get it,” said Soleil. “We just want you to know that we don’t hate you and Angie bullied us too. She put me on a diet. I was a size twelve when we met. I never heard the end of it from Angie. She would smack food out of my hand or take her bottled water and drench whatever I was eating so I couldn’t finish it. I got down to a size six but I was miserable and way less confident than before.”

“That’s awful,” I said softly but I wasn’t surprised. Angie had been the Queen of Fat Shaming.

Vivianne sighed, taking the seat next to me. “Angie caused the split between me and my ex boyfriend. He had sent me a picture of his you-know-what while I was in the bathroom at Angie’s house. Angie messaged back as me, making fun of him. She also sent him a video she took without my permission of me kissing a guy at a pool party before I got with my ex. She made it seem like the video was from a recent event. I tried to explain but he wouldn’t believe me. When I confronted Angie about what she had done, she said she had done me a favour because my ex wasn’t rich so she was protecting me from ‘broke guys’ and my own ‘bad taste’ apparently.”

I gasped. Wow. That was harsh.

“Was he your mate?” I asked worriedly.

“I don’t know yet. He’s six months younger than me. He turns eighteen on Halloween actually. What if he is and he doesn’t forgive me?” Wondered Vivianne out loud.

“If he’s your mate, he will! Trust me!” I said confidently.

Mates did not give up on each other easily. I should know.

Aspen sat, perching on Vivianne’s desk with her legs crossed. She flipped her hair out of her face and took a deep breath.

“My parents are really religious,” said Aspen. “I was going to come out to them and at school but Angie said if I came out she would ruin me. She said lesbians can’t be popular girls and I would ruin everything. She said it would be fine if I was a gay guy who could tell her what to wear but not some manly butch,” said Aspen, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “Angie had a video of me and my fated who isn’t a guy. She said unless I wanted screenshots of it stuck all over my parents’ megachurch, I would keep my rainbow flag under wraps. My father is the Reverend of the church and my mom is the First Lady,” sobbed Aspen.

Ruby hugged Aspen and Vivianne patted her back gently. Soleil was crying.

“I wanted to come out but not like that. I couldn’t let my parents deal with a scandal like that. The megachurch broadcasts are how they make their living too. I was scared,” said Aspen softly. “So I did whatever Angie said and looked the other way when she terrorised other people.”

I felt awful for Aspen.

“I’m sorry, Star,” said Aspen, sniffling. “I know what it’s like to feel ostracised and I felt guilty for contributing to how Angie treated you.”

Ruby was quiet. I looked at her, expecting her to say something. Ruby looked at me warily.

“You can’t tell anyone this,” she said.

“I won’t,” I said, lowering my voice.

Madison Fong and her friends had begun craning their necks from the front of the class to look at us when Aspen had started crying. The teacher was late so Madison had begun writing the homework answers on the white board as the first objective of the day would be correcting the homework. Madison’s friends were all prefects and they were checking over the answers as she listed them.

“Angie followed me one day,” whispered Ruby. “My Mom isn’t well. My Dad is abusive but wants custody. My sister is younger than me ok,” said Ruby, her voice cracking. “I can’t let my Dad get custody of her although my Mom isn’t exactly a model guardian. Angie got videos of my Mom talking to herself and even slapping herself on one of her worst days. Angie threatened to give my Dad the videos so he can use it in court to get custody of my little sister. I can’t let her go back there. My Mom is only unwell because Dad traumatised her. He’s…he’s scary,” said Ruby.

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

I stared at Angie’s four so-called friends. I had assumed they were all bobble-head barbie dolls. Wannabes. Now, I realised everyone had a story, a fear, a hope, a secret. Even Angie.

“I don’t know why Angie was quite this…unkind but I feel sorry for her too. Something was wrong with her. I’m sorry she treated you girls like this and blackmailed you and belittled you. I’m really sorry you all had to go through that,” I said.

“We’re sorry we were mean,” said Ruby.

“You laughed at the stuff Angie said about me but she was the one who said them. I get it. You had your hands tied,” I said, shrugging.

“Well, will you sit with us?” Asked Soleil again. “We wanted you to know we had no idea that Angie intended to kidnap you or to…to try to kill you.”

“I know. I won’t sit with you,” I said honestly, not a fan of the front row.

The girls frowned, nodding sadly.

“You’re free to sit with me,” I offered.

I had nothing against them. The girls all grinned and found seats in the back with me.

After morning classes, I had a hard time dodging those girls. They had bared their all to me and I truly felt for all of them but I needed a little space. I wasn’t ready to be best friends with my former bullies just yet even though Angie was the main instigator. The fact that Angie had mistreated them was not a guarantee that they were all trustworthy and completely innocent. I didn’t want to be the old naive Star, just hoping any and everyone would like me.

“Girls, thank you so much for sharing what you went through with me. Your stories are safe with me. I hope I’ll see you around,” I said, waving.

“It’s lunch time though,” said Vivianne. “Where are you going?”

I laughed awkwardly.

“I have to go find my mates,” I said.

“Oh, the Quads,” said Soleil. “We always sit with them.”

Oh! She was right. These were the popular girls that the Quads were always hanging out with. They had been in the hot tub at Angie’s party back at the beginning of the school year.

“The Quads love us,” said Ruby with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Some of us have even dated some of them. Soleil used to date Noah,” said Ruby, counting one with her index finger.

I raised my eyebrows and took a deep breath, trying hard not to look as pissed off and jealous as I felt.

“Vivianne and Zaya had a thing,” continued Ruby, adding her middle finger to her index, counting two.

Oh hell no!

“I was told by Zaya himself that he never got serious before me,” I said.

Vivianne snorted with laughter.

“When did he tell you that, when you were laying on his chest,” chuckled Vivianne.

I saw red.

“He told me that too,” said Aspen.


“But you’re….” I paused.

“Yes, I like girls,” said Aspen, lowering her voice. “But I was still figuring myself out, I wasn’t out and Zaya is really hot. I thought I was into him. Now, I’m more sure of myself and I have my mate and Zaya has his and well, I like guys too but a lot less if I’m being honest,” said Aspen, in hushed tones.

I wanted to kill Soleil, Vivianne and Aspen but I also momentarily wanted to kill Noah and Zaya. I took a deep breath. I knew I was overreacting. Zaya and Noah weren’t even aware I existed back then. It’s not like they cheated on me.

“When did this stuff happen?” I asked quickly.

“Like last year,” shrugged Vivianne.

“You girls are friends though. Why’d you both date Zaya?” I demanded.

Aspen giggled, covering her mouth.

“I did not date Zaya,” she said. “It was at a party. Never mind, I know you’re pretty sheltered,” said Aspen gently.

I walked away from them without further explanation. I appreciated them sharing their stories with me but they had overshared. I had heard enough. I marched into the cafeteria, a place of former mortification for me. That day Angie screamed at me in front of the whole cafeteria was etched into my memory. Everyone’s eyes were on me. I heard the click-clack of high heels and realised those girls were behind me, flanking me. I walked away quickly and they strutted behind me. Ugh!

My guys were sitting together. Their faces lit up when they saw me. Zaya jumped up to k**s me. I dodged him and kissed Eli first and then Jonah.

“Mmm, mon cherie,” cooed Jonah as we parted.

I was sitting between Jonah and Eli. Zaya and Noah were facing us.

Noah looked at me, pouting.

“I didn’t get a k**s,” said Zaya loudly.

I glared at him. Those girls sat with us. Aspen was next to Zaya. Soleil was next to Noah. Viviane and Ruby were on the ends of the bench. Everyone started talking about random things.

“Are we going skiing this year?” Wondered Aspen out loud.

“You’ve earned your name, that’s for sure,” joked Zaya.

Everyone but me laughed.

“I want my k**s,” demanded Zaya, looking at me.

Noah was quietly upset.

What did I do? He asked over private mind-link.

I felt so guilty. He had not done anything per say.

Nothing, Noah. Ignore me. I’m just having an off day, I said apologetically.

How can I ignore you? I’ve been waiting hours for lunch excited to finally have lunch at school with my mate, said Noah, looking at me with hurt eyes.

I felt awful. I grabbed Noah by his tie and pulled him towards me as I leant across the lunch table. I kissed him eagerly. Noah cupped my face and kissed me back. He chuckled happily against my lips as we parted.

“Hi,” he said, blushing.

“Hi,” I said.

I had to stop worrying about the girls in the Quads’ past. I had four good-looking rich popular guys as mates. It would be dumb to think they had no girls in their pasts.

“So where’s mine?” Snarled Zaya.

Zaya had hooked up with two of the girls in their friend group and dated one of the two. He had also lied to me about never seriously dating anyone before me. I needed a few more minutes where he was concerned. Zaya stood up on the bench. The whole school was looking at him. Some people cheered. He got up on the table and stood in front of me.

“For goodness’ sakes, Zaya,” grumbled Jonah, putting his arm around me protectively and snatching his lunch tray off the table.

Eli was holding my hand, fingers interlaced. He snorted with laughter at Zaya’s antics. Zaya knelt on the table, sliding my lunch away so he could be right in front of me.

“Star, love of my life,” said Zaya dramatically.

I could not help but glance at Vivianne and Aspen to see if they were jealous. I had to know if they had residual feelings for my Zaya. Aspen was clapping and and laughing and Vivianne was filming with her iPhone for social media. Okay, maybe they were over him. Zaya saw me staring somewhere other than him and grasped my chin.

“K**s me,” he said, lowering his voice and brushing his nose against mine.

I kissed him. He coaxed my mouth open, deepening our k**s. I could hear the lunch room burst into catcalls and cheering. Zaya parted from me and then kissed the tip of my nose. He stood up and took a bow while still on the table. He hopped back into his seat. The room was still in uproar over his display.

I barely had time to feel awkward as the new centre of attention because Eli pulled me into his lap. Jonah began feeding me, complaining that I was distracted and not eating my lunch.

“Feed her vegetables too,” said Noah to Jonah.

“As if she would eat them,” grumbled Jonah.

“Hey,” I protested.

“You need to eat healthy, Luna,” said Noah pointedly.

I frowned.

“Princess, please, eat the lettuce and tomatoes in your sandwich. You always take them out,” cooed Eli.

“Maybe she just wants them separate,” said Zaya.

“I’ll eat lettuce but not in sandwiches,” I said.

Noah began feeding me the lettuce from his salad.

“She needs protein,” complained Zaya, feeding me his roast chicken.

Jonah was still spoon-feeding me mashed potatoes. There were three spoons coming at me. The only reason there wasn’t a fourth was because I was on Eli’s lap so it would be a weird angle. That was until Eli picked up his whole BLT sandwich (after he removed the L and T) and put it front of my face, bumping his brothers’ spoons out of the way. I obediently took a bite of his sandwich. The girls chatted happily and cracked jokes.

I had spent so much time wondering what it would be like to be popular. Now, I knew. It was overwhelming. I pushed Eli’s sandwich out of my face.

“Where’s Jillian? And Chet?” I asked.

Toby had decided to stay a week longer with Asriel before they did the long distance thing until he graduated but Jillian and Chet should be here.

“At the spa,” said Soleil serenely.

“Huh?” I said.

“Jillian and Chet are getting Swedish massages today. It’s for their backs after their car accident,” she explained.

I grabbed my phone and sifted through my messages. Jillian had messaged me a little while ago but I had assumed she was just telling me she’d be late for lunch. She always was. I checked the message.

Getting back massages today with Chet. It’s aftercare because of the accident. Our physiotherapist recommended it. Hope you have an amazing first day back. I want to hear all the details!! See you tomorrow!


“Oh, yeah she messaged me,” I said. “You know Jillian?”

“Jilli-bear? Of course!” Said Soleil, using Angie’s nickname for Jillian. “Chet is part of our group and she’s his mate. We’re cool.”

“Yeah, we’re cool with Jilli-bear,” said Ruby, holding a tube of YSL lipstick in one hand and a compact mirror in the other.

“Jillian is my best friend,” I said, emphasising her name, hoping it would catch on.

“That must have sucked,” said Vivianne.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Your bestie Jillian being fated to Chet and Chet being all about her while you were fated to the Quads and half of them were pretending not to know you,” said Vivianne.

“We know about the curse,” said Soleil.

“Everyone does,” said Aspen.

“It’s all over Viper Moon,” said Ruby, expertly smoothing red lipstick on and smacking her lips together.

“What shade is that?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Rose stiletto,” said Ruby, her face lighting up at being asked.

She offered me the tube.

“That’s okay. Looks great, though,” I said, smiling.

Ruby blew me a k**s. I smiled. I was halfway through surviving my first day back and it was not half bad if I was being honest. I just had to clear something up.

We need to talk! I said to Zaya privately.

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