The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 98

Dawn POV

Engaged. My thoughts were a muddle as I pushed Faith on the swing, her long blonde hair flying backward as she pumped her legs, encouraging the swing to move faster, looking as though she was flying while lan kept a close watch from nearby with his bodyguards. Faith had been ecstatic to be invited along to the park and her smile had never looked brighter. She gave a loud squeal that made my ears hurt while I winced, only to hear lan chuckling at the sound from behind me. Somehow, and I wasn't sure exactly how, lan had managed to clear the park out so that it was just us, and the lack of other people and children, made the experience all the sweeter. "The food is ready" lan yelled and I immediately began to slow down Faith's swing as she looked at me mulishly, her lower lip quivering slightly.

"You're hungry aren't you Faith?" I asked her in a hopeful attempt to ward off a tantrum and she considered it, her eyes beginning to brighten at the prospect of food as she slowly nodded and climbed off the swing, willingly taking my hand as I led her towards the picnic table where lan was waiting patiently for us to join him.

I saw Faith's eyes widen at the array of food spread across the table. There were sandwiches, chips, lollies, fruit, muffins, biscuits and more. I fought back a laugh as she looked at me pleadingly. "Sandwich first then junk" I compromised, narrowing my eyes at her. She accepted the deal, taking a sandwich in her hand and beginning to bite into it eagerly. I sat down on the bench beside her and then smiled at lan who was already holding a plate of food in his hand. "Hungry?" I teased.

"Starving" he groaned as I bent over and kissed him on the cheek "Can you blame me? Look at it all" he chuckled.

I happily plucked a sandwich from the pile and began to nibble on it. Faith was watching the two of us with curiosity. There was a thoughtful expression on her face. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that she was about to say something unexpected or shocking, as only children have the propensity to do.noveldrama

"lan," she said slowly, still chewing away at her food, c*****g her head and smiling whimsically at him as lan looked at her closely "Are you and my mummy going to get married?"

lan's eyes sparkled "Why do you ask?"

I hadn't spoken to Faith about our engagement, but she knew something was up, with the way that lan and I were touching each other and behaving towards one another. The child was intelligent beyond her years. Not to mention desperate for a father figure. Something I felt immensely guilty for.

"Well if you were," Faith said slowly, a smile spreading across her face "That would mean that you would become my daddy, wouldn't it?" she asked eagerly.

I held my breath and looked towards lan who looked amused and a little worried. "Would you like that?" he said carefully, glancing at me "I don't intend to take your father's place" he said as Faith continued to stare at him "but yes, your mother and I are going to get married eventually" he trailed off as Faith let out a squeal of excitement.

"Yes" she squealed, bouncing up and down "I wanted so bad for you to be my daddy," she told a startled lan "You are so nice and so handsome" she added dreamily, making me giggle at lan's startled expression "and you like mummy too."

"I do like your mother, very much" lan agreed, turning to smile at me "and I'm very lucky that she agreed to be my wife." Faith clapped her hands together, still looking excited. "Can I be the flower girl?" she blurted out.

I laughed. Trust my daughter to be thinking about the ceremony and the part she would be playing already. lan's eyes softened "Of course you can be. I can't think of anyone more suitable to be the flower girl. You'll be the prettiest little girl in the ceremony," he told her, and my daughter fairly beamed at him while I fought back the tears threatening to fall.

It didn't take much to make Faith happy, but right now she was positively glowing. Ian had made her look like that, with just a few simple words of reassurance. The two of them got along so well already, but I could see them forming a bond, one that would only prove to be stronger as she got older. I had no doubts that lan would continue to treat Faith as though she was his own daughter and the thought caused a pang in my chest. I had underestimated lan Grant when I had first come to work for him and now, as I gazed at him, I couldn't believe just how lucky I had been to find a man as stable, as loving and as secure as he was. I had nothing to fear, nothing to lose so long as he was here.

"Eat," I told Faith indulgently "We can talk about your part in the wedding later. Besides, I still have to get a ring, and lan and I are going to be engaged for a little while first" I added, trying to soften the blow in case she thought we were going to get married straight away.

She frowned at me, but obligingly bit into her sandwich. I laughed at the solemn expression on her face. "We still have to tell my family" lan began and then fell short as several cars pulled into the parking lot with large squeals of the tires, people beginning to climb out and descend from them in a rush as my eyes widened. lan let out a curse word, that had me opening my mouth to protest, before realizing the futility of it. Faith hadn't heard him thank goodness, too busy staring at the people beginning to make way towards us with fascination in her eyes.

"Reporters," lan said bluntly "somebody must have leaked word we were here. I guess my family is about to find out the news of our engagement on television."

He sounded resigned rather than angry. I guess he was used to the media attention but this was something new that I was unaccustomed to.

"What do I do?" I hissed, blatantly aware that I was dressed casually, in jeans and a shirt, loose hair, and minimal makeup. lan wheeled himself forward, our bodyguards taking protective stances behind us. "We make a quick statement and then leave. I'm sorry Dawn" he said tiredly "I was hoping to make a statement to the press after today but sometimes plans don't always go as I expect them to."

I stood behind lan, while Faith cheerfully stood next to both of us. To my surprise she went to lan and climbed onto his lap, lan holding her calmly as she sat on him, warily eyeing the reporters who stopped a few feet away from us, microphones in hand. "Mr. Grant, there are rumors swirling around that you are currently in a relationship with none other than your nurse's aid, Miss Dawn Evans" one reporter called out in a loud voice "Do you care to make a statement in relation to that?"

I took a deep breath but lan looked nonchalant, almost bored by the question. It hadn't fazed him in the slightest. Faith was wriggling slightly on his lap and beaming at the media who looked adoringly at the little girl.

"I suppose now is a good time as any to make an official announcement" lan began and the reporters shot each other triumphant looks, bringing their microphones closer and peering intently at the two of us as though we were bugs under a microscope. "I am indeed in a relationship with Miss Dawn Evans and she has done me the honor of agreeing to become my wife. As of today, we are officially engaged."

Gasps from the media. "lan's going to be my daddy" Faith announced proudly, making some of the women smile at her. "Mr. Grant, you would be effectively taking on the role of a father due to Ms. Evan's status as a single mother, are you prepared to take that role on?"

"I am. Faith is a sweet little girl and I would have no trouble treating her as if she was my own" lan said firmly.

More gasps and coos from the women who looked at lan smitten. I fought back my jealousy. Faith kissed lan on the cheek and the reporters lapped it up.

"How does your family feel about you becoming engaged? Especially given your condition right now?" one reporter asked bluntly.

"My family does not know about the engagement, but I suppose now the news has been leaked," lan said calmly "and I would imagine that they would be happy for me. My condition does not change the way I feel about Dawn nor does it change the way she feels about me. In fact, if I had not had the accident, I would not have met Dawn, so I suppose there is something to be grateful for in relation to the shooting."

"Miss Evans, is this a case of true love?"

I glance nervously at lan whose face is inscrutable as he views me. I swallow hard "I'm in love with lan Grant and that is the only reason I accepted his proposal. Who he is, his status, means nothing to me, only who he is as a person and that is what I love about him" I said meaningfully.

"Are you worried about the wedding considering what occurred at lan's brother's wedding?"

lan interjected "The wedding ceremony will be some time away and security protocols will be put in place to ensure that something like the shooting doesn't happen again. Now I must ask all of you, respectfully to leave now that you have your statement from us so that we might finish our picnic in peace" he said looking down at Faith with a small smile "I would like to spend some time with my new family to be, while it is nice out and the sun is shining."

"Congratulations Mr Grant" lan's hand was shook by the reporters, as was mine, before they reluctantly began to disperse, one by one, filing towards their cars, smiles on their faces. lan sighed as Faith hopped off of his lap, and turned to me. To avoid an incomplete reading experience, visit Jobn'i'"I'm sorry to cut this outing short, but we should get back and inform the family before it's on the news" he said tightly and I nodded in agreement.

"I think that would be wise" I said even as Faith looked between us, with an irritable expression on her face.

"At least we don't have to worry about making that statement to the press" I said shrugging as the bodyguards began packing up the food "but I wonder who informed them we were here?"

lan shrugged. "Oh well, it's one less thing to worry about."

He takes my hand and presses it to his lips "nervous Dawn? My family can be quite intimidating" he drawls.

I force a laugh "I doubt they are intimidating as the press were just now."

I was right.

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