Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 111

Tuesday 29th September, 2020.


I woke up next to Star. My Baby was so beautiful. We were facing each other. Eli was spooning her. Jonah and Noah were on the ends. It should have been their turn to sleep next to Star. I knew they had taken the ends because of how upset I had been over the outcome of the snowball fight. A small part of me felt offended by their peace offering. They were babying me. I was the youngest by a couple minutes but they acted like they were years older.

Another part of me felt guilty for being mean to Noah. Noah had always been the altruistic type even during our childhood. He would pretend he did not want the last slice of pizza or cake so Eli or I could have it. He was better at cerebral stuff like Scrabble but he would let us win if we were having a shitty day. I knew those were little things but he did the same with big things too. I felt like such a douche. I could not even enjoy basking in the ambience of my beautiful Star in peace because of the guilt.

I sighed. I sat up. Jonah was next to me. I had glared at Noah when he had tried to sleep on my end so he and Jonah had switched. I tossed my pillow at Noah but it hit Eli. Thank goodness it did not disturb Star. Eli wrinkled up his face but remained asleep. Noah was a light sleeper so he was stirring already.

“Noah,” I whispered.

I had to hop out of bed and go over to his side. I sat on the carpet and looked at him.

“Noah!” I hissed.

He opened his eyes slowly. He jumped, startled.

“Ahh,” he gave a little shout.

“Shh!” I beseeched him. “You’ll wake Star!”

He settled down.

“What, Zaya? What’s wrong?” He asked sleepily.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly.

“It’s ok. Tell me what’s bothering you,” he said.

“No! Not sorry for waking you, sorry for being a jerk about you winning the magical date,” I admitted.

I frowned. He frowned too but exaggerated it, pouting. He and Jonah always did that to Eli and me when they thought we were sulking.

“Stop! I’m trying to be fair here,” I said.

Noah chuckled.

“Ok, thank you,” said Noah with a tired smile.

“You forgive me?” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“I forgave you before you said sorry,” he said.

I gave him a hug. He hugged me back.

“You’re a good big brother, Noah,” I told him.

“Now go away,” he said softly.

“Hey!” I said, grabbing the pillow off of Eli’s face and plopping it down onto Noah’s face.

He did not even move it. He stayed there with the pillow on his face and fell asleep just like Eli had done. I was the only normal one.


My solo date with Star was today. Today was also the day my parents would be arriving at Ice Moon. I could not wait for Star to officially meet my Mom. My brothers and I were all dressed and waiting in the throne room.

The room was so different now that the real Queen had replaced the imposter. Holden used to sit alone like a glorified pincushion in full regalia with everyone milling around, standing for hours, getting bunions. Now, everyone sat in chairs at either side of the lush carpet. The Queen had insisted that Harper take the central throne. The Queen, Hesper and Star were seated on his left while Heath, Asriel and Solander were on his right.

My brothers and I were sitting in the group nearest to Star’s throne. She winked at us. I could not help the huge grin that spread onto my face. Star looked so radiant.

The double doors at the end of the huge oblong room opened and my parents stepped onto the carpet while Solander stood and announced them. My parents had apparently eloped the day after Star had broken the curse. Dad had finally marked and married Mom. Obviously, they had already mated. They did have kids. Us. However, they had finally been able to solidify their relationship after so many years together. Mom had never talked about the scrutiny she had faced for being an unmarried Luna. I had seen people treat her as though she were illegitimate or unimportant. She and my Dad had begun shying away from events for that reason. It was a relief to see her so happy even while in the public eye. She was definitely showing off the rock on her finger. Harper gestured for everyone to stand out of respect as my parents approached the throne.

“Today, we welcome the newest allies of Ice Moon, Alpha Quaid Quinn and Luna Dorothy Quinn, both of Viper Moon,” said Harper, his voice ringing out through the high-ceilinged room.

Mom was beaming. Dad and Harper shook hands. Mom hugged Harper. She was giggling like a schoolgirl. My brothers and I stood, moving closer to the central throne. Mom had her cellphone and was asking Dad to take a picture of her and Harper.

“I’m such a big fan of Pariah!” Squealed Mom. “And now you’re a Prince! I follow you! I saw your post…”

“Mom!” I said indignantly.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” muttered Zaya under his breath.

She was fan-girl-ing over a bro of mine. It was so weird.

“It’s ok, Bro,” said Harper to me with a wave of his hand.

He posed for the picture with Mom. Dad did not look too pleased but he was obliging Mom.

“Quaid and I eloped recently,” Mom told Harper in hushed tones. “But when we renew our vows, we’ll have a ceremony. Maybe Pariah could perform?”

“Mom,” I said.

“Dude, chill, it’s fine,” laughed Harper, clapping me on the back.

Zaya was staring at Mom in utter shock. Noah and Jonah seemed amused by the whole thing.

“Mrs Quinn, I’ll do you one better! I’ll write a song especially for it when the time comes,” said Harper.

Mom stifled her excited shriek, clasping her hands over her mouth. Noah was almost in tears with suppressed laughter. What was his problem?


I pitied my brothers. They could not hear the earrings. They were in uproar over the arrival of my parents and Mom’s fan girl moment.

“That’s my new bestie!” Said Erin.

“As an imp, you’d think I’d be used to hell but there’s no getting used to this place,” muttered Rein.

“The Viper Moon Luna and I can go on the road with the band!” Squealed Erin.

“Please never return. All of you,” said Rein.

“We can make tee shirts and posters!” Said Erin.

“Maybe the Human Realm isn’t all that bad. At least there, people would stay away from me,” wondered Rein aloud.

“PARIAH! PARIAH!” Chanted Erin.

“She can’t even hear you!” Grumbled Rein.

“We’re from the same soul family! She can feel me,” said Erin as though that were obvious. “I wonder what her favourite song is?”

Jonah was snickering. I had been explaining the antics of the earrings over mind-link to him.

Translate for Erin! Encouraged Jonah.

“Mom, what’s your favourite Pariah song?” I asked innocently.

“Oh, Honey! I can’t choose just one. Let me see,” said Mom.

Star was edging closer to Mom. I felt a little bad for her. She was definitely being outshined by her twin today. I understood her pain. I was multiplies with Zaya, King of Courting Attention. I was shocked he had stayed quiet this long. I loved him though. He caught me staring at him.

“Yes, this is what you would dress like if you had impeccable style,” said Zaya, grinning and showing off his blazer.

I grabbed him and ruffled his hair.

“Boys,” hissed Dad, parting us.

“Moonlit Maiden,” decided Mom finally.

“Awesome ear. You’re the first girl to ever say that to me,” lied Harper.

I could picture him saying that to every fan.

“Really?” Gasped Mom.

“That’s my personal favourite of all the ones I’ve written,” Harper added.

“MOONLIT MAIDEN IS MY FAVOURITE TOO! OH MY GOD, I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” Yelled Erin so loudly everyone who could perceive Fae magic was startled, meaning that only Mom, Dad, Heath, possibly Toby and my three brothers had their ear drums still intact.

I glanced around. There were several more werewolves at court actually but their Fae friends were filling them in.

Erin is making a huge scene! I chuckled to Jonah.

Oh you mean like Mom is. They really should be friends. Break it up though. Poor Star keeps trying to find a way into the conversation. You’re kinda cool with Harper right, said Jonah.

Holly sauntered in at that very moment. She was exceedingly late to court which was so unlike her. She scurried towards Harper, keeping her head down though every eye trailed over her. Harper must have smelled her.

“Oh, meet my mate,” said Harper before he even looked up.

He put an arm around a blushing Holly.

“OH! Wait!” Exclaimed Harper before Holly could shake Mom’s hand.

“Meet your sons’ mate first!” Said Harper, pulling Star in front of him.

“My twin sister, Star!” Said Harper, grinning. “I’m sure the Quads want to continue the introductions,” said Harper, side-stepping out of the way and ushering Eli and Zaya closer to Mom and Star. He did the same with me and Jonah.

“Mom and Dad,” said Jonah. “This is our mate, Star. Her real name is Hannah but everyone calls her Star.”

“Such a pretty nickname,” cooed Mom, cupping Star’s red face. “It suits you!”

“Lovely! My boys are very lucky,” complimented Dad. “Where are your parents?”

“Right here,” said Star, motioning for Heath and Hesper to come closer.

Hesper hugged my Mom and Dad while Heath shook their hands.

“And you’ve already met my twin brother, of course,” said Star, giggling as she gestured towards Harper.

“Yes! I have!” Squealed Mom, clapping her hands. “So, Star, Honey, um, do you sing?”


We managed to tear Mom away from Harper and get her into the dining room. She was not seated next to Harper fortunately. She was between Dad and Star. I really wanted Star to feel comfortable approaching my Mom for guidance as she was to be Mom’s successor. Eli was a bit of a Mommy’s boy and so was Noah so I knew they would want Mom and Star to be close. Zaya and I loved our Mom dearly but we were probably closer to Dad, especially Zaya.

Eli was the only Quad sitting next to Star so he was in his glee while he found things for Star and Mom to talk about. He kept saying stuff like, “Wow, you two have so much in common” to Star and Mom but that was a blatant lie. The only thing they had in common was the curse. Their personalities were completely different. Mom had been a party girl back in her day. The only party Star had been to was the one we met her at and she hadn’t been to one since. Unless the castle feasts counted. Mom was actually a bit similar to Harper.

“I was in a band in high school,” said Mom pointedly, glancing at Harper who was taking a mimosa away from Holly.

Harper downed the drink himself. Holly pouted. Fae were the opposite of wolves when it came to alcohol. They got drunk really easily and stayed hungover longer. Holly must have still felt a little sick from yesterday. That was probably why she was late to court. I was shocked Harper had not postponed the whole f*****g thing. He hated doing anything without Holly there. I supposed he knew how important today was to Star.

“A band! Awesome! I love it. What were you called?” Asked Harper, scrunching up his face a little as the drink burned on the way down.

Holly put her head on his shoulder and he kissed her forehead gently.

“We were called In Heat,” said Mom.

Hesper snorted with laughter, almost spitting out her drink. Heath pinched her arm and shot her an indignant look.

“Controversial, Mrs Quinn. That had to be a big deal back then,” said Harper, his eyes widening.

“Please call me Dottie and I’m not that old,” joked Mom.

“Your name is Dorothy,” said Dad, frowning.

I had never heard anyone call Mom “Dottie.”

“Of course not! You and my Mom both look like teenagers,” lied Harper.

Mom looked young but Harper’s Mom was literally eighteen, maybe nineteen. Mom let out a girlish giggle.

“You, Holly, Star and Mom could all be sisters,” said Harper.

I wanted to check Harper’s mouth for a forked tongue with all those devilish lies he was telling but Mom was having fun so I was happy. Also, Star and her Mom were almost twins but Holly and Mom did not look remotely similar to them or each other. Holly was a different kind of Fae. Summer? I forgot what Star had said.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Dorothy, you and Quaid have raised such fine young men, haven’t they, Heath?” Said Hesper.

“They’re good boys,” said Heath without being prompted much.

We were certainly growing on him. Hesper smiled and kissed Heath’s cheek.

“We heard the whole story about you and Heath being separated for all those years,” said Mom.

“Horrifying,” said Dad. “I don’t envy you, Heath.”

Heath nodded gravely.

“I know it was not easy for you either,” said Heath, referencing the curse.

Did Hesper know about that yet? I mind-linked Star to find out.

Yes, we told her. Harper, Dad and I explained it to her. We told her the whole story leading to her being freed. She got so mad. She wanted to fight Holden, Holden’s brother, Angie, Angie’s Mom… said Star.

And Me? I asked quickly, interrupting the list of people Hesper wanted to fight.

No, she felt sorry for you. That you had to force yourself to be in a relationship with someone other than your mate. I think she was thinking of herself and Holden and Dad, explained Star.

My eyes went to Star’s mother. Hesper was animatedly chatting with my own Mother. Finally, someone who didn’t automatically think I was an a*****e for faking my relationship with Angie in front of Star. Hesper went through a difficult love triangle herself. I supposed that was why Heath disliked me so much. He saw it from Star’s side.

The jealousy and insecurity of being with your mate in the shadows while they had another relationship publicly. Holden would have been Hesper’s fake public fiancé while Hesper and Heath plotted their escape. It was crazy how the present mirrored the past. It was even crazier how things seemed to fall apart just before they fell into place. Hesper caught me staring at her and smiled. I smiled back.

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