The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Chapter 44


I was thankful that I had gotten my school supplies, and books together the night before my first class. I hadn’t slept well. Until I pulled out Rowen’s hoodie, and wrapped it around myself, I had been plagued with nightmares again. For the first time in two weeks. I guess it had been him that kept my nightmares at bay.

I was glad I was going to be meeting with a therapist the following afternoon. I needed help moving away from my past. I needed it to stop haunting me. I had mistakenly believed I had gotten over the worst of it. I was disappointed that I was wrong.

I also discovered it was going to be an adjustment to being alone again. At one point in the night, after wrapping myself in Rowen’s hoodie, I found myself staring at the pictures on my nightstand sobbing. I had spent so many years alone, but in a few short weeks the group of people in the pictures I was looking at came to mean so much to me. I missed them terribly I even considered going home, but shook that thought off quickly as I had worked too hard for this. I had to see it through.

I was also glad that I set my alarm for two hours before my 9:00 class began. I wanted to be there early. so I could get my stuff set up, and ready for the beginning of class. This gave me enough time to shower, dress, and get some breakfast. According to my class description, scrubs, lab coat, and stethoscope were not need for Anatomy. After my shower I throw on a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. I kissed my pictures, grabbed my book bag, phone, and school ID then headed out. The trip to the cafeteria was quick. As I wasn’t terribly hungry due to nerves, I just grabbed a small omelet, and some fruit I saw some students spread around the room, but I found a small table, sat, and ate quickly.

Once done I made my way to the medical building. It took me a bit, but eventually I found my classroom. I was the first one there so I found a seat near the front. As the seating wasn’t theater

seating, I didn’t want to end up behind someone taller then me that may block my view. I was setting up my laptop, as well as pulling out my textbook, notepad, and pen when other students started to enter the room. I was surprised to see there were twenty people in the class. Mostly female, with only one male. They all looked to be about my age. I remembered hearing that only twenty new students were accepted each year so I guess. this was everyone that would be in my classes for the next three years.

Finally the instructor entered the room. He was a much older man, who was on the shorter side for a wolf. He had kind eyes, and was completely bald. He greeted us, called our names for role, and got started right away. I appreciate his no nonsense attitude. Most of the class was spent reviewing our assignment schedule, expectations, and required textbooks. He also informed us that while the rest of our courses would only last for two terms, Anatomy ran the entire first year of our education as it was so involved. We had to review the entire Anatomy of not only humans, but wolves as well. It would be a very involved class. By the end of the two hour class, we knew all there was to know about what was expected of us. He also assigned us a simple starter homework assignment, but warned us it would get harder from there. It was kind of a good thing we only had his class three days a week so I had time complete assignments.

Once we were released from class, I headed right back to my room. I was too nervous, and uncomfortable to talk to any of my classmates. I had had so many bad experiences with fellow students in the past, I didn’t trust they would treat me any better than I had been in the past. I wasn’t ready to find out if I was right or wrong either

When I reached my room, I quickly completed my assignment. It may have sounded teacher’s pet like, but I wanted it done early so I didn’t have to worry about it later Once that was complete I checked my cell phone to find I had lots of texts from home Every one sent an array of good luck, and proud of me texts. That made me feel very good. i responded to all of them. I was just setting my phone down, when it rang.

Braxton’s name, and the picture he took of himself for his contact popped up. I answered it immediately.

“Hi Brax. How are you?” I said.

“Hey Chas. I’m good. How was your first day?” He asked. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Pretty easy. I only have one class for the next two weeks. Mostly we reviewed the course expectations, and text book. What about you? How was your day?”

“It was good. I found out today that I won’t be held back. I do have to do summer school for math, but I pulled the rest of my grades up enough to not need to do them again.”

“That’s great Brax. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you. Really. All of your help really got me through it.”

“You’re welcome Brax.”

“So what I wanted to tell you is that I won’t need tutoring for a couple of weeks. We’re done with the work. for the last two days of school. Summer school starts in two weeks. I still want to text, talk on the phone, and video chat, but they can be social calls for now.”

“Oh ok. That works for me. I enjoy talking to you.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“How….um….how is your father?”

“Oh. Um. The same. Since I wasn’t home yesterday we didn’t get to talk much, but he’s joining us downstairs for dinner tonight. Now that you’ve left, we’re all downstairs for dinner in the main dining room.”

“Ah ok.”

“So the strangest thing happened when I got home from school today”

“What’s that?”

“Naomi was cleaning the living room with your friend Lucy. Or more Lucy was telling Naomi how to clean. the room properly. Ross told me Gamma Peter finally decided what to do with her She has to help the Omegas Alpha Joe hired around the pack house in the mornings, after dinner, and on weekends. She has to clean the living room, dining room, and do laundry. In the afternoons she’ll have to go to the elementary school to help clean there. He felt that the best way for her to understand a portion of what she, Aurora, and Fiona put you through was to make her do some of the work herself for awhile. She won’t be hurt, starved, and talked down to like you were, but she will have to do the work. She also lost her Gamma responsibility, and privileges. Gamma Peter said those things are done by those who are respected, and honored, but she has none of those things right now for what she did. Most of the pack. avoids her as much as they can. It’s not known how long it will last yet, but for now that is what is happening.”


“Yeah. Well I gotta go. I have warrior training with Colby in ten minutes, and I need to change. Bye Chas. Miss you.”

“Bye Brax. Miss you too.”

I hung up the phone, and looked at the time. I had my first self defense class in twenty minutes. I grabbed a pair of leggings to change into, grabbed my water bottle and ID, put on my sneakers, and left my room.

It took me a few minutes to find the class room, but when I did I found that only five of us were taking the class. I found an area to stand that was out of everyone’s way, and waited.

Eventually a well built male, who looked to be in his mid-twenties walked in, and moved to the front of the room. He looked a bit like a body builder with his black tank top, and tight shorts. He was just under 6′ tall, with black hair, and gray eyes. He also had tanned skin like he spent a lot of time out in the sun. He was handsome, in his own way, but nobody beat Rowen when it came to looks. He looked at each of us in the eye before he spoke.

“HI everyone. I’m Matt. I’m a warrior for Dark Moon pack. I’ll be your instructor for beginner self defense A lot of what we’re going to be doing is building your core strength so several classes a week will be held in the gym, learning how to use the equipment properly, and building your strength. The rest of the classes will be working on proper movements, and execution of movements to protect, and defend yourselves. There will be no sparing in this class. This is more exercise than anything else. I know the class seems small right now, but the second, and third year nursing students do not return for another two weeks. When they arrive we have another ten students that will be joining us. Why don’t we start by introducing ourselves then we’ll move into working on stretching properly”

The first person to introduce themselves was Rose. She was a taller peppy blonde who had a constant smile on her face. Next was Shonda who was a taller dark skinned girl with her hair in a buzz cut. She seemed pretty nice. She was followed by the only male in our class, Norm. He was a little bit taller than me, and slender with his hair shaved off. He seemed really upbeat, and bubbly. Then there was Lexi. She was also taller than me, with curly brown hair She had a bit of an attitude. Finally Matt looked at me. He made me instantly uncomfortable as he was obviously checking me out.

“I’m Chastity” I squeaked.

“Welcome Chastity. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Matt purred, and I found myself a little irritated with his tone, but choose to ignore it.

“Ok everyone. We’re going to start with the basics of stretching. Now I know that when in a situation. where you have to defend yourself you won’t have time to stretch first, but for our purposes, stretching is a must. It warms up, as well as loosens your muscles so that as you move, and work out you are less likely to over exert them. We’re going to start with simple arm stretches.” Matt explained.

I watched every move he made closely, and repeated them. He then went through each stretch, explaining what muscles we were stretching, and what part of our activities they would be used for Through the entire class I watched everything he did. I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what I was doing so I didn’t injure myself. After the hour class reviewing stretches, and muscles, we were released from class. I left quickly, but felt eyes on my back until I was out the door.

When I got back to the housing building I went straight to the cafeteria for dinner. To my surprise Norm sat with me I didn’t say anything because I was so nervous, but he spoke quickly.

“Hi. If you haven’t figured it out, I’m Norm.” He introduced himself.

“I did. Hi Norm. I’m Chastity. It’s nice to meet you.” I said with a small smile.

“It’s nice to meet you too. So what do you think so far?”

“Well the first day was easy. I think we’re going to be in for a lot of work though.”

“In self defense or our regular classes?”


We both laughed at that, and started to eat.

“So….um…are you from Dark Moon?” Norm asked.

“No. I’m from Moonlight. You?” I responded

“I’m from Dark Moon. My parents were a bit surprised when I said I wanted to go to nursing school, but

they supported me. I’ve always been one to make sure everyone is healthy in our family, and I treat the minor injuries too. Mom, and dad said it made sense”

“Wow! It’s great that they were so supportive of you.”

“Yeah. They are pretty great. They were even supportive when I came out as gay when I was fifteen.”

“Now that is a sign of good parents.”

“Yeah. They’re worried though because not many wolves are gay, but I’m sure when the time is right I’ll find my mate”

“Of course you will What is your major area of study?”

“Emergency medicine. I like to help the injured, and sick. What about you? Were your parents supportive of you coming here?”

I thought about the best way to answer that. I didn’t want to get into my past as I was worried Norm would pity me, or agree with the ones that had hurt me I decided to stick with the more recent truth.

“My dad is very supportive of me being here. He made sure I had everything I needed, and was completely ready when I got here yesterday “I stated.

“What about your mom?” Norm asked.

“Oh. Um….my mom passed away in a car accident when I was three.”

“Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s ok. It was a long time ago, and I don’t really remember her I hear she was a great woman, and a nurse at our pack hospital.”

“Following in mom’s footsteps. Nice.”


“Are you looking for your mate while you’re here, or waiting until you finish school?”

“Oh no. I already found him.”

“Oh wow! Is he here with you?”

“No. He’s the future Alpha of Moonlight. He couldn’t stay here with me. He has too many responsibilities to be away for so long. He just got back from Alpha school, and tour with my brother who is our future. Beta a few weeks ago.”

“Wait. Your brother is the future Beta of your pack, and your mate is the future Alpha? Damn girl! You got some great connections there. Does that mean your dad is the Beta at Moonlight?”

“Yeah he is.”

“Nice. Is it as painful physically as they say it is, being away from your mate? I hear marked mates struggle with being separated.”

“Oh. We are waiting to mark each other until I finish with school.”

“Ah. I guess that’s probably a good idea.”


“So do you have any other siblings?”

“Yeah. I have another older brother, Colby. He’s three years older than me, and a younger brother, Braxton.

He’s three years younger than ine. What about you? Any brothers or sisters.”

“Girl my family is so big we could be a small pack on our own.


“Nah. I am the second youngest of ten though.”


“Yeah. My parents mated right out of high school, and the first one of us was born within a year of being mated. Every two years another one of us came along. I have four older brothers, four older sisters, and one younger sister.

“Wow! Are you all close?”

“We try to be It can be hard sometimes though. My older brothers are all mated now, and have pups. Two of my sisters found their mates in other packs. Actually, come to think of it, one of my sisters is mated to a warrior in your pack. Wait. Are….forgive me for asking, but are you the Chastity that was hurt pretty bad by a group of females about a month ago?”

“Yeah. That was me.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. I hadn’t wanted anyone to know about that. I didn’t want to be pitied, or laughed at for what had been done to me. I wanted to start this journey with as few of the ghosts of my past haunting me as possible.

“Damn girl! You are bad ass for surviving all of what you did. My sister, and her mate told us all about it They talked about how strong you were to stand in front of those females, look them in eye, and not fall apart. They said you were calm, collected, and they could tell you spoke from your heart when you did speak. They said a lot of your pack were inspired by your strength, and courage. To think you lived through all of that, plus maintained your grades enough to get in here. Girl, you need to hold your head up high, and be damn proud yourself for not only surviving what you did, but for accomplishing so much while surviving.” Norm gushed.

My eyes widened at his words. I had no idea my pack saw me that way. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My heart also warmed at his words. When I searched his eyes all I saw was pride in them. Pride for me. It made me smile.

“Um…thank you.” I said quietly.

“You’re welcome. So tell me about this mate of yours? Is he as sexy as every other Alpha in the world?” Norm said wiggling his eyebrows, making me laugh.

I was just pulling my phone out when a tray dropped down beside me. I looked up to see Lexi standing there, looking at me in a way I didn’t like.

“Norm, what are you doing?” Lexi snapped.

“Huh?” Norm asked with a full mouth.

“Why are you sitting with or talking to someone not from our pack?”

“Um…making friends. We’re encouraged to make friends with people not from our pack. Remember?”

“Oh please. Why bother?”

“Um….so we can have stronger ties to other packs in times of need. To help maintain healthy relationships. between packs. It’s why future Alphas and Betas go on their year long trip after school. So they can build relationships, and alliances with other packs. You should know that, being the Gammas daughter and all.”

“We don’t need any of that. Dark Moon is plenty strong enough without other packs.”

“I guess it’s a good thing our leaders don’t agree with you, and you’ll never be a leader of our pack either ” “Hmph.”

She stormed off in a huff. I was kind of confused about what had just happened. I also wondered how, and why she was in nursing school with that attitude. I almost asked Norm when he supplied the information himself.

“Don’t mind her She’s got a chip on her shoulder about other packs after two sent her home earlier, for her attitude. She’s a year older than me. I’m eighteen by the way She took a year to travel to other packs. to try to find her mate Two of the packs didn’t like her attitude so she was sent home with a suggestion that her attitude be corrected. She’s only here because her parents informed her that she could not live off of them for the rest of her life. She needed figure her life out, and quick. She has three years to find a job or a mate before they cut her off. She won’t last here though. Her grades were good in school, but her attitude sucks. Cloverland only keeps you if you have ALL of the qualities a good nurse needs. That included personality.” Norm explained.

“Has she always been like that?” I questioned.

“No. For a long time she wasn’t, but she turned that way when she had been kind of dating the Alpha’s son. Nothing serious mind you. He went off to Alpha school, and found his mate. Lexi has been like that ever since I don’t think she ever got over it. She was happy for him, but she’s been a monster to deal with.”

“That’s too bad. She must have really cared about him.”

“Yeah. I guess. I wouldn’t know though. She doesn’t talk about it.”

“Well if she’s been sour ever since it sounds like she is still nursing a broken heart.”

“A little over a year later?”

“You never know. Hearts are a funny thing. Maybe what she needs is someone to listen instead of judging her by her outward attitude. Maybe the attitude is to keep herself from getting hurt again.”

“Yup. You are definitely an Omega, just like me.”

“Is…is that a problem?”

“Hell no girl. I just said I’m an Omega too. Hell a lot of us are Omegas make the best nurses because of our caring nature. Some are low rank wolves, but most nurses are Omegas.”

“Oh. I didn’t know that.”

“Don’t worry honey. You’ll fit right in. I think Lexi is the only high rank wolf in our class. I think she hates that too. She doesn’t have many friends. I think being surrounded by low rank wolves doesn’t help matters.”

“Hmmmm. Maybe we should try to be friends with her instead of letting her attitude push us away.”

“I’ll leave that to you to attempt. Maybe she’ll open up to someone that didn’t have a front row seat to her relationship troubles.”

“Maybe. Well I’m gonna head back to my room. It was nice having dinner with you.”

“Hell yes it was. Here, let me give my number We can chat, and hang out more.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I handed him my phone so he could put his number in I laughed when he took a goofy picture of himself for his contact picture. He then called himself As he was saving my number to his phone, he snapped a

picture of me then bust out laughing. He showed it too me, and the face I was making was so bad it made me laugh too. He opted to keep it.

After that I left the cafeteria. I almost jumped out of my skin when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Lexi standing behind me. Giving me a funny look. As per habit, I instantly looked to the floor in respect to her rank.

“Um…Can you look up at me please? I hate it when people do that” She asked quietly.

“Oh. Um. Sorry.” I responded as I slowly looked up at her

“….look, I heard what you said to Norm. Um… People don’t normally do stuff like that for me. You don’t even know me. So…um. thanks.”

“You’re welcome. I’ve never been in your shoes before, but well I’ve had my own share of hard times.” “Yeah. I know

“You do?”

“Yeah. I was in the meeting when you’re Alpha had the video conference with the council, and the rest of the Alphas in the country. That was some serious shit you lived through. How the hell did you do it? I’m struggling, and I was only dumped by a stupid boy.”

“Hope, I think.”


“Yeah. Hope that someday my life would get better. That I either got accepted, and was allowed to come here. Or I met my mate, and he saved me.”

“Wow Well damn, you’re one strong girl. I’m kinda jealous.”

“Of me? But I’m just an Omega.”

“Fuck that noise. You’re a hell of a lot more than that. Bitch, you’re survivor. That is a hell of a lot more than just an Omega.”

“Um…Thanks. I think.”

Lexi threw her head, back and laughed. I giggled with her although I didn’t know why

“Trust me small fry, that was compliment.” She said between laughs.

“Oh ok. Well thank you then.” I responded.

“You’re welcome. So…ummmm…I never usually ask this kind of thing of people because well, it’s weird, but. um. Do you wanna be friends. Maybe do girl things, hang out, and stuff.”


“Awesome. I’ll give you my number.”

I handed her my phone, and she put her number in then called hers so she had mine. I waved as she walked away This evening had been very weird. Some how I befriended two people without even trying. and they both thought I was, what was the word they used? Bad ass. I didn’t see it, but I wasn’t going to argue

With a shake of my head, I went back to my room. After putting on my pajamas, I spent sometime reviewing my syllabus for my other classes, and got a jump start on reading for Anatomy. I had just put my book back my book bag when I got a text message. It was from Rowen.

“Hey beautiful. Got time for a video chat before you get to bed?” It read

“Sure.” I responded, and pulled up my laptop.

I got comfortable on my bed and waited. Within minutes my video chat icon went off, and I clicked it Rowen’s smiling face was right there on the screen. My heart leapt, and I smiled. He looked so handsome

“Hello there sweet girl. How are you?” He asked.

“I’m pretty good.” I responded.

“How was your first day?”

“Fairly easy My Anatomy instructor spent most of the class reviewing the schedule, expectations, and our textbook.”

“That does sound easy What else did you do?”

“My first self defense class was today as well. Mostly we learned to stretch properly. I also made two new friends.”

“Oh yeah. What are their names?”

“Norm, and Lexi. Norm is the only guy in our class.”

“Norm? A male?”

“Calm down. He’s gay”

“Well if he’s happy good for him, but I don’t want him hitting on my mate.”

“Rowen, yes he’s happy, but he’s more likely to hit on you then me ”

“Huh? Ooooh. Damn I’m an idiot.”

“Yeah. You kinda sounded like Jax there for a second.”

“Hey! I am a thousand times better than Jax.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Nothing. I was just being funny”

“I know Baby, you look tired. Did you get enough sleep last night.”

I looked down at that question. I didn’t want him to know that one night away from him, and my nightmares started again. I didn’t want him to worry or try to convince me to come home.

“Chastity, talk to me sweet girl. If something is wrong tell me, and we’ll figure out a way to make it better”

He coaxed.

Damn it, I hated that he could read me so well.

“I started, but stopped I really didn’t want him trying to talk me out of being here, and I was worried he would try

“Chastity it is really ok. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.” He tried again.

“I had nightmares again last night.” I whispered.

“Oh sweet girl. I am sorry Did you get any sleep last night?”


“What did you have to do to get sleep?”

“I….um…’s stupid.”

“Nothing is stupid when it comes to you.”

“I had to wrap myself in your hoodie. Your scent helped, and I was able to sleep without any more nightmares.”

“Well I’m glad I am able to help in some way since I can’t be there.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“How about I send you a couple of t-shirts of mine that you can sleep it. Maybe that will help, and when the scent wears off, you can send them back, and I send you new ones.”

“…you don’t have to do that.”

“It’s not about having to. It’s about wanting to. I will do anything for you, and I want to do this for you. OK?”

“O…ok. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome sweet girl.”

“How….how was your day?”

“Ah…well I kind of slept most of the day?”

“What? Don’t you have responsibilities to tend to?”

“I do, but if I’m being honest I was such a mess when we got back that I hoped out of the SUV then Duke, and I ran the pack lands until morning. Dad gave me the day off to sleep, and get my shit together I get. back to it tomorrow.”

“Oh. I…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong. You are doing everything that is right for you at this time. I just needed to get my head on straight, and accept the fact that we will have our time soon enough. We’ll get through this separation, and be stronger for it. We’re not the first mated, unmarked pair to be separated for long periods of time, and we won’t be the last This just gives us the time to get to know each other in a way most mates don’t because they rush to mark each other so quickly.”

“You really think that?”

“Well part of me does. The other part of me wants to drag you home, mark you, and keep you tied to me for the rest of our lives. That’s the selfish part of me. The common sense part knows this is right for you”

“Is it right for you though?”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not about me right now. We can do what is right for me later, and I have plenty of ideas og that.”

“I….um…what kind of ideas?”

“Nope. Can’t tell you. You’ll have to wait, and see, when you’re ready.”

“Huh? Oooooh.”


“Anyway. It kinda does matter if this is right for you because this effects you too.”

“It does, but honestly I think this is the right way I think we’ll have a stronger relationship, and bond this way.”

“Well if you change your mind, please tell me.”

“Sweet girl, I am not going any where. I told you before that I will wait for you. Even if I have to wait for the rest of my life.”

“I know you did. It’s just that…..

“Nope. You’re mine, and I will do what ever I have to in order for you to remain mine for the rest of our lives.”


“Well I think you should probably get to bed. You look very tired. If you have any trouble tonight call me | don’t care what time it is. I will answer, and I will stay on the phone with you all night if you need me to.”


“Good night sweet girl. I do honestly hope you sleep well.”

“Good night Rowen.”

Rowen blew me kiss, and signed off. I sighed, and put my computer away He was too sweet for words. I still didn’t trust this, and had a hard time convincing myself that he wouldn’t get tired of waiting for me, reject me, and moving on. I would be crushed if he did, but not surprised. After putting my laptop away, I wrapped myself in his sweatshirt, and fell into a fitful sleep. I didn’t have nightmares, but my worries didn’t let me sleep well either This was going to be harder than I thought.

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