Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 112

Tuesday 29th September, 2020.


I felt a little jittery as I was getting ready for my date with Eli. I had spent almost no alone time with any of my mates. I just wanted everything to go well. I remembered Eli saying he wanted to see me in something shiny prior to the talent show at Viper Moon High. Luckily for me, every piece of Fae clothing was iridescent. I picked out a silvery pink dress that reminded me of mermaid scales. It was a bit slinky and I tended to like a loose fit but I knew Eli would appreciate this dress in particular. I had no idea what we were going to be doing but I just assumed we were going to dinner because it was after sunset. I put my coat on over the dress. I had worn opaque stockings underneath it for some extra warmth. My boots were high-heeled.

I met Eli in the courtyard. He was dressed casually in a grey sweatshirt and grey sweatpants under his coat. My cheeks immediately reddened. I was totally over-dressed!

“Hey Princess!” He chuckled, handing me a bouquet of beautiful but unusual flowers.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful,” I said, bringing them to my nose.

They smelled like Jasmine.

“They’re Star Jasmine flowers,” said Eli, grinning.

They really were shaped like stars with white petals and red and yellow centres.

“I love them!” I said kissing him.

“I’m overdressed, aren’t I?” I giggled.

“That’s my fault, Princess! I should have told you where we were going!” Said Eli apologetically. “But, I’m glad I didn’t. If I had told you, I would have missed out on this dress,” purred Eli, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me flush against him.

Heat pooled in my middle. He brushed his nose against mine before kissing me deeply. He snaked his tongue into my mouth and tightened his hold on me. He left me breathless when we parted.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He grinned. “You’ll see,” he said, pulling me into a car that was waiting.

The chauffeur drove us through the snowy night. We were passing through a suburban area of Ice Moon that I had never seen before. I felt like Harper or Holly or maybe even Asriel would have had to tell Eli what attractions there were in the area. This was unknown territory for him and his brothers. We arrived at a gym. A gym? I raised my eyebrows at him. He held the car door open for me and ushered me inside.

I magically changed into grey joggers and a comfortable pink sweater.

“We’re going indoor rock climbing and then we’re fencing!” Said Eli.

“Really?” I said.

“I know you’re not sporty but I need my Luna to be able to protect herself or I won’t be able to sleep at night,” chuckled Eli. “Also, you shimmied down that drainpipe to meet me and my brothers that night you snuck out. You might have a knack for this.”

I eyed the indoor rock climbing wall nervously. I hoped there was food after this and the fencing. Eli helped me put my harness on so I would be safe even if I slipped. The tension between us was palpable while he was strapping me into it. He smirked at me as his hands traced the curves of my body. I skipped away from him.

“Hey,” he chuckled.

“If I win, what do I get?” I asked.

“You get to ask me four questions and I have to answer completely honestly. Nothing is off limits,” he said.

“And I get the same if I win,” he added as he strapped himself into his harness.

The place was empty. He had probably rented it out completely. The wall had a lot of random footholds and objects to grab onto, mimicking the side of a jagged mountain, but the wall was smoother. It looked pretty tall.

“How high up is the top?” I asked nervously.

“Wolf gyms are a bit tougher than regular gyms so it’s pretty high. About one hundred and sixty feet.

“What?!” I yelped.

“You’ll be ok,” he murmured. “Trust me,” he whispered, nuzzling me.

“I do,” I said in earnest, locking eyes with him.

His eyes were so green. I felt like I was looking at an aerial view of a rainforest.

“Ready,” he said.

I squeaked and went to my starting place.

“Set,” he said.

I took a deep breath.

“Go!” He ordered.

I began to climb, reaching for the easiest-looking things to hold onto. Some were like the handles of a door. I wiped the sweat off my brow carefully and then my hand was too slippery to grab onto anything. I had something that looked like chalk dust in a pouch in my belt to keep my hands dry enough to climb. I grabbed some of it. I almost fell while reaching for the pouch. I squealed and my stomach did a backflip. The harness did its job.

“You ok? Star?” Called Eli, from about thirty feet up.

I was fifteen feet up if so much.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, climbing with renewed vigour.

I could not fall so far behind. I scrambled up the wall, trusting my instincts a bit more and listening to my wolf.

“That’s it, good girl,” said Eli encouragingly.

He had stopped, waiting for me. I reached the same level as him.

“Awesome,” he said.

I stopped to k**s him but missed. I lost my footing again and swung into the air. I shrieked. Eli chuckled. He swung out and grabbed me by my waist. I put my arms around his neck and clamped my legs around his waist.

“Interesting choice,” he said, noting my position.

My back was against the wall now and he was pressed up against me.

“I don’t wanna fall,” I mumbled.

“You won’t. I won’t let you,” he murmured.

I did not miss this k**s. It was slow and passionate. He took his time with me. He pulled away and kissed my sweaty forehead.

“I’m all gross,” I said.

“There’s showers here,” he shrugged. “Come on.”

We climbed the rest together with Eli supervising my progress. We finally reached the top. I sat on the wall with Eli. I looked down. I was actually proud of myself.

“I did it,” I said.

“You sound surprised,” commented Eli.

“That’s because I am,” I admitted.

“I think you’re the only one who underestimates you, Star,” chuckled Eli, brushing my curls from my face.

“I guess I didn’t win so I don’t get my questions,” I said.

“You get them as long as I get mine,” he bargained.

“Ok!” I agreed excitedly, pondering what to ask.

“What was your first impression of me? The night of the party when you told me to go away?” I specified.

Eli g*****d. “Not my finest moment,” he said. “But I did think you were pretty. I also regretted being mean to you when seemed like you would cry. I felt awful. I stepped closer to you. It was this instinct. I just wanted to hold you. You stepped away though. You felt threatened. My first impression was that you were…sweet, which you are,” said Eli.

I smiled.

“Same question,” said Eli.

“Oh, I thought you were a douchebag,” I admitted.

Eli snorted with laughter.

“You and Zaya especially,” I confessed. “You were so aggressive in trying to get me to leave.”

“I’m sorry, Princess,” cooed Eli.

“I know,” I said. “It’s ok. You said you were the type to wait for your mate and you didn’t see the point in being with a girl who was not your Luna,” I recalled. “So did you really not date anyone? I feel like you and your brothers were the heartthrobs of the school so it’s hard to believe you resisted the thongs of girls throwing themselves at you.”

“I didn’t date as much as Jonah and Zaya. I dated more than Noah I guess. I did date one girl for a bit longer than the others. That was probably my closest thing to a relationship before meeting you,” explained Eli.

“Who?” I demanded, my heart racing.

“This counts as question three,” said Eli.

I sighed. “Fine,” I said.

“Madison Fong,” he revealed.

“What?!” I said, shocked. “The Head Girl?!” I asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, and you wanna know something crazy?” He asked.

“What?” I breathed, fascinated but envious.

I didn’t like the thought of him with anyone else.

“I kinda stole her from Noah,” said Eli.

“WHAT?!” I shrieked.

Eli laughed. “Yeah, they were study buddies and they had a bit of a flirtationship going and one time she came to our suite to see Noah to study for some test or whatever but Noah wasn’t home so I hung out with her and well, we kissed and we started dating after that. Noah was pissed off. He would never admit that he and her had something but he would just glare at me. I broke it off with her though,” said Eli.

“Why?” I asked.

“Number four?” He said.

Ugh. “Fine,” I grumbled.

“Because she was annoying,” said Eli.

I snorted with laughter.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“Yeah!” Said Eli sincerely. “She was always drawing up colour-coded timetables and giving them to me. We had a date timetable. She was not for me but enough about her. My turn. I’m only on question two. How many boyfriends did you have before us and what were they like?” He demanded.

“None, and imaginary,” I answered curtly.

“Yeah right,” he said. “You’re gorgeous. I know you must have had someone,” he said.

“Nope,” I said. “And I’m counting that question as two and three. It was a two part question.”

“Hmph. So how do you really feel about having four mates?” He asked.

“Overwhelmed,” I admitted. “Overstimulated,” I added, blushing. “Overjoyed, lucky. The feelings go on and on. You four can make me feel anything,” I said.

“May I ask just one more thing?” I pleaded, pouting and widening my eyes.

He nodded.

“What is your special power? Noah’s is astral travel. I heard around Viper Moon that you all have one?!”

“We do,” he said, nodding. “Mine is pretty subtle I would say.”

“I bet it’s cool. I want to hear about it,” I said.

“I can see auras,” he said simply.

“Really?” I squeaked excitedly.

“Yeah,” he said, shrugging. “That’s why I couldn’t stand to be around Angie more than Noah and Jonah and even Zaya. She had a nasty aura. She was wicked inside. I could see it plainly. I can also see if someone is near death or sick or mood changes because all of that affects the aura. I was mad at myself for not realising Holden was the Queen. I should have told you that the Queen’s aura was dark and imposing like sludge swirling around her. It was not what I expected for a Fae Queen but I figured maybe she’s just a b***h you know,” said Eli lightheartedly.

I stifled a laugh.

“What’s my aura like?” I asked, intrigued.

“Beautiful, pure. It’s layered, indigo at the centre meaning you’re gentle. You try to be morally responsible. You have a golden light around that too,” said Eli, smiling at me.

I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, savouring his taste.

“And what colour is yours?” I asked.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s hard to see my own sometimes but right now it’s probably bright red. I’m burning up for you,” he breathed.

We kissed again, ravenously. We held onto each other tightly. The k**s got so spirited we ended up slipping off the wall. I shrieked but Eli held me close to him and slid down to the mat with me. I was relieved to feel my feet touch the floor.

Eli showed me some basic fencing, like how to block and a straightforward attack. We practiced fencing. He showed me how to knock my opponent’s sword from their hand. I was worse at fencing than rock climbing or perhaps I was just a little fatigued and not to mention hungry.

“Come on,” said Eli, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet after our last practice round.

We hit the showers. We slipped out of our clothes and kissed until our lips were sore while the warm water washed over us. Eli and I got dressed and Eli led me to the top floor. He bundled us up in a blanket. We were sitting in front of a giant floor-length mirror, watching the snow fall, drinking hot chocolate and eating cheesy creamy pasta. I felt so comfortable and serene. I must have drifted off to sleep in Eli’s arms while we watched the stars.

“They’re gorgeous,” I remembered saying.

“They pale in comparison to you,” Eli had murmured. “The most beautiful Star tonight is in my arms instead of the sky.”

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