Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 123

Sunday 6th June, 2021


“You look amazing in that dress. Even prettier than your Momma,” said Mom, fixing my veil.

I had decided to wear her wedding dress and start a family tradition. It was a stunning dress and she let me alter it to suit me my tastes a bit more.

“Thank you, Mom, but you were just as stunning if not more,” I said with a wink.

“You’re a bonified MILF, Princess Hesper,” said Toby, handing me my bouquet of hibiscus flowers and lotus lilies.

Mom cackled scandalously and then covered her mouth.

“You’re too much, Toby!” Exclaimed Mom. “You’re my favourite of Star’s friends,” whispered Mom, lowering her voice so my maid of honour, Jillian, wouldn’t hear.

Holly was my bridesmaid and Toby was my brides-man. That’s what I had decided to call him. We were getting married in a gorgeous hotel near the cove Zaya had took me to in a summery wedding. I had switched Mom’s icy veil for a wreath of tropical flowers on my head. I had also removed some of the layers of tulle in the skirt so the dress was a little more streamlined in its silhouette now.

“Ready, Movie Star?” Asked Harper, coming into my suite.

He looked great in his tuxedo. His bandmates were behind him. They would be performing later. Holly and Mom were in bright Caribbean blue dresses. Everything in my wedding was bright and colourful. I wanted an explosion of colour to the surprise of Mina and Tina who had assumed I was a Beige and Ivory kind of bride. I knew that was the polite way of them saying they thought I was a little boring. I nodded eagerly at my twin.

“Great, let me get Dad,” said Harper, kissing my forehead before he ran to the suite next-door.

Dad knocked on the door.

“Everyone decent?” Called Dad.

“No!” Yelled Mom, snickering.

“Come in!” Prompted Toby.

“I’m confused,” said Dad.

We burst into laughter. “Come ahead, Dad! It’s ok!” I said.

He came into the room.

“I will give you some parental alone time,” said Toby. “I’m off to keep Asriel company! He’s probably lonely!”

“Asriel’s never lonely with those two imps yapping all day,” giggled Mom.

“You should come up with a jewellery line, jewellery that speaks for itself,” suggested Dad.

“I love it!” Exclaimed Mom.

My parents looked at me. Mom’s eyes filled with tears. Dad was holding back tears too. Holly tried to tip-toe away.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Said Dad.

“Come here, Holly,” I chuckled.

She came over and we all hugged. Harper came back and joined our group hug.

“You look like a Movie Star, Movie Star,” said Harper, kissing my forehead.

I giggled.

“You look so pretty, Star,” said Holly.

“Maybe, you’ll wear this dress too,” I hinted to her.

Harper gave me a warning look. It was supposed to be a surprise. He had decided to take Holly on her first vacation while the Quads and I went on our honeymoon. Of course not to the same place.

“I’m not really family,” said Holly sheepishly.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I said sternly. “You’re the only sister I’ve got not including Mom who revels in the glory of being mistaken for my sister.”

Mom laughed.

“Holly, you are very much ours,” said Mom, kissing her forehead.

“Thanks,” said Holly, sniffling a little.

I heard the orchestra begin to play.

“Oh my goodness,” I said breathlessly. “I’m really doing this.”

“I have something to tell you,” blurted out Mom.

“What is it?” I asked quickly, her tone worrying me.

Harper and Dad had left the room momentarily to organise something.

“It’s too early and I’m not supposed to say anything yet,” said Mom.

“You’re pregnant?!” I yelled.

“Shh! Honey!” Exclaimed Mom indignantly.

“Well are you?” I demanded.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I’m not trying to steal your thunder I swear,” she began, looking guilty.

“I’m pregnant. It’s really early for me too,” I confessed.

Mom screamed so loudly Holly and I jumped. She ran to hug me.

“This is gonna be interesting,” I said, unsure of what else to say.

“Congratulations,” said Holly. “To both of you.”

“You’ll have to drink three times as much champagne in honour of us, Holly,” said Mom.

“I can’t,” said Holly softly.

Mom and I gasped. We looked at each other. Dad burst into the room.

“I thought you were meeting me downstairs, Star,” he chuckled. “Come on! Come one!”

“Oh, oh ok,” I said, grabbing his hand.

He led me down a huge sweeping staircase towards the hall where we would have the ceremony after which we would have the reception out on the terrace overlooking the sea. This particular room of the hotel was built to incorporate a natural waterfall into its design. One wall of the room was the craggy rock of the waterfall with water tumbling down it into a huge semicircular pool they had constructed. I smirked. Zaya was always accusing me of having a thing for water and my wedding was being held by a waterfall and by the sea.

“Wait are you?” I hissed before Holly went into the room ahead of me, escorted by Harper who was the Quads’ groomsman. Their best man was Chet.

Holly nodded.

“You’re what?” Asked Harper.

Holly laughed nervously.

“Really parched! I’m so thirsty!” Said Holly.

Harper went quickly to the nearby bar to get her a glass of water.

“Why don’t you want to tell him?” I hissed.

“We’re…we’re not…you know…to be wed,” said Holly, looking wistfully at my dress. “I’m afraid,” she admitted.

“Holly,” I said softly. Harper would kill me if I spoiled his surprise proposal.

“Holly, trust me, that’s all going to be solved very soon!” I said emphasising the word very.

“I hope so,” she said.

“I know so,” I replied.

Harper returned with a glass of water for each of us. I shrugged and drank mine too though I had not asked for anything. Harper escorted Holly down the aisle. I peeked into the waterfall room. It looked stunning with tropical flowers everywhere and vines hanging overhead intertwined with twinkling fairy lights. The orchestra was playing such a beautiful melody. I caught a glimpse of my mates and my heart almost stopped. They looked so handsome! I adored them so much. I sighed happily. I planned to tell them I was pregnant tonight on our wedding night. I had a sneaking suspicion that they already knew. They had been really gentle in the bedroom of late. Jillian hugged me.

“I’m so happy for you, Star,” squeaked Jillian in my ear.

“We both are,” said Toby, joining our hug.

Jillian walked down the aisle next linking arms with both Toby and Chet. My Dad cupped my face in his hands.

“Ready, Star?” Asked Dad.

“I’m ready,” I said brightly.

“You look beautiful,” said Dad. “And more importantly, you’re a beautiful person, Star. You care for your family, your friends and your pack members so selflessly. I couldn’t be prouder,” said Dad, his voice cracking a little.

I hugged him tightly.

“Thanks, Dad,” I murmured.

“Let’s go,” he said. “I’m not giving you away, by the way. You’re still my daughter,” he said, giving me a side hug.

I smiled. I took a deep breath. I was mildly terrified of making a fool of myself by tripping on my own train. I walked slowly and clutched my father’s arm with both hands. Everyone stood. There were smiling faces everywhere. I was instantly reminded of my Luna ceremony. I had been reintroduced to the pack as their Luna just a week ago right after graduation. On that same day, my mates had officially taken up their posts as Alphas of Viper Moon. I smiled, remembering all the pack members standing on the huge lawn in front of the pack house, cheering, as my mates and I had stood on the balcony. Jonah, Noah, Eli and Zaya had worn their full regalia for my Luna ceremony with vibrant robes over their suits. I had been dressed in another ball gown with regal robes over it and a Fae tiara on my head.

Solander clearing his throat snapped me out of my reminiscing. I had reached my mates but I was still clutching my Dad’s arm. My Dad gently gave my hand to Jonah, the eldest. They all looked so handsome in their tuxedos. I could not help the blush that crept up onto my cheeks as I gazed at my gorgeous mates.


Star was a vision in her dress. I could not believe how lucky I was. Her father gave me her hand and I held onto it interlacing my fingers with hers. Solander was saying a lot of different things but I was in a daze, a bubble with just two inhabitants, me and my Star.

“I love you,” I mouthed silently.

She smiled and my heart leapt. Elle était la plus belle fille.

“I love you,” she mouthed back slowly.

I grinned.

“Do you Jonah Quinn, Alpha of Viper Moon, take Hannah to be your lawfully wedded wife and Luna?” Asked Solander.

“I do,” I said immediately.

I had almost forgotten that her legal name was Hannah. Star was such a perfect nickname for her.

“Do you Princess Hannah of the Ice Moon and the Winter Fae take Jonah Quinn to be your lawfully wedded husband and Alpha?” Asked Solander, turning to Star.

“I do,” she said.

“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now k**s the bride,” said Solander with a cheeky wink.

I cupped Star’s face gently and pressed my lips to hers sweetly. There was no need to make-out with her in front of her whole family and mine. I stole another k**s, just a peck, and then a third followed by a nuzzle. She giggled. Solander told me to take Star’s hand and put it in Noah’s.


My Luna was finally going to be my wife. This was something I had not dared to dream of because of the curse. The curse felt like a distant memory now.

“I do,” I said after Solander asked me the question. “With all my heart,” I added softly.

“I do,” said Star sweetly.

Solander told me I could k**s Star. He did not need to tell me twice. I held her gently by the waist and brought her to me. I kissed her, enjoying the tingles that flowed through us as our lips met. I deepened the k**s a little and Star wrapped her arms around my neck while I tightened my grip on her waist. We broke apart and we both could not stop smiling. Eli replaced me standing in front of the altar.


My Princess was adorned like a Queen today. My heart was racing. My hands were a little shaky.

I’m nervous, I admitted to Star.

She looked worried about me.

I’m nervous too, she convinced.

It’s not cold feet! I exclaimed, making sure she knew I had no second thoughts about her. She was the one. I just get a little nervous at formal events, I revealed.

I do too, she said softly, her soothing voice echoing in my mind.

My heart felt so full. She always knew what to say to make my heart soar.

You’re the one, Star, Hannah, Princess, whoever you are, I chuckled.

I love you, Elijah, she said, her eyes brimming with tears. You are the sweetest guy and I love every second I spend with you.

We said “I do” followed by a steamier k**s than I had initially intended. My tongue slipped into her mouth for a split second there. She m****d softly. We parted and she kissed the tip of my nose. I grinned and reluctantly stepped aside for Zaya.


My Baby was finally marrying me. I was finally marrying my Baby. I had to keep saying it to myself so that I could convince myself it was real. It seemed too good to be true but I stretched my palm out to her and she placed her hand in mine. I squeezed her hand. She was real. Solid. Present. She was not a beautiful ghost or a gorgeous figment of my imagination. She was my wife. It was a done deal. We had said “I do” before dozens of witnesses and now we leant towards each other. Our hands caressed each other’s faces as our noses brushed together.

“I love you,” I whispered and then I kissed her slowly but sensually, moving my lips against hers, enjoying the feeling of her soft pouty lips.

“I love you,” she whispered against my lips as we parted.

The guests erupted into cheers. Everyone rushed to congratulate us. It was all a whirlwind. I found myself out on the huge terrace sitting at one of the many ornate tables with Star sitting next to me. Eli was on her other side and our elder two brothers were on the ends. We were all sitting in throne-like chairs while our friend and family members told a variety of embarrassing stories. After each speech, the speech-giver whether they be relative or friend would propose a toast. My brothers and I raised our glasses of champagne in solidarity after each toast. We downed a glass of champagne with every toast. I noticed Star wasn’t drinking any champagne.

“Are you feeling ok?” I whispered in her ear.

“Yeah,” she mumbled.

I kissed her forehead. “You sure, pretty Baby?” I asked.

She smiled at the word ‘Baby’.

“You love being my Baby, don’t you?” I asked.

It was a rhetorical question but my Baby Star answered it anyway.

“I do,” she said softly. “And…” she paused, sighing. “I’m having your Baby,” she revealed.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

My jaw dropped. My brothers all stopped what they were doing. They had heard.


“You can’t tell anyone! It’s still too early to announce it!” I whispered quickly.

“Come on,” said Zaya, helping me up and ushering me outside.

His three elder brothers followed us. We went into the guys’ suite and shut the door for privacy.

“I know this is a big change but…” I began, worried by their reaction thus far.

Without warning, the Quads all burst into cheering. They smothered me in a group hug. I giggled.

“You’re happy?” I asked.

“Are you kidding?! I’m ecstatic! My Baby is having our Baby!” Yelled Zaya, grabbing me up and kissing me passionately until I was breathless.

“My Princess is having a little Prince or Princess,” cooed Eli, kissing me all over my face.

“Our Luna is carrying one of our heirs or heiresses,” said Noah, his voice filled with emotion.

He nuzzled me and then held me close. I peeled myself away from my Noah and Jonah pulled me towards him.

“La mère de mes enfants,” whispered Jonah.

“Happy Father’s Day!” I replied in a stage-whisper.

Jonah grinned. All my mates laughed.

“We should get back to our own wedding reception,” I pointed out.

“We will!” Said Zaya.

“And soon!” Said Eli.

“But first a toast,” suggested Noah.

“Champagne for us, water for Mommy,” said Jonah, rubbing my tummy gently.

I was nowhere near showing yet but I found his huge warm hand on my torso so comforting.

Eli popped a bottle of champagne. Noah handed me a champagne glass filled with water to toast with.

“Here’s to being Star’s baby daddies!” Said Zaya raising his glass.

“And her husbands,” added Eli pointedly.

“And her alphas,” said Noah, caressing my cheek.

“And her fated mates,” said Jonah, kissing my forehead.

“And her lovers,” purred Zaya brushing his nose against mine.

“And her best friends,” concluded Eli.

“Here’s to me being the mother of your children, your wife, your Luna, your fated mate, your lover and your best friend,” I repeated, sniffling.

We toasted to all of that, raising our glasses and clinking them. There were tears welling up in everyone’s eyes. It had been a long and winding road to our happily ever after. Now that we had made it, we were going to hold onto it and each other.

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