The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43


Today had been one of the harder ones in my life. Right up there close to losing my mom. Leaving Chastity was a misery I never expected. My heart was heavy with sadness, and Duke was whimpering in my head. It was going to be a long, hard three years. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I had to let her go to do this. She needed it. After everything she had been through in her short 18 years of life, she deserved this.

Thankfully everyone left me alone during the drive back I sat all the way in the back by myself. I wasn’t fit for conversation at the moment. I was too busy remembering every single moment I have had with Chastity over the last several weeks. I marveled at her strength, and courage. Her smile made me smile. Her drive, and determination were beyond compare. I couldn’t figure out how I had been so lucky for the Moon Goddess to pair me with such an amazing female I still couldn’t believe that at one time I thought she wasn’t worthy of me. When the truth was I wasn’t worthy of her The selfish part of me hoped she never figured that out, otherwise she would reject me in a heartbeat

I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn’t even realized we had reached our pack lands. Dimitri had stopped the SUV to inform the patrol guards that it was us. At that moment there was only one thing I wanted to do. I opened the back of the SUV, jumped out, and closed it behind me. As I closed it I heard Dimitri tell someone to leave me be, and let me go. I appreciate him for that.

Without even bothering to strip, I let Duke take over to shift. As soon as our paws hit the ground we took off into the woods of our pack lands. I needed to run, and I needed to be alone so I blocked out the mind link as I ran. Duke and I spent hours just running. Eventually we made it to the pack lake, just as the sun was coming up. I hadn’t realized how long we had been out here. We laid down in the same

place we with laid with Leila, and Chastity during our first run together. Duke laid his head on his paws, and whimpered.

“I miss her already too.” I said to Duke.

“This hurts Rowen. It doesn’t feel natural at all.”

“I agree, but she needs this right now. No matter how we feel about it.”

“I know. Leila explained it all to me. Why did they have to hurt our mate like that? She’s so wonderful. She doesn’t deserve that.”

“I agree with you.“

“Will we ever see her, and be with her again? Will we ever be able to mark her as ours?”

“I think so. We just have to give her this time.”

“I guess.”

Duke stood up, and took a defense stance when we heard a twig snap then leaves rustle. Someone was coming, and they wanted us to know they were. Duke sniffed the air, and realized it was our dad’s wolf, Duffy. Duke instantly relaxed, and laid back down. When Duffy came through the trees, he sat down

beside Duke, and looked out over the lake.

“How are you son? My dad mind linked me.

“Not good dad. Not good at all.” I admitted.

“I didn’t expect you would be. I hate to say this, but it’s probably a good thing you didn’t mark each other before she left. Being away from your marked mate for an extended period time is just as physically painful as it is emotionally.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right. How am I going to get through this?”

“By being the strong Alpha you are, who always does what is best for every member of his pack. No matter how hard it is for him. That and being surrounded by your friends, and family You’ll also be able to call her, video chat her, and even visit as much as she wants you to.”

“What if she forgets about me while she’s there? What if she decides to not come back? What if she finds someone else, and rejects me?”

“I doubt she will. She may not know what she is feeling, but anyone who sees you two together can see how much she cares about you. That bond between you two has already started to form. It’s hard to break once it’s started to the extent it has for you two. She just needs time, and healing from all she’s been through.”

“Yeah. I could feel how strong it was before we left Cloverland”

“See Every time you see each other the bond will only get stronger until you mark each other When she is ready of course.”

“I understand.”

“I hate to change the subject, but there are two things that happened that you need to know about.”

“What’s that?” Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

“The first it that Pete finally decided what to do with Naomi.”

“What did he decide?”

“Until further notice Naomi will begin to handle the chores at the pack house. She won’t be cooking because according to Pete, and Ross she can’t even boil water without burning it. She will be responsible for doing the laundry for everyone living here, as well as cleaning the kitchen, and dining room after meals. For the rest of the day she will be working at the elementary school to keep it clean. He felt she needed to have at least some small understanding of what she, Fiona, and Aurora forced Chastity to do daily. She won’t experience the beatings or humiliation, but she will serve as Chastity did, in some capacity.”

“That makes sense, and sounds like a solid plan.”

“She will also lose what she did have as Gamma duties. Those will not be returned. Those come with a position of honor, and respect. Two things she no longer has.”

“Ok. What is the second thing?”

“As much as I hate to send you down there to shut her up, Fionna is demanding to speak to you. Only you. The guards cannot get her to quiet down about seeing you. She’s driving them nuts.”

“I have no desire to see her.”

“I know you don’t, but we need her to quiet her screams. We also realized our dungeon is not equipped to keep her down there long term. It really is set up as dungeon, not a prison.”

“What are is going to be done about that?”

“Well I talked to Alpha Lars, as well as the Caulks. Dark Moon has a low security facility there for girls like her. She will be provided for as any prisoner should be. They also provide therapy, and rehabilitation for people like her. It’s been agreed upon that she would be better off there.”

“At Dark Moon? That’s where Chastity is. Is it worth the risk?”

“Dark Moon is so large they will be no where near each other.”

“But the pack hospital is at Cloverland. If Fiona needs to be treated for something she’ll be where Chastity is learning.”

“The prison has it’s own medical ward, and students never treat prisoners. They will never cross paths.” “When will this transfer happen?”

“Friday. They need the week to set up a cell for her, and to get her enrolled in the programs she needs.” “OK. When will she be told?”

“She was told after you all left yesterday That’s when she started screaming for you. She is convinced you will release her, take her as your mate, and she’ll get all she thinks is hers. Sadly, she does know Chastity left, just not why, or where she went.”

“Yeah. She said pretty much the same thing to Chastity last night.”

“Chastity went to see her last night. Why?”

“Closure is what Chastity said.”

“Ah. Well as crazy as it is, that makes sense.”

“Yeah. Chastity is so much stronger than anyone ever knew or realized.”

“That she is.”

“So when should I go deal with Fiona?”

“Well since it’s morning, it’s best to get it over with now. You have the day off from your duties so you can get some sleep. Tomorrow it’s back to learning with me, and handling your responsibilities. I will not have you moping around here for the next three years. Chastity needs a good, strong, well run pack to come. back to, and I need you to help make sure she has that.”

“Please tell me you’re not having me take over already.”

“No son. Ross isn’t ready yet as he is in school still. Plus I think you’ll be able to do a better job at it once. Chastity comes home. That said, six months after she comes home, the pack will be yours.”

“Thanks dad. I would rather start as Alpha with her by my side.”

“Good. Now lets go deal with Fiona so you can get some rest.”

“Um. Dad, I was wondering about something.”

“What’s that?”

“After hearing everything Fiona had to say over the last few weeks, do you think she suffers from some mental instability? I know it’s not common in werewolves, but it does happen. Do you think she might be one of the few with a serious issue?”

“It’s certainly possible, or it could just be that Aurora had her so brainwashed she truly believes the things she was told Only a therapist would know, and they will get that figured out at the Dark Moon prison.”

“Is that where John is?”

“No. He is in the maximum security prison at Royal pack in California.”

“Ok. That’s probably good that he’s there.”

“Yes it is. It’s also required due to his crimes.”

“Does Fiona know where he is?”

“She has been told.”

“OK. Lets go.”

Duffy, and Duke headed back to the pack house. Just inside the tree line we shifted, and pulled on clothes we kept hidden all over the place so people weren’t walking around naked all of the time. Nudity was part of being what we are, but we didn’t believe it strutting around naked all of the time. Once we were dressed we headed to the dungeon. No one went down there alone. We believed a witness was always needed when speaking to a prisoner.

I could hear what my dad meant about Fiona’s screaming as soon as the dungeon door was opened. She was demanding to see me That as soon as she got out she was going to have every guard that ignored. her demand whipped within an inch of their life. She went as far as to say she would be helping with the whippings as she was already a master at punishments like that. The words made my stomach turn as it was on Chastity that she learned to wield a whip properly.

When my dad, and I reached the cell she instantly quieted, and a smug smile spread across the face. With hard eyes I looked her over. In the short time since I had last seen her, she looked terrible. Her eyes were bloodshot with tear tracks on her cheeks. Her hair was frizzy mess as if she had been yanking on it the whole time she had been screaming. Her hands were bloody, and raw as if she had been beating on something with her fists.

“Rowen my love. I knew you would come for me. I am your mate after all. Maybe not fated, but I knew you would choose me over that trash Omega. What took you so long though? Why did you wait until Joe told. me he was going to send me away from you? He is trying to keep us apart. I knew you wouldn’t let him.” Fiona said happily

“Do you truly believe your delusions or are you just trying to see if any one else will believe them?” | questioned angrily.

“What delusions?”

“The ones where you spew nonsense about you EVER being my mate, fated or chosen. The ones where you insist I will release you from your sentence, now or ever. The ones where you think I would EVER choose you over Chastity, over my sweet girl, over my fated mate. The ones where you refuse to acknowledge that I am sickened by the mere sight of you. Those delusions.”

“Oh please. You know everything I have said is the truth. You know we belong together You know we are perfect together. Only I am good enough, smart enough, or strong enough to rule this pack by your side. No one can keep the lesser wolves in line better than I can. You need me, and you know it.”

“No Fiona. None of those things are true. They never have been, and they never will be ”

“Yeah right. That’s why you sent that filthy Omega away because you know it’s the only way you can have me. She has to be dead, or out of the pack before I will accept you.”

“Wrong, I didn’t send Chastity, my mate, my love away for you or any one else. She went to further her education. To become even better than she already is. She went to reach her dream. When she is finished, and comes home I will mark her as my mate, and make her my Luna. She is the only one right for the position, and the ONLY ONE right for me. You? You are NOTHING to me, but a disturbing member of my pack who does not belong here. You are a toxin in what is a wonderful pack. A toxin that is being removed. You need to realize, and understand that I do NOT want you! I never have, and I never will. All you ever were to me was an annoyance, a source of irritation and headache. The symbol of all I cannot stand in a pack member. In one of my pack members. One I will be glad to be free of. I couldn’t stand you before I left for Alpha school, and even the sight of you makes me sick now.

“You have done things to another in the name of jealousy, hatred, and greed that I cannot even fathom. That is made worse by knowing you started doing such things as a mere pup. At an age where others wouldn’t even think of doing what you have done. At barely eighteen you attempted to beat someone to death all because you were jealous, and greedy. That is not someone I would EVER want anything to do with, in any capacity. That is someone I will happily sign the papers to transfer out of my pack, permanently. Neither my pack, my LUNA, nor myself deserve to be stuck dealing with you.”

“You don’t really mean that my love. You know you don’t. You need me, and want me as much as I want and need you. You’re not really going to let me finish my sentence which is underserved, or send me away. You know you can’t survive without me.”

“Undeserved? You’re kidding right? I watched you hurt Chastity before we could stop you. I watched you. hurt an innocent for no other reason than because you were jealous of her. She is everything you are not, and never will be. She is kind, caring, generous, supportive, respectful, more intelligent than anyone I have ever known. She also strong, determined, driven, and loving. She is the most BEAUTIFUL female I have ever seen in my life, both inside, and out. I am lucky, and HONORED to call her my mate! I am counting down the days until I can mark her as mine for all the world to see When that day comes I will certainly NOT be thinking of you! I will be thinking of her, and how amazing she is. I will be thinking of how I plan to worship her every day for the rest of our lives. I will be thinking about the wonderful future we will have together, the pack we will care for, and the pups we will have. I thank the Moon Goddess for making her mine While you will not even be a blip on our radar as you are NOTHING to either of us, but a part of a bad past that was left there.”

“That….you can’t. You can’t turn your back on me for that disgusting Omega. She is just as much of a whore as her mother. You don’t want a whore as a Luna.”

“It’s funny you should call her a whore when I know for a fact that you have slept with many males, both older, and younger than you since you were fifteen.”

“No! That wasn’t me! That was that disgusting Omega, pretending to be me. I am pure. I’ve waited my whole life for you.”

“Stop Fiona. Just stop. Your lies know no bounds, and I have heard enough. You are not getting out of here until you are transferred to Dark Moon’s prison where you will serve the rest of your sentence. The day you leave here your connection to this pack will be severed, and you will be permanently banished. If you EVER step foot back on Moonlight pack lands again, you will be arrested, and imprisoned as a threat to this pack, especially to the packs Luna.

“But…please my love. Don’t do this to me. Don’t embarrass me any more. You can’t do this to your Luna. You’re making me look bad in front of our pack. How will we keep order if you keep showing them they don’t have to respect me?”

“You just don’t get it! You are NOT, AND NEVER WILL BE MY LUNA! You are nothing to me. This will be the last time you will ever see me. I will throw a party the day you leave if I have to. You need to realize. that your delusions, and the things Aurora told you are not true or real. Before you were just another pack. member. One I didn’t even like. Now you are a criminal, and a threat to the person that means everything to me.”

“No. No please! Don’t say that! I….I can’t live knowing that nothing I thought my life would be will happen. I just can’t. Don’t do this to me. Please. I need ONE THING I was promised to be mine. Just one!”

“I am not going to contribute to your delusions. The sooner you realize that you believe belongs to you, was never yours to begin with, the better off you will be. You’ll be able to move on with your life.”

“But I don’t want to move on with my life. I want YOU!”

“You don’t even know me beyond my name, and that I am the future Alpha of Moonlight pack. You don’t want ME, you want the position that being with me would give you. That will NEVER happen Fiona. I do

know who you are, and I can say with all honesty that I do NOT want you. I am THANKFUL that you are not my fated mate. I would reject you if you were as you make me sick. I deserve better than you, and I am thankful that I have better than you. I have better than even me.”

“Are you talking about that….”

“Stop! Stop right there. If you say one more disparaging word about Chastity I will mute you via Alpha order until the moment your pack ties are cut. Do I make myself clear?”

“………yes Rowen.”

“That is Alpha Rowen to you. Fiona Goldrind, I Rowen Druid, future Alpha of Moonlight Pack order you to speak to and of each person in this pack with the respect due their rank, role, and position.”

“I…Alpha orders don’t work on your mate, and Luna”

“That would work if you were either of those things, but you’re not.”

“Ye….I’m sorry Alpha Rowen. I did not mean to speak to you with such disrespect.”

“That’s what I thought. You are leaving here on Friday for Dark Moon prison to serve the rest of your sentence. The day you leave here your connection to Moonlight pack will be severed, and you will be banished. If you attempted to return for any reason, you will be arrested as threat to Moonlight pack, and our Luna. When I leave this dungeon I will only think of you long enough to watch your connection. severed. You mean nothing to me. You never have, and you never will. Goodbye Fiona. I hope that some day you realize your delusions are just that, and move on with your life.”

“But….please Alpha Rowen. Please don’t leave me for th…..for her ”

“I was never with you so I am leaving nothing. Goodbye.”

I turned, and walked out of the dungeon. I could hear her sobs until the door closed behind my dad and me I breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned against the wall. My exhaustion hitting me like a ton of bricks. suddenly. It had been a long three days. My dad stood in front of me, and looked me over

“I’m wondering if maybe you’re right about her mental health. That was pretty intense” My dad said.

“Yeah.” I responded.

“Get to bed son, before you fall asleep standing here.”

I only nodded as I pushed myself off the wall, and headed toward my apartment. When I reached my bedroom I was too tired to take the shower I knew I needed. I simply striped down, and fell onto my bed. Before I fell asleep I pulled the pillow case I swiped from Chastity’s room, in Jax’s, and brought to my nose. Her lilac, and honeysuckle scent soothed me, and I fell asleep to dream of her.

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